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Show A Hv!j Ill:) i i tegla. &4.00 j grK. 1 Km PUBLISHED" (WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY.) y SEMI-WEBKL- Y, ;. : ,; V r;, OGOEX, UTAH, WEIXESIAY, JULY 2, 1873. nn 4 VOL.. IV. RMH B Y TELEGRAPH. DIRECTORY. '.,'::, ',Jp5jllMaj , invitation you had extended to ra to acAlfred, Me., 2G. View Salt Lake from company you to Europe. ' Having only It is reported that teD other convicts to Office: go to Europe, the escaped with the Isle of Shoals murderer Special to th Oonrv Jcscc by th Atlautlcand recently any desire rdcn invitation was particularly acceptable; from Pacific IVtegraph Compauy. CLOSING OF MAILS. AXB , jail here last night. lMvir, ARRIVAW. A1VU Rijrht after leaving Ogden wc and as I would have to leave her seon New 27. York, 6.45 7.50 a.m. p.m. double daily, in eight of Salt Lake, with it j come to City, nyway, attend the Albany law school, At the conference of Liberal Republi a.ra. , SLnnNsh Mail daily - - . - T.40 I told her on that 6.4U her, intimating you cans, held y at the St. Nicholas Ho- immense islands, and wonderful y.m. taily ! Sit Through Mail MlPAKTt'R. wished an answer ia the morning, that tel, it was resolved that the conference shades of color. The islands 8 vW i 6.30 a.m. p.m. daily ehs might say I would like to go. I am deem it wise and proper for the Liberal bright wt lake City, dPuWe ; 6.20 p.m. Mail mountains with perpetual snows are daily of the opinion that it would be neither Republican State Committee to call a tfsL rhroaitu S.4U thctn.Vonnnou W1' enoueh safe nor wise to leave her unprotected State convention to be held as soon as (Heaven help CLOSING 7.0(1 a,m. .. Sat lake ant the East is in of father's fact color do but of the I not practicable. it the against acts; course, The conference also f r" 6.H) p.m. tlm ' eft her think is situation means a "r..i Wvomfirmed by any their allegiance to the principles water itself which made the deepest iro vl "Efanston. safe one as it is. I enclose a letter from of the Cincinnati .kI leavs the hitter nlace for llich County. Platform, and recomimpression on my untutored mind. - 1' n,l Saturday, at father to her, which I received yester- mended their to all of lad it been on canvass the beholder and practical support County, Tuesdays, Tuarsdays day. I am going down to New York in kindred opinion regardless of anterior 5.00 p.m. " USlmdytftMlyttoi5J the morning to try to see him, and I affinities, after whieh the convention ad would have said the colors were laid fl.00 p.irf. and Thursdays rich Omuty, Tuesdays 2.30 p.m. ji ,rtli 0"dn, Mondays mid Thursday by a bungling apprentice with a ray add, without informing mother, for journed sine die. "4 Satnr-- . lluntsvUi, Wednesdays she would feel very uneasy, my trip will brush that could not be laid on a 7.50 a.m. the severity of winter, the lateness of ' determine any question in regard to my and fjJfrWn City d Slaberaville, 3.38 r the weathof 'ence with spring prevalence ! dry impunity. The shades p.m. to Europe or anywhere else. 1 er have combined to going Moniys and Thursdays produce a disas- were light and deep green, blue and .,:.'.,i WmluesdaY and Saturdays 3.IW pjn. will be heartily sorry if I shall have trous effect . ' ; all the crops in and Vlum, Wed ires la)-upon HuoiKTTille nearly caused you any trouble or expense. 11.30 a.m. AMERICAN. this Sta'e and region. The supply of yellow. And they were so distinct utd Saturdays HOURS.,, Affectionately your nephew, fruits ana vegetables in the eity markets rom each other as to give the ap New York, 26 6.& pm. ,.m. " General IWivery. ....... , Jb.H.JVAiWOBTU. therefore are limited in comparison with pearance of having been created by u.r p. its. Mrs. Ellen Ilirdia Walwfirth,' being tUfltUl, UIMU. IiKl'AKTMEXT RKGISTKY : Walworth's last letter to his wife previous years, and prices are generally one movement of a brush. sworn, said I am the taothrof Frank Own from 8 a.tw- to 3 Jus. WalM. KMT. to was T. DEl'AK'i'M married Walworth? The water is so dense with Halt as May 30, 7 o'clock in the mcrning; "Pre- high in proportion, while the prospects JIOKKV OFFICE of most crops later in the season are far a.ta. to 3 St. worth Pcter's ia for the Oin from 9 fion Church, I am inevitable., pare Saratoga yourself to be actually sustaining to object", C tun. o 8 p.m. Oaxsi'le liiwr open Springs, July 29, 1852. Tu the summer getting over my wiuting fever and shall from encouraging. and the salt is gathered from its of 18G1 I ceased to live at Saratoga, and be out of my room in a few days. I am Washington, D. C, 27. shores by the wagou load. I'etween Gentlemen Nash frosn arrived just went to Kentucky, and took all my chil- going to call on my children. My heart is ville not half known to in us and the lake is an liuuicro husis say .4Ua.m. dren ; lived there until 1867 ; my regard 0. ps train arrives starving for their .caresses. Make the the of the cholera there. 