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Show if Xarrow GaugeSb The President' father Pksonai Among the arrivals at the uon or the office of patriarch would church, and stated that at th. . won ELDER 0X0. Q. TtAlipvad the cresent . me etings . . . "attended i 'k ....w. A. '"t eon. no was iDiDreosul with most 1'nporiani results. iernce w of ordaining several pstriar " The Church had reached a certain point cessity in its history when greater things were this had been and would be carried r ilia sint uml everv hranrh f u. .l . until an increase -- -, cuurcu wouU , reijuii of faith was needtul tnai itiey migni. re- wive a pmnarcn. tie then showed th sist and overcome the trials and tempta- - the Lord did not reveal evnm;.. us. The circumstan- - once, to anybody, but made known tr tions surrounding U 4 U..A I will nn,l 11- ... ill ..o ... u uv. ..uu .uC umtr oi neavoo, Ht,l9 k ces around us wen. suuu DJ little. The before. with neviir had to conteud to In how was to us before regnrd organizing a community great question ha coulj 8v tW. mainiaiu our integrity ana preserve our m me oruer oi jloocu, . I. . . I. t At. . 1. .1 - J ...no nn. Ilia arnaiiun n me u was r.r "r1"-1"in m'u iwiy easier posterity.!.- - .1.. twenty organiaations 1. tn m hi ( linn,- a. ,. Cull tin! I lis U.,;l. vn mo ,unn to Qiclate the " uiuiiui""w" into marts of Cessary iiiai. converted wilderness out the narrow 18th of the carrying purpose Operation. On Wednesday, selve. before the Lord, repent of every poor, the latter wanted to be made u active life, and the Mississippi Val- inst., a lad fifteen years of age, son of evil, ana aevote lueinsenes wnu uu iucj ui v iuomhub nine taue their and Twelve hundred pauge system. teem with a busy, restless popu- Myrtillo Shaw, at Mound Fort, was tiossess to the work of God; and those course. He animadverted on n. fitly miles are under process of con- ley would not forsake nil things for the and nonsense of novels, and their A who per struction. These roads have been lation. Mr. Grant at the time of thrown from a korse he was riding. forth of his work couid not ex- - nicious effects upon the minds of the rolling about seventy-fiv- e partial dislocation of the left wriBt, a pect to enter the celestial kingdom. He people; touched upon the ignoiance and plawned and constructed within the his death, was of persons whose only qualifi. breaking of the large bone of the arm, drew a parallel between our position, impudence Inst two yearSj despite the prejudices years of age. who. cations werelheir rinhea nn.l uuuw Nenhites: oi. i nrilm iii.ii n.,ri niiint u uwu wi HI1U I collar bone, l'(J ."(..un and a fracture of the right itiow iniHiiiiil in wfulili hpciimft a nennlu cnuld hf mlunoiuil ;n ...i..tn .i which have been urged agaiust them were the injuries received. The arm and divided into lif.- - that would elevate mankind if being classes, the rich thev e .. i i - r neck became so much swollen that the eu up in pviue ly the advocates of the wider gauge. uniu .iiue jjoiu uuuaeui icicu mm iuc oruer oi tnocn. The cost through a level country seriousness ef his wounds was not dis- their enemies to come upou them for elder Joseph From Monday' Daily of June 80. . it.A.ir .Vioolij.impnt lip ILIfTll d that UH- - maae to inflammation covered until the some remarus upon the began bo ; thouis, as far as can learned, ten entered sooner or later , ioiiy 0f No Dispatches. storms East abate, when the protrusion of the bones less this people v ana Heavy : the De- ? the same sand dollars a mile, including a fair of ' Order Enoch," into the ' and lines down. hi friends an idea of the severity J had befallen 7 that '"f vils and disasters gave . . OI httiftlUK UUUUW lUtJ K U .equipment of rolling stock, while a of the injuries inflicted. Yesterday P. other communities would come upon us. Hilt rpftimino. it r.riniinl.m lue E08P1.. broader gauge cot about forty-fiv- e e relat d tne history of the Nephites z L. Anderson was called in, and relieved Gen. W. S. On to Mixioo. our uaiiy course. "all this order, havin who thousand dollars. In the West, PHEST. JOSEr-- Y0CN0 arrived in this city from the F.ajsi the sufferer. He