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Show -f- the City Hall, Several members closet, and the children carelessly set of the Cit - Council ' remain n watch hre to 1U AU.ntic throughout the night, with the Knights Washington, 12. Templar guard. messrs. Atkinson ana um ,ms, spec Shamoktn Pa, U ial commissioners on the of the ooThe followin are particulars of the Unitpd States to remove thepartKickapoo explosion in the Henry Clay Colliery Indians from Mexico to their reserva AVE OPENED IN LOGAN k OGDEN, BRANCHES OF OUR WAGON ere yesterday. The Colliery had not tion on the east shore of the Ilio d MACHINE DEPARTMENT, so that the people of the Northern Grande, been inspected for some tiuie. but in their repor4. to the Commissioner ot Counties can purchase without coming to Salt Lake City. wb always considered safe. It has a capaci- Indian affairs, dated Satillo, Mexico. ty for mining 8,000 tons coal per month, May 19th, do not appear sanguine of WE & MACHINERY aud C5 inen are employed in it. Conrad success. Although tney are reoeives Bruroheiffcr, the inside boss, w nt into and treated with great respect by tbe 8'ipplied to these point after much Btutty and experience, nud know that Ptirrhaorii tteingthe ' best, ' : can rely on tliii Tecoiftnwndatioo. an old working on the water level, when Mexican local authorities, encoun the explosion immediatly followed, ter some difficulties, as didthey the Indian iELEGJtAPH. th. Jcti by to-da- y. Z. C. M. I. j -- Wll Terrible Explosion Pennsylvania Colliery! GUARANTEE WAGONS in a m WHITEWATER, B I and STUDEBAKEK A X caused, it is thought, by fire damp being agent, Miles, in 1809. fired, which communicated with tbe air AMERICAN. ways from the water level into the stope New York, 11. below where the men worked. Tbe Xews. Schultr writes that the Amer-J- n miners in this section of the coal region the Vienfra Esp,si- not being accustomed to black damp. Special to the Herald. department of order by thought it was blasting powder that had in complete, be n will Pioche, 11. ' 5, A fhooting affray took place last night of June, which cannot be the been set on fire. They remained in the iewi.htba of any other nation, not st ope until almost overcome with black about 12 o'clock, between Ned Shunk SLXKY MACHINES damp ana tell senseless. The stronger and a woman of ill fame named Georgi-an- a Septing England, vhich has the of a corps of workmen brought, men managed to get out, however, and Shunk that It appears and gave the alarm to the guide and others first Sypliers. assaulted tbe woman, who drew a Vienna to basten the completion The Austria who foilowed, but on reaching the top of ! Perfect that department. The THOMAS NMOOTIIIXG HAItROW, warranted to mnke the pistol and fired four tbois at him, only shouU have taken tne stope tney tell back, being completely one of which took effect, inflicting a Bed and to le tiro Wet cultivator for grans, grain, corn or potatoex, vet invented. Our lxnt Karuuiovernment. be says, a Harrow on trial. mo ad.- - overcome. John Hans, the outside boss, severe though not dangerous wound in can have an other yeur to prepare iui Thpe Departments will also eWe information and receive ardent for Tl'RBIXK W1IKELS, FM CT Ko nil liruHHO uuuuv - - V re IM bearing tbe alarm immediately went the left arm. Georgiana had a hear- MAC1I1NJCS, GKiST aud SAW MILLS, or other article net uouallv kept in utocV. uuu. ., on to their rescue. After proceeding about ing wun wcumcs tuose all before Justice Stoutenburg but iucj iheJ, 500 yards he fell face downwards in aud was it being shown that had promised are incomplete. MOSES TIIATCIIElt, AGENT, LOGAN. discharged, Newark, X J., 11. pool of water and was drowned she acted in self defence. A warrant HARVARD WHITE, AGENT, OGDEX. i passenger train from New York, Enoch Magenski was found drowned by was issued for Shuuk, on charge of as tail a freight train came in collision at his side, eight men were brought out sault and battery. Georgiana appears to 30tf H. B. CUWSON, Superintendent Ihere was no cavine in of the be tired of life, as she reccutly attemptthis afternoon, and