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Show X peremptory Arrest. th. ft.erameuto Record th. 2J.J a Deputy U. Mr Samuel N. Billing?, oa Saturday made Marshal for Uuh, of From singularly peremptory arrest, and in the nmlter with arbitrary baste. over from Salt Lake, !r Dilling came I 'ived with a warrant, supported by a lui'iiion from Gov. Woods, of Utah, !cd foXe arrest of J. W. Haskins, of Val. The requisition was presented to i0 who made the usuhI iiootu, Gov for service, and Mr. Billings ojr uroceeded lo Vallejo. Ou Saturday mot-niis who old an and Air. Haskins, 1 well known resident of that city, and has never before been charged with offenses on his woy io San (vminst the law, was expecting to return to his Francis, The cars for and the boat for San Francisco simultleuve the wharf at South Vallejo stood lluskins Mr. near As aneously. the gangway, Mr. Billings arrested him, and moved him at once toward the Sacramento train. Mr. Haskins was thunderstruck, and almost stupefied with surprise when bis captor told him that he held him for perjury, alleged to have been committed iu Utah. Mr. Haskins' frienJs who were present, appeuled to Gov. Booth to interfere and preveat his being rushed away on that train. The Governor expressed his regret and said he was powerless ; that when he signed the requisition he had no idsa who the Haskins referred to was ; he had simply performed a duty. Mr. Haskins then appealed to the officer to stay over with him until the next train, that he might prepare for the journey of 600 miles or more, and inform Lis family of his whereabouts, offerng to remain with his captor, which was refused him and the Marshal and his prisoner took the train for Sacramento. On the road Mr. Haskins telegraphed to this city, and on the arrival of the train the Marshal was met by Deputy Sheriff Barnes with a writ of habeas corpus issued by Judge Bamage, of the Sixth Judicial District, commanding him to have his prisoner before him this morniBg at 9 o'clock. The Marshal was very much put out by this proceed lug, and although ample security was offered him he declined to take any responsibility in allowing Mr. Haskins any liberty. All that gentleman desired was time to secure proper clothing and notify hii family,' when he was willing to go to Utah, having intended to go over to Salt Lake during this week. By some construction of law, new to lawyers, the Marshal delivered his prisoner to Deputy Sheriff Barnes, remarking that he would hold him responsible for his appearance this morning. Mr. Haskins at once arr' anged for his liberty and went back to Vallejo, returning yesterday, and will appear before Judge liamage this morning. In relation to the cause of this arrest, Mr. Haskins given us the following information : He is proprietor of the Summit sil.er mine in Utah .Territory. The location of the Last Chance mine crosses it, and conflict arose out of that fact. Under; the mining laws Haskins was notified by the authorities at Washington that within sixty days be must file a transcript of the title of his location and take notice of the conflicting location. He employed F. M. Smith, formerly Senator from' Butte County, as Lis attorney. Subsequently Geo. of this city, became associated witk Mr. Smith as attorney for Haskins. Hia attorneys procured from the proper office the transcript of the reoords f the locatiou of the Summit mine, and it became necessary fer Mr. Haskins to verify it by the usual formal jurat which is made on information and belief as to facts not of the affiant's own knowledge. For thirteen months thereafter Mr. s resided right at the mine, or, at least, in Utah, where the lawsuit between the companies was progressing, and no charge was made against him nor a breath heard concerning it. Business called him home, and now here one Wall, an original locator in the Last Chance, swears out the" warrant for his irrest, and the reader knows what fol- family the same day. The Ruinous Influence or 'A Lost Pntieut. Sao-rameut- o, A foreign scientific periodical this suggestive story: Some time since a lady called upon a celebrated oculist in order to consult him on account of her eyes, complaining that their power of vision had cf late considerably diminished. At a glance, the doctor saw that she was a Lady of rank and wealth. He looked at her eyes, shook his head, and thought the treatment would require much time, as there were reasons to fear amaurosis in her case. He must advise her, first f all, that aj she had informed him she was residing a considerable distance in tho country, she must move into the ciy at once, and thus enable him to see her frequently, if possible daily. The lady then rented an elegant mansion, moved into the city, und the physician was punctual in his attendance. He prescribed this and that, and thus days ran iuto weeks, and weeks into months. The cure, however, was still coming. The physieian tried to console her. One day the patient hit upon a curious scheme, and she waited long enough to carry it iuto effect. She procured for herself a very old and poor attire, put a hood of tremendous size upon her head, took an old umbrella and market basket in her hand, and in these habiliments she visited her physician, selecting for the purpose a rainy day. She had so well succeeded in distorting and disguising herself that the eye even of a lover could scarcely have recognized