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Show Thisis-- a slow, town, yes, the Z.-'Cvery slow, No . saloon . jnyites a has thirsty, but one of the stores "sniaLl" bar and, four or five bottles, the trade, . Mr, L W. 0. Margery, who left here some weets ago, writes a letter from Malad City, Oneida county, un-ddate of 3fay 29th. addressed to several of bur prominent citizens, giviag an account of hia journey; to that point from Boise City, and some interesting' facts in regard to that remote section of our Territory.' Aft ter 'speaking of the many miles of g6od grazing lands passed tnrougn, and ,tne thousands ' ot catue nyin "' thereon, he &ay3: ' '"Malad City w'a very quiet place at present, nor is it the centre of wealth or population ot the "county, but is much out of the way. The Bear river settlements contain four- fifths of the population of the county which all told, Is not more than 4,500, including babies, and they are legion. This county seat is a long strangling settlement 2i miles long, on the east kide of , Malade Creek, is said to contain about 1,100 or 1,200 inhabitants, but according to my estimate 500 or 000 - but tis usual in iows and counties' largely occupied by tho L. I).'' Saint's, four or five children to every' adult. In fact it is babies here, there, above, below, and all around. On the east lies a range of hills, and below, bench by bench descent is made to the creek, One branch of winch runs through and SATURDAY every WJWXK?MY Tubliisfcfd t . er In Broad Da) - Bankllebbtd A most daring robbery occnraed.Ust uewe week in tha auiet town of N. on tiia Upper Mississippi rier, about UtiVMiuy units south hoiu bLLvatB, at the Bank of the Sin. lnevive ;Siv- lDgs Association. 'ike hour tor commen!m2 business is 10 o'clock in the morning. As usual, Mr. lUrria went to the bunk, and, having opened the from door, laid tba safe key a ou his desktiear by : He tuea walked ta the front door of the building, where he encased in conversation with Gen. ' Kotier's ion, who had come to lank. Two fctraturers on foot approached, and, ece the bank, ing that they intended to enter ' Mr. Hart-i- preceded tbem, the whole j.arfy followed by young Rozier. When halfway in the room toe cashier hap pened to turn his head and was startled atsizhtoftwo pistols pointed at his temples, and was Most thoroughly aroused to tie delicacy ol the situation, os he tell lue cold tnuiales quickly pressed. Before he could remonstrate he was saluted with a stirring command, "Open the safe or I'll blow your d n brains out." Mt. Harris hesitated about opening the 6afe, which, being observeJ.caus-t- i the robbers to level their pistols at Kozier, threatening to shoot him if he should run. Hut Kozier broke away.aud was coniranted by two other men on horseback, who were concealed from V t :V I ;! 'J r.i-'j i IliVse fellows fired three shot putting a ball through flozier'a coat, close to the thoulder. .A negro happened to witness the scene, but dared to do nothing more than fold his arms and stand still under cover of a pistol held by one ot the horsemen, who threatened to kill him if he moved a hair breadth. While this attempted tragedy was being played in tne street, the pinioned easier was involuntarily performing his quiet part in the bank by , receiving a b:ow trom the butt of a pistol. The two robbers drew him to the aie, which he epencd. ' They then made a grab for the first1 values amounting to $6,800 in currency; Flatting thai lime was precious, tne two desperadoes jerked Mr. Harris' watch from his vest pocket, and then grasped him by the coat collar, still pointing their pUtoli at his head, and c;arched him out ef the bank building toward th standing place of the two waiting thieves ouuide about a square Tiee, ' , ': ! ' : the town. "The town' has that first symbol of ' ' civilization," a telegraph ' office, by which we learned that yesterday we were not the only people troubled at the same time with enow storms, but that the same was in Salt Lake, Corin'ne,' Cottonwood, and north to 3ldntana: The Malad City Hotel by mine host Vcrgon, 'satisfies the crav ings of humanity for substantials, and no hotel inJBoiso City has so goed a table, JKgga are 15c a dozen butter 18c per pound; potatoes 25c per bushel; flour 3 per hundred; groceries from 3 to 4 cents cheaper than in Boise City, whilst dry goods and clothing are about the same, but not so good a selection. There are four stores, but the , ... Off.. , one this ef the horses had store selling at 20 per cent, cheaper At place, Ucn tied to a tree, but he bad got loofe. than the others, takes the bulk of Just then a German citizen came along, wuen the thieves shouted to him. "Hitch horse, fl i d n you. 