5740 p,m.' band did not'go t&ere with me. I sup. interview when I come Courts, ravages trctch of the finest grazing laud in just as easy and schools, banks, and 6.20 p.m. ported my" faintly there, and three years plea.sant as possible. ' Ieftves nearly all places of the C. P. I cannot stay country. Hero the cattle on a i.'m. after my husband' tilrne to see me and from them much longer. I will see them business are closed. Silence, disease CP. ,A'" flats gain that sustenance thousand not less than - 7.50 am. U. C. train arrives bjut six weeks ; I next savj peaceably if I can, or with tragedy if I and death reign supreme; Jemained enables which them to contribute to Hed from have and the 5.!5 p.m. and city, " the December following must. Their little faces haunt me, as 15,000 people are as as -- ; &.U) rest the fast 1S the of wanti the : leaving possible. Y.' 1 Tcarae to New they are mine, Popish cruelty must people, and keeps a.i. I sw iim ia On inquiry it is ascertained that with he 6.30 p.m. York to find employment, but not bend to the demand of a father's heart; engineer in constant fear, went to Washington and secured or Walworth names must go out in the exception often or twelve members of us is more plain transfer-c- d Hack of the House, and perhaps three or four aii appointment. ' T then out Walworth blood. of Frank Religious Keep my my into flourishing villages and trv Sunday, in tlieTahcrnacIo. at l a.m., and children around me and'gathered member of the 43rd Conput Frank in way," Ypu have taught hiinld katerme, more, every in tte itcvnii Ward Farley's ' who a ' forms, and back of all ani number returned TUrrd Wa'd PchooKhonte at 5 p.M. college at Georgetown. Was eighteen and his presence dr obstruction irt my gress, including have back drawn at salaries their Kfiscoisil Church at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. the pay, months a government clerk, j When I waywill only excite fatal exasperation, mountains, and their 'eternal -- I Mfthodwt Church at 11 a.jii. and 7 p.m. new rate annum. of the $7,f)00 was to '1 went per I went see little to to came near saying tnoict discharged my girls and came Saratoga, EjiirituaUtt Lecture (Child's llail), at 7.30 p.m. The following is just received at mill the family mansion, and opened a away peaceably. Beware that you do "Like the shadow of a great rock boarding ho'ase, and remained there till not in any way arouse the frenzy which tary headquarters here: Ogdcn Cily in a weary land' was the coming hi News Depot. At Jobu O. Chambers' pea October, '09, Headquarters, Fort Abraham Lincoln, during a portion of which you have known to exist since you left Dacotah. ry day, Sundays excepted. 1&73. 15th I the honor have time ny husband i Was with me,' She me. There ia a plausible way to deal sight of Salt Lako City. We could to Sioux made that about t first see the dome ot, tuo laberna-cle- ? fifty then described the 'various places she withme. I shall have my rights under report had livedJin, and how. often she had seen mat uecree with no furttier- legal delay dash at this post at 8 o'clock this morn Not at all. But the heaven-blesse- d her husband until their final separation or expease. I have conceded promptly ing, and were driven back beyond Bea trees the orchard and shade in January, 1871. Since then have not every right to you under that decree ver Dam Creek by our troops. We have since. My line foliage which held the' white houses Bfcn deceased. Legal proceedings for & and now I am going to see my children, been skirmishing ever FOURTH limited divorce were commenced n the ar-.- you shall not bring them up to hate is along Beaver Dam Creek, the Sioux in its cool, moist arms and cncJ west of it. A large Welcome ! in the sweetest tones ever superior court in January 27, 1B71, and their loving father". Lhza Uackus has are onofthe ridge Font Doors from Z. C. M. Sioux, probab'y three hundred, heard by man. on the 8th of April; J8 1, & decree of written to me that you will do it, if you body front of the post on- Heart River. separation was pronounced ; en the can, from your assciations with tliem.ana are inwill I gave but one glance at tlio lab- do us no harm. A. detach' They of on 31st and I shall shoot the then was decree you royselt July following, ernacle. It was the work of man, IS modified to aflkw Mr. Walworth to see those door steps, far I have nothing fur ment of the seventh cavalry arejust com BOOTS A-- SHOES, ing into the post from Fort Uice. The and there Was not a solitary green his children otice a month. He addres- ther to live for. LE ITlEKIl nn1 mail carrier from Fort Buford reports from it. But the me by etter Do right, Ellen Hardin, and yon will that about 500 Sioux were at Fort thing springing very frequently after SHOE FIXDIXGS, sed and our separtioj.. shrubs, and vines, grand trees, fler i eft n5m niy find me prompt to do right. 