both dead. gft9l Newark, The as at was demolished. first ed suicide, and having failed in that the baggage mine, supposed, and there engines were no fault in ventilations. The accident wants some one to do the job. ws telescoped with the smoking cur. and resulted irom me old tras exploding in a The certificates of stock in the Pioche One engineer was fatally wounded, cut disused working were of Up to .0 o'clock last Artesian Water and Mining company passengers a largenttmber the night, 10 dead bodies were taken out have been received here, and last ,i,d bruised. The passengers in night winthe crowded car through Many of the the men from the surround the trustees and other officers took the taoking The air brakes prevented a more ing mines came to render assistance oath of office. dows. series disaster. The engineer of .the The excitement is intense, wives and Uosa Stein, she who assaulted Cora to dis the blame. scene of the is to children train rushing freight Stanley a few days Btuce, cutting her y Chicago, 11. ' aster and finding their husbands and with a knife, had an examination A Washington special says the Ad- brothers either dead or rasping for and was held in $3,000 bonds to answer breath, while otheis were eagerly watch before the grand jury for an assault with ministration organ here, under the headi. ing the arrival of frituds on tbe stage intent to commit murder. ng of "What is to be done with the There were 60 has some suggestions which have wagons from below. II. N. Maguire, who for several months been agitated in both legal and military meu in the stage at the time of the expast has been in charge of the editorial It says that pers- plosion, 85 of whom are known to have department f the Record, severed his circles for some time. ons who profefs to know are predicting escaped and will recover. Wm. Brown, connection with that journal yesterday. TOOLS, IMPLEMENTS & STOVES; mat neither Captain Jack, nor any of a prominent coal operator at this place, milishaft will The down this be the DanielWebster fell h'u followers hauged. Accident. His leg was tary coramissioH will be' organized by afternoon IGo feet deep. NOTIONS, GOODS, Ge j. Schotield and will doubtless ry broken and he was otherwise severely afternoon as Duncan Kelly, Yesterday that of them promptly, but the findings injured a workman employed at the U. C. depot, The body of Conrad I'rumheiser ia not was tourt must be approved by tue residengaged putting a break "shoe on ent, and then comes (he ug of. war. vet found, but the men are workiag with the wheel of a passenger car, in the de- to be brought before a will to get to him. Ills time book The first ouestio house, while being hidden by bv the adherents of the was found this morning. Five of the tbe engine the President car from the view of persons outside, The a victims will be buried neace policy, will be denying the legali empty train of seventeen cars backed till ty of ihe military commission which is coroners jury adjourned up into tbe house, striking tbe one be totrf tkeottlprats, wttke ground, that morning, they not coming 4o a definite hind which he was at work, and propell general Can by was Dot killed as com- conclusion, but the deaths are generally ing it forward. He sat in the only part mander of the army in the department attributed to fire damp. of the engine bouso where he eould deNew York, 12. tl Columbia, but was killed while acting posit his legs to rest them while at work, a The large mortgage holcers of the SL and the result peace "comroissioaer. Waving been proved that for ease he fliced at the head of the commission by Joseph and Denver railroad, held a had chosen a terribly unsafe place. The i special agreement between the Tresi meeting to enquire into tbe condition ef wheels struck his right leg, partially iknt Mid the Secretary of the Interior, the company. They express dissatisfac turning him over, crushing the left Ug, with full power in the premises," he tion at the manner in which the affairs the bone in two places, smashctulJ have removed a commissioner if he of the road are conducted at the present. breaking sinews, and