'j It you don't . and as many glasses constitutes its bar fixtures. Idaho Statesman, bth mutant, ;; ... ; How Colfax wag Defeated. 7) the North Adams (Mass.) Tranin script makes a curious revelation regard to the corrupt means employed, as it alleges, to 'defeat Colfax iu the Philadelphia Convention and secure the nomination of tho present Vice President, Its story is that Sylvander Johnson, of JS'orth Adams, was elected a delegate to the National Convention, and was accompanied to that assemblage by a noted Massachusetts politician named Tinker, an internal revenue collector, They found in the course of the canvass that Colfax would be nominated un, less some desperate scheme was adopted, and about the same time they dis- covered a Southern delegation . who were for sale. Tinker opened, nego tiation at once with the leader of the delegation, ascertained his price for himself and the rest, collected the money from Wilson's friends, and, with his own hands, paid the cash to the leader of the delegation. "When the proper time came this purchased leader rose and cast tho vote of his State for Wilson, which decided the contest and secured the defeat of Col fax. ' The Transcript says that after the Convention Tinker told this story to several persons in North Adams, and that" Johnson' enlarged upon the immense cunning they had displayed in the transaction. It is said that Mr. Wilson did not know of it. t i J ft' ve . you !" The German obeyed orders. The robbers speedily released Mr. Harris, motinte l their Lorsig, and the four commenced firing la ', all dire to intimidate pursuers. Above the thi fepor.ts of "Hurrah ! Bhots was heard a wild for Sam Hildebrand; catoh the Wool Delaines, . if you can!" and then the of the retreating hories rapjd sbpwfd that the 'job was finbhed." ; 1 The robbers, when a , short distance horse-thieve- i;i , '. . :: i j . Jeans.,i.i,-Etc., ' i Cexxts' i;J - Casimeres, Tweedy Jite. f Cottonatles,' ,. ca.a.ca. Boys' READY-MAD- E CLOTHING BO 6tS:;JSl:N:D' SflOES! Of Every Variety, ; OF EASTERX and CAI.IFOKXIA ' MANUFACTURE. ; n 4 vssorcmenc 01n 1 iv uenerai t j M irsv RJ1 KM u, l u u y m ju vji la ur i .J Li . I' Lsa i b J Cutlery, Locks, Carpenters', and other Tools. A LARGE STOCK OP1 Plows, Hoes, Rakes, Scythes, Forks etc., etc. ; HARNESS AND HARNESS TEtMMINGS.' ', ' Bexefit of'a Tuapk Give your sons a trade. One man with a trade is worth a thousand without one. The hosts Of young men in every large eity who ap ply for employment nnd fail to get it; for the reason that tbey cannot truthfully affirm that they are educated or especial ly fitted for any' particular business, constitute powerful argument m favor of reform. Under the apprentice sys tem, we should have fewer ignorant meohanics and incompetent business men. A trade is a fortune in itself. and' Manufacturer! s UulUtin. Merchants' 3 ! : Of All Descriptions. . , ,,' "',,:f- , eS-t- jr. ; ; f H. B. ; ( " - All orders addressed to I). VEEIirf Ogdeil city, : wdl reeive prompt attention, i r; ; U. T., - nt CLAWSONj'S-pewnten'ie- " COHIISSION .!.!. . i . f CHOICE GROCERIES S AND Line-o- Z. 0. M. I; O RG-ANi ... A Full ( C A B' I N E T s GmIiaim, etc. lloniesties, Dennus, " ! Clothe Merinos, Alpacas Armnrcs Ticltiia- EmprcffH SIMMONS: & CLOUGH ORGAN CO.'S ' IMPROVED - RUG PRUTS ICES 2.G00 th-i- t l'jl shoot . Ogderi'-'City- 'Wholesale Department:; i ; , EHri.,. - r ' J r ;i DEPARTHEHT, in charge of ;",'.:.,., t, t ,;V. v'( ;.; boof-beai- s but, opened Mr. Madison's box and" extracted the gold. aThey met a farmer, a ' German, ana asked him if he had any H money.15 