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Show t r.." FPrtW' S4.00 PUBLISHED $1.00 ( IHSDjEX, UTAH, SAT UK DAY, BY TELEGRAPH. OCDEN DIRECTORY. SEMI-WEEKL- Y, JULY 5, 1873. TOY,. if' 4.' IV. aside from its historical interest, law, he secured i Olvorce in a Western ncath his room six cans of: 150 pounds of giant powder, and has wealthy mines, and is a great resort, Slate. The conspirators visited this bonitro-glycerin- in-Ba- e, t!00 pounds of black blasting The body of Wtu. Lowe has y, fast becoming one of the most popular in the country. This telegraphic communication supplies a want long felt by residents and pleasure seekers, aud adds another to the many attractive features of these islands situn.ed in the middle of the vast grope growing country. Steps are being taken also to establish a sta tion of the t. b signal service there. bil 0. D. Boujamin, the liard tible manufacturer, of this city. and his brother George, of Clevelund, went out upon Lake Erie in a small sail boat from the latter city, and have not siuce been heard from. A tusr was die- but returned patched in search this evening without finding any traces of them or the boat, Quite a severe storm prevailed during yesterday ufter-nooand the worst is feared. gus wife, and, afier holding out inducements to divide the old man's wealth MAILS. AUUIVAL AND CMJSlXG OF with her, got her to prefer a charge of 5.15 p.m. 50 a mrfonl'lB Citv, Lake against the doctor, who hud now bigamy ,' 7.4(1 a.m. several years. By bribery been married 5.40 p.m. Mail luily F ,t Thrl. they proved a marriage with the wiJ-o6.3fi p.m. 8.40 a.m. aud the jury believing it to be a fc.it Lake Citv, double daily p.m. clear of bigiuny, couvicted, an ! the 8.40 a.m. u T iroui!" millionaire inventor was sent in Slate CLdSIXO. i .00 a.m. Prison for five years, chiefly, it is be r tlt I.iko and the Kat 5.it0 p.m. thsWext L'sjit!i fcikfiandmail lieved, on account of his counsel being yom- f vi: cvannton, amity, yr... KU bribed to compass his conviction. ' II .- ,.,,,1 1..HV6 the latu-- place lor Rich County, ...i.,- .- .,t p.m. devoted wife, who knew all the circumi Thursdays and f... Coimt'v, Ttiewlay, stances, vainly endeavored to induce iho 5.00 p.m. .iindavs Daily t L"k'a uufaithl'ul counsel to move for a new 5.00 p.m. T i.ir. ays and Xu.is.layi Rich Cnuty, s 2.'M and p.m. Mondays trial, but after tiring her out and gelling v ,iU " l". Wedi.es.L.yi and Satur-into his maw all ber money, he abandon7.30 a.m. ed the case, Fortunately the " an.l Citv 'Plain tvnw 3.30 p.m. ' had scented the conspiracy, an 1 MoiidavR and flmrs.la.ys 3.00 p.m. v.rdal.' Wednesday. and Saturday the facts, friends cutne t) mentioning jperville and Uma, Wednesdays innocent man's aid, but too late to the 11.30 a.m. " mid Saturday FOREIGN. OFFICE HOCKS. prevent the conspirators getting control 6.43 p.m. Florence, 1. Deliwr. Geueral of his property, lie had been in prison The violence of the earthquake which Mlll.iav, J p.m. i" ''" two weeks when they secured siarcely R a ST It Y D K l A KT.HC X T occurred yesterday morning was concen and one of their tools p.m. Opi'U from 9 trated m the country north of enice, snap judgiuetit, M0XKV 0FF1CK KKPAKT.UKMT. AMERICAN. nnd patents, clearly in the stock bought where its effects were terrible in the loss Open from 9 a m. to 3 p.m. 1. the pric stock was quoie.l ot Ga.f Savanah, worth, 30. Outside Ikior open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. of of and life Virginia, Nev., property. Upwards thirty Half of business portion of Tomervil'e, the iusignificu.nl gum of JOSIil'U I1ALL, 1'iwtuuus Last night at 10.45 o'clock, a terrible were killed. Several churches $4,750,000 fur persons has had been iu convict been The doctor loss, $2,4H). $1,150,000. Ga., burned, and were put in nuns, hundreds of houses giant explosion of 1. when the con minutes about ten Baltimore, 7.40 a.m. powder occurred in this city, near the destroyed, and