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Show 2ttarj' Two BT to vera. MRS.'cYRKXa'c r TEXS. mail-bag- de- I never liked Arthur Middletorj. and his pleasant countenance Imooih manners. Beneath the surface run a current of of both, I felt there villiaf JS and, boy though I was, d AnJ unacquainted with fraud and he so artfully blinded ception, although his true to us character, he could oilicrs me. not deceive de- ' Htyi-iste- r Mary, hotter, Wken the mail-cahad reached the platform, an attendant, while throwing off the by mistake threw off the wrong one, and left the car to recover it. I took advantage of his momentary absence to enter the car unseen, and then passed back into the baggage-ca- r adjoining among the trunks and bunnies, and in the darkness I felt secure from intrusion or discovery. Determined to make the best of matters, I fixed myself up a comfortable bed of some blaukets that were there, and laid down to sleep until we reached the city. 1 was awakened by being pulled roughly about by some men, and asked whu I waf, and wbat 1 wns doing there. I evaded an answer, and, as the men were in a hurry to unload the car, they did not trouble themselves long with me, but jostled me roughly out upon the plat. torru, and advised me never to attempt to steal another ride. I was now in the city, and it was quite early in the morning. As I had no place to go to, and could do nothing till daylight, I lay down in the depot for another uap, and slept until the noise of carl 8 and drays awoke me. Then I hur ried from the depot, and, having a few cents in my pocket, went in search of some place where I might purchase a cheap breakfast, before 1 began the task of looking for work. I found tlie breakfast at a stand in a farmer's market, where half a dozen country folks and a few rather coarse looking people, familiarly known as "hucksters," were jtiaking their morning meal at a long pine table, covered with steaming coffee, hot and inviting and a profusion of tempting rolls This sight almost caused me to forget my desolateness, fori was savagely hungry, and, sitting down to the ta ble, I ordered a repast, the price of which far exceeded the limits of my scanty purse. When I had finished the meal, I asked the woman in charge what I had to pay. "What did you get ? ' she asked, in a short, sharp manner, for she was in a hurry to wait on a frech customer. "I had a piece of beef steak, some coffee, and two buttered rolls," was my reply, as I pulled forth my rather rural looking purse. "Beef-steafifteen, coffee five, rolls five fifteen and two fives, twenty-five,- " was her arithmetical answer, and she held forth a large red hand for the money. But I hadn't the money, for ten cents was all the currency I possessed. Food had been so plentiful Rt my home in the country, that I could not realize how little meat and a few buttered rolls and of twenty-fiv- e could attain the money-valucents. But it was a bard, stubborn fact, that mustbe dealt with.'for the wo man was getting impatient and abusive. "Come, don't keep me all the morning," she said; "I've other customers to entertained of him from quite a ilifle'ent opinion favorable view of 1 did, and her wbat was both shared man by ray the young Arthur Middleion sister's for hand, and, rfy suitor was a of the older the in favor eyes finding members of the And mare influential "family, his calls became very frequent, mid be invariably received a btarty reception from every body except myself. J5ut I was you'ng, and of "no account," and the important and consequential young mau uver deigned to notice me, fxoept on one o casion, when he gave me a few pennies, but spoilt the gift by addressing rue as 'shaver." Mary had another suiter, named John Jovce. a rough, good natured fellow, whom 1 liked, but who had been displaced in my sister's affections by the hsrulxonie and more pretending, Arthur fither'a'jd mother. Middleton. My father was the owner of a large farm in one of the most prosperous counand John Joyce ties iu i'eunsylvania, was the son of a tenant of his. Perhaps it was ambitious in a young roan of Joyce's poor fortunes to aspire to marry the daughter of a wealthy farmer, but nobody seemed to think so until Arthur Middleton, representing himself as a merchant in Philadelphia, came to board in our neighborhood for a summer vacu-ti'in. When he had become acquainted with ray sist r, and his visits became very frequent, my parents were suddenly awakened to a