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Show JkjAjSfa Sit, i k, them necessary to their contort if not of actual subsistence. be debarAfter years of patient trial,Geo. S. Ve think they should not ther peoIlroce has at length issutd JVom the red from the use of what ple may consider injurious, whether j.iess a work of great valuethe the majority or American Btud book. Apart from the abstainers be in will be admitted by all tarfr sports, which render eueh a not. But it thinkers tliat a check work an indispensable neceKsitVj there Impartial bo held by the proper authora fast amount of wealth invested should that unin this country, growing in impor- ities over the sale of liquids when taken in excess, tance, and every day becoming Hiore questionably iacite many porsouu to break the widpread. And as the thorough. ; I red is now the recognized type peace,, and commit the vilest of whence breeders of stock derive their crimes. The dealers in liquor make very finest models for the turf, the family and the large profits and should Contribute carriage, the the cities wherein farm, purchases are made and prices to the revenue of transact business. They should regulated inlaccordaDCO with the they Hti mated yalue of the pedigree at- pay a higher license than any other merchants, because what they sell tached to the animal. She science of breeding is there- creates a state of society requiring fore greatly indebted to correct gen- - more policemen, courts and jails, and to the alogical information for the success- consequently greater expense ful results it has achieved in the last civic authorities representing the uarter of a century. If there Were community. Some of these dealers no reliable rlcordftd slied light upon pay their license fees like men; others are trying all the time U evade the problem of breeding, every to improve any pnrticulcr their juat liabilities. Xo matter breed niightbea failure, and we how much money they make they would realizo in truth how UBcttrtain want to run their business free of isre the decrees of chauce. But when tax or restraint, and wheh given an dealing with facts the treasures of inch of concession they try to take a insubordination or intrigue. hgea of au&iou thought and patient yard by for a time is j 'Murch spread before the public, we If entire prohibition we uot left dopeudent upon varying necessary to teach them a lesson, by I'ortune-uotlo- bt, bewildered in dark all means let it bo given. Let tho and jrens, but are enabled to draw with a city fathers maintain the right, find all the decent people tiegree of certainty, conclusions trom they will of Utah with them in the conflict, no utablish'ed laws. The work Bruce is esseutially a record of gen- matter who stands in the path. of v. IniproTCinpnt i - post-chai- se at-u-uj- pt . ; of-Mr- , . ealogies, '.each pedigree mentioned constituting a succinct history of an tninial, and of the ancestry whence he or aha is descended. ? , ; Pre!-OeuBanner Belmont and . the t of, the United States, boast of t heir hugiiificeut thoruughbreds,' and it must beadmi fjd that the former have done much to improve the stock . f the country, while' the capitalists f New York' bavin Jaid out a racing park thai ia perhaps not equalled in t he world. The improvement of our ttock of every kind is of vVstiinJjcr fance, and it is a healthful sigtl when attention is directed to the means of contributing to that end, , Mi'.!! - Liability of Railroad Com- panies A verdict irrm recently rendered by the Supreme Court of New York, against a street railway Company, in favor f the claimant, in a case where the plaintiff brought an action to recover 81,000 damages, for injuries suffered by the negligence of defen dant's servants, .He stated that on the first of. July last one of t tlie Grand Central cars stopped for him ; that he placod a bundle which he carried, on the rear platform, and had got his right foot on the ' step, when the car started suddenly, drag ting him in such a way, for about - , , ; Kore on the Liquor Qnet- - omen icet, ;The Salt Lakers are in earnest on tie Hquofi question! as will be tecu by, the . following . petition, which is receiving numerous signatures. When the people take a matter of this kind in , haad, i something will have to'move. " All that 'they want ii the Vindication of the law and the kgitimate contrpl.'of .a traffic ; that unchecked would spread riot and desoktioai ill 1'Jj u!. To tha Tloa. the Mayor and City Council of Salt Lake City : GtMTLaSttx f YTs, the undersigned, e;theiis of Salt Lake City, viewing with deep regret the growth of iatetnperance cod its kindfed vices in our beautiful city so sadlv in contract with, its past fcietory and believing that it is the duty ef all good cititeasj who prefer sobriety, good order and decency, to intemper- nee. brawling and licentiousness, to unite themselvee, irrespective of creeJ t r party, in adopting such legal, and honorable manures & thai! arrest the growth of these rreat and growing evil; therefore, respeotfutly but earnestly pe-- t tion your honorable body uot to lioenee any liquor saloons, tippling, and dram shops hereafter; and to prohibit, so fsr as you have power, the sale of all spirituous and malt liquors, except for medicinal purposes, within the limits' of this y- eity.f! f p 'And your petitioners will ever prny. Salt Laks City, Jane 10, 1878. ;vf,:'': f' f I f ;fUuder.theO circumstances 5' sur the present emergency do not think a prohib-trtrexcepted-wlaw either V wlsb or expedient. There are.many 'persona residing in the Territory who " are in the habit-aldae- rounding us y. "f alcoholic THURSDAY, consider Horse-Vlvu- h.' JthnufaW, anl Foa riocna.--Carri- e AtTiJXTIOff ! 12. F ARMEltSj Carter and a We have just received a consignment of the Celebrated Iron Clad Mower and best after rFadin(? thin advertiwm 'tir Reaper which is pronounced the wdan'0B RKAKY RELIKF Is Machine rtow in the market by all v?ho RADWAY'S sumutwmtpAiN A CUBE A. have used it. We would advise all who Tt .WH8 thn Urt ami intend purchasing a Machine to see the others It That imtantly top the most exfcruditin Iron Clad before Salt LaVe company will start for Pioche,; where they intend to gather laurels artd eagles and treat the 1'lochers to a series' of good drantattc entertainments. i 1 buying any and should the MaWarranted, fully chine not give satisfaction after fair trial your money will be relumed. Ilaving used almost every kind of Machine In the Utnh market, we can fairly prdnounce the Iron Clad as the cheapest and best now offered. It has all the best points in common with other first class Machines, and many exclusively its own. To be seen at Williams, Scoville &. Co.'s, Main street and Fifth street, Og 47-den. SAnOcccaaENcri. We are sorry to say that Mrs. Cynthia Shurtliff mother oOlrs. Aflgeline West is lying dangerously ill. Last evening between seven and eight o'clock she was seiied with paralysis. Sitting down Suddenly in her chair, all power seemed to leave her, she was unable to speak but appeared conscious of what was passing aroundher. y she seems to te unconscious and Is slowly siukiug. Lr. P. L. Anderson Is in attendance, but thinks there is lit tle hope of her recovery. This will be sad news to the many friends of Mrs. SLurllifT who love and respect her for numerous admirable qualities. s To-da- 4 Agricultural and Manufac- tax-paye- rs the District, and the Trustees are awake The following gentlemen were selected to the necessities of the case and the as Awarding Committees. spirit of the times. We hope every tax CLASS A. payer will take a similar interest in the Stock, Inclvdixg Swine. affairs of the District, and walk up like II V. Shurtliff, Job Pingre, James little men to shoulder their responsibili- Bnrrup. CLASS 15. ties. Field Crops. Includiko ' Vegetables Look Hehe! Who wants a good set ASD TKBIT. of tinners' tools? A complete outfit can John R. Pool, W. Elmer, F. Wall. be bought ot C. Pearce, Ogden, who has CLASS C. also a store to rent in the best part of Articles MANrrACtRE is Weber Co., Inclcdi&o Cloth, Cabinet obk this city. See advt. and Farming Ihpleme5T8. F. Jas. Gale, Peter Boyle. Floerer, Citt ArrAias. Miss Annie Bell of CLASS D. Salt Lake City, presented to James N. Needle ork. Smith the handsome bouquet woven of Charlotte Browning; Maria Sdeviile, feathers different Mrs. D, Stevens. from plucked birds of Colorado. CLASS E. Sundries. Dr. Ncllis returned from Salt Lake M. Brown, Win. Vau Dyke, II B. J. last night