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Show if 5l nA Cfwu Belli. annexing The 'question Mexico'" to the of' Jes' WEDNESDAY, 11. the United lte-publ- ic '. ! Stokes has another chance for ife. A new trial is granted by the Court of Appeals. AVhat a splendid i tho United States country for a person with plenty of cash! If Stokes lad been a poor murderer ho would have been in Hades long ago. But cash is stronger than courts nnd reeuhacks greater than iudsres. There is no country in the world so avorable to rich rascals, no nation with such good laws so poorly administered. If money is not God in the United States then the country has Blees Machink. J. Stanford Mr. . Powerful hot! Thais what in town today. all say they Tri A Ami (ronf la!n ( Ana fn 4h on t tee piace ior me aepoi aesiers. So. if 1 Special to w..-- IH tha firsts'" ". M i i ,' i JpxcnoH. i 't i The Utah Xorthern.. " has beca appointed agent for the cele Tie rtah R r, Rnd Tdej brated Blees Sewing Machine. Sam aa importance I assummg is move It. R. back to are line Companies please graph computed to Corion. gwtes, ples can be seen at his store on Fifth and .... ciiliiiVoi. a?itatei iust This afternoon eommeace run- -: traiuwiil them. ' oblige Street. disThe stern l hose Lints &rA tfrba nnisuaa ricrlil n0vr in this country. This little piece of wirk finished, new Get The as Prince is Organ. What will bome of the poor organ away. ! for Franklin I hurrah ,iHneof the army would never Tken wtH, we sweet-tonecally a cheap and hand frogs ? of neighboring invasion shall we see shall what the see.. But the some instrument. Z. L. M. I.. Ocrden all0V Those dogs don't get licensed worth a inand secret some narrow gunge is certain of SKoeess,. and Branch, is agent for it in this vicinity. cent. Look out for the .' Territory unless Montana will do well to come iuong and used been to had Call and cive your orders to Mr. II. sidious influence met the Utah Nortkern. violation of Tribe, who will attend to you with kindthe arrivals at the Personal. tncourage the flagrant Among ness and courtesy. Union Depot Hotel this morning, were It is cwjsidered an insult ia Roch international law, lately' committed to name a canal hoot after a ester States. United T. the & of More Furniture. Flygare Child Obid, San Francisco; II. C. Miller, by the troops are about to commence business in the 't.; Madison, Iowa; Geo. J. Bliss, Chica- person. One of the Smith' familr. Under the plea of chastising the no God. furniture line. They received a large o. Capt. Orderay and sister, of Boston, pummelled a canal or for callinj; a Indian who came from the South of stock from the East and will dis were also among ihe guests at the Union boat after his (Smith's) daughter' residents to Grande plunder the Rio play them at the store under Child's Depot, having arrived from San Fran Nancy. Correspondence. of the the uDder protection liviBT Hall. cisco yesterday morning. The Captain The IVcbcr on a 1 Jurist. American flag, an officer with his Great Sinuer. The world famed is well known as master of the "Great Hoopkh, June 11, 1873. command crossed the Northern boun- Mr. Editor: Admiral." Before the arrival of the ves English vocalist, Madame Anna Bishop, the sel at San Francisco,he was taken sick, and inflicted uurand settlement nas Had au will arrive in Utah sonie.time agoik: upon dary line during the bundance of water for once. On Sat and intends to give a se- was met in that city by his sister, who punishment. gressors urday night last the Weber riter burst present month, ries of concerts at Salt Lake. This will attended to him faithfully. After pay It is customary for all nations, its west bank below our old bead-gating a short visit to Suit Lake City, they and rushed in torrents down our irnga be a rare musical treat. tfhen there is any infraction of their returned to Boston. ting canals, sweeping everything before Alderman's Court. Yesterday C. L. rights, to submit their grievances in it; bridges and fences across the Dan- which els slough, are things of the past, Creek and Jas. Connor were brought be due form to the Government New Stork at Bountiful. Bountiful thereby making extra work for the farm fore Alderman Thomson on the com- is But, thanks to gives them protection, and guarantees ers and the Supervisor. coming to the front with a new brick the good people of Hooper, with the plaint of W. F. Dctert, charged with near the meeting house ia that their individual security. An officer , ; united exertion of fifty stalwart men for menacing the