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Show Terrible Suicide. l ai vAtiU wentred br il md lUrrUont.nty, Indiana, I ls,onnoon A Tb Frif yhld be?n ffiub 1T ih r Mr. Lewis I.tM n pa.t the abote-Mme- d , inta the yard, afternoen she and, being ab- - Wafier L. Critchelow. went in lber'h of her. Not finding her ia the I smoke-bous- e, and went into the i l. ,eB ivSeu ag the floor with her throat jueulaMein being severed and blood gui inglroo. the wound, jo bloodhound that were on the place crouched by the body licking up was copiously flowing the blood that WHOLESALE Critchelow could ", Mr. Critchelow body of his sister, they savagely following and bitting at him. (mapping him ut, Mrs. Miller created of The tragic death and deepest pain sensation ,1), greatest as she was well the neighborhood, in She was esteemed. kaon and highly about Miller Mr. to eight years married affectionaie mother of o, nd was the wq' young and beau'iful daughters. The condition of tjie husband has also heen precarious, nnd the terrible death of bis wife has quite prostiaod him. Mrs. Critchelov, the mother of. the tuicide, is well known in New Albany, tnd the news of her daughter's tragic death threw her into violent convulsions, end up to last evening she was in a precarious coudition The deceased lady was also a sister of Miss Huttie Critchelow, a in New Albany. his stated by some that Mrs. Miller, for some time past, has given evidence of insanity, and the supposition is that the wus insane when die committed the The wound was inflicted horrible act. which sne had con with a carving-knifcealed about he- person. Louisville nbool-tcache- n Gents9 tad know that PBrrhaf-- . WAGONS, and Boy's Ready Made Clothing, Th Cetobratod TIIOMAX SMOOTHING HARROW, warranted to make the twt Kmte tVie beat cultivator fur grain, grain, corn or potatoea, vet iuTeiitml. Our Furiir. caa have a Harrow on trial. Thnse I)imrtmnW will also pve information and receive ordrt for Tl'RBIKS WUKKW, t X 1 1 MACUlNliS, GRlsr and SAW MILLS, or otUer articiei not usually kept iu vtock. CELEBRATED SINGER SEWING MACHINES, - lt Bed and to IN GREAT VARIETY. MOSES THATCHER, AGENT, LOOAN. BARXARD WHITE, AGENT, 0(1 D EX. 80tf H. B. Wood's Champion and Excelsior Mowers and Reapers, CUWSON, Superi.tendent. Bain, Whitewater and Studebakcr Wagons, ALSO, I. G. JMn Winchester nnd Democrat Eight Spring Wagons, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Farming GROCERIES, HARDWARE Implements. & CROCKERY; Buggies to Order on Short Notice. r California and Concord Harness and Harness Trimmings. t'mnnrVourwat, 23. A Flood. private letter received at the office, in this city, we learn that the We-- t Gallatin river is higher From a 1L Bozeui&n UrUOUSTllr Sent to Jf. TUA TCIIER, Logan, tcill Receive Prompt Attention. JACHINE; the 16th, but was torn from its rpiIB BEST IN THE WORLD; PERFECTED usteninss on the lth. carrymz with it J by the Inventor of th Sewing llacbiue, tiree men and a horse. The men, after KLIAS UOWE, Jan. i vent) miles of fast boat riding, nianag- el to save themselves by jumping ashore, An IIOXEST MACHINE nnd subject to abandoning boat and hor.--e to their fate H. F. Galen, Boieman the proprietor of it.iee line, came near being drowned POINTS OF SUPERIORITY: while an his way from Wilson Creek to Gillatin City in a buggy, fortunately es- Simplicity and Perfection caping with the loss of one horse and a of Jieciiantsm. a raraueu and Stitch Perfection of Tension. Cheerful Home. A word may disquiet an entire Oue eurly family tor a whole day. gltnce casts a gloem over the household nile a smile, like a eleatn of auushine nay light up the darkest and weariest single Leather, Findings, Beltings, &c.; PRODUCE, GRAIN, BUTTER, EGGS, &c; SCDUHLER Durability will last a Range of Work without Ease of Operation and Management. Self Adjusting Take-it- p. jMijuMabie rE MONITOR HAS GAINED A No higher encomium can be upon a Cooking Store than to aay that who uses it cpeaks in ita praise, every house-wifand recommend it to her neighbors and frienda, for economy, cleanlineti and reliability in all iu MACHINERY IN WAGOXS, BOB BRANCHES, AC, ITS ALL FAR-FAME-D SLEDS; AC. ed o operation!. 31,314 MONITORS now in USE, ncaa. Wholesale Purchasers and Visitors sjlt 1X80, TBI CXLZBRATID TO citit rxJLicE SAKTA CLAUS C00K1XG STOVE, Will find the Largest Assortment of Merchandine in the seTeral Department M. I., aa aboye, that can be seen ia the West, and all at fair price". Z. C. For Coal and Wood, Call and Examine our Styles and Prices at T. W. JOKES', Tailor, Third door from Z. C. M. I., Ogden. Which has such a Demand through the Territory, Like unexpected flowers whicl lor Beauty and Excellence, cannot be SAMUEL of full MILLER, our fresh JUN., palh, along inrpasted. "ess, fragrance and beauty, so tbe kin Agent. All onr Ntove are kept and for Sale words, and rentla act, and sweet disno and nil lt Itraneb r o Also, ut tbe Sales Rooms, a few by Z. C. 51. 