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Show y;r TELEGRAPH. nt by the Atlantic Pyecial to the OflBM and Pacific Telegraph Comjiaujr. Walworth's Trial . Letter from a Congressman Regarding In dian Wrongs! Execution in Springfield, Illinois! The Deaf and Dumb Asylum in San Fran. AMERICAN. New York, 27. The Walworth trial was resumed to-- Ji crowded court room. Many jr before women, young and old were present. The prisoner, as on previous occasions, aa surrounded by his counsel. In re-- , jrard to the admission as evidence of the Iftter of the deceased, dated August Ivih, 1872, Judge Davis decided lie 4 Govern-menvestigate. If I can serve the or the people, command atf services by telegraph. Respectfully signed, I. Xntterell Member of Congress, D:striet of California. NewOrleafts, 28. the1 in The Jury Kellogg sheotirjg case rendered a verdict not guilty. San Francisco, 27. The special fominittee appointed to investigate the affairs of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, submitted a report to-- d iy sustaining the Principal, Prof. Wilkinson, and acquitted him of all the serious charges made against his administration. The committee examined over seventy witnesses and many pages of documentary evidence. They found the fVod ordinarily good and of sufficient quantity, the dormitories well kept and the bed The charges against clothing good. Charles Wilkinson, of taking grass liberties with female pupils, was not sustained, but tbey found three or fouf is stances of impropriety of deraeanoby him. Tbey found the health of the pupils good and no neglect iu the musical or mechanical departments. They condemn the use, by Wilkinson, of insulting language, proved in the case of girls who went t the house of a former teacher remaining late, and were rebuked by Wilkinson. They find his ordinary deportment marked by courtesy and kindness, and his accounts all correct. Three Day's Meeting at IiO- - June 27th, 1873. Editor Oovss Junction : Logan Dealers in arPresident Young and company Ihe rived yesterday about noon. names of the parties nowhere, art Pres. B. Yonng, G. A. Smith. G. Q. Cannon, Jno. W. Young; Elders. Jno.' Taylor, V. Woodruff, F. D. Richards, J F. Smith; Pres. Jas. Young, Father P. Richards; Elders. Loran Farr, Jas. A Young. J M, W. Evans, Squires, Henry Lunt, D Charles W. Stayner and A. M. Musser; also a nnmber of ladies. When the party reached Mendon, the chilBishop, people and Sunday-schoo- l track. the dren were by the side of Pres. Smith spoke to tuem a few moments, then on to Cache again, Logan A beiBg reached at half past twelve. the at were of citizens large concourse depot with children of the and a band of music to welcome Sunday-school- s, us. Imported Furniture of all 'Kinds MAIN STREET, OGDEK. CMAIIiS, TABLES, WASH STAXm IOra,BUBIL1US, BEDSTEADS Spring and Hair Matfrasscs. ' Cupboards and Bookcases 3Iade to Order Cabinet Work and liepairiiiV WUf' Wood Turning in all its Branches. JUST RECEIVED, 100DO Z. CIIATm ant3 other Goods in proportion. Prest. J. C. Rich, Bishop Budge and Lake. Bears from "our saxey" are here Preasc give u& a call' before purchasing elsewhere. This mornings meeting was well attended by people from most of the settlements. Prest. Smith, Bishop Lunt, Elder A. M. Musserand Pres. Cannon, adressed tbe congregation. would admit only such portions as conDuring the forenoon exercises, five tained threats. The counsel fof the cars of school excursionist from Corinne took seats under the Bowry. Weather excepted to the ruling. Chas. O'Connor then read the admithigh" as tbey very fine; streams not ted portions of the letter from the store have been; the large when the district attorney withbed is looking up majestically ; AND LIST OF IjKTTEKS drew his objections and the whole letter of the U. N is daily improving; the THK IN POST UNCLAIMED Walwas read. It is addressed to Mrs. rlEMAININO is now completed a good distance Territory of I'Wh, oi the grade worth, and opens with a command to 1st ef July, 1873, which, if not called for before North of this, and the ties are out. listen to the territde words it contained; tbe of Aug., 1873, will be teut to the Dead A. M. M. for they will show ber how keenly and Utter Office: GENTS' LIST. fiercely the writer feels humiliated" by Mortenson Andrew lieuben II. Walworth. He then traduced, Anderson James Mitz S T in the grossest terms, the memory of his