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Show In tine Jaifra of Death TublMbM every WtfDXESDAtf y tH UQDEM Sowing and Heaping. , Siw with a ponereus hand; , - , . 7 ; Pauf not for toil and pain, ileal of stimmbr, Wcry not through the Weary not through 'ha cold faring rain; Bat waft till the an turn n comes For the slieavus of golden grain. ' hard-earno- d I while the seeds are lying; In the warm eartti'ii Ihmoiu dop, Audyour warm twn fall upon it, They will stir in their quiet aJwp, And the green blades riM the quicker Percbauce for the teari you wuep. Sow Then sow, for the houn are fleeting, And the eoedi must fitll And care not what hands ahull reap it, Or if yon shall hare passed away the wavinft cornllolda Shall gladdcu the funny day. Sow oud look onward, upward. Where the starry light appears; Where, in spit of the coward's doubting, Or your own heart's trembling fears, You shall reap In Joy the hai Test You have Sowu in tears. y Leaf from West Point History. - Z. C. 1 i I., - Ogden City, TK. Wholesale Department. 1 v mm vsm 2.000 pieces f i L Scatter th seed and fear not A table will be spread; What matter If yon are too weary To tat your bread? Sow while the earth la broken, for the hungry mast be fed. A Helllgcrcnt Tabby; We learn' that an unusual arid very S. P Georse The Hon. - - vmpton. a o member of the New Jersey Legislature, exciting contest took place at the ranch had a miraculous escape from death the of llamon Feliz, on the Morro creek, other day. lie was a passenger en the about fourteen miles front this place, train which was wrecked by collision one morning last week. It seems that with a freight train on the New Jersey Mr. Feliz, shortly after getting up in the Railroad near Newark on the 11th inst. morning, went out to feed his stock and The Jersey City Journal, in its report, of that soon after he was startled by the . it . tl .1 j it it me accident, relates tne iouowing tunn- cries of his wife ami furaily. Running The lion. George S. to the house he .Tound a large wildcat ing episode: Plvmriton.' who was on the wrecked had seized his youngest child, an infant, train, had one of the most remarkable by the back of the neck and was making Arniiiescapes, from maiming or death, on rec off with it. After a severe struggle ne ' ord. Mr. Plvmpton's wife and friends succeeded in rescuing it, the cat making were attending a picnic of the Second its escape. Some time after the excite Presbyterian Church at Waverly, and he ment had subsided, an Indian boy about took the 2:10 p. m; train for the purpose 18 years old, went out to bring in some G-ontjof joining them. As the engineer, Sam hnraoa that Wl hoon Ktnkeii out over ca.33.c3. from the house. He uel Stewart, is an old friend of Mr. .sight . some distance . e w Plvmriton's. he roda in the car nf thn nail, nnpn irnnp ntir n. tp nimiiiPH nueu locomotive with SteWart on his invita the fhmilv wns airnin aroused bv the READY-MAD- E teho hnv whn mR rtishinfr tion. At the time of the collision. Mr. rripfi. nf .f...V o ... WI, Plvmpton was sittins on the seat in the ward the house yelling like a mad man, car with his feet unon the bench. lie with the i,ipntic.'ii rut that nad caused says that he distinctly saw the freight the great disturbance firmly seated upon train approaching,a ' as did Mr. Stewart. his Pack, with its teetti emoeauea in tne As soon as Mr Stewart saw the freight back of his neck. Another desperate train coming with undiminished speed, battle ensued, which resulted in favor he reversed his own ensine. which was of the cat, which successfully cleaned running very fast, probably thirty miles out the whole Feliz family, killed their an hour, shut off the steam and thpn two dogs, and retreated in good order to OP umped off, as did also the fireman. Mr. tne nouse ot b. 31. iiowe, under wuicn Plvmpton had no chance or time to iumn. he ensconced himself, defying all efforts MANUFACTURE. The next thing he knew he found him- to dislodge him until night, when it es self lying on his face under the wreck of caped unscratched. Ihe wounds re A General Assortment of the engine, the being directly ceived by the Indian boy were quite se over