complainant in a manner store, flourishing settlement. . The new build is but an agent, a servant, a superthe last two days and nights, the breach calculated to provoke a breach of the closed is and For serene all up again. ing is two stories high, uO feet in length numerary ; but still he is accredited two days tue Daniels Slough as swim peoce. It appears that the defendants and 27 feet in width, and is the property .as the bearer of a commission that ming water for the largest animals, aud entered the ticket office near the depot, of the Institution at Boun venturesome the our men and of represents the dignity of the nation. only dared to cross. School children where Mr. Detert has an interest, and tiful, under the superintendent of Mr. Was flrt known In Amirtri. boys ' used foul, insulting and threatening lan "Wken McKenzie took the responsi It merits Nwell knownthroagh. Wm. Thurgood. were passed over from north to south in oat lh habitable world. It liae to fined him. were $7.50 guage small boat and a They one after soil of a neighday rest, the oldest and bost record of any bility of invadiig the workmen will be seen on the line of the each and costs. liinuniMi in mo worm, jrroin inn boring Territory, the Government canal, repairing breaches made by the of butt Its. Flags. Mr. James Phillips, of Salt million spoil million sold uo complaint ever reach-- , ho A soon as The recent Pound. for As water. and rush of that the a Lake City, is celebratod throughout the ed us, and a a became responsible city act, , and healing can be done, the new gate in the bridge Marshal Fife, is now able to take as a He of good demanded. manufacturer be flags. Territory just reparation may near L. Robins house will be raised and care or stray animals, me pound is can make them in any style, and charges PAIN SUBDUING LINIMENT But Mexico is weak, unable to cope all will be peace again, while the waters IT HAS SO EQUALl'l of the Weber flow on to fertilize the fixed up in splendid style, and those reasonable prices. Any city, settlement, with the powerful nation that com tcomnmimdfMl broad acres once occupied by the Hon who will not take proper care of their school or with unbounded ismr.' private party wishing to get a ancIt is In all cues ofCuta,liriU,liurtis, Hpraius, mands';a militia force of nearly Capt. Hooper as a herd ground, but now stock may expect to pay the proper fees. good flag or banner, should send to Mr. Kbramatistn, Hard Swellings, Bites, ChiK three millions of men. The soil of one of the largest farming districts of This pound is "a pound as is a ponnd," Joint, itoaen Fset, sr. Phillips. Read advertisement, and if Ac. Ac. among all persons, and for 8iriuis. eber County. 0. ISelnap. no getting stray stock out surreptitious you want a flag for, the 4th or 24th of roimdtra. the United States was desecrated by . Gulls, Bps via. Springhalt. SadvHe.CoU 61 Freeman Great St., lor snd Hsrueua Galls; alo dlsooiu of Urn ly. Careless people, take a look at it, July, give him your order at once. the tread of ruffians, 1878. UU Ul Nottingham, May 2, and then count your change. It became the, duty of the Govern Frest. F. D. Richards : r. w Dear Brother It is with feelings bet J mcnt to make proper representations or From irizona. jewilry. xne city authorities are ter felt than expressed that I sit down at now in possession of full sets of jewelry to the Government of Mexico, and to this time to answer Special dispatch to the S. F. Chronicle. your most cheering of the most approved pattern from New ' find recover this letter, may you hoping protest against infringements upon Prescott (A. T.),fMny 31. ed from illness, and that bister York These jewels are not merely to Dr. Williams, the peace of the people who ' Uve ' on Richards your Special Indian Agent at and all your family are well adorn the arms and bosom of but the Verde Reservation, was here this beauty, the North side of the river. Instead My health is now much better than it . week on business connected with his re- been for some time pasj. I have are made as well for the ugliest customer servation.-- i From him we has of pursuing a pacific policy ,a should harn. that! been confined to the' house for the last that ever needed their adornment when he left the there were on Agency martinet is permitted to two weeks with a severe cold, but Bracelets, anklets, chains &c, bright the reservation 600 real , Apaches, who M-UEDQEEITthank the God of Joseph that I am able and violate international law by assuming strong if not lovely are in the collec speak the same language is the White! to enter the field again and labor with 52S and restive tion may fear Mountain and Arivipal; Indians, a responsibility which of right be my brethren to save souls. ' some 3GC Mobaves Verde and Apache your kind letter I bad their crip. The Police are now thcr Date Creek Apache Mohave and Apache Curs Neural fls, ItheumaUora, Gont, Lam, The course a n hen I received longs to his superiors. 