The report that he had gone Scoville. to the City to be married, is in every Meeting adjourned tine die. MARK HALL, President, particular false. The opening of Farr's Grove next JvIIN II. KELSON, Sec'y. Saturday promises to be successful. Patsey Wbelan one of the lessees, is al By an extraordinary coincidence ways ready to attend to the wants of his the very identical plot of ground friends and they are legion. s which Oepcral B. F. Butler lately saloon on Main street has recently been and with ' Charley as purchased ia the suburbs of Washhis assistant, a bright prospect is before ington when nobody else thought it him. had any particular value, has been !. Travel. The Union Tacifio train pitched upon by a Congressional comlast evening arrived in good time. On mission as just the most desirable situation iu the world for the proposaccount of the breaking down of the ed new Executive mansion. .; bridge at the Elkhorn, the train came by way of Sioux City, connecting with the main road at Fremont. The despatches regarding the accident THE at Elkhorn are somewhat exaggerated, IHAYK IN MY PO6SKS310N animals, wbicks if not' claimed away within tea day from prraent although correct in the mam, as the and taken dute, will be sold to thehigheat reiponnible bidtrain was crossing the brdge the latter der, at tk DUtrict Stray Pound, at Richmond, Jane ilat, 1673: gave way, the locomotive a bex car, and Saturday, Two Ti;EKS,3 yfrioM,ote red, white on rump; the other white with black'earf, hoie (lit in the express car fell with the bridge ear, branded T. B. on left nip and L on right Mr. Covry, roadmaster, jumped off right iue, and 1 N on right bora. ' Twe 6TKRS, 3 year old, red, white ia face, the engine into the river, and it is sup nnder bit in rii?Ut ear, branded M on left bip and P on lelt lidir; one with WUm leO horn. was drowned. Five were posed persons One STEtlt, 2 yean old, lined back, upper in the Express cur at the time, but being lope in InU ear, branded I N on left hip. Oue STEKR, 2 yeara old, white nndrr belly, ia the rear pnrt were saved probably by crop pflritthteor, branded H on left thonlder the uncoupling of the box car from the and T Son left hip. One red and white epeckled HEIFER, 2 yeara Express coach. The cauoo of the acci oln, elit in left ear, brauded H on left tide and T neck. dent was ths extraordinary rise of the onOne red STEER, 1 year old, npper and nnder Dtt in lelt ear, branded on lelt aide and C on waters. Until the damages are repaired left hip. the trains will come by Sioux City. A One HERMAPHRODITE, 4 yeare old, rod, white m lace, tut in len ar, nranned USKod left great force is put to work on the bridge, and L on right aide, illegible brand o left hipbora, and A. F. STEWART, and it is supposed that in a few days ihoulder. ' IhVrict Pouadkwper. travel will ba unimpeded. The trains i Kicnmoaa, June it, may now be expected at the regular nour. ; , : Whs-lah'- . , Estray Notice. is,i-fw-- CAUTION. . I 1 - m t fitu.-xrt-, PRANCI8 tiUMNELL. cago, Miss S. J. Mol'onald, Cheyenne,' K. and J. of Moore, Sidney, . A Siiakc Story. Wyoming. .. ( who left for Salt Lake City. He is about The Pulaski Vithcn tells this tale to send ten thousand head of cattle to which reflects great credit upou the Montana..' Mr. Moore came to Wyoming ingenuity of somebody ; ''Charles T. in early dnys, and is what is ustmlly Robinson, of (Jiles County, Georgia, called a self made man. lie mar be j killed a chicken' snake which meas called the prince of Wyoming. ured suVcn feet iu length. He found Street, T it iti a t rack oY the- fence, lialf pt' its A Exvtt&e. Vltker ide.ft ; On. length; lleiog The building committee of a cburch it developed that the snake ' CL'T TO ANY DESIGN. had, swallowed a rabbit before it at- called upon a wealthy member of the tempted to crawl tiinjUli tlie track, courcgation, solicitinga subscription CUT ROCK FOR BUILDINGS, &C and that after its Wy Was half way toward a new house of worship. The 3m. JAMES FOWLER. ': .. ; T7 RADWAY'S READY RELIEF mil afiord instant au.. Inflammation of the Kidney. IiiliammatiAn ". the Bladder, Inflammation of the Coti- . ITffHrinn nr thn I.llnira U.... mi wpisas. The Kta Winn nNgs? 4B-- j, MONUMENTS Health! Beauty! ftronand Pure Rich Blood InerttMe 0 Pl.tb and Weight Clear Skin and Beautiful Com plexiou aecured to all. Dr. EAWAY'S Sarsaparilliiin Kesolvent Ha made the moot antoninhing cure, ao quick so ' rapid are the changes tho body ondffrie, mtAtr the influence of this truly woucterful .Sfodiciue thht EVERY DAY AN INCREASE IN AND WEIGHT IS SEEN AND VEI,t. mll THE : j R EAT III.OOU K-a- Flh, Tumor of 13 Years Growth Cmrtd hjr IUdway'a ItcNolvcnt. 