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Show local items;." from - 27. Fritlart Daily No. 1. Z. CM.' I. hare just received shoes ever brought a stock of the finest into this market. Fast. the arrivals at Among Tersosai.. the Union Depot Hotel this morning, U. S. A; VV.D. Camwere: Capt. Benley, GDoak' Canada. eron, N. - I'risce. I., Ogden, has C. M. Z. the agency for the Trince Organ. There is no instrument like it at tha same price. p Organ for $125. A fine toned orders. receives IITribe Mr. six-sto- - Stui Auvk. The Salt Lake Journal, two years of age. It gays it is now two a like year old, except when bleats it rises to the abusive, then it sails like au ancient toper. Broom's Corner. The sidewalk in frost of the business places at the corner of Fifth and Main streets, is beiug nicely planked. This a great improvement which the publio will duly appreciate. Tha.nkc Hon. W. II. Hooper, has our'thauks for a copy of "memorial addresses on Hon. Garrett Davis, delivered in the Ilouse of Representatives, December 18th 1872. Where to Cool Off. Chapman and Scalley have open a and soda saloon on Fifth Street, at Mr. Scally's old stand. Everything is fitted up neat and nice, and the fountain is the best in town. first-cla- ice-crea- m ss New Weeklt. After Dinner is the title of a new weekly magazine containing a variety of interesting reading Us Salt LakbNewb We elean the fol- fo from the Herald of this morning. wing Col. Wall appeared 'yesterday"' before Justice Clinton to answer the charge of perjury, Mr. F. M. Smith for the prose- cecufion. Mr, Baskin for th defonsn As important witnesses were not present the case was postponed till .Thursday, Aug. 7th, at 11 a.m. The defendant was released on his own recognizance. Shortly after the court adjournment Mr. Smith was seized with dizziness and umbness, but nothing serious ensued. Mr. Smith was at first fearful that it as an attack of paralypsic, a family he but complaint, speedily recovered Mr. John Morrison, of the Deseret Telegraph Office, well known in Ogden, was married last Wednesday to Miss Annie Hummer, also of Salt Lake. We join in the general congratulations. The offices of Jacobs' Smelting Works at Stockton, were totally destroyed by re, yesterday. The wind was blowing iigh at the time but by great exertion the smelters were saved. Loss, $2,000, insured. James H. Ilyter, whose leg was crush ed by a falling rock near Alta, about two weeks ago, had his leg amputated by Dr. Bontman, assisted by Dr. Burns, yesterday. The hemorrage was very slight, but the patient died in about three quarters of an hour after the oper ation. He was well respected and leaves a wife and child. ! Messrs. Geo. W. Bean, Indian Interpreter, and Gen. W. B. race, and A. K. Thurber, were met by a gentleman from the Southern States, who reports that they were on the way to the Fish Lake country for the purpose of having a friendly interview with the Indians and inducing them to maintain peaceful relations with the whites. It is believed that the visit will have a salutary effect, although a small class of Indians may be found hostile and difficult to control. matter adapted for perusing after din The Clear Creek Koad, running from ner. Mr. Chambers, of Main Street, the south end of Sevier Valley t the has this publication for sale as well as Cove Creek i3 now Fort, completed all the leading weeklies and monthlies Hon. Jos. A. Young, tho projector of the of the day. enterprise, that will open the best route for the contemplated railroad to I'ioche. Weber Mills. Mr. J. J. Mahon, pro- Mr. Young was liberally sustained by prietor of the Ogden Hotel, tells us that the people of the upper Sevier settlehe has for some time been purchasing ments. his flour from Mr. D. H. Teery. Although he has bought flour in Chicago, From Saturday's Daily of June 28;. St. Louis and Denver, he pronounces the brand that he receives from the Dead. Hiram, son of William G. and Weber Mills superior to any that he has Amelia Saunders, died this morning at yet used. twelve o'clock, at the age of five years and four months. Mr. Saunders was Lime and Brick. Mr. T. Me'tz, of the in town when ne ' received the intelli Morgan Institution, is in gence of his child's death. town purchasing goods for Morgan. Mr. Metz is interested in the Morgan Brick Jones' Grove. The opening of Jones' and Lime Works, which turn out tha Grove last evening, was brillianly suc toughest