1 iaok, Kalt Kheurn, I'olsooous Bit-was felt for rxtcnisl that it good. cry for serious business. joy, Yumas, making a total of 1,41)1. Some Done and Muscle Affections, Koro Mipplrs, Ac, of Mcrvenzie can be justified only by balm to my soul, and 1 feel to say with oughly equipped of these had just arrived from the moun- and may bejcatlytermed the panacea for all the presumption that he had received all the power of my soul, may the Uodjjf V The Duke. G. L. Farrell, of Logan tains, where there are others' whose ur EXTERNAL "WOUNDS. ' Israel bless you ana an mat pertains to has a was daily looked for. , rival Durham , thorough-bre- d splendid to his watch private instructions op you, temporally and spiritually, for your ' Different tribes or bands were enIff Remrmber, this TJnliHcnt dll bull called The Duke of Harrison. Th to me. and kind' counsels not spring up In st day or a. yr,pnK fatherly for be differences in villages, each by itself.' There dUcingTHK portunity creating camped MOSTABSUSJ AJK1 PXXATCBALCCKES I was pleased to hear of the growth ef stock raisers of Utah are pretty thor was some AXD llCHHBOOM hUfU. between the Verde CLAIMED BT tween the two llepublics, Ogden City, where I have lived so many oughly awake, now, to the fact that run reds and real Apaches, but it was gradu- wrirrs. Jintwe bsve the experience of over I uIk It must be conjectured from devel years, of the plenty there is in the land ty, scrubby cows and calves are not the ally growing less. ' The Agency camp is thirty, y ears of trUl. wiU tbaofmost wituesss staut!alresulU,andby aiuujUtuJo the cheering prospect of another and opments and constantly occurring in- good harvest, and also of the changes most profitable animals in the world near the site of Peck and Co.'s old buildZf the Liniment is cot as reccmmcndcd, tha which, it will be recollected,' the ing, cidents, that tho movement of Mc that were made at the last General Con and an improvement is taking place Indians burned a year or more' ago. As you say in regard to our commendable. , Fine stock like The Indians will be set to planting the Kenzie was suggested by others who ference. beloved Prophet Brigham Young, long truly Lieutenant Schuyler, "Duke of Harrison" is a benefit to coming week desire to see the present Administra may he live to bless the people, for truly the some fifteen United States soldiers, with Da not be lmpoeed upon by nrhiR any ether he is the friend of God, as well as a fa the Territory, and the owner shouM be stationed at the reserve and thrre is Liniisrnt r.laimiD); the satnit propfrtlts or re tion and the partrin power shed lus-tr- e ther and friend to the poor, and I can sustained in his efforts to improve the are salts. Tbey are a cheat and a Inud. iurt a police force of Indians composed of and t get aouung out , on'thGir 'inglorious career by the testify of this to all the world. ' When ' breed of stock in Cache County. See some from each band. arise to speak to the people, and feel at annexation of Mexico. a loss for words or a subject, I begin to advt. and call and see the "Duke." re. The heaviest brain on record was talk about and testify of the Prophet of found of in Loud skull a the on famed cently The far Life Depot. at the Mr Sou bt au. DacocitTt un Urmt God, then the spirit comes upon me so who read could neither nor bricklayer, an entertain the of I utterance for family gave Swipesiawski have that plenty More Judicial Stupidity. write. Its weight was G7 ounces. it .,'V.. ment last night that was attended by people. 