1 am a bro Berthold on At the Lowest Prices. Trothice 17th inst. Thursday, entranced flowers me. Think and : young'' gt ohild was born, and being desperado. Save this letter ' : Signed, '72. that hero in instant died for it3 one brief from birth for lawyers and courts if you please. January, ing W. T. Cariis, , the near remorsetliat came not never is Walworth God ..tr. my lawyer now, Lieut. Col. Commanding ouly a few years ago stood repulsive) house and never saw his youngest child. less, brutal God you and Eliza Backus There has been much talk at the Treas-ur- v saud and tho unpromising sage bush, I did not always receive his letters. For and C. A. Walworth worship, but the over the renewed report of and then looking over the waving two or three months I did, but God that planted love for my little girls the removal of first the obSecretary Richardson. REPAIRS KEASTLY EXEC after that it wa3 only occasionally I re- m my heart, and that says to tne oereii Like former reports it is believed te green, and inhaling its odors, the .'IED. of Mormonism ceived them. Some of his letters never tieer. kilL Oh," you wretch that kept have no foundation whatever. No inti noxious features and male little no hands was the from me two There me. from -person v'NO.V.FARWE' . reached years mation has been reeeived by the Cabinet drifted away sight and memory, in the house who could protect me ex- hearts that love me, your only excuse officers of the President's intention to and only the pluck, and endurance, cept my son. Clarence Walworth spoke was my poverty and misfortune. Should supplant him. and taste and iudustry of the peoplo to me on the Thursday before the occur- mv children refuse to speak to me in the zl. va., Lynchburg, in view. I never before so loomed to ooeW. him largest Sto street at Saratoga, then I shall say te myj rence about taking Frank with xr The Washington Jimvblican this a. m to wish a people good luck as hate them all that of is it I told Frank evening self that she teaching says we have the authority of CoL Mos- - heartily d Franklin Sts., CHICAGO Europe. and said he lost is All but father. a seemed he did the disciples of Young as tho and gratified by for saying that he has never expres I should think about it. He gave a tragedy must come. When I know from sed an opinion or authorized any one to cars brushed against the apple trees, assent to the proposal. the conduct of the little girls that you publish for him that President Grant fa and S. qualified kept ,mo dodging to save my mornins following I came have taught them ts hate rae, that mo- vors the caadidancy of Governor Wise Mondav On WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, hat.' hall about ment two pistol shot3 will riug Pur in WatcliPt, Clock. Jewelry, Silver and down earlj', and seeing Frank in the or any one else for Governor of v lrginia, A. busy and trim depot with street Hated .Ware, MAIN 8TRKET. OUiKN. -"You are up early." He made that house, one slaying you, the other He has nevr heard the President ex. said: Kepairiug neatly doue and all work warranted. some casual no out the of have went and know I personal you myself. reply Dress any opinion on the subject, and cars, and omnibusscs, and fine prifrontdoor. I thought ho had gone to fear no more than I have, but we both denounces as fale the statements em vate equipages met us as we drew up the springs, and at the breakfast table I must die when that discovery reaches braced in certain interviews with him in the city. nskfid whv he did not return. Some one mv brain that you have estranged my wherein he is made to say that the Ad- think tho first thing the visitor I TF YOU WANT A TII0MS0MAX DOCTOR OR said he had gone away and left a roes if little ray girls ministration would support any particu ypung children from me; - Thomsonion 1 for Medicine, me looks on arriving in bait Lako to me back is not love then not were do valueless, supper my that if he CALL ON DR. MURPHY, hft would not be home that day. 1 then and I shall die with a feeling of luxury lar candidate. is the running streams which City, Lexington, Va., 27. POST OFFICE, MAIN ST., and on looking around and rest, but you will have to attend me his to went room, waters Stonewall A Jack of statue tho colossal streets. line CKiDEN. found an emntv envelope in the nana to the spirit land. The God of justice son. cast in uremourg, javana is io oe from QNm.TATToy Tee, $1.