knowledge of my sis- s, beef-steak-s, ter's worth, and to the impudeuce of John Joyce for thinking of her at all. The consequence was, poor John was forbidden the house by my parents, and treated with marked contempt by the girl herself. Love, however, when it enters the breast of some men, takes a strong hold, and strikes a deep root. It was so with John Joyce. Most men in lis position would have returned contempt for contempt when sneered at and disdained by tke girls they had loved. But poor John Joyce could not forget, in all the change her conduct had undergone towards him, the many happy hours Ibey had spent together, when loveis, and the vows they had made to be ever constant to each other. "Let her break her faith with me as the will," he would say, "I cannot tear my love for her from heart; and while she may live happy in another's love, 1 shall keep on loving her, hopeless and attend to." desolate, for I cannot lorgot what has "I didn't think the meal would come hee"n. to twenty-fiv- e cents," I said, getting red in have only got ten cents face. the "I 1 was attending a email school in the about me." neighborhood, at the time, and another "Didn't you know better than to order papil was a boy with whose parents Arcouldn't pay for? I don't thur Middleton boarded while on a visit things you to feed people for nothing," a stand keep to the country. Now tub boy Lad taken she said, beginning to get very angry. ai great a liking to Mr. Middleton as I d Here a farmer, sitting had a hatred for him, and consequently observed what a scrape 1 next to me, he proved a source of dispute between was in, and very kindly came to my aid. us. At last matters came to a crisis ; for "What is the matter, boy?" he said. one afternoou, while in school, and "Ain't you got money enough to pay for quarreling in an undertone, this boy bebreakfast?" your stowed an epithet upon me I did not relto him about my ordering I ish, and in a twinkling, I knocked him, the explained meal without calculating its cost, pale and bleeding, on the floor. Of and also my limited financial resources. course the school was immediately in an He laughed heartily at my story, and uproar,. and the first to take part in it said he had been in the same scrape iu was the schoolmaster, who did it with such' energy as to cause me great per- his time. "Let the lad go," be said, turning to sonal incouvenience. In plainer terms, woman. "I will pay his bill, as it is ;he he flogged me severely, and then rougha very heavy one." not ly and unceremoniously expelled me I left with a thankful heart, for alfrom school, at the same time threatenin my past life, men have risked though, ing to acquaint my father with my conlarger sums of money for my benefit, I duct. felt more grateful to any one This threat made more impression up- have never to the farmer who, in the did I than on me than his flogging, severe as it was. I knew my father would take sides goodness of his heart, paid for my breakfast, seeing that I was penniless against me, and, when he was angry he and alone. had modes of punishment 'which were had expected to have some difficnlty I anything but agreeable. So I retired to in obtaining employment, but I was the woods for a private consultation disappo'nted. I had no soonagreeably with myself, and at last came to the conthe business portion of the er entered clusion that it would not bo advisable to was and passing along a street city, go home. most of the occupants of the where 1 was at a loss what to do, or where to go, for none of the neighbors would housesj I judged by the signs, were harbor me, a trnant from my father. It lawyers, when I saw a piece pasteboard with "Boy Wanted" printed on it very 'wag getting dark, also, and'l knew that and tacked to a door night would soon come and find me with-O'- conspicuously, rest or shelter.. But I had a stout post. After entering the buTding, and inWart, and, daring to risk anything rather than encounter my father, I walked quiring at half a dozen of the rooms .down th read teward the railroad depot, where the "boy" was wanted, I at last secthiuking that by some chance I might came upon the right person in the Ret to the city, and there I thought I ond story. He was a young lawyer, and to engage a t oy in the capacity would be able to find employment to wished of a clerk. Alter examining my penupport It was dark when I reached the rail- manship, which appeared to please him me Without even road depet, and the