bricks in the Territory, made cessful. The new hall was inaugurated of a peculiar kind of clay, which is less amid a throng of spectators. Forty brittle than that in common use. Orthe floor d.uring the ders for any quantity will be promptly couple occupied and order and hilarity prevailed met and Brick or Lime shipped by U. 1 dance, until the " early hours of morn. 11. R. See ad. ' At the Depot. Mr. A. Landt is constructing a crossway one hundred and fifty feet in length, at the Union Depot, for the purpose of filling the hollows between his establishment and the main ' platform of the depot. ' A number of Chinamen and ' Japanese arrived this morning ' from the West, many of whom were destined for the mines, while others are going East to attend college. Seme of the Japanese ' sprigs of nobility ' will first rusticate among the watering places before enter' ing their academic course, Some Chinese laborers were engaged in a lively fight yesterday evening. g with stealing ' a charged basket of clothes. The charge- was denied and expletives in plain Celestial language were exchanged; afterwards the parties came to blows. There were about twenty sons of Confucius present during the controversy and each of the contestants had his partizans. A general melee occurred and some was the result. ins as the basket was found with terfered its contents undisturbed and restored to the owner. . Yu-wi- Hi-kin- - blood-let-lln- g Teace-maker- Died. At Marriotfsville, 21st. inst., Robert Hooper Burton, son of James and Eliza Burton, aged three years, five months &nd twenty days. The Chinese. About fifty Chinamen arrived this morning from the West. Many of them are said to be expert shoemakers, and are going to North ; Adams to find work. There were among the party several boys who are engaged as apprentices at Omaha to learn the trade of machinists. Judge Farr wants all hun- gry young men who think his house the right place.to fill their craving stomachs, to call when he is at home, and he will degive them what they need and serve.- A public example will be made of rowdies who try to scare children in their parents' absence the next time insolence. they repeat their shameful A Hint. City ITEMS.Higginbotham keeps on receiving new goods of every variety. If will have to they continue doing so they buy up the block. The Fourth of July has not yet commenced, and the firing of crackers aad and flyingw Dutchmen, is pre- mAnitors. ... ... - mature. Yesterday evening a fire cracker mcu-et- t, exploded at the store of Ferry a i much to the danger of the store, where so much inflammable material is look out. kept; Captain! keep a W J V Km 'M&chGaijkik A venerable gn-- I tleman with,& largo protuberance ia the abdominal region, came off the, Central Pacific train this morning., ' He held in his hand a valise upon which was inscribed the initials A. P., in. the other hand a gold mounted cane marked with the same letters. A handsomely dressed young man, assisted kim to descend the cars, and took charge of the valise. The old gentleman gladly accepted the services of the polite and accommodating young man who promised to deposit his property in a Pullman' s car, but was disappointed at not receiving it. The valise contained only a brush comb aud-- j other articles that are useful to travelers, and as the loss was insignificant Mr. A. P. satisfied himself easily by pur chasing new materials for continuing his journey East. lThitelaw Rcitl oyijtcn, FLAGS! FLAGS! FLAGS! liutler. . .The N. Y.., Tribune, speaking , of the possible choice of Ben Butler'as NATIONAL FLAGS! (jOYeroor ot Massachusetts, gives the FORWAIiDEtf TO ANY PART of that notori bllowing OF THE UNITED STATES ous political brigand; ' ' v BY r ;V Indeed, we are certain that it is JTA.MES not of all things the consummation 29 East Temple St., most devoutly to be wished. To have XJ. T. JLaUe it otherwise would be to put a curb X. B. Flays of All Nations upon the inexorable logic of events. Made to Order Sharp. It is, in the natural flow of our poli ' te tics, one of the inevitable results to which the party in power in tho na tion has been for a long time tend- ,i WMOSEPONY? IUVB JN MY POSSESSION, OBTAINED ing; as logical as rot or deatlu Uet-te- r from an Indian, one bay ony, br&iuletl D. H. have it done and over with than on loft hip, white doe nd white hind fiwt, iui always threatening. It is an inter posd to belong in Weber