replied No." '0h, well." said one f the men; "I. guess, you are poor; go dowa tbe road and you will tod a box wait papers in it,. u Take it to the bank ami they will give you a hundred dollars," The German, returned the box to the, "batik and reported' the circumstance, but " failed to collect the : ,; V hundred dollars. Hozier blinded the alirm as Young soon as possible, biU the only men in the street were h Id by tho pistols f the robbery and did not dare to move' hands r feet ia attempting, capture. , JJjr the time he did secure assistance tho scamps had gohel v WhiU the robbery was going on a gentleman who lived in a house to the bank saw it, and had his revolver elevated to shoot across the street into the bank, but his wife begged him to de. sist, fearing the ..robbersia revenge would shoet Mr. Ilarria. iTbus they escaped their just deserts, and went" out of f own with all the bravado of Impudent ? borsehievee sad burglars. TLat the whole affair was planned well there can be no doubt. Two of the robbers slept the night before at farm hoUse two miles out, Thy knew that Gen. lUzief , the president, irhose "room was on the lame floor with the bank room, was absent. They also supposed, aod rightly, tb&t in that, town, of 1,6(0 i'lhabitant's uly a few persons' would be ia the streets at the hour for They also supposed that the safe would be unlocked immediately bfief ti e bpningofthe bank, thus facilitating , Will purchase any kind of Merchandise' not usaally, kept in . d ,u stock, including , .i i SL; ff1"',1 S; ' ' li' $ 1 ! I bank-open-ing- . j.ii i . thtir stealing, The robbery,' thougli' one of the boldest tin record, did not pansout; very " as the booty amourited t only $3,000. Thii was all that the baolt lost, no bonds having been take a i x;'J'. t & hanJ-nomel- y, I'r' 'fi I f'V (vt .,; ,f ', i 'ifeCr'1 ' ' ws$m ? Grand " . j' ! T - TB fa si. Ui.l; l.l'iU f iXellcl Mater Wheels Cheese Factory or 'l Aril : 1 : m f 'W-- f ; S ' ' ; ; . ill--- ?: 11 j i ":f ' ' ,l ,: i;: alry Goods ; ; .; u . , : ; , Vcltill, - ; -- y.'u.-- .. - ' '" ' Sorghum Mills1 Evaporators;;' h v..". -i'1-. 1 ! 'I. V"- - '., Or any article from any State, that may be needed in an Agricultural or ' ; Mechanical population. V Send in your otders and we will de the best to fill them ! at Hanuiaetur-er-s prices with freight added, or on a slight percentage. ; h. We are expecting an immediate. shipment of the Combination 'Oreans, 4i Sl nrrED with th e newly invented SCRIllNERS PATENT QUALIFYING TURES, 1 - ' t i : 'ivr SCHlTTTLERfWik&ON The Factory having just got fairly running since, the';;1 t In- riIE if. 2?. CLAWS ON, Superintendent. S8-6- - , Cclee," Patent," "Vox Humana," "Wilcox Patent," Octavo Coupler," the charming "Cello1 1 or "Om'iontM Stops, ami. ..i All tho La( x Improvements yt$Mmii Whiffy-fiv- e Dtffrrnt In cm ri ., t , Cn Styles f GHT YOUR be Obtained Only in these . T Organs. V .J',. !., he . . i.-- . tv-tni- aKJ.fc and n s 'in- EQUAT, TO THAT OF THElBEST OKUAXS OF TIUl SAME CAPACITY. t rr- i ,.. r!1;. ,!;. Our celebrated "Vox "Louis t well-know- , a An Invention having a most important bearing on the future reputation" of Kecd struments, by means of which the quantity or Ylume of tone is very largrly creased, and quality of tone rendered hr-r.' i f i; .i . M aceestbrsJltit u" .''Hr' - ...-..- - i JOB"; PRINTING! . '"' ' ' Churrh, Material and Workmanship, Th2tt Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled. SOto "00 '..Doilhrs. " PRICES, CORGtii WAREROOM, CONGRESS SrS.', "DETROIT, " t t An Indiana Sunday-schoo- l man writes to a Bible firm in .New York: "Send me on Sunday-lchoo- l papers and books. Lvt FACTORY AND the books be about pirates nd Iadiai s AGENTS "liiJiM'ICHIOAK. as farai possible." ESTABUS!ID 1850. !traise4lotr your 4 iJrtlflf i ; ; , ! 1 ' ij !) ' ; I lachines Threshing :;t Machine Extras ;;:'; ''.i h Force or other Pumps, - 1 ' hi 5." . bp-po'it- ' : Circular Saws ''? '.f s , Saw Mills ' , , i J DONE AT THE , ...... & IN.EVERl' COUNTY. WANTED . .- i i j.i .1, j , Kt but . - tM.tBwmL,'l'7J ! ..4 Ta ;i , s'''"i ' t . i; 1 'f ! "Ogdoii' JTianctionfOffice, i I i ( 'iJ i i i, , ' |