1869. Mas 18, Bktkklt, sum he subscribed disappointed the committee, and they told him so. at the same tltnJ intimating that Mr. had given double the amount. J SAWYERS. XOXE rpwo "So he should," said the wiley 1 otbers need spp)y. llhe goes to ch,ureh twice as Applj to BARNARD WHITE, Lunv " rmuch as I do." ' : -- 1 " tf-br Yard, Fourth WANTED, puk-lls- DR. RADWAY'S - PERFECT PURGATIVE above-name- RrjtDl'alHaud True." Th world i tnlof Children crying for SlcLAl-V Candied Casior Oil. It is delicious, effective and harmloss. The repulsive tate and sm' en- i of theCAitorOil it tirely overcome. cathartic power SartBHMtTu '. i.ut unpaired. , I'rloe s ceni. Mclain's Verraifugo Bonbons Cre Are elegant and effective. They rwmblej kept in confectioners' shop. "'""L" love them and cry for them. Pric 2S cts. per lKml-on- s I. For Sale by Z. C. M. s37 ly And all other druggists. TakcNotlee. n; Street, Ogden. 45 PILLS, Pertectly tasteless, elegantly coated with swetl gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen. Radway's Pills, for the eur of all disorder of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, BUdder, Nervous Disease, Headache, Constipation, Costive-neIndigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious er, luflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all Desnaieaient4 of tas IntecnsJ Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cur. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals r deleterious drug. ' Obterv the following symptoms resulting frem Disorders of the Digestive Onyaus Constipation, Inward Piles, Pullnesa of th Blood in ti Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust of Pood, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructation, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of tbe Head, the Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering Heart, Choking or Suffocating gonsation when jn a Lying Posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Wet before the 8ight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Hoad, Deficiency of Porspiratioc, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain In the Side, Chest, Limb, aud sudden Flushe of Heat, Burning ia the Fleeh. A few doses of Radway's Pills wiil free the system from all th disorders. Trice d 26 rents per box. Sold by Druggist. Send one letter stamp to Radway Co.. No. 87 Maiden Law; New York. Information worth thousand will b rtS-l- J frtit you. FIRST-CLAS- gen-tlcma- July 1R. Radwat: I have had Ovarian Turner in the and bowels. All tho doctor said "there "as no help for it." I tried everything that w recommended; but nothing helped m. 1 saw your Resolvent and thought I would try it; tut had u faith in it, becaus I had suffered lor twelve years. I took six bottle of the Resolvent, and one box of Bad way's Pills, aud two bottles of your Ready Relief; and there is not a sign of tumor to be seen er M t, and I reel better, smarter, aud happier than I have for twelve years. Th worst tumor was in the left side of th bowels, over the groin. I wrt h this to you for the beueAt of otbers. Yon can HANNAH P. KNAPP. it if yon cheos. OTM-i- Fair -- . . Main Fountains, Vases, Etc., PI'IUFIER. Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT toniiuunicutw through the Blood, Sweat Urine and, other flaid and juice of the lystein the vigor of life, for it repair the warte of the body with new and sound material. Scrofula, St- philia, Consttnfptiou, Glandular dUease, Ulcer in the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Node in the lilaudi aud other part ol the ytem, Sore Eye, Strumous Discharge from the Ears, and the wont trni of Skin DiaeomM, Eruptions, Pever Sores, Head, King norm, Bait Rheum, Erysiprla, Arne, Ulat-Tumnn. Can Spot, worms in the cer in the Womb, and all weakening and painful or rpenn, and si! aiscnarges, Aigiit