flesh, and crush nerves, had thought necessary, and was special some ing The meeting proposed a remedy the leg above the knee. 1 ne ngnt ing The of the defects ly selected for this special duty. leg was also crushed most terribly, but order announc in The seventh annual meeting of the not so bad as the otber. n ben we lookof the War, Secretary ing Gen. Canby s death, dated April 14, Universal Peace Union was hold ed at him, more than an hour after the ' ' Hjs he was killed while endeavoring to at tbe Cooper fasUtute. A poem, com sad 'occurrence, bis legs presented a . mediate for the removal of the Mouocs Dosed by Mrs. Frances Harper, or l'ml still later we spectacle; bleeding ghastly, from their present rocky fastnesses, on delphia, a corored lady, was read. A saw him withthe left leg amputated the northern border of California, to a communication was read from Secretary above the knee, and the surgeons at reservation where the tribe could be Delano. work to afford the other one relief. Drs. maintained and piotected by the proper The cerner etoae ef the new home for W. F. Anderson and Heber J. Richards civil agents of the Government. They inebriates, near Fordham, was laid this were the surgeons in attendance, the aid further declare that Gen. Canby was not nv. Addresses were delivered by n m. of Dr. J. M. Benedict' being also called furrounded by any troops when he was Cullen Ikyant aad other prominent citt into MACHINERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, cVC.,&C. requisition. Yesterday evening but killed, but having gone eut as a pease zens. small hopes were entertained of the uncommissioner, away from bis command, Judge Ingrakam, this morning grant fortunate man's recovery, so terrible had lie met his an injunction restraining Benjamin been the shock to the whole nervous and deatn, and the murderers ewnot, therefore, be touched by a milit- F. Susch from publishing a book con physical system. collections from tne writings oi ary tribunal, but enly by th civil au- tat n Duncan Kelly comes from Parkhead, thorities. Ait the killiig f Major Mark Twain, under that name. : Scotland, and has been here Glasgow, ,. TO ,v Thomas and these with him, t a later The Will of the late Charles M. liar some lie bears a most excellent " years. date, the Four brothers military commission can take ras was probated A"FCE3 , as a devoted son, a good cit T reputation no to as their cognizance f ttiat offense, s a state f the deceased gave evidence en an man, estimanie and young izen, of war the existed between our troops identity as heirs at law to the property joy5ng the Wftrmest feelibgs of respect Kill find the Largest Assortment of Merchandise in the several Departments cf and (fee Modecs. Should the Presideat of the testator Z. C. M. L, as above, that can be seen in the nest, and all at fair prices. from those who knew him. He has our at overrule these celebrated was men Solemn A the requiem misterrible the peace Ejections, sincerest sympathy for ' will then propose to Vring i he whole St. Thomas church this morning in hon fortune that has befallen him. n.-who died H. D. CJLAW80N, Superintendent. Ut lwsUon fcefore the Supreme Cotirt of nr the late Gen. Acramonle. the from Htrld is above The clipped e tntte Cuba. States by a wm of habeas the ilth of May in battle in V that learn of this morning. corpus. The peace men claim that the Washington, 12. The Solicitor of the Interior Depart the unfortunate sufferer has since died language of the message from the War wp&rtet, antrouoivg Gen. Canby's ment decides that under the law the from the injuries received through the death, shows conclusively that 'he was Northern Pacific R. R. is entitled to the accident. acting as peace commissioner, and benefits of the homestead and tney quote therefrom that question which acts in the Slates within a distance The Reporttr winds up a BiucoMUE. oi uen., canny as liaving. gone of twenty miles from the lino laid down Jth the peace commissioners, after on the map of their general route oiigin- - mild eulogiumof the dilapidated "burg mcn be seems to have OROESBECK'S BLOCK, SECOND SOUTH