Borton Geo W E W Boreham Peirce Alfred assails his he and brother father; vilely Painter J K ! COAL wit'e, and in awful language threatens, Bull John E Powell Wm W that in case his wife' will net see that he Bosch N In the- Market, always on hand. -o- phas something for his entire life, to kill Bates J W Perry K II Frank, Tracy and hrs wife and blot out Bakson, Nathan iPotter 11 R KENTUCKY Ritchie Fred the name of Walwcrth forever. Henry ALL Wm P MUSICAL The closing part of the letter was Cheson Chas C Schnrfen Frank characterized in & special manner by Conway T D Snow E obscenity, blasphemy at.d a hen the Clark DarwinFrom a Jewaharp to a Chureh Organ, as Cheap, or Double Horace Sadler William was Mrs. Walworth finished, reading was recalled and testified that she once Giorgetta Antonio- Summers Cal else Utab. Hendrickv&n Wn2 Swaraier Samael creamed for help when her husband Storer Joseph her, and Frank flew to the room Hartman B Wheeler Lieut G M raying: "Be quiet Father." He re- Harrington W mained till his father lea. Kappellan J Wainwriglit Joha SHEET MUSIC, ETC., ETC. When Frank's letter was first introdu- Kupfncr Mr ' WoodsJW Wornstaff Kdward ced he became Tiolently excited, frothed Knight W h Frow 1 Year la 2 Years CM. One door South of Ogden House, Welsh Jmes at the mouth and then remained perfect- Lawson Jacob La ska O A Waters John 8 ly tigid for an hour, when he fell into a deep sleep. Similar paroxysms seized Merrifield WSJ Wyanskey Saml 2 Weed Joseph Mothern Dnvid him subsequently. And oncu wbeu S Weaver James showed hira a bruine on her arm Maguair Jatrves Best Straws of Thoroughbreds! Weston K unde by deceased, he acted 1 a very Mellon V peculiar wanner. LADIES' LIST. The jury in tlwWoodhull Claflin and Wood case,, under instructions from Barker Mrs- T Lindsay Mrs D Not Less than Nine Cros$ss on Kabinson Mrs DorJudge Bl&tchford, have returned a ver- Boroker Mrs J Thoroughbred Stock, and from dict of Not Guilty. The Judge- decided Coggeswell Win cas that to Tvcenty. Carrie J Smith Mrs Lizzie thst newspnpers were net included in obscene publications contemplated in the Xeedlc 49 To obtain aM if these letteri.theapollcant under whicW the i&dktwent was mint ask for no lettori," give date of the wrawa. paper and py ee cent fur adertiii(;. n Makes U But called fur within on month, tkey will Cattfa ihow for ; ttiemwlTB. Pricai reasonable noise. Hamilton, Nevada, 27. r be unit to Ute Dead Letter Oltice. and uttMlactita guranted. A At !;30this morning, a fire broke out. wor& J08KPH llKlly P. M. VTe will b In OQ DEN UNTIL JC1Y 10TII ivartbo store of M. Culm & T.ro., cigar" No- eogg, no souaer closed out. dealers, on Maia street, while a strwg attacbHwnls What Next? Ifees wind was e.mtherly blowing. It soot omrounicatei to adjoining buildings, Tbe New York Herald describes, in a and in a short tinro the whole of both recent number, what it calls the strangfides of the street was in flames. ' Owing est marriage ever in Brookperformed t a scarcity of water and the excitement lyn: incident on such occasions, tbe fire soon A fair is nightly held in the Academy BOOT AND SHOEMAKERS, THE LADIES NEVER BUY ANY OTHER AFTER SEKIXfl got beyond control of the fire depart- of Music, at which 3,000 ladies help on ment, and the whole of Main and Treas- the work of finding money to rebuild the Ogdcn ure streets, from Withington's building, tabernacle destroyed some time by o i tho south, to near Smoky Mill on the fire. The announcement of theago marjnrth, was covered by the conflagration. riage of a couple at the fair in masque- WISH TO THANK TIIEIR FRIENDS The total amount of losses is estimated rade costume of a century old past favors and to inform them naturally hs aearly $500,000. caused a flutter among the ladies. It that they have removed to the premises Reference ia Ogdea, Mrs. M. Bowring, Dressmaker. Springfield, Mass., 27. was, however, found that the luxury of formerly occupied by Taylor Uros., Albert II. Smith was executed in this witnessing the happy pair united by the this morning, for the murder of Livery Stables, to Opposite "antique" clergymau was 0 Charles H. Sacked, of Westficld, com- be paid for, us a card soldsomething Street. at the door mitted im November last. plainly showed: Price hereof, "four Having purchased the Yankee shillings to ye Wedding and ye Washington, 28. The following letter from California Faire." The were found