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Show guarls7adultererslin3 murderers to (Dntlro 3uncttxJm an enthusiastic belief that heaven is Published every WEDNESDAY nl SATCftDAT, easier of access to them by a few by t!io Oodk.h PeiiuaHisa Cohpant. C Iiarle IV. Penrose, Editor. moments ante mortem sentiment, anil Hiiiiie.s Manager, ' g virtuous whose than to tho sensibilities have not thus been agiOGDEA. UTAH. tated by priestly whining.- It is' a WEDNESDAY, JULY. 2, 1873. humbug and a fraud; a libel on the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; a Kcligiou and Morality. lnuas of contradictions and inconsis' In a recent article in tlie "Wash- tencies, and totally unfit to guide ington Capital on Ecclesiastical erring mortals to a purer life and a Scandal, in which the- case of Ilcnrv holier sphere. Ward Beechcr is reviewed, bold atThe' Capital, in arguing upon the is lino draw to made between a tempt propriety of ignoring the private imreligion and morality. Tho writer moralities of popular preachers, resays there h no "necessary connec- fers to tho case of Ilophni and Phin-eation between them; that a man may who, "when found to be addictbe extremely religious and not in the ed to indulgences similar to those least moral, or ho may be immacu- charged upon Mr. Beechcr," were moral and not all at lately religious." only advised by their father "to be And argues from this that a preach- more discreet in futuro,and there the er's morals should not bo enquired matter rested." But these same iminto; and further, that if Mr. Beech moral priests, though excused by cr had been "a great moralist he their father, were condemned of God ooul not have been a great religion- and slain, and Eli, for excusing them, ist." was rejected and cut off from the Tho tendency of modern ideas, for priesthood with all his house. The a lung timo past, has been to cxpurge Capital man; follows the tactics of from religion everything , practical, his "emotional" divines, quoting a making it a mere matter of sentiment text and ignoring the context. and emotion. And the pernicious We advise him and everybody else doctrine advocated in tho Capital is to investigate what is vulgarly called only the logical ultimate of this kiud "Mormonism," which is little underof reasoning. But tho ancient idea stood though much talked about. It of religion embodied tho duty of man is a renewal of ancient religion, a revto God and the assistance of God to elation from God in the nineteenth man in the minutest affairs of every century, and is a system of morals, a day existence. Webster, iu defining heavenly guide to earthly life,' a tho word, Bays: blending of the moral, intellectual, "This word seems originally to spiritual and practical ; and the only have signified an oath or vow to the real bona fide religion in the world. gods or the obligation of such an oath Other systems contain fragments of " ' or vow." the ancient system, with man's vagaReligion of every name and creed ries and imaginations ; but this has is supposed to emanate from Deity. come down from the Eternal Sun as It consists of principles for man's bethe pure light to guide mortals in lief, tho object of which is to make time and illuminate the way to a him god-likia his nature and acglorious eternity. , tions, (hat he may benefit his fellows wlulo ho lives' here, and be fitted to ' Tlic lValuorth Tragedy. endure and enjoy tho presence of his Creator hereafter. Religion is a code Yesterday the trial of young Walof morality. It is a system of morals, worth for the murder of his father ' teaching mankind sto do what is commenced. The annals of the and avoid is what The right world furnish few instances qual to wrong. puppression of vice and the promo- the dark deed of the son who imbrution of virtue is the avowed aim of ed his hands in a father's blood. We every religion. 'Take morality away refer our readers to the details of and yoa extract its very c?scnce. the examination pub'ished in our tel Bible religion is a scries of revelaegraphic columns. A prurient pub tions of God to man, directing him lic opinion may decide that there ia his earthly acts. And it includes was a something heroic in tho act a covenant between God and man : who sacrificed his father in de youth a vow on tho. part of the finite to fence of a cherished mother. What eorvo and obey tho Infinite; a v6w the verdict of the world may be is of from the Eternal that He" will bestow little moment when compared to the certain blessings on his faithful sergraver considerations of public mo vants. If the will of God bo obeyed rality. man will bo moral; if ho ceases to be The Walworth family were in afhe bleaks his moral, covenant, vio- fluent circumstances. They had lates his religion