STREET, lly filed; accompanied on the Bear" thusly: "cm io a jast conference with, the savThe Indian contractors for furnishing g Bear furnish "With the age chiefs, n supposed friendly eouncil, food to the ArUona Indians, after a con and a there met harbor a Inteport for all the ing splendid his death by treachery, ference with the Secretary of and fleets vessels merchant the Indian many of u! oi uls military lines. ' Commissioner Affairs, rior and wa oracusn tbe New York, JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF t hare agreed to carry contracts until the which continually plow last and Ha, e remmns of the late of Salt. ters to the HAVE Lake; trust ha!j Minister Orr first of January next, and broad-gaug- e wre landed from the .steamer at 11 of Q ongress for tne eariy but not leaft, beside the generosity which railroad Montana clock Idaho k Utah, this morning, and escorted by the payment or tne annuity uue mem. J , its this make soon will headquarters, ignts Templars and a detachment of The UoYernmcni nas oeen mioruicu Malad Ho, ho! we have the police force, were taken to the City that the list of looses made up by me the ..4 will which navigation Canal open up wnere they will lie in state id the commission appointed to examine the AND all and north, this between points "Overnor's ronm Thplace Texan bor flr.n.l 1A condition of anairs along the tbe barren wastes JJxjy furnish guards of honor while the der, is ereatlv exaeKerated, and tenin besides fertilizing and making tbe whole remains in state. The church ser manv cases the loss is aepresented surrounding us, like the rose and blossom bloom ies win take Dkee at the Rev. Mr valuation whole valley times greater than the favor- is indeed It he! flspwonh's church, Madison avenue, at nf the oroDertv destroyed. The opinion of Sharon. He, u.m11 a. v intn mature an1 i r , uu criuiiy. Kev. Btephea u prevails here in official circles that the T the great Which they are offering at lower prices than any other house m the city. VUg. Jr.", Will rft(i tba U!r,ia fMTiniUsi.iner has not done his work metropolis unequaled only by Bah cities of ancient days." 2M,C1'arch 8e"'ce, which will befol satisfactorily A Stock ., ; Auburn. N. Y., 12. of house a Deputy Grand Master will conduct it Wheeler, keeoer of T! Cotton razs taken on sub ' ''"wonic burial services. Th Pr TP! ill repute, murdered his mistress, Fanny office. l.!,D:al.hi8 press wish, was informed Sterling, last night, by holding her by scription at the JrscTios ' 1 ' it ich n.' Of All. KIXDS.AT . u of the body the hair and kicking her till ded. discordant harmonize natures, 12. To e.gnmea his Cincinnati, 0., , of OBm Present at ih... :' '"""J." At SteubenTille yesterday, at the and out of discordant individualities cmct unrr He BP Yon I . . , " " . ' one of nas oeen orrter- house of George Edmonds, a can of gun- to develop a happy home, V added.' cd (a ": Treight .. escort iho 'cgiuicni ,i7 125 explodi.0m;. . pounds, that woman powder containing the greatest triumphs J .T1" CRskct 883-- y boJ, 1 containing the ed, killing three children and fatally Orders from the country rromptly. Filled. ; can achieve. rj w8 Tiewed by 2,000 the was iu persons at wounding another. The can WAGONS, Pioclie CIIAJIPIOX, WOODS, EXCELSIOR and WORM MOWERS, Droppers or Self Rakers. TIIRESIIIXG IMKES. and gc ht CVl.-lrte- ! - to-da- y to-da- Mo-doo9- ' GROCERIES, HARDWARE & UKUUKEKY; ," 1 Terrible STAPLE and FANCY DRY CARPETS, OlE CLOTHS, UPHOLSTERY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, , pt BOOTS and SHOES; WaH Paper, Bordering, Decorations; Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicine; WINES, LIQUORS, ALE and PORTER; Singers' Sewing Machines, in Variety; Bespoke Boot and Shoe Dcpartncnt; lr to-d- ay Leather, Findings, Beltings, &c; PRODUCE, GRAIN, BUTTER, EGGS, Ac; i Wholesale Purchasers and Visitors ig ..... . : Xi ... S-AXj- cit-y- " : to-d- ay pre-empti- Gr. & C O., P. CU L"H-E- SALT LAKE CITY, ever-rollin- -- ll. , . Groceries 4 far-fame- ; d - -- Window; Glass, it. Vrotr.f 1 ; n r "'.l andC'Ifi 'arrival , V. av. of targe i cTi TTnTTi i rIi " k , , 1 i |