her. She was obliged to wait a long time in the ante-rooof her physician, with many others who, like her, were seeking relief. At last her turn came. "Well, my good woman, what have you tocomplaiu of?" "Very bad eyes, doctor." Bhe answered. He took her to the light, looked into her eyes, but failed to recognize his patient. Shrugging his shoulders he said: "Your eyes are well enough." "Well?" she said. "Yes; I know what I am saying." "But I have been told that I was getting the a a forget how it is called." "Amaurosis?" "Yes, that is it, doctor." "Don't you let them make you believe any such nonsense. Your eyes are a little weak, but that his all. Your phy sician 43 an ass. "An ?" "Yes, an ass! Tell him boldly that I said so." The lady now arose, and in her customary voice, said, "Sir, you are my physician; don't you know me?" The face the sage counselor made is easier imagined than described. "Gracious, madame!" He commenced to stammer an apology,' but the lady would not listen tq him, and left him in dignantly. She never saw the gentleman any more. m Sun Juan Mystery.' A Desire for Dress. relates You wish to dress your wife betler thau your circumstances will allow. She wants to have you do so. She is a woman of spirit, as it is said, aud she does not mean to be a drudge. "Why should our neighbors," she says to her husband, "dress any better than we ? They are made of the same flesh and blood that we are. See how they come out ! ' I do not think a man of spirit would let his wife and children go to church dressed as you let us go. Look at these children. You would think they had just come out of some slop shop. If married as I might have married, we should have had different times I and my children !" How many men are stung to the quick by such remarks from their wives ! Oftentimes their moral sense revolts at first, and they feel indignation; but "continual dropping will wear away a stone," and by and by the man is dressed a little better than he can afford, and his wife and children are dressed better than he can afford; and somebody must pay for the extravagance. I do not say that they are tempted to steal ; but I do say that they grind. They mean somehow to get out of the milliner, out of the dressmaker, out of the merchant. They intend to make one hand wash the other somehow, and they go into petty meanness to being it about. And this desire to dress better than they can afford is taking off the very enamel of their virtue, Woman's How. 9 k f . camel and in elephant' belongStone's circus, were tied to a to ing Special dispatch to the S. F. Chronicle. tree near Fishkill Landing the other Hamilton, Nev., 5. day, says the St." Louis Democrat, A shooting affray occurred at Min- when tho express train came along. miles from The camel fainted away, but the eleeral City, about forty-fiv- e this place, yesterday aftarnoon, be- phant started off with the tree, the tween It. W, Benefiel and "William camel and the keeper. Crary, iu which the former was shot Be noble, and the nobleness (hat lives and instantly killed, lleports of the in other men, sleeping but never dead, affair are so conflicting, it is hard to will rise in uiajenty to your own. tell which was the aggressor ; but it seems there had been some difficulty between Benefiel's wife and Crary's sister. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Benefiel went to the house of Mr. Hendry, where Crary's sister was stopping, commenced abusing her, and would not leave until Crary was called in, who forcibly expelled her from the house. Mrs. Benefiel went home and t6ld her husband that Crary had 6truck her. He armed himself and started for Hendry's house, in search of Crary, who saw him coming, and fired at hiui thro' the window with a shot gun, blowing the top of his head off, instantly MONITOR TIA8 GAINED A FAR-FMET killing him. Some accounts say reputation. No higher encomium can be Benefiel was unarmed at the time ; npou a Cooking Stove thau to say tlmt who use It ppeak in It prainr, but the above is the most reliable every and recommend it to her nelghior and friend, account. Crary was brought here for economy, cletuilineM uit reliability ia all it operation. and lodged in jail, "A fA Spills houee-wif- e . 31,314 MONITORS now in USK, Nicholas Minon, who was suspecta mo, ins ckLxnaATiD of being connected with the Bend- SANTA GLAUS COOKIM STOVE, er family in Kansas, committed suiFor Coal and Wood, cide on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad last week. He had been Wbirh ha trh a Demand through the Territory, for lieauty and Kxcelleuce, cannot t dogged around by detectives for some urpaexed. KtAvcn ir kept and for Snle time, and committed the act before All our nnd all It llranrli by Z. C. H. I.Ntoren. the eyes of a detective on the cars. and taking out the very stamina of He said before his death, that the , Also by all the Store iu the Territory. their social and moral life. Ex. Bunder family admitted to him that they had killed and concealed one Pet Hats in Georgia. hundred and forty men, womeu and ed 30-6- A strange story is told by the Augusta Constitutionalist of the now celebrated criminal, Susan Eberhardt, and her queer pets. It reminds one of the old tales of Picciola and Baron Trcnck. Says the Constitutionalist: "Susan Eberhart, the ' unfortunate who was hanged at Preston ca Friday, while in prison awaiting the execution of her awful sentence