was successful in re thincspraciied in common" for a hundred aud where the traffic is not large, the Saturday evening. The General is on placing the bones. The patient is doing lxty years, and hud a season or extra- Spoke upon the character and works of rdinary blessings and prosperity, and Jesus, in whom both Uod and man wert narrow gauge road pays better on the his way to Mexico, which he promises to well and is under good care. their departure from it led to t heir be- connined. Kelerrinir to the case nf th. amount of money invested than does cover with a network of railroads. ing overcome by by Satan and iheir final widow who cast all she had into lh estruction as a nation. lie doubled treasury, he proceeded to show the blei- the four foot and a quarter gauge, Days Meeting not that the power which Satan would mg ana oencnis oi paying tithing; 0f School. The closing exercises of the IiOg;ui. tnd the actual expense of transporobtain at the close of the Millennium wonting logetner in unity as families school on Friday were very Last Saturday night we mailed, at Lo would be through a departure from and and as a community ; of reading tbi tation per ton for a mile is much Episcopalian All who took part acentertaining. order, which would prevail during scriptures and learning the attributes of 1;S8. It would seem that the nar- quitted themselves with cred't. Mr. gan, tne minutes oi toe meetings neia at this thousand vears. He reasoned upon the Father aud the Son and pattern after the that place during the day, containing a be enects ot this order ot row gauge 'is coming into favor, in and Mrs. society, in them. Guillogly have reason to be of the discourses delivered ELDER JOHN TAYLOR with selfishness, stealing and synopsis oing away tie new States and in the Among the pri- which were proud of their work. and in other crimes, and preparing mankind to Remarked that we had certainly beea interesting highly zes drawn was one by Miss Ilattie B. structive. On Sunday evening wo for- - devote themselves to truth and righteoussitting together in heavenly pluces in so that Satan would bo bound freni Christ Jhus" and went on to treat of ess, Millis, only eleven years of age, for exM. of A. the kindness warded, through us. &l:o ved how the J.vu une ootainea cellence in music, receiving as a reward glory of this work Powers, the Artist. Musser, the minutes of Sunday's meet power over the people through their on which would result in the exaltation of a beautiful chrotno. Miss liattie Reno tne Junction pidity, and concluded by testifying faithful Saints and their posterity and Hiram (i. Powers, the celebrated took the premium awarded for French ing,, lue latter reacned hat the heavens were engaged with us the redemption of the earth ou which! and oa Monday morning appeared in its ana Dy exhorting the live. in this died in Rome on Friday scholarship. issue of Monday evening. But the rain- - Saints towort, steadfastness and continuance ELDER GEO. Q. CANNOX, after an illness of several days, utes sent by mail have not yet come to in the good work, nnd to prepare them did not know of any people in be Said II CRT. On Saturday, at about three hi an advanced ago. lie was born in baud, and no man can tell when they selves and their children for obedience the mountains whose prospects were beo'clock p. m., Jessie, daughter of Mr. C. will arrive. There is something rotten to every law and order of heaven tter than those of the p oj le of Cache Vermont, and received inspiration W. PBEST. BRIGHAM TOVNQ Penrose, whilo walking across a room on tho mail route between and Valley. Spoke in high praise of tie Ogden from the Green Mountains that in her father's in Cache, the reason the Said condition ot the sabbath-schoolresidence, stepped upon only why organ Logan, and we hope that those who have ization of a comthe was Enoch of banks not Directed the attention of the Disliops to the Connecticut. f a needle, which penetrated the ball of fringe City the right to investigate, will find out the menced, was because he had not yet th young inen and women growing up A poet by nature atfid poets are her foot to the depth of an inch. Dr. E. bad spot