the inhabitants tied to the garb P. train arrives New 10 the as was last Abovt to some gen manifest male p.m. night, spiracy 5.40 p.m. corner of Taylor and B streets, killing York train on the B. & O. R. B,. from fields. P. " who resolved to secure hn retlemen, others. fi.20 p.m. ten persons and wounding many ' leaves was crossing the street five lease. An application was' made for the i 8.50 a.m. A large number of persons are missing, cars south, the from thrown were A Law track, injurpardon from Governor Hoffman, who ut 7.50 a.m. and are probably buried beneath the train arrives two persons. first declined; but move convinced than ing is supposed, 5.45 p.m. debris. The explosion, it ' and St. Paul, 1. ever that tue man was innocent, they 8.40 a.m. was caused by six cans of " leaves At Farmington, Dakota, County, last worked carefully and finally secured the who ad The honest staid, Buckeyes C.30 p.m. exploding without any apparent reason, " and old unknown an man, supposed mire their favorite journal, the Enquirer, admission from the prosecutor thut she and the concussion exploded i50 pounds evening German to or French be birth, and a but who have never had the pleasure of had been promised $4,000 by the Preshy of giant powder, all of which was stored Services Religious his and laborer dress appearance, visiting this Sodom of sin am swindlers, ident of the American Metalline Compn-n- y 11 by a.nu. and at beneath the room of (jen. an Jokelen, Every Sunday, in rhaTaWnacla, John to prefer a charge and secure a conwounded and shot tkiwolhouM Scallard, can know bui little of some of the tricks tlie Seoniid Ward Farley' fatally who was the agent in this city for the 8 at 6 p.m. Third He was him resorted to by one person to overreach viction. house boardinc a keeper. 7 giant powder. The following buildings self shot dead by a constable. The old Epicnil Church at 11 a.iu. and p.m. It seems they had not kept their promanother, and for their entertainment I Mcthudint Chunli atll a.m. and 7 p.m. are shattered and partly thrown to the 7.30 p.m. man had a quarrel with the domestics propose to recount a case that came un ise with their agem, now that they bad Spiritualist Lecturei (Child' Hall), at and the California ground: Eank of and Scallard went to his room. As he der my own observation, and is strictly swindled Gwynn out of his property, building in the rear of it; Kennedy & entered the City apartment the old man shot true. Ibey will perhaps be more inter and finally the woman railed upon the News Depot. pen Mallon'r grocery store; Daley's saloon him without At John (. Chambers' The constable ested in the revelations if I tell them that Governor and made a clean breast of the warning. and Armory Hall. The number of per- day. Sunday excepted. his draw the hero of the story is the inventor of and to went arrest him, upon conspiracy. Dr. Gwynn was immediatesons now known to be killed are ten, him through every piece of paper that goes to make shot to a pistol resist, ing Jacob ly pardoned, having served less than a among whom are the brain, killing him instantly. The up the greenbacks tbey uany carry in year. His first act was to find out what L. Van Iiokelen: J. 1. femitu, hardware deceased came to Farmington yesterday. their pockets and take over their coun the conspirators were doing, when it merchant; W. DaTis, clerk with J. P. and his name is unknown, bcallaru is ters. (I refer to Dr. Mcwart Gywynn, was discovered that the chiefs had run merSmith; Een Mandell, dry goods and can a venerable d chemist and in away on learning of his honorable reinsensible, bleeding internally, Francisco San of ; II. Chas. Knox, chant; He was shot in the left ventor, who had the confidence of Mr lease, to avoid arrest. Gwynn's counsel not recover. Jno. Devine; Mrs. Emily O'Connor, for. Chase, when Secretary of the Treasury, commenced proceedings, and in a few Tour Doors rom Z. C. Jf. J., merly of the