and loses tho prom- been in living Saratoga, which, du ised blessings. Thia is the lesson tho summer months, is a scene ring in Old the and TestaNew taughtboth of gaiety and fashionable ' frivolities. ments. Bible history shows that when They imbibed tho tastes of the milv community were willing to receive lionaires who came thero to worship religion God directed them as an or- at the shrine of fashion. Domestic ganized body, and his communica- infelicities were occasioned. The hustions were not mere seutimcuts, to band and wife separated,as neither was raise tho soul to sublime emotions, satisfied with tho union: The glitbut practical rules for every-dater and,, show of Saratoga's marble guidance, to make men and women halls were allurements that to both better members of society on earth, were irresistible, and they were unand by continuauce render them fit and discontented as they comhappy associates for heavenly beings in a pared their own social condition with ' that of the favored frequenters of higher sphere. 31 odor n . is a miserable their . village. Connubial unhappi-uesreliglou counterfeit of mutual criminations, expresreligion.. It from brains the of emothose sions of incompatibility of temper springs tional persons whom the Capital ami charges of infiidelity were the tliioke designed for the clerical pro- bases upon which wore founded the fession. It deals in psalms aud hymns differences between the husband and and spiritual Bongs, in fine thoughts wife, who had plighted to each other and pretty words, and works on . the their truth for .life thro'ogh w eal or and sensiof the feelings woe. The son's intervention on tho sympathies tive. , It makes salvation a matter of plea that he was defending his motb-c- r simple faith and leads' thieves, black- from danger and threatened vio- - She , life-lon- - v - s, . " e' - ., , ' tf , y s, old-tim- e . fW4 redemption . ft J i:'. - I .paJhatlw.atrocity the tfQft ijeke ot, old Jbung, of his crjmV .jis judifferQnce'when, from One day more will be rearrested, his coolness during the George. quired to repent for the excesses comproceedings in his trial show a that deserve condemnation, mitted on the occasion of the Union's will be and his own explanations only prove natal day. , Then. Sunday to the work of recuperation determination to his and sober reflection. "Most of the shoot his" father 'to the 'death. The conduct of the Walworths, leading houses have acquiesced in is lence does apt heart-lcssne- commemorated-,- , t...." J a pur " ? ARnftkf .1 tit I Vdflll 1 S' tlii 1 II 1 UTTfcw ss de-vot- cold-bloode- d . mother and son, show the pernicious influences that exist among what is vaguely termed "society," in the United States. Social life movamong the class in which they ined, is artificial. Family ties are whole differently regarded, aud the aim and object of fashionable life is father, the petition, thus yielding to the supplicants a point which at this timo is significant as demonstrating the power of the laboring classes, who will insist upon their birthright, fully conscious of their strength and importance. A few years ago so great a conces sion would never have been made apparently to revel in .sensualism, and re- to the applicants under such circum utterly ignoring, the duties man- stances ; their petition would have sponsibilities incumbent upon been spurned, and their insolence kind in every walk of life. ., The trial of young Walworth will punished by a summary expulsion of their labor. It is undoubtedly suggest lessons that from the scenes cannot fail to demand serious reflect- a healthy and hopeful sign when' em - ployers aud their subordinates can come to a correct and just under the O'er Even Speculation standing. "While the laborers are enGraTC. titled to some respite and who can While Horace F. Clark was on his gainsay that they do not need it it is death bed, his last breath, it my be highly creditable to the capitalists who said, was an occasion for the specu-lator- s profit by their toil, to allow a period of New York to seize their op- of relaxation, without murmuring or portunity for endeavoring to create a finding cause for complaint. It is a hateful feature of panic. i. Wall Street that even human life is The Xorinal Class. "discounted ;" that heartless operaThe normal class under the direc tors can mark the pulsations of a tion of Professor Park of the Deseret dying man by the multiplication taUniversity, to which we alluded in a ble, and speculate on the influences former article, will be opened at that may attend his decease. Yet, Salt Lake, on Monday, July 7th. it is nevertheless true, and as the We hope the leading men in the varesult of the death of the President rious settlements will circulate