without delay. Particulars of succeeded in arranging the matter to sat here, that their strength and talents of not made- - an artist by profes- G. Williams was sent for, and with great Friday's meetings were transmitted so that apos mind and body might me utilized fur by isfy every iota of the law, which extracted the would not have the benefit of the kingdom of God. from needle, the order aies difficulty sion, ho has left to posterity many telegraph, and will be found in another hud been partially broken. The operapower to break it up. As soon as this Counselled fathers to consult the wishes column.' Following are the minutes of could be done we should enter most firm perns of his poesy, and monuiucuts of tion was and feelings of their sons, not forgetting painful, but borne with admir- the meetings held in the w as not to on He Sun he wished it. how they felt themselves in youth, and into say Kis ly bowery gnius. During a period of forty able fortitude. Latter-da- y with the to the youth to qualify themdiscouraged when least regard thousand four at encouraged day, persons years and more he has been engaged Saints. He was satisfied that he selves for usefulness, a wide field for were present. The most lively interest could a large nwmber of them who which was opened befort them. in the art of sculpture, and Octragkous. Last night some des- was manifest in tne services, tne dis would pick studying be willing to live and die in the Logan choir sang, "An angel from cn tmid the Cupitoline Hills, the mod-ri- f perate characters, who and how many courses delivered were full of life and order. Yt, there were some that need of nf the masters who in the days of they were we have not ascertained, instruction, and the Conference was gen ed chastisement. But the work of God high" also the anthem "Daughter is ouward and upwaid, and it is our joy, Zion." the door of a house on Fourth erally pronounced the best ever held in our peace, our glory, our happiness, our Augustus made Home the seat of re- knocked at BKWDICT10N BY PRES. C. Y0UM Street, occupied by a colored family Logan : all. As to the trials in the order of finement and art. named Jones. The door was opened, Sunday, 10 a. m Enoch, they would be no more than what His chef (Trwuvre was the Greek Logan Chair sang, "The spirit of God we have bad before. Tbo sisters had Jones and his wife appearing in answer Rol- Important to Stock-Puisbrbeen iried, but if they could occupy the Slate, now iu the possession of Wm. to the summons. A large boulder was ike a fire is burning. rolled into position of their husbands who are f aith lin P. Saxe, son of the Col., W. Oojcoran, of Washington, who hurled at them, hitting Jones on the Prayer by Bishop W. B. Preston. Jul, they would realize something of our office this morning enthusiastio over .'WeU8vi.le Choir sung an Anthem. what they had to endure. To those who the I urchaaed it at a cost of fifty thous-tn- d Bhoulder. It glanced off, and the woman splendid stock he has imported from ELDER JOSEPH F. SMITH lved fully in the spirit of the Gospel was struck in the forehead. Her skull dollars. The magnificent statue will arrive ot Remembered that, in order to accom there were no real trials, but if any one Kentucky, and which was slightly fractured. We are informed dothe Goddess of representing Liberty, that Jones is on the track of the plish any work successfully, it was nec- tried to live partly in the Gospel and Wednjsday, July 2d. He wants to perpe in the of the to create a interest in partly world, their them out on the double quick, and will spirit that surmounts the cupola of the essary trators af this outrage. They can de- the minds of those personal be would and trials severe. He in many will encaged it, for, National Capitol, was his last good terms to buyers. He great pend on merited punishment if detected. when this interest existed, it promoted exhorted the Saints to serve and obey give is there so leave here by the lOih inst., work. Ho may well bo termed tho Dr. . G. Williams attended upon the a spirit of determination which would uod with an undivided benrt. not be deterred by any obsUcle, while, llyrum Choir sang "Jerusalem, my but a short tine in which to. secure these Father of Art in America. Ilia tri- injured woman, and under his care in in its absence, there .. was a lack of ener glorious kome animnis. Jrollowmg aro superior W. Prest. a to John cease exertion on Young. gy, and nubility Prayer by umphs may not be as dazsling as improving. names of the bulls : Luoky Boy, Harri2 p. en. the arising of the least difficulty. To those who have won renown on other son Duke, Grand rrince.Bertram, Dcki build up the Kingdom of God, there must Logan Choir ?ang "Wake, the song of Madamx Ansa The farewell DiSuop. a his be fait in but fame will it. with the f.ulds, be enduring or Hildon 2d, (the original Duke was Connecting this jubilee." duties of how he showed the of concerts Madame have been Saints, a Bishop sold in California for $1,000 in gold.) atd his genius revered wherever civPrayer by Elder C. W. Penrose. serious of triumphs. . Wherever sIia has faith in the law of tithing led to the Duke, ilisation casta its influonoe. faithful observance of the law, inducing of Wellsvilla Choir sang "Hark, the Bong Duke of Saxe Cobure, Hannibal tb been in this country she has met with sired jubilee." was by Maccomo. .this bull people rather to pay more than the The Sacrament was administered. ovations that were rendered aa a tribute tenth than to pay less. He showed that xr bull of Ken- A beciNlon to be Noted. obedience to the laws and requirements to her merits as an artiste, and as LokT.l Lo2an. Dictator 2J, Shaker, prkst. geo. A. smith was of the for individual the Gave Gospel, some instructions on tiedulv ."sired To rpeak of her wonderful woman, :. nit In an action brought by a person benefit of the obedient. He referred to auu u. iue umce oi i amarcn. talents as a songstress would be super the , t, been k!..v tuning 14111 "URe 01 AiruriD' eaample of Jesus, who did what be Showing that in consequence ef the great ejected from a 6tore, to recover one fluous, for her reputation is world-wid- e said, and said what bo did, and could onna nrir frrtm f it a onAiant nwriA r. ka i nil vn h a a a n hniMr in '. iirnTta l or m w thousand dollars for assault and bat-- it Sht has entranced multitudes ask tho people to follow in his steps. Priesthood, the right to bless had not h0us price: . FancT Duke and Lord Ly. by the r ...... I God could not be wheedled; he would Vuoeu the uuuucu ,1 Marine oharms , of her , ore Per Court and has iiuoi r.it io son. m endeared laiutir a. of New York voice, ry, j: us impartially, not according to It was restoreduimyu " judge in me wan connection the production of a gre ktdy decided & point of no little in- herself to the American people, on ac our professions, but by our acts and mo latter day work and the blessings be fct, . . ana : . Tho count of combined. social tives her of etcrna i..Kr.i,4. Madame ii hope qualities. terest. It was the duty of the comwie pturiarcus ana most wno many crctstngs oi .i siuwi'u iuuroi!jj"-of an endless reward was the mo- had theuy life, assisted an to excollcnt bless their posterity are all warranted to give satisfaction by right corps, tive that plainant, when requested by the pro- Bishop prompted the Saints to exertion and the fatherless, were of great value, will give the people of Ogden an enter in the hack wits - e - -- .. v. .;n great work of God, self was in and should be recorded. Manv pntri- - in i . bjaAO eujro iiu n in u prietor of the store to leave the prem- tainmcnt exwe and view all the time, though that selfishness archs had been ordained in accordance any one who has formerly purchased of night, ises, to have acqaiosced, and left the pect to see our Theatre filled by an ap which was manifested in a desire to in with therevelation which said "it is the him and who is not satisfied. This lot remise Trr-torjure others for our own benefit was sin duty of the Twelve to ordain evangelical is within a reasonable and preciative audience. I the finest ever brought itito the t'ul, and calculated to injure ourselves in ministers all branches of the large er time, and failiug to do so the had better hurry lie reasoned upon the necessity of prao Church. and The residents