by ademlnins itself and puts a new phase on vertisement. couple two petsons willing City Any the Modoc war: to be married on the stage of the Brookd3C 889-a- lt Lava Beds, June 17th. For Cutting and Prrjmring d lyn Academy, and in costume of a To Hon. C. Delano, Socretary of the Leather the workmen, ago, were to be provided with years Interior The Modoc war is over. The outfits free by the now ready are of the tabthey managers Modoc tribe, except five or six, are cap- ernacle. The to furnish . who drew the lucky tives. Capt. Jack and several of his number in thiscouple latest device for raising confederate? are soon to be trie by contribution were named Willed?, and Court Martial for the murder of Gen. were -- uatives of Conn., Mass." The of lh ame quality u thoea imported, and at the Cnnby and peaca commissioner?. There bridegroom appeared in a blue velvet anme price. 00con be but one verdict on the result in coat trimmed with silver They are alo making BOOTS AND SHOES binding, a at lower tig area tluin ever eUered before in the collection of these participants in white satin vest edged with gold and thw Territory. tbe murder of settlers and peace JE HAVK THE AGENCY FOR, AND ARE SELLING ON FAVOKADLl small gitt buttons, while silk I hare epent several days and smalls. From "his throat stockings Terras, the justly celebrated in iho Lava Beds and the country adja- a laco handkerchief," which depended cent. I have investigated as far. as I his toilet. The hair of the completed bride "was could the causes of the warfare. I can powdered," we are the consis"to told, Several Workmen for mly come to one conclusion, viz: that tency of the summit of Mount Blanc on tbe war was caused by the wrongful acts a Hoot Sboe wiutry duy," the writer forgetting in ( lasses r.f bad white men. In the fim 19o-and a place it his enthusiasm that tbe summit of Mount work. U charged by responsible in its ''consistencparties here Blano does not tnit the Indians were compelled to y'1 in sumnior. change Miss Willetts wore a .ghter horses for food, and when gorgous pearl satin dress, "trimmed they had no more horses they were in all the fanciful trickine-- s of the Pa- IIIOM'GII-BIIE- D DURHAM ! ! f weed to seek fishing grounds on Lost lais Royal," and "high-heeleshoes of iliver, whioh had been set apart for the Regency." She course, revj, ofof "Isn't !:ew by the late Superintendent of In- ceived with loud cries she Tbe dian aCiirs. Speculators wanted this sweet T" A of pork and beans" "supper hind, and sought to have the Indians followed, and then the r imoveJ. I am in favor of hanging all OF couple divestod tbeinselv of their d oo"ho par.kipated in the murder of the plumes," and ."relapsed onco t'omm'usioners or eottlers, but humanity more into the normal and tie Store , bucolic ConPERFECT! Mrs. rurchiers in the North can bare INSTRUCTIONS demands investigation into the causes necticut apparel." The force of eccen- TS RKAPY FOU THK SB liOWKINQ, OgJen. I jr THOSE WHO of the war. Let us have both sides of . oo tricity could no further goj but the in- 1 want HRST CLASS STOCK. I th; questi.a, regrot to say it, but I vention of crowding a "Ladies Fair" by b c Full lines of rxtve there never was so much cor. so ingenious a method is, on the whole, TKIUXg, ni Attacbment Needles Silk, Cotton, mptiyu practiced ou Indian reservations creditable to the enterprise of the tnan- SEASON. supplied. i mi this coast. I am willing to aid sad MglTS. . At G. L. FKRREUS. . ON, ,. di LTiui, cache Co de-ien- se e- Coal & Lime Office - tbe-roa- - MUSIC STORE, lt Main Street, 6th Importation ad Thoroughbred Bulls - Hy the SAXES. - . . THE CHEAPEST KINDS AND LIME IITR1IT8! OF Cbcaper tban anywberc ed 15 CHOICE BULLS Ogden. in Violin Strinffs and other Fittings, wit-ih'S- The "Victor" Sewing Machine! - - - needs no setting. Shuttle netls lacing. ebild can 'nd-ertis- ed nn-le- St6-- tf if, springs. all Takes tbe Pirst Prire at every Fair. - READ & TYRRELL, '11 Cilj. tbe Slain ry, pi The Victor! -- MOST IMPROVED MACHINERY CHAS. W. STAYNER, General Agent, Jfo. 5 Main Street, Salt take hun-ure- for BOOTS AND SHOES 1 . ewing m achines. -- toor-do- r, of and all d Siaages? AT THE CENTRAL DEPOT, 1 And at our .i n i t S 1 4 4 newly-marrie- d "bor-rowe- Pure, lied Durham "DUKE HARRISON" Sewing Machine, In SALT LAKE, BRANCH STORES In LOGAN and OGDEK. -- $3.00 FOU THE 1 2t-l- m H, B. CLAWS Snpennteaau |