this of the Union Pacific Railroad Com news that those who desire to avail pany, the men of Wall Street wit themselves of the benefits to be denessed at the Board of Trade scenes rived from this class, may be prethat were creditable neither to their pared to enter upon their studies at dijrnitv nor their power. Whatever the appointed time. may have been Mr. Clark's commer The need of such tuition as will cial relationships and they were be imparted at the Normal School very important whatever may have has long been felt in the Territory, been h's character for integrity, or and all who desire the advance of the tribute exacted from his fellows education will hail the opening of by his social and intellectual graces, this class with joy and satisfaction. the announcement of his death was The names of candidates from scarcely made before, the ghouls were Weber county should be forwarded at work to manufacture their immediately to Mr. W. W. Burton. cheap capital out of the sad event of Common How well they succeeded is told by County Superintendent who will make the necessary the depreciation of the Tlnion Pacific Schools, selections. Tuition will be free. bonds. It is a sorry commentary upon the great financial centre of America that any man, high or low, when "DiTine,, Ucecher Opposed to Science. called away from his earthly career, should bo tho cause of a paltry ex Ilev. Henry Ward Beechcr, in a citcmcnt for the purpose of accumu recent sermon published in the N. Y. lating a few dollars and cents. ; t Herald, boasts of his total ignorance True, one of tho waves of the of mathematics, and thanks God that financial sea has indeed broken, and he had never been taught the intriwe know the spot by the white crest cate studies of measure- and number it has left behind : but the sea still the rudiments of mathematical scirolls on, and, though billow on billow ence. It is not to be wondered at may likewise disappear, as they have that Mr. Bcecher contemns a study recently done in a mournfully rapid which is universally enjoined upon succession, others . will take their all who would learn to think correctplaces, and the scene will be un ly. Mr. Beccher is a' great talker, . an eccentric, original and sensational changed. he is no thinker, no Young America's Exactions. preacher. But reasoner; the first idea of logic is unThe jewelry manufacturers "an known to him. To be able to spit wholesale dealers of New York City out a vast amount of tircsomo words and Boston and other cities have is not evidence of any great scope of been petitioned by their employees to mind. Mr. Beecher's fervent thanks ciose tneir places ot business lrom to his Creator and to his parents for Thursday, the third of July, to Mon not being educated in a science day, the seventh, in order that th which has developed the resources of National anniversary of American the globe, measured tho distance beindependence may bo celebrated in tween this planet and the orb around hat is meant w hich it becoming manner. revolves, the course of the ' by observing the day in a "becomin omets and eclipses, manner" can only be inferred. Probare an exhibition of a puerility that ably if a strict construction be placed leads us to believe that he is now in upon the term, it would be found out his dotage. that the true meaning is that the operators and clerks of the large esThe wicked are not always so haptablishments in which they are nor the jjxd so" unhappy, as is are determined upon a gener- py, imagined; and vide is,; nine times out al Saturnalia on the day upon which of ten, its own punishment.' ions- , ' . " ? - . : s V ever-recurri- cm-ploye- Hitters ,VInerar i)r tiK, made or Poor arc Spirits and Refuse Liquors, and 6weetened to ioclomll Zt Kit?! i? i,i fZ "Tonics," "Appellors," Restored' that lead the tippler on to drunkenness ruin, but are a true Medicine, the native roots and herbs or CaliforZ the Great Blood Puriiier and a vw Principle, n Perfect Uenovatorand iniW ator ol the System, carrviiifroffall poisoiuml matter, and restoring the blood to a hea ti -condition, enriching It,' rerreHhiue ami i' rigoratlupbotli mind and hod v. Tliev r easy of administration, prompt in tion, certain in their results, safe aud r..f able in all forms of disease. tlu-i- So I'erKon can take Uicso Bit. to directions, tiiul ten loujr according ri'iuih unw.cll, provided their hones are lint mineral destroyed by poison or oilier iww and the vital organs wasted bevona'ui point of repair. or UndiRcstion, Tlond-ach- e, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, TMi'. ness of the Chest, l)i::zinesst Sour Eruda-tion- s of the fctuinach, JUd Taste in in? Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation or u Heart, Inflammation f the Lungs. pan jtl the region of the Kidneys, and utimirc! other painful symptoms, are the offspring of. Dyspepsia. In these complaints it liii no equal, un4 one bottle will prove a bettor pnarantee of ita merits than a lengthy a. vertisement. For Female Complaints, In vnmnr or old, married or snide, at theda'vvn ni womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tmii,; Hitters display so decided an itiiiuem-- that a marked Improvement is soon penvpiiliic. For Iiiftii iiiniutoi-.- aud li ionic lliit'iuiintiKia and (lout. Dyspepsia ur Indigestion, Pilious, Remittent ami Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver. Kidneys and WaiWer, these Hitters have been most successful. ;ucli Diseases ro caused by Vitiated Mood, which Is prodneed by derangement of the bigesth orsrans. v Inier-mitte- gcm-raii- For Skjiit Dixon so, Salt KUeum, lJtolchcs, Eruption.', TeSpots, Pimples, Pustules, Roils, Carbuncles, Scald-HeaSore Eye, Erysipelas, imi. Scurts, Diseolorations of the Skin, lliiniuis and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever hmm or nature, are literally dnir up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these bitters. Oiio bottle in such case wfll convince the most incredulous vi tlidr curative etl'ects. wheCleanse tUo Vitiated Illoodtlirou-.'never you find itsimpurit hurs;in! the skin iu Pimples, Eruptions, ur Sor.-scleanse it wheuyoii llnd It 'obstructed mi l sluugisU i the veins ; cleanse it when it U foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of bw system will follow. tter, Kliiff-woni- Fin, Tape unci otljrr IVonnv lurking in the system of so uuiuy thousand, are etrectuallv destroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physiologist: on individual on lha face of t.,e earth whose body is exempt from the presence of wonnu. It is not upon the heultliv elements of the body that worms exW. hut upon the diseased humors and slimy that breed these living monster f disea. Ko system ot medicine, no crmimgcs. no antlielminifics, will free the system iro.x worms like these Uitters. M ochaii ical J)i seawes.-Pers- 'H in PciniH and Minerals, smli a"'! s Plumbers, Typesetters, Miners, asthevadvancu In fefe, are siilijcitt to paralysis of Cm Rowels. To guard agnm.-- s this, take a dose of Walk Kit's Vinkuau twice a week. 'i'lureis-scarcel- liold-lierter- i;it-iek- Hi lions, Itciitiftrsit and Inter ltiitf out Fevers, which are so prevalet.. t iu the vallevs of our great rivers tiinnig.;-ouili . the Cni'ted Stales, especially tlioseol e, 'iVunis-seMississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Co!mah. Rrazos, Riotirande, Pearl, Alabama, inline. uiaii.. Savannah, Roanoke, James, audtfcroui-ovast tributaries, their with others, our entire country during tl.e Summc: aud Autumn, and remarkably so dunmr sea-insons of unusual heat and dryness, arc variably accompanied by extensive ani or the stomach uud liver, other abdominnl viscera. In their menr, a purgative, exerting it powerful these various organs, There Is no calhartK' toriiecessarv the purpose eitual to IMS. .1. Wai.kku's inkoak Bjttekm, as they wid sytcu d viscid mutter wiui the the bowels are loaded, ut the s;.tue tinm stimulating the secretions of the litet, ut generally restoring the healthy limetwua ut iv dark-colore- Scrofula, or Kiasff' 'J , Swellings, fleers, Erysipcius. we.Uif."'-(ioitreScrofulous Imlumiuations, lhUt"' Inflammations, Mercurial -Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Sote i.h oonxi nawilier In all as etc. In these, etc, 'inba tional Diseases, Walkkk' TKK3 have fchowu their great curat iep era in tho most obstinate and littn'i- -' , Dr. IValkcr's California art these Hitters act on Vrte-g;- ar ses, nimilar manner. Rv purifying the J' ' . " they remove tho- eaus-- i.ml by c away the ctfeets of th' tiiilaiumaitoi i tubercuiar deposits) tho uilecied pa ' ceivo health, and a penmaicu. effected. jud tirild laxative r . 'J'lie Aprripnt TEtiS are . the best sare-guar- IICIIS HI1U lOilMKUillil lin- K d ft ll-t- l . '' In 'i lii'irtiills-.l.lll- - '.'. .,.(! o.i.l u.w.i i.in.r limniirt CS nroltli' . humors of the fauces. Their sc(uiuj- - i h'; . crtiea allay pain in the nprwiw Btoniaeii nud boweU. eilher from inn.imJ''' tion. wind, colic, cramps, etc. of UO T u Iirections.-Tuk- tta night, from going to bed at l. Eat pu one-haV' food, such aabeetreak. mutton chop. uud son, roast beef, aud vegetables, exercise. T'sey are cot a1'fK. wlue-g!tsfu- lt 1 out-do- purely vegrtable i'jjrrcdlsms. iioBpirit. a1 J. mj & r0'' It. II, McDOXALOFrancisco & Ccn. Ajts., Dmggifts &cor. Washington and Cliailion SOLD KY ALL Goo 1 Judge J. r.'SW for aiancc Kwt. OROVKR, of 96-la- v 1 1 , - Aeent frr Ctah ef th Pictorial Bible. A wtgmliewit work. Look dlUO IK! 0 ilt L kiUi |