International Hotel in this side. New York, 1. and supplied him with the secret of months secured the setting aside of the c'ty ; Mrs. Edward Deane and daughter An immense public meeting was held making the greenback paper.) Among fraudulent sale and the reinstatement of aged eight years, ot uoia inn. ine Doay last IS night in Cooper Institute to protest his later inventions is a substance called the poor victim in nil his previous of Gen. Van Bokelen was found in a cor-nthe slaughter of Indians by law metalline, which aa a lubricating agent rights. Previous to his conviction' the BOOTS fc SHOES, of what was his room, his features so against men and to consider a plan by has been for three years used by engi- invention had only been tested upon less bruised and charred as to be hardly and peace may be pre neers and in large machinery in this large machinery, but last summer ,wu which SHOE 1TXDIXC3S, justice his and former J. P. Smith the different races of city, and on ocean steamers, entirely do- spent in perfecting it and applying it to served between At the Lo went Prices. Produce clerk were found in Taylor street, fifty on all our borders. mankind On )at ing away with oil, and requiring but one the intricate Taken. feet from the room occupied by them. an investiga application in four or five years. The Christmas Jay I dined with the victim are The making police with were covered Both of the bodies tion in regard to the myetmous disap material looks very much like the core of the law, and visiting his. shop found the debris of the fallen walls, 'and were of eighteen little children taken of a hard lead pencil, and is impervious one of Singer's sewing machines runnot got out until this morning. Some of pearance care of the commissioners of to friction. About three years ago, when ning splendidly with m'talline. The the the fireman saw Mr. Knox last night, troin Wards Island. The children Us merits were established by practical Compony has been reorganized, and they on charities and spoke to him. He a&ed for water .REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. out to Mrs. Amelia Bur tests, and scientific gentleman saw that are now applying it to all manner of mawere farmed and said : "Boys, it is no use, you woman and children disap in time it wouhl crowd oil out as a la chinery with great success. The rows. can't save me." His body, with the ex- neared six weeks neo. The Supt. of bricator, Dr. Gwynn organized an EngAs one application will last for ye:tr, ception of his head, was entirely covered police detailed two detectives to find the lish company, having patented it in EuWHOLESALE NOTIONS. Jho. and bricks. and there is no destruction of fine fab-timbers fallen KS by r Tfc irboth officers were engaged day rope, and later an American company, rics woman, which door iron an was killed by by oil, the saving in all manufacturon the work, but they obtain with a capital of $1,000,000. He held And Woolens. will be immense. The stock of about one hun- and night business distance a hurled was ed no clue. The directory was silent some fifty patents covering the inven- ing Largest Stock West of New York. is rapidly going up. And this accomA large number of workmen feet. dred Monroe aud Franklin Sis., CHICAGO about the lady, and it was hardly to be tion, and when the company was (ormed inventor, who a little over a yenr are now engaged in removing the dirt that they could pick her out in this city he transferred those patents plished a friendless but innocent inma'e was and timbers from the bodies of the re- expected ago from among a million of souls, nor were to them in consideration of the stock beS. maining seven known to be beneath any tidings of the children obtained which he was to negotiate on the market of Sing Sing, is now in a fair way of subefore another millionaire double a almost with WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. ing them, and are working Searches