him. fire, steam, ashes, timber and vere.' and the otreod people, fearinsra that a iron and slaughtered carcasses of sheen the cat was mad, thought it best to scar all around him, and the coop in which ify the wounds, which they did by heat-in- r he was thus buried was dark as a pocket. a crowbar, the onlv implement abuut 10 saw a gleam of lieht, however, and the premises that would answer the pur with great presence of mind crawled pose. e understand that, considering INCLUDING out. Wonderful ta relate, he was entire the ordeal of scratching, bitintr and o o' Cutlery, Locks, Carpenters' and other Tools. ly uninjured, not a scratch or hurt on singeing the boy passed through, he is him, but he was blackened and covered doing remarkably well and will be all A LARGE STOCK OF with dirt and oil, and so disguised that right again in a few days, San Luin his mother wouldn't have known him. Olispe Tribune, June 2st. When we consider that the engine was literally torn into fragments, and Mr. riympton was buried at the bottom of Kansas calves are dyinsr of some the ruins, his escape was certainly most new disease. I hey commence bawl- ETC., ETC. II ix nun providential and remarkable. and inu and turnins round, drop coolness and presence of mind no doubt helped to save his life, as his position dead in a few minutes. It is thought AND after the crash was a very dangerous that the disease is nothing more than one. He cives Stewart, the engineer. a desire on the part of the calves to all praise for coolness, quick action, and A Full Line of a new waltz just introducod in learn doing all he could to prevent the acci-- 1 dent. Mr. rivmcton. . bevond a little the fetate by a irench dancing-ma- s 13 for ter. shaking up, none the worse ins adventure, Put he don t hanker after The following rrem of descriptive any more experiments of that mode of Of All Descriptions. off a railroad train. getting writing was penned by an Illinois reporter m his description of a re- AH orders addressed to I). Ogden City, U. T MlLK FOR PoitKD or Hi ttfr rnrniniuiilnt cent wedding. lie says : "The Mayor tvtu reave 'ol 8ATCKD4Y I'UUUMHNtt UOHPAXT. A Empress Clotlis, Merinos, Alpaeas, Wool Delaines, Ginghams, Ticking Denims, Domestics, etc. Cassimeres, xwi Oottonades, Jeans, Etc., Etc. Boys' s' . I ! CLOTHING w V 1 and Caps, OOTS AID SHOES! Of Every iafs Variety, EASTERX and CALIFORNIA fire-pa- n The promotion of Lieutenant Grant to a Lieutenant-Colonelc- y Las made a tre- mendous sensation in army circles, and the Point was the scene of some pretty a Hi JIH DWJIliE-- lively comment durinar the resent irnm. ination, and as the subject Is stilt a live cccit will be interesting to stance at th manner in which Lieutenant-Colone- l Grant was assiited in &craduatinfo fiftrJ second in a class of r members. and after he had been a cadet for the period of five years, one year more than ii allowed by law. On the occasion of tummicg up in January, 18'i8, at the temt. annual examination. Cadet Grant was found to have received 110 demei its Cadet Uassett, of Toledo, Ohio, 114. Jloth of these vounir sentlemen had nvr. Stepped the mark, 100 demerits being me maximum allowed by academic regulation. About this time Lou Titcher, the eldest son of General Titcher (the Superintendent of the post), was a cadet in me avai Academy at Annapolis. His chances of success were very doubtful, and under the rules of ihe Naval Academy he would most likely receive nis wauing papers, ueneral Pitcher, naturally solicitous for Lis son welfare, rernuteu me sixteen extra demerits ap of the Maxaaohusutts prompt attention. "I'louchnian" says trials swash-ayin- g tended to Cadet Grant's class eihihit have shown that from tha milk iriyenby his herd galooted up the church aisle TT T rT iH'ortT n and at the- tame time dismissed Cadet of nine irrailA Khnrt.lfiirn ntiri .lnrfniv and gyrating like a Chinese it.v. I'hAii oupermtcndcDt ' June he made coa r 1st, ommeiicing pound ef Isassett. Joss with the from 24 pounds of milk. On becoming acquainfed with the me iatner of ladet Hassett applied to nss 1 ongressman and requested Congressional influence in procuring the restoration 01 1111 son to tne Academv. The Toledo M. C. sought and ohrnin.! IMl'liOVWt an audience cf the Tresideut, and re-- q iested the return of l'residetit Grant was as yet unaware of AND , lue extreme partiality shown to his son, IN CHARGE OF ana ocing pretentiously desirous of e his disapprobation of anv mir-restoration, told the Congressman that tns son was also a cadet, and that should he (Cadet Grant) raeeive over the tj i. . ,, IVill purchase any kind of Merchandise scribed number of demerits allowed by BseiHy kept iff academio regulation, he should be forced to bring him home. The member of rf"' ' I !