lamps were burning highly, he engaged of U about the asking my resstation, giving it a bright taking the precaution I eoon found and lively appearance. antecedents. or idence The platform 'a well filled with people, for a train the poor fellow had little to loae, by bis hound for the city waa cxpectod every carelessness. JuiDute, and there were the passengers. Before the day was over, I learned hen I heard the whistle of the he e enough of my employer to know that up the road, and saw the bright was a carelcss, young man, "gat on the engine through the dark- and more likely to grant a favor than to ness, as it came thundering toward us, refuse one when naked. I had a practiJet a mile away, I was not quite confi- cal illustration tf this, for he gave me dent that I could effect a witb- -' money readily for my breakfast and out mney or friends. Butpassage I was on the sxppcr, bo I made bold to ask him what Uerf, and, if the chanc offered, I was I was for the going to do for lodgings ' ready to seixe it. " night. Te chaace did offer. have me tell to mean you You doaV k e . good-nature- H ray-el- f. -- loco-ttfi'iv- good-nature- . d ' R. dim light burning in the entry, where 1 Ra R was standing, and I saw the rooms which READY RELIEF I RADWAY'S s opened on the entry were Cl tttS THE HOltSr lAl.! for the servants, doubtless. Middleton In ffrom One to Twenty Minalw. had no sooner reached the foot of the NOT ONE HOUR tfter reading this advertisement need uy om adder than I gave one of these doors a SUFFER WITH PAIN. tremendous kick loud and strong enough RADWAY'S READY RELIEF U A. CUftK V0$ EVERY PAIS. o awaken a dead man. almost.and then., It wa the first and U here!" springing at Arthur Middleton with the I tol l him I would, if he would give savageness of a panther, I seized him so That stops th moot excruciating paius. me permission. Uns was readily grant- vieleutly and suddenly by the throat, allays iustantly ana cures congestions, inflammations ed, and he even helped me make up a hat, boy as I was, I hurled him to the whether of th Luugs, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or orgaus, by one application, ia ft out ou bed, and did not leave until I was Bafgly floor. to twenty minutes, no mailer how violeut or exin it, and comfortably going to sleep. But I had fearful odds against me in cruciating tlie pain, tho Rheumatic, I slept for several hours, and was then he Iiinrm, Crippled, Iiervau, .Neuralgic, or prestraletl fight. I was but a boy, while Mid with disease may suffer' awakened by a noise in an adjoining dleton had a man's strength, and was RADWAY S READY RELIEF room. The gas was burning dimly, and armed. I to him desperately, but M ill ailunl imttaut etwe. clung so lonely, that I be he soon regained his feet, and then drew Inflammation of the Kidney. Inflammation of everything seemed tlie ltluddiT, Inflammation of tlie Dowels. Cm. came somewhat nervous on account of dangerous looking knife from his gestion of the Lung, tore Throat, Difficult the solitude, and brightened the gas. breast, and to lireathing. Palpitation of the Heart. Hysteri. raising ,it aloft, prepared The noise still continued, and it appearCroup, Dip therm. Cuturrh, ItiOuvnza. Huadiu it with full force upon my devoted bring Culd Toothache. ed to be hammering or tinkering of bead. But I was too Neuralgia, Khumatiiu. quick for him and, ClnlU, Ague Chill. some kind. seizing the weapon with the strength of The application of the READY RELIKF to ll.o My curiosity was now aroused, and, exute 1 turned aside the blow, part or parts where the pain or desperation, going to the door, I opened it, and look- and then cried for help in a loud voice. will afford earns and comfort. Twenty dropv Iu halt a tmnhlerof water will in ed out into the long, dark entry. The The weapon waa wrenched from my a few momenta cure C'rampe, Spaxine, 8our Stomnoise came from the room adjoining grasp, and again raised. My streugth ach, Heartburn, Kici lioadaclie, Diarrhea, Dyx-imine, where a light shone out on the here deserted me, I became weak and tery, Colic, Wind in the iioweln, aud all Internal hall through a small window over the faint. I heard the murderous Traveler! utimild alwavt rarrv a bottle of RA whizzing door. 1 could not resist the temptation KKADY KKLlKf with them. A few WAY'S wWn the it dropair, through suddenly will prevent ickue or pain fnxo of creeping softly to the keyhole of the from Arthur Middleton's hand, and on waterof water. ped