1,fetor ctt. litiOQ, makes glad tbe home where peace doors west of Z. C. M. I., Salt Lake nw Store in the Alao by all the oiessing dwell, rvo matter now num-th- e City. Territory. be thus it abode, if garnished wiib grace and eweetiiees, with kind and smiles, the heart will turn Iot "giy toward it from all the tumults tie world anrl hnma it Kav avai vva ov j j in v if hoinely, will be the dearest spot beneath Co. 'b circuit of the sun. And the influences of honre perpetuat themselves. Tbe gentle AGENT FOR THE of th mother lives in hei er aft daughters long ueau is pillowed m the dust of t he ! ftrth ! atld fatliortw Lirwlnne fin, la its o in the f and 6ons nobility courtesy kourB. SlIO!i; Singers' Sewing Machines, in Variety; Bespoke Boot and Shoe Departnent; FITS. ljijeume-- . HATS, BOOTS and Wall Paper, Bordering, Decorations; Drugs, Chemicals, Patent 93edieiuct WINES, LIQUORS, ALE and PORTER; put in on thorough "wetting. Passenger and freieht traffic to Boieman. for the pres ent, is suspended, but the mail will go "rough on time, the elements permit ting. Helena Herald. STOYES; GOODS, CXOTIIIXG, B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. not & CARPETS, OlI CXOTHS, nowE SEWING IMPLEHENTS DRY GOODS, STAPLE and FANCY NOTIONS, All Kinds of Produce Forwarded to Any Point on the Shortest Notice. AU Orders than ever known before, and is over flowing a large "portion of its valley Efery tridge on that stream has been swept away, and communication w ih Boicman is temporarily interrupted. At Cjcknll's bridge site a rope ferry was TOOLS, Leather and SIioo Findings. e, A ftr much study tad experience, CIIAMTIOX, WOODS, i:XCT:LHIOIl nnd VVOKLI) 5IOWKIIS, Droppers or Self Kakers. Stoves and Tinware, Drugs & Medicines TIIi:ilSIII(i 31 lCIIIAIS nnd SULKY HAKES. te well-know- of the Northern BAIM and KTCDEBiKER WHITEWATER, Crockery, Glassware, Notions, fcc, &c, ed createst exertions that the juld get away with OF OUR WAGON WE GUARANTEE WAGONS & MACHINERY Poppliod to thAM point w Mni the tost, can rely on thia iwoinmndUou. re- seconds. & ft but died fbe bloodhounds, having had a taste infuriat.fibeb'ood, as is their naiure, after was the it only and ravenous, RETAIL AND & Counties can purchase without coming to Salt Lake City. Hats and Caps, II cover from his honor, he raised his Ster in his arms. She was still breath-in- IN LOGAN HAVE OPENED OGDEN, BRANCHES WE and MACHINE DEPARTMENT, so that the people Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Sirm mound. from the Mr. g goon as -- 08- C IM. I. 2i. doineatic elur- - trouble of t fcr the Z. 0. M. I. Logan Branch, pring up el-t- H. D. CLAWSON, f if Superintendent. 1 28-l- y 30-8- bs n I.D.HAMIOND, - CULMEB G. F. GROESBEGS; S BLOCK, SECOND SOUTH STREET, Main St., Ogden, and Main St., Logan, Cache SALT LAKE CITY, gr-.e- v wv VTiri.i 11 0 IllitlllilV, .UU VV chuttler Wagon Hi "l place; while on tbe otucr hand, from unnappy, misgoverned and disord 0 rruns I - JUSTLY CELEBRATED WAGON is. made of . J - ..J 11 I mrougnuui ana is warranieu. tiie best material , wase other homes miseraole, ' ruioine sourness eontentions ami hich have made and per and sadness, tn 0 teeir nn ,.;ii'nn own early lives A FUIiL SUPPLY ALWAYS Also Dealer OX jlacliineK, MATERIAL, HARDWOOD, a31-&- . . . 1R0X Groceries Window Glass, , M A C A Complete Assortment of RECEIVED A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF 1KD la ALL. KINDS 0 V F ARM II AVE JUST IIAXIh Spring Wagons, Swccpstnke Threshing Jiowcrs aim iccapcrs, lsucueye Feed Cullers, Corn UakcN, Shelters, Sulky Grinders Stubble JJIills, Emery Fanning Shovel Plows, Cultivators, Plows, ' IiifXlit mciied and distorted. Toward the cheerful home the children Mier "as clouds and as doves to tin ir odows;" while from the abode of dilS- and strife, and trouble, they ua vultures to rend their prey. Joe clws of men that disturb and d is AND ana distress the world are t iot 'nose born and nurtured aruld the b al- .7k ln"uences of Christian houies; ut ocr those whose life has been a early cene of trouble and vexation, who hv ve r'1 wrong in the pilgrimage, and WAHON a! T ua(l trouble one or aisasier to them U those around tlicui Wtlcli thej are offering at lower prices than any other Louse iu the English Varnishes ur ' STEEL, titj of A Large filock II I N ER Y. ' ALL KINDS, AT , MlTDOaTJXtEJXtE' PRICES, , A3iD & CO., ETC. ') i : ' Freight added. ; Orders from the country Promptly Fillea. sSSly |