and guests to al virtue and Shameful. wrier of the store had a right to righteousness, reminded Prest. Smith then read a portion of up, for the first comes wi.l get the pw of tho hotels at the depot were disturbed the Bishops that President bad the revelation on tithing, and proceeded Utah is taking great interest in the imlouug knako use of such force as was actu last Saturday night by boisterous and instructed them, when they sent persons to instruct the people on the necessity of breeds, and tke ally necessary for. putting him out, noisy demonstrations that lasted until down to the House ot the Lord for thei not only obeying this law, but to live so portation cf superior art and endowments, to see that that the of the Holy Ghost might effects of the Saxes importations H light bo right to use auy more two or three o'clock in the morning. In blessings . tut had those to whom they gave a recommend dwell in hearts, for without this already eeen in a great many ples. force than was required to accom some instances, barrels were rolled off were worthy, that they did not lie nor no matter their what great things they might is expected that these nigniceBt cheat nor swear, but that they had faiih accomplish, they were liable to fall plish that purpose. . The labyrinth the platform of the hotels and stores in t tie will be kept tilltae Uospel, obeyed the law of tithisg away. He also spoke in terms of appro- thorough-bred- s and screams the yells Come kept ; f law is fust unravelling. ana were worthy or the recommend bation of the Ogden. Sunday school he attended inst. at the Tithing yard, people awake, and innumerable antics Aud he wished those who came down in the morning; exhorted the Saiuts to at once and see them. were indulged in by the bacchanals who not to be iuipntient, desiring their names send their children regularly to Sunday A Chance Mr. Wm. M. Cook offers evidently had no to be first on the but to abide their school, and to regard for person or turn and not be inlist, put into their hands the a harry. He exhort Catechism his place en the corner of Main and to take and read the The .lso now platform property. and Mow being erect d the Saints to do good to each other, publications of tho Church, Deseret Fifib,Streets, for sale, as businwi ed by Mr. Landt was moved several feet and to practice what they heard, for th Juveniie Instructor, etc., and adETnrienre hnl P.0vi th. r.qufr Lis absence from and other acta committed, whioh were Elders might as well preach to the posts News, vance iu general education. in rowa-. (fiipkt. machino mo. hi city. It is an eligible location, and . to bold as a ....t wkn wvritup the bowery, congre j disgraceful as well as troublesome. This that the word in gat ion who did not prest. b. yovno tne in rt (round. DupticMe prW " tlit hoieis well fitted up.'. V call af- - conduct is reprehensible and requires their hearts and carry it out in thei Endorsed the remarks of Prest Smith, always on hand. M.Kvory ' teR'icc tc'&e adveruieaeai. I). HAMMOND. attention. lives. and rslated the history bf tho introduc- Ualon Depot Hotel, this morning, were Dead. S. S. Menden, Sandusky, Ohio; L. HarAlthough in the United States the James It. Grant, father of the ding, Cleveland; S. A. McMillen wife ' aggregate nutaber of miles of rail L. President of the United States, died and child, C A. Deuel, Evanslon; J. way is greater than that of the whole Gen. Smith, Geo. E. Sample, Chicago; world combined there are now only last night. His life was eventful, Thomson, G. S. Hardin, and J. P. Monfifteen narrow gauge roads in opera- having been among the pioneers of Madame Anna tague, Ban Francisco. time the and Missouri. At Illinois hunseven now have These tion. Bishop and suite will stop at the Ogden at death he was postmaster House during their stay in this city. dred miles of track, and one hundred of his see the lived to has for the Covington. He mid h 1 ;.a - --- . . I I " "o a " 1 I I A i U - ri-- . " LOCAL ITEMS. . I I 11 j.r ! U W ' y: I Rose-cran- - Three at rht s s. - f. it. fnv ....t. w-.i.- I 1 ji' a " W j.i .;,. ... t- y, stock-raiser- s well-dispos- ed Bnckcyo Reapers ers. ... . , . J5", |