28c, 60c. and '$1 per Bottled You may perhaps be pleased to know Koxxcx Bus or. Borru, finxx. tc. i " If a man empties his purse into his By telegram, from Provo we learn that the work delighted and appreciative audience prospers gloriously with Aminadabski and his o way. from man no can take . it head, LYON MFQ. COj that Judge Boreman,' the new Asso us. We nave not missed a week since lady the prima don' him, as investment in knowledge always end the at her nawithanother-skname of without ' in landed i ' : baptizing England, ciate Justice, cares no more for the pays the best interest. - have more or less. About eighty-fiv- e and their son Ephraimeki were natural ' decisions of the United States Su been baptized in this Conference during in the parts they represented. The six months, and the good - cause is still TDOROUGIBRED DUIIUH!! preuie Court than did his predecesser. onward. The Saints say they never re- prima donna's songs were well rendered, ' ? i tl ' Enpoor little Ilawleigh. God the ia their She also favored the comp any with th In alized more of the Spirit of than glehrecht'case it was .plainly shown meetings, or peace In their homes,bless-inThe Pure, Hod Dnrbatn popular cracovienne the natural dance g at present. This I attribute to the n Poland. Her costume Bull,., .,.,, i . that the' Territorial Marshal, or his , of God upon the diligent, united la- of The boy "DUKE Deputies," were the legal officers 'to bors of the local as well as the travelling was peculiar, but attractive. he as had little a never timid, priesthood. appeared serve", all' processes' of the 'Distrlc Elder John Mendenhall, a faithful before been on the stage and clung to PEDICUtEE PEKFECT! Courts of this ' Territory, the U.;S young manjis well 'united with 'me in rttl'-N- I' if his tail coat father's EEADY FOH THK USB Or TU088 WHO , fearful probably ' ; Our labors. We have taught the Saints IB STOCK. CLASS Marshal only 1K8T want having a right to act in to observe the Word of Wisdom; to"put that he might be stolen away from his those courts when . t the their spare ; means in the P, E. Fund,I "papa." When the concert ,was over, TERMS, 83.00 JFO THK sitting and the party serenaded their friends. Messrs transactionof United States business and to observe the law of tithing, ' ; feel proud U say they are observing At 0. L. FERRELL'S, ' Judge Boreman thinks more of the these principles. We expect quite a num. Chapman and Scally treated them .with 224-- m UA' . Logan. Carhe Co. their usual hospitality The troupe will ruliags of the Supreme Court of this ber will emigrate from this Conference in more . lit '1 ' 0 ., 1v i , I this season I never rejoiced give a performance at the Ogden Thead of Judges now the work of the Lord than I do now. I FLAGS! FLAGS! edsoon the as as boy Ephraimski's forward and faithfully dis- tre, feel to notorious throughout the and papa's coat tail is ucation country for charge press improved in Israel. Elder duties as an weir egregious crrorthan of, th I thankmythe Lord for the health and gsts mended., A FEW APPLICATIONS MATE A NATIONAL FLAGS! decisions of the' Supreme Court 'o comfort of th ' spirit" with which He ' team Richard's Aleck Runaway. FOKWAKDED TO ANY PART Pure Blooming Complexion. blesses my family in my absence." May Unked; States, the tri the blessing and salvation of God be and from Mendon while he was loading up OF THE . UNITED STATES : s r per tion U It Is Puwly VseUble. afid feuaal ia the :kni.v ' His that and all with Israel, abide this ran and It docs awsy with the. doors some sash, you morning, ien and Ml al once. caused When shall we Flushed Appcamnoo by HrU Vitlraa may triumph over all it9 foes away at a tremendous pace up Main sndExcitenaeiit. Uealaaud remgvesall EloUhc S lLa5Jcr for a Judge in Utah kingdom Tlease whole fill earth the shall it until and Pimples, AispriliB dark and ctelhUy . . . 29 East Temple St., , , 8aa-- , foreman's name is fitted to his char give my kind love to all your family, to street.down Fourth street to Young.then pots, drives away Tan, FrecWit Wo. and by ita gentle but powerful iLftouac all the brethren of the miuistry in We-b- down Fifth street towards the depot, U. , mantles Uxe faded coetkiriUi B."-Fla- gs county, and acoept the same your where they ran against a post breaking AU K. Nutions of BEAUTlJ TOUTIHTL BLOOM A!0) self, and believe me your brother and a No other Made to Order Sharp! ' IWestiat inoBt peopl, portion of the running-geaTotd by sll tmt,zto snd Fccy Etcrt e. W in the Holy Gospel. i , to put ? wita ot. 53 X'ark riscc, Ntw York act Joiik I. Hart. damage except to ft couple cf sash. Mm , J . l d, purp-killcr- to-da- y, Years iXgc MEXICAN HUSTMG . well-deserv- ed e, LIEflEflEHT - pound-keepe- r, ' s , Kingbone,VoU-Kvil,Bfftcn,Wlu- 4 Hoof-ale- semi-barbaro- . us 1 , J T , IIoiscs, Mules Cuttle IPTir , i law-breake- rs ; , ' . . NEW-lk)- , MoiicywillbbRcMJcil. , ; I i . down-trodde- ? y - 5 . OFIIAlilllSON" : y-n- , ''"j.tli'J ; , It : 1 ! FMS! lerntory-7-compose- . te - JAMES PHILLIPS, T. Salt Lake! City, , er - I neigh-bore- s. W r. fellow-labor- er ?:2-3- 1 id |