County. Tho cwnw i to nm&e claim lnimeomteiy. BAM U W m esting question in political philoso- requeated il . . Millvillo, Cliche Co, Juno 18th, 1ST3. phy, as well as in morals, how much the stomach of Massachusetts will stand. This will so far to solve it. On no Feathers. Tuesday The character of Mr. Butler is flowTar, but at North Ogden, an individual well er and fruit of the time. He has known in that vicinity and in this city, grown out of it, and he thoroughly illustrates it. recuhar , m many indulged in language that was extremely his in is he general presenta S.T-1860--X things, offensive, to his wife. She replied in tion ot characteristics, in the assem adjectives that aroused the anger of her of his qualities, his intellectual husband, who, thereupon immediately blage tout ensemble, so to speak, just what proceeded to chastise her, avowing that we might expect a perfectly natural she was refractory. The woman was in growth. All the political conditions jured, and for a time rendered insensi of the past twelve years have lead ble by the brutal treatment received. up or down to him. His roots Thursday night a number of plucky, have reached into tho fertilizing rot women of tho settlement tenness where public virtuo fell; sap, constituted themselves into a "Commit moisture, vital strength, he drew tee of Safety," and visited the offender from sources where filth begot filth at his residence; whence, he was taken and creeping things crawled and bur per vim et armk and treated to a coat of rowed; he grew and developed in bad THE tar; but before the feathers were applied atmosphere and on vile soil, and to often and a wife his the to complete suit, besought day, rank, unwholesome, .', CELEBRATED the avengers to desist, and appealed for sive blossom, he sways to passing above the reek that mercy. The request was complied with, breezes, bulging has neith engendered had been him.imparting tho brute as it was deemed that er beauty to the eye hot pleasing sufficiently punishe.l. odors to the sense. He has prosper AND ed, conspicuously prospered, lie rep On a Tostal Card. Judge Farr has resents his age, and time, and, received the following little remem must we say it? his country. The brance of Ogden from a lady who re material standards and materialistic cently visited our city, and who remem- tendencies of our politics; utter abbers her visit with pleasure. The note sence of honest conviction, inability IS PURELY A VEGETABLE PREPARATION, composed simply of wdll known ROOTS, to comprehend trutii, principle or was written on a postal card: sad FRUITS, combined with othn HERDS duty, lack of sincerity in himself or o troperties, wblcU in their nature ara Cathartic, Occidental Hotel, San Francisco, June 17th, 1873. apprehension of it in others, bruta Aperient, Nutritious, Diuretic, AltPrutlve onl Dear Sir. Each day is full of enjoy- lust of power, coarseness, cruelty ,and Tub whole is pref rved in so IB the can but ment, eclipse bright greed all these, and all the low dent quantity ot "plrit from the St'OAIl nothing re browed the at of the C'AN'n to tueia in any cliniitc, Which day Ogden memory throng of passions that hang makes tho keep V ; . ,:v calling of scenes in our school life in old at the heels or personal politics and Vt. tho charming landscape so new to personal government, he represents me, the magnificent drive to the kanyon your own and your brothers great kind for they all follow in his train. . He ness. We leave for Yosemite this p.m. seems a success. In good flesh and to be absent about ten days. The Chi of good appetite and digestion, rich', nese amuse me much their pigtails "YVhat more' have such a graceful twirl as they walk powerful, honored. ' asks The next oueerest specimens are the Young America, looking over one of tbo most "tleolraule Tcnlrs ami lu tho worli '.They ara isteu-e- d them made she all the public men whose names are sea lions. Nature, when us a seems to have stood one foot oa the honored by their country strict:y "what sublime, the other on the ridiculous more is there than this to live for?" Please remember me very kindly to your Is there any more? Is this man's wife, and may the one God and Father success at pettifogging in politics, of us all abide with you and us. ud always acto be twed m ft Sincerely yours, demagoguery, brazen audacity, char- only to directions. , cording , L. S. Goodwin. latanry, and mental sleight