( r tongress Dowed himself out of the pres'f J ence, and dispatched word to young Bassett's father, making known the Saws, Presidential decree. ISoUii- iIUPtt baing in correspondence with several of nis communicated the facta to them. They in turn informed yo ing urani ot las father's decision. The news very soon afterward reached the Presidential mansion of the manner in whieh Cadet Grant's expulsion had neen prevneted, and although President Grant felt very much obliged indeed to Gen. Pitcher for his more than Hnt " j . . l. w." .1.' .nil services, he nevertheless found himself in a very similar fix to the one in which te had oeen previously placed by ex Or anvarticl'J from anv Rf..iffl flmf v i. President Johnson, for in order to ver 3Icchanical . population. ify the assertion which he had made to Send in your orders and wr trill ria the M. C. from Toledo. Oh io. it herein .tf?r x. .j. nT...f.:v absolute necessary for th President orb prices with freight added, or on a slight pcrHSatae. ciiner to Dnng his sou home, or else to restore Bassett to duty. For a We are expecting an immediate audi n shipment' of the Bciqn 01 me house or urant to be expell cd from the Academv would nppr An and the President then made up his TTTTm WITH TTII,' vrirtv , minu 10 reinstate taaet Uassett, and or uers were made to that effect. The SCillUXEirS PATENT QUALIFYING Tfco TUBES, Factory having just got fairly naming since the young gentleman, however, declined the proffered honor, being amply "repaid for An inventien haying a mort important bearing on the future T xcpTttatioh of Rcel Li- his indignities by his success in placing the head of the nation in a peculiarly vivaovvi, uuvt 4uuuj vi ione renuereu y. Star. perplexing predicament.-.- , fiftv-fou- Plows, Hoes, Rakes, Scythes, Forks k s HARNESS to-da- HARNESS TRIMMINGS. CHOICE! GRCESRIES! y II. rEEllY, A A RX-- tt - but-tn- jim-jam- s. ic., et B.iit. SIMMONS & CL0UGH '.ORGAN CO.'S Z. CABINET OEGrANS COmSSION O. M. I. DEPARTMT, testi-fvin- H. W. JfAISBITT nr. not 111 Engines, , Saw Mills, Circular Cloth, Eeilel Water lVlicds, Ex-Cad- Clieese Factory or w . " 1 . u mi Threslimg Machines, Jlacliinc Extras, Force or other Puiuns, Eelting, Sorghum Mills, Evaporators, j.j ta v. et Grand Combination well-know- Organs, ' SCHUTTLER WAGOIT," Ci-itEA- EIUAI. TO THAT OF THE REST PIPE ORGANS OF THE SAME CAPACITY The following story is told to ilfu Our celebrated "Vox Celeste," "Louis Tatent." "Vox Human." "Wilcox: (rate the strictness with which the v Cun&rd Steamship Line is veuo or "iianonet ' Stops, anl vv,.iu, managed: vi,uis The Captain of one of their New All the Late Improveriicnts Can be Obtained Only in iho York ships having lately married, , , Organs. atsked leave to take his wife With Th (rtf'jivfl Differed t Styles, 88-8- CHICAGO FIHE! Hi B; CLAWS OX, Superintendent w-.v him on one voyasre. This was For the Parlor and the Church, The Best Material and WorJananahip, ;d, but on going to take command when the ship was ready for sea, he Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled. found one of his brother captains on X Ot HOO board, from whom he learned that FACTORY AND WARERO0MS. & CONGRESS COKCtk STS., DETROIT though the Company had no objec-tion- s MICHIGAN. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY" COUNTY. to his taklnj; his wife to Amer i E.tabu?ui;d is 1S50. e93-l- y ica, tney were not willine to trust Jwiu with the thip too Address, Simmons & Clough Organ Co., Detroit, MicmaAx. II ICES, Dollars. ; : CHEST TOUH JOB PRINT INC! BONE AT THE "Ogden lxlncfioI', Office, tMAIN STTlEET, OGDEN. , : . i |