oweaw, iio waste of the lilo principle, are within the curative wonder of Modern t'hemiatry, and a range of thi few day' une will prove U any person using it for form either of the ef disease iu potent power tor cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by tte wastes and decomposition that is continually progressing, succeod in arresting theie waste, and repair the ame with new matorial made from thi the SAR3APAKULUX healthy blood--a- nd will aud duo tecure. Not only doe tho Saranparlllian Resolmtt excel all known remedial agenta in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Coastitutional and Skiu d!uro, Imt it i the only positive cure for. KIDNSY and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, Urinary and Womb disease, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, 8toppsg t Water, InooHtineuce of Urine, Bright' Dineaw, Albuminuria, aud iu all case where theresr brickdust deposits, or the water i thick, cloudy, mixed with subeUucss like tbe whiu of aa tffs or thread like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and whit bnedut deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning when paslng water, and pai i the snail of the buck and aloug the loins. Price, 11 OU Vt OEMS. TtU only known and snr kenwdy tnr Worm Pin, Tape, etc. Lenvitt's Corn of T through it caught and swallowed another rabbit, thus haying a rabbit on each side of tho1 fence. - The crack was so small that the rabbits ceuld not get through; and the coimcxhenee was that the snake was hitched.' It was killed in this hitnation. Y . The application of the READY REIiIKF t part or part whore the pain or difficulty exi.i! will afford wo and coinlort. Twenty drops in half a nimbler of water m in a tew moment cure Cramp, Spanns, Bour ach, Heartburn, bick Headache, Diarrlioa. tcry, Colic, Wind in the Bowel, and all Inttrn.il CRAVE STONES, - n .IHUIIIHIllllll of School Meeting. The turing Society. rr KittciH a a stimulant. FEVKIC AM Atil'E cured for cents the Second School District Ogden City The adjourned meeting of the Second There is not a remedial agent in thiji fifty world that in notice will cure Pever and Ague, and all other Malariou had better read the Trustees' District A. and M. Society, was held as Biliuun, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and other Veyrri this issue of the Junction, and govern by lUdwav' Pill) no quick a RAUWAY'K announcement, at the Second Ward (aided per READY RKLitV. Pifty ceubi per bottle. Sold A school house themselves accordingly. Schoolhouse, on Thursday evening, June by Druguta. is sadly needed in the southern part of 5th. . - Kw' Traveler should alwav carry a bottle of tun WAY'S READY REUEe with them. Afrwdro,; on water will prevent sicknes. or piu'nn from ihniite of water. It i better than French Brand i ' and curti whether of the Lun, Stomach, BowoU glandoor organ-.- , by one application, ia Z to twenty minutes, ne matter hoW Viot emmting. the pam. the Rheumati, lW-rl- " Pain. 1 as to injure nis icit Knee, him to give up all labor compelling for two months, and subjecting him to a considerable bill of expense for ' medical attendance. As a defence it was averred that no such action was ever reported to them, that they aent to the plaintiff's place the conductor of the par on which it was claimed the accident occurred, but the plaintiff did not recognise him and further, that he was seen engaged in his ordinary business, withtu a week or Jen days of the time of, the alleged accident The plaintiff obtained judgment. This Personal. Among the guests at the case may' find a parallel m eonie'of HEREBY CAUTION ALL PERSONS Union Depot Hotel were' J. S. Rosen egalnM accepting or negotiating fur any ! the suits now pending against the ncin uuinuton having my name atbaum, Snn Francisco, Ezra and Miss tached,Dy ai I have already paid aaid iioten, and will railroad companies. he not reptaible for them in auy way. Farnsworth, Boston,' J.' Shephard, Ch! ' ! Wellnville, Cache Co., V. T.. June let, 1S73. , ullajm luflammntioni W . Whitehead's Sec y Advertisement. EST 2-- Tho Only rain llemofi,. A large stock of Oils, Turps Wnl. ot Brushes, Xc. nd a splendid lot Nelli , Lead, Just arrived at Driver W-Store, OgJeu. ' i d e. J" s |