It is better thau French ltiauly ibnnpe door of the room where the noise was, he was sent tho as opposite cr l!it tm a stimulant. against and investigating the mystery through wall, stunnedreeling F cureil for fifty reuf. Fi:Vi:U A. l a blow from the brawny by is not remedial agent iu this world ttiut thai narrow opening. fist of some unseen friend of mine who There Fever cure will and and all other Mularioit. Ague, I had been in that position but a mo had come suddenly upon us in the Uilious, Scarlet, Tvphoid, Yellow and other Fever ment, when I seized by the throat by struggle. (aided by Kadway's Pills) so quick as KAIiWA Y'$ ItKAHY ItKl.IEF. Borne unseen person who had crept up Fifty emits per bottle. Soli I did not faint away at that moment, by Druggist. and then man's behind a me, noiselessly hand was placed tightly over my mouth, as most people in romance do when pla 1 was too so that I could not speak. Iu another ced in dangerous situations. and Strongand Pure Rich Blood Increase ot for that. Turning "game moment the door of the room was open- plucky and Weight Clear bkiu aud JiuautUul Com. I to was thank around my preserver, ed, and I vas shoved unceremoniously plexion secured to all. him find none to and delighted surprised into it. other than my old friend, John Joyce The room I had so unexpectedly en this the inmates of the house biirsananllian Kesolvent tered was strewn all over with silks and andBybecometime, and came flocking Has made aroused, the most aMonUliltig cures, so quirk, so calicoes ot all uescriptious, besides nu- in their to the scene of the rapid are the change the body undergoes, niider of merous articles clothing for ladies conflict. Several influence of this truly wottdurfui Mediciue.tbat pretty ladies were the KYKRi DAY AN INCUEASB IN FIB.SH AM and gentlemen. There were two men in outvie seemed and each the to WKIOIIT 13 hKKN AND FtCLT. the room, besides my captor, who had there, other in compliments on my bravery, THE OltlMT lll.OOlt 1I It HI Kit. had One his of these back and I saw more than one just entered. Kvery drop of the 8AHSAPARILUAN Kr.tmi.. admiring VENT vouimuuicates through the lliood, Saval, lo me when I entered, but, hearing the John cast the stalwart at Joyce, Urine aud, other fluid aud Juice of the system glance scuffle, he turned, when I saw his face who had struck the robber the vigor of life, for it repairs the waste of the gohelptess. and recognized him. An officer was called in, and Arthur body with new and sound material. Scrofula, Sy It was Arthur Middleton! Consumption, Glandular disease, Ulcer in Middleton was taken to prison. He was philis, the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Gland On entering the room, and seeing the terribly from a gash which and ether parts ot the system, 8or Kyei. Strum nature of its contents, a suspicion flash suffering Discharge from the Ear, aud the wortt lornis John Joyce's knuckles had made; but ous of Skin Dise.li, Krnptious, Fever Sores, ScaW ed across me that it was a den of thieves; even the ladies found no him for pity Head, Ring orm, Halt Rheum, Erysipelas, A ne, and now the presence of Middleton seem I soon found an opportunity to have RIack Spots, worm in the Flexh, Tumors, Caned to confirm it, for I could believe any a cers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful private talk with John Joyce, and then Night Sweats, Los of Sperm, and ail thing bad of him. I learned how he happened to come so discbarges, wastes of tb In principle, are within the curative Middleton looked at me a moment, but to my rescue. He had range of thi wonder of Modern Chemistry, aad a I noticed no glance of recognition in his opportunely use will prove te any person using it t found it unbearable to remain in the few days' either of the lornis ef disease iu potent power te craze. He had taken so little notice of loved wa had he the where cure them. girl me in his visits to our house, that, luck vicinity receiving the addresses of another, and w If the patient, daily becomingIs redused by tL me know now. did not he for decom position that me, ily contiunaHy prwr where he erroneously imagined he was mi lea audsucceed in arresting thus wastes, aud greasing, "I found this kid peeping in at us, a ho to so came ; for the everybody same with uew material mndo from jest repairs the said my captor, through the keyhole, and Uiis tlie SA1MAPAU1LUAN city, where, after a long and wearisom healthy blood me his to doe