were made in private asylums, to enable them to go to work, and from Christmas rolls around. At the risk of Dfler in Watchoa. Clork, Jewelry, Stiver aud perhuman efforts. The building9 in all ana for himself reimburse he was which to houses many Haled Ware. MAlii Jil'JlJSEX. OUDKN. and many nurseries,- boarding invention, l have given shattered, directions are, advertising It is the patent. So remarkable was the this romancethis other institutions, but all in vain. Kepairiui; neatly doixj and work warranted. narrow of the law courts to show escates were had. Sam.' Dock in a that that the children are now held character of the invention of more careful consideraand Chas. Hiezins. were thrown down supposed went up the necessity the stock Italian beggars and street musicians few months by before consigning persons tion by from their room in the Douglas building. jurers 1. from $100 to $475 per share. Gwynn Washington, out crime to a feion's cell. with were and got to Daley's exchange, A very important statement will soon held nearly all this stock at an offset to charged TF TOTJ WANT A TIIOMS0NIAN DOCTOR OR with difficulty, both being slightly in Cur. Cin. Enquire t. be published showing that the proceed- - the patents, and his associate Directors, TUonirionion Mediciup, J D. L. Blanchard was thrown lners oi the lamous cizw cnecKS 10 o. v. noi sausnea 10 wan lor ineir proms jrom CALL ON DR. MURPHY, jured. from his room to another several feet or Bearer were not received by Hon. the, working of the invention, at ouce POST OFFICE, MAIN ST, distant, vet escaped with slight injury. Schuyler Colfax. The statement will be censpiredtogettheBtockoutof Gwynn's OtiPEN. CosscLTiTtoy Fer, $!.(.. Great excitement was caused last night on the A revivalist asked an African if gentle- - hands, and make a fortune by a single testimony of a the top the market. by the screaming of women, on in it checks who man upon person stroke by throwing presented the he had found the Lord. "Golly," of Douglas building, which was at that at the office of at arms, receiv. One morning a fire occurred in the office said sergeant were Sambo, "am do Lord lost. finally ed the They time in flames. General Produce money therefor. This gentleman of the Company, at No. w Broadway, Frank Obiston, rescued by Captain AND has long been absent in Europe, and was and the President reported to the.Fire- firemen. by aware of the impor Marshal that be believed Gwynn had set not until A western paper informs the pub MERCHANT ! The body of Charles H. Knox, just tance of hisrecently on fire. This was in the tall of 18.0. lic that board for the summer can be it testimony. taken from the ruins, is horribly, charThe Secretary of the Interior will to An investigation by the Fire Marshal obtained "at a large and shady brick red and mangled. The city is all an order directing the removal showed that there was no insurance on sign day, Shippf iJ2 all and business is suspended of the Winnebago Indians trom Wiscon the property, all ef which was Gwynn's, gentleman a residence. the schools dismissed. The streets are sin. and consequently the charge was evi- men, women and children. IfUi ridicule the that of Officers dently a trumped up one to put Owyna part army Some questions very natura lly fivnth Side IT. C. It. It. crowded with arc drawn across the street, ns of the report of the llio Uiande commis- - out of the way. ile refused to late Hopes themselves to an inquiring Depot, the walls of the buildings are considered which sets forth the great fer- - ceedines against the victim of the con- - suggest i j of the Bank of vault amateur OGDEJff The An iarmer wonuers miiia. dangerous. ef the soil along the border, and spirators, who were for once foiled. tility several in places, sav if the rest of the all cracked fair earth, the is this on California worn to P. O. llox 24. set to more oiner invem "Why, report is not They next f and their business has been moved to Qf rnrftle than this, it can be of but little means to eel him out of the way. Learn- - ground is spread bottom side up. so k. Trifle's banking house. It is per day. Agent wmted! AH TriKr..nll value. The hearing of preliminary ques- - inz that in bis youth he had been invel that it must be turned over with a thnt. there will not .be fiona in the .,r.,ii.atnnfl UUWV J1W" f either "J "t .T . 