(X. rlSm bnlieve I Elysian groves" I immedi demands it; but if you do right under . T. Walworth. in the grounds ofWashington and placed called. I don't know what are well. now Cut Walworth be they that decree, all may Lee University. ately telegraphed to father Elysian groves are, and am not quite and to Judge Uarbour, but couiu ascer my heart is agonized for my children General Produce Washington, zl. would sense be then common I had and you If about him, you tain nothing Mr. Takati, the Japanese Charge certain about limpid streams ; but know how to appreciate the danger. liovPil ha had pone to travel. D'Affairs, had a long conference with while I rejoice in the green glory of COMHISSIOXMERCIIAXT ! Th envelope which she found was Mr. Black, General Superintendent of Salt Lake "City, I was a little disap(Signed.) 30th of with the view of Mansfield Tract Walwoeth. produced. It was postmarked the a aocu- foreign mails, in the streams. My idea ldentinea Walworth Mrs. basis for a the proposed pointed upon May." agreeing the letter some of said Davis with Judge mont. which proved to be a stipulation convention between the United was inclined to broad rivulets be allowed, but the entire letter uostai and might divorce of signed white decree bottoms, edged sat to a pebbly came the States and Japan. Ihey modifying he could not admit as evidence. ?a ivVrnf T tit7,nrrltf Iftb Street, South Side IT. C. It. U. by her, and said she had a counterpart isfactory, understanding, and the pre with mosses, this Beach and O'Conor point argued She W. supported one Mr. of it signed bv thev were. What they proved to parations for a convention will be at length. Ioiot, herself and children entirely by her own at considerable prepared. a in bo are simply, violently lively gutlengthy opin Judee Davis finally, exertions, with the exception of about cOOOEiy - - to his ruling, excluding the adhered ters. Any one who has been in a ion, estate. Walworth the from fcnn rpflpivfif! ' thotieh he said should he that O. Bens 21 f Wfer. WaiT. The Houston Tdrgraph says tha hilly city after a rain can understand While she lived with Mansfield advise under Rtill keeD the . Question ... , . . a r.arried pistol. h nlwava wnrth Texas gives General McKcnzie hen me. But tho water is clear, and ia Agents wanted! All decision wtu emasculate to $20 Mr. OTonner then introduced and put ment. This which Mr. Beach in his or for his raid into Mexico to protec addition to irrigating the, gardens is tit working people, the letters, or d, mte jflra money at in evidence a letter from Walworth, daW(,rir , r U8 rAHl"S eviitl tUeir "imre momenw, her frontier settlers, and thatshoul put to domestic uses. Theyi occupy or all the 18- -, in tim. .V be opening stated would be offered in to - showine M. J. Wal Mexico make it a cause of war, ther the Prtiulars free, Ad- - ted August 13, supposed dated hatred the dence. dl'n 0nStinson & Co., l'ot tland, places of the gutters of other May 0, Maine. e80.1y together with that one alone for the not ' worth entertained,, uncle will his ci ties, and vary in width from four are 20,000 young Texaris who 1873, which Frank had sent to . ObfaoloH to nrianner. but the entire "W,lworth fam to defend onclosed in his own letter. . feet down to bis, inches. They are nappy Rlief fr Men from the eff.;c If Judge Davis adheres to this gladly volunteer victorious pur flag, ah",s ln w'y Hie. .Manhood The District Attorney not objecting, ily. the into fed by the snows from the adjacent it and defence again carry rulinir. the line of the prisoner's HOYfa. .iw nietnoa ' T. O'Conor read these two letters to the f ' and hre constantly moving forweakened, Montezunias. balls of Rn'1 be materially hills, will probably rnnukaWe remedies. Bftntr.? . i . .'Franks letter; a for basis jury.' an form will in and haste which is all I care to ward iinpartant .Address, HOWARD tRsiWlTKw Saratoga, New lork, . The first tubular bridgethe bridge motion for "a' new trial If the prisoner is B. this week.' write ,' , Sunday, of the nose. the of me iold Sear Uncle; Mother " lit rtCn, OCDEN lost of Danbury. " - Continnatioa of the Walworth Trial to-da- Conference of Liberal Republicans at St. Louis! W 1 ' re-a- - Attack by Sioux in ..Ti..-,lu- Dacotah! Ravages of Cholera at Nashville s s ) - p-- ; Trains - , ' ai g ScrTics ve School-Lun!n- ( d Library WHITEHEAD, 8. STREET, OttDEX, - I., . - 0EXERAL DEALER del-at- 'o Taint, ken-heart- ed cash"i?aid for HIDES. . , to-da- y rn " broken-hearte- il-l- J. d y LEWIS, REMOVED. SITE - to-da- y, Shipping a Specialty! ET All. i. J) 32-t- T ,lU"-Tihin- iKC- - Marriage. wl 'ftt. reet-ire- ' 18-3- Jfcjiin'-nj- . : . f |