secure. and will presenting companions. search for employment, he finally eecur Not only doe the KarsaparilUan RosoWent ex. "Who are you, my boy, and where did ed a place as coachman in the house eel all kuown remedial agent In the cur of ChroMid come ?" from Arthur you inquired which I was the happy instrument of me, Scrofulous. COHstitutioual aud Skkt dtseeja-s- , but it the onlv jwtnitiv cure lor KIDNKYand dleton, looking sharply at me. from a burglary. IiADDKR COMPLAIN IS, Urinary and ,W uxu u "1 was asleep in the next room, and protecting The news of my adventure happened diseases, (J ravel. Diabetes. Dropsy, 8(pj?r of the' noise in here awakened me. so Water, Incontinence of Urine, llright s Dimmcm, re Albuminuria, looked through the keyhole to see what to reach the ears of a and in all cane where there r porter, and the next day there appeared brirkdust deposits, or the water Is thick, cloud , was tho matter. like the white of an egg, mixed with substance "What were you doing in the next a long account of the adventure in on or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, name full with of the my daily capers, room ?" dedark, bilious appearaure, aud wliite buo-du- t i, posits, and when there is & pricking, burning sen"I am employed there, and sleep there in large letters, over the article. This sation when pusing water, and pain In the small report went the rounds of the press, and of th back nights." and along the loins. Priee, flow columns reached the a of weekly This answer appeared to satisfy him finally 'WORMS. Th only khowa aud sure lti.iidy or he ordered me to lie down in a dis- paper published in the village near our for Worms Pin, Tape, etc, CJrowth Cnr-Tumor f 12 tant corner of the room, as they might farm, to which paper my father was .v" Ittul vfnf. Itaol by You his subscriber. sur may imagine want me by aud by. ll.ruur. Ma., July 18, 1MX on a so hero his what Dm. have I bail Ovariau Rabwt: reading con a into Tpnixr in the prise The men then entered long had become, and what a rascal his antic ovaries and bowel. All the dottor said there low on which in carried versation, they va no help for it," I tried everything that sw proved to be. But the recommeudud; but nothing helped me. 1 saw jour tones, at the conclusion of which they ipated ordered me to get up and go with them old gentleman had the faculty of alway Resolvent and thought I would try it; ut had L ' In It, because I had suffered for twelve ytur. I was ready, and we started out, ene of keeping on, the right side of things, so faith I took six bottle fifth lUwolreiit, and on lot of bad he annnounced he al that publicly the men keeping a firm hold of me, and Radway's Pills, and two buttle of your Ready u i,r and there is not a s'v'ii of tumor 'o ways prophesied Middleton would turn threatening to kill me if I raised an out out a rascal, aud that he was not in th frit, and I feel better, smarter, and hnppler thnii I cry. for twulve year. Th wont tuinof wa in least surprised at my heroism, for h have the left side of the bowels, over th groiu. 1 wri,i It was after midnight, and the streets had known would from my birth, that I thi lo yon fr the benefit of other. You can pu'bt were quite dark, save where the street II ANN A It r, KNAPP. llsb It if vnn chooe. the old block." of "a prove chip lamps flickered feebly. We waiked for notoIndeed, he was so elated at tne along distance through eticets lined PURGATIVE PILLS, with stores, and finally emerged into riety I had gained, that his pride forme PERFECT Perleclly timtclek, eifgmitly coated wilh eni'i a he no so made know bounds; journey gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleause and strength that of the city where there were the cure vr all dliuidei' ot nne ana imposing to the city for the express purpose of en. Uuilway s l ills, forRow dwelling-housewis, Kidneys, IHsdir, me and bringing me home. When oftbe Stomach, Liver, finding the were and by oecupied appearance, Nervous Diseases, Constipation, '.VsMve. we met, I found him so affable that I nous. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Dillon wealthy. ami aij One of these houses was in the course ventured to plead John Voyce's cause, Fever, lnftiunmation el th IloweU, Piiee, M urmut-Dorangnmi'tils of the Iiiturual Vio-iof construction, and a long ladder stool and was surprised at the suocess I met to eff"ct a positive cure; Purely venerable. vn. to the roof. with. My father said be had no relish taining no mercury, minerals r deleterious drop. k in front, from the son WJObserve tin- following symptoms reeultiaig but still he They stopped at this ladder, and then for a poor frem Disorders of the DigiktUo Oixyaiis Consti) who a could man couldn't help admiring Middleton bade me mount it, which Hon, Inwnrd Piles, fullness ft the Blood in the did, and then the men immediately fol bit so cleverly "from the shoulder," for Head, Aridity of tlie Stomach. Nausea, HertruMi, showed as it well as pluck Disgust of hood, Fullunes or Weight in th Stom"science," lowed me. Sour Eructations, linking or Fluttering at he So and muscle. gave his consent for ach, When we had gained the rocf, they the Pit of the Stomach, Svt lmniirie of the lltwd, led me over the roofs of several houses Joyce to resume his visits to our house, Hurried and Difficult Rreathing, Fluttering at the r of one be and if his daughter was willing to marry Heart, Choking or Sutlotaliug tWutttUou when iu till we reached the a Lying Poetuia. Dunne of Vision, Doi or fore which we stopped. The men had him, he would not interfere. Wei before the Sight. Fever and Dull Pain iu the John Joyce resumed his visits, and he Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Velbtwiies i.f brought tools with tticm, and they pro found Mary "willing." as Mr. Barkis the Skin and Kyex, l'ain tn the Si, Chest, I.lmU. ceeded lo force open the H and sudilt-- Flushes of unlug in the !Jc:li. I was then told to descend (by a step- - would say. Like the rest of her family, A few dose of Rudwny's Pills will fvee tbe cisto ladder which led to the floor) into the she had learned appreciate the worth tern from all the diwrdnt. Pr.ce cenW jier box. Sld by DruggitU. house, and go down to the street door of a good, noble, honest, strong fellow, .&RRAD "t'Hlwe nnd True." Send one Utand open it lor the men to they and came to tho conclosion that one ter stamp to lladwny k Co., No. K7 Mnrtleu Lai.e, was worth a dozen adventurers, New Yoik. Iuliiriuatiou woi th lluahii will i promising me a liberal reward for my such kfH trouble. I descended the length of the who prowl about in decent society, "in sent you. but there I stopped short, sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are The world is f!I of for a plan for securing at least one of ravening wolves.'' Children crying for tho thieves had occurred to me. McLAl.VN "Why don't you go ahead ? What are To I'revmt Inscm.oiuwon mo Iliumns. ApCandit'd Oft fur you stopping for ?" inquired Middleton ply repeatedly cloth wrung out of hot wair, or ' Oil. the tincture of aruioa. looking dpwn at me. It is delicious, efteclh "I am afraid to go any farther," I re an J harmless. The P'ted. tifts aad siirfll e of the Castor O.t "if l come down to you, you young tirelv overiHirie. In was his take the "I'll whelp," reply, cathartic fwtn at JorvstuMTatt fear out of you Move on," he contin not impaired. Price ' cent. ued, pointing a revolver at me, "or I'll McLain's Vermifuge Bonbons ' shoot." , Are elegant aad effective, They rrewiuM) Cream But I knew he would not dare to shoot Bonbon kept in confectioners' shops. ChOritvi) AM) love them atl cry lor them. Prkp Si cts per U and raise the inmates of the bons?, so I For Sale by Z. V. M. J. remained, undtHtnajed, at the foot of the ate in sucieMifiil pi alloc. And all other druggists. laddwr, and refused to etir. , At- last he did the very thing I was WOOL WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR waiting for,- - Putting the revolver in CLOTH. his ccat, with., nn oath he entered the WANTS TO BUY A GOOD YOVNtl rolls in a superior 'manner hy trap .doorway, and. descended the lad- theWoo! carded Into r mv? and experiepeed Carder, K. Muck- - WnO inviac hre gallon of llilk der. ... imsvRT snsrii i J waiready for Mm, There wa a ( Jlripf op your wooK to?" asked my employer, with a prolonged stare. I was then lorced to tell lum some thing of my adventure, and how I came to be so friendless, in the city. , ."You are in a scrape, certainly," he said, "but still I admire your pluck. Why can't you make a bed in the office no home lo go 5 bed-room- . Tli Only l'ain Itomedy dittn-ult- c '- di-o- i Aa Health! Beauty! Dr. RADWAY?S night-dress- es I keen-scente- d f son-in-la- f; ) DR. RADWAY'S prt s v side-wal- - trap-doo- trap-doo- r. ID-n- abovo-nnme- en-er- step-ladde- d , r, ( , I BM0IIA3I CITY , , . WOOLEN FACTORY Curding Muclilim a37-l- v - cow roii Hx.f well-know- n 3-- .i. I I |