71 important Eureka minine tried into relations, with a widow of plow before crops can be raised." hi.'ii.-j- ' u 4i"irwITlviu, --i.uue mure n rtvlehmtinn of the Fourth f July, 'ork f U" hastakea case place ia the Interior de- - questionable repute, and had lived with moment, f.ifullthe and tim. . n the money collected for that nartment. The point involved is whether her as her husband, but subsequently that Ad- 1'artioular frw, aunhingel.. drJ, cni A Till tll AG A W ill h prrended in burying the Maine. 80.1y A father in Massachusetts? who the first dov of trivine notice shall be in - married later in life to an estimable unfortinatA .lpft.l. and the remainder eluded in the ' sixty days' within which lady, they conceived the diabolical plan impatient the other evening at if Mnrrlnsro. dUtrihnted nmontr the different fire com adverse Claimants nave io mo Men. fr" IvLM"1 f"r Xa into 0'W! in ear,.v lifBMnh.MHl lwTt;t panies of the city. The city will go JV. jiuons 10 Biiuiug (....u,. ,0 w'rriaw re r overt. New methoii mmirninir "v. . mirer of. ". h s daiii? iter,' entered trie and flaffS arenOWatDBU T Tr, Tnle.ln i. irrnrihni'PI trntn thB wntnnn." tettleu . . .1r .... 4 1 k.!li''nt Ne,r ",,d remarkable remedies. Charles v Dan Lvons, m i . rotim anu mviieu me voun muu iu f .o.i i,.,. ,.k 'ed envelope. ,f,',?',r' w,,t rwjdre re ASSOCIATION, No.2S,u,th Van Gorder and Scmtor Hobart, Ninth with t on knowing that under the New Jork law lished p w 9 i "'pdolphia, Pa, an ibHtitntin having It hi rf, tufe. all - he; are via. killed, Put declined the invitation. cable ported Lake might be held to be her husband in ti-Sandusky. Erie, for by CLiiL '.,tlon n'Jll tondurt and piv- certain! that Van Botkelcn stored be Oiliee: 'den Terrible Catastropha in Virginia City! A Number of Persons Killed and Wounded! - -- l v..- -. . . . nitro-glycerin- Colfax Finds a Friend in r i"- powder. just been taken from the ruins. The lower part of his body is only recognizable by his watch. The proprietors of the Giant Towder works, of ihis city, say there was none of their powder in Root's building, Virginia, and claim that the explosion was of They say General Von Bokkelen was till recently their agent at that place, but was discharged, and being chagrined declared his pur pose to invent a blasting compound which should excel Giant powder. They think he must have been experimenting with when the explosion occurred. Cincinnati, 1. Thirteen deaths from cholera were reported today. Mayor Johnston was prostrated by it Saturday, but has recovered. Nashville, Tenn., 1. Eight deaths fron cholera in this city Special to the Dopes Junction hy the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Couipany.J Need! -- March of the Cholera! I'liur.-duy- ll'mit-viU- e, , Tragedy in Minnesota! K( e. nitro-glyceri- Investigating a New York Mystery! K , well-know- to-da- ' ' Jl'" ii -- ce ,ii-- t ' ! n y, Five-Marsh- i . n, , a.ni-to- 3 to-da- y. Trains nitro-glyceri- t -- , ' , , llomunce or the Court. nitro-glycerin- Sohool-b-nwan- 1 U'-- d f e i " I f I 'ft i t I d li.j.d-liou- Oden Library (V..-- G.TOJEHEAD. Major-Gener- al FOURTH STREET, OGDKX, white-haire- t I'M f GENERAL DEALER t I i : er LE1TIIEU and sewing-machin- r cash""paid for f ? i' ! I-ITD-ES. ' JNO.V-FARWELL&C- O., T T stl. De-vi- ! ui-i- y I 11-l- y r ,i LEWIS. J. RESVIOVED. Ufflce-Oppo- siTE il-3- H. well-know- n P.'BEOWia", ed a Specialty ' Strti pro-sione- . rs i. , . . . UTAH. .j 1 32-t- k rr " ,t!ac,cs jrj-fc- - I A - to-da- y "Put-in-Bn- t. .6'""""" ,, I T x . i |