of., hand snd tfcft of thu are efble They to make him an example forit the a dleewcd llvtr, liad act debilitated. upon They Dewret Junction Telegraph by Special to the youth of the land? . Or for the youth stimulate to iuch a degree that a IwiJthy action at of Massachusetts that has honored la at once brought about. A aramedy to vhteh Logan. Meeting and still honors him? If he is,make Women are specially subject ft is upe Logan, June 27, 1873. him Governor and set him lip in eding every other ntimuluiit.v A a Spring Editor Ogdex Jdnction : marble or brass; that they who coma nnd Summer Tonic they havejno equal Yesterday evening Elders Lorin Farr, as well iu They are a mild and gentle Purgati?e ' Prest. B. Young and G. A. Smith, ad- after us m!iy see the faco and form of Tonic blood. the Hey are a They purify dressed the people. This morning the our divinity. The moral of such a the weal; snake strong. They Appetizer. splendid bowery was filled. The speakers being, statue would not need translation. They purify and invigorate. They euro Dys' Pres. Joseph Young; Elders C. C. Rich, Bone to the life, it would transmit in pepsia, Concti ration nd Headache. They act The W. Woodruff and F. D. Richards. form a complete, ideal of the as a spe,cifia in all apeeiea of disorders which, teachings have been of a most practical enduring undermine the bodily strength and brask dowu . ' and encouraging character. There are spirit of the age. thd animal ispirrta. three excellent choirs in attendance, Depot, 53 Park Place, Jlew Tori. discoursing melodious music,' and the our of at the are last named a man Oa Saturday presence joycas people ' ; A. M. II, mutual leaders. Thomas Iledfren, wliije drunk, shot another man named Duffy, at Martinez. Daffy is now said to be lying Attempted Sniciile-Outrag- Restful in a precarious condition, and his life of. iledtren is an is despaired We rece'ired the following yesterday Jin gush man, who came to Uamornia morning by Deseret Telegraph: some years ago from Australia. This ltichraond. June 27. does not seem to be the first shoot The night bofore last Elizabeth an orphan, about fifteen years ing scrape into which Kedfreu has ; :0nfy 50 Cents per Bottle, of age, took strychnine. Upon its be- succeeded in getting, having been PKESERTtfS ginning to take effect remedies were ad- tried, found guilty and fined $300 a It promote the GROWTH, tbo Vigor the COLOR, nnd lnereai.es ministered, and, after a severe struggle, few months ago lor a similar oilease. HAIR. the of BEAUTY and made Baved. she was her life f Yesterdty ' I '.; " k .! 't affidavit to the following beforo the jui-tic- a minwf ikv.n km TmivrT Own Calaveras A dispatch dated Big Pna TUX HAIR was tmt plaead W tho mark Jb of the peace: On the evening of June 15th JeffMo9S, Trees, June 24th. says: A man Collairn. Th th utobI.. " ln l a transient, persuaded her to take a named Benjamin McDonald, who ' TH f ovor it ha rMuWud, and tho poP"- walk. While gone she heard her mis- was employed herding eheep two nrnm.. tress call ' and attempted ta answer, but miles drminir. beyond South Grove, met with HAIR. It I It delifrhtfal th Hair from tarnina Rra). was prevented by Moss placing his hand pwenU accident thahairai mornuUp-thand severe a e cool, early Sunday over her mouth. He then forcibly outsame in WUant nc elowy appearance hi Uia Before retiring Saturday night, raged her person. The police are search- ing. and Coia. boUI by all Uw&e and two other men, concluded nrKTAwo at with as been has he A ifty teui. per him. oul. not but for tHsl he, yet ing to bum a dead tree that was quite captured.'?. L. Herald, 21lh. near their camp, and considered danoaan's Kisry is Her Hair.! Cheap-Furniture- . set and fire to it They and Child Offur for sitloft larpa dtwk of gerous. Flyf-ftimport?! fnrmtnre ot the nest mwlinr, yery c.bmp, thought themselves at a safe distance. Also KWder'c patent Bee hires. Store orxt to It fell during the night, reaching Z.C.M.I.,Ogilon. where they slept; a limb struck McCongressmen, like corns, arc often Donald, breaking his leg in two pen-pictur- e , , : AdTcrlisciacnt. 2-- 1 y .:' PIITJJJPS, Salt City, 222-3- fat : . U 15 V . Iffll high-spirite- d TONIC APPETIZER Apti-Biliou- s. -, ILAITATIOI ITERS C:i-linr- . ti- Sitters Temperance ! raodii-iue- , Bhet-itncb- , . '- - e. Chria-tianao- n, Li-ox'- s . , f r a: 2S0-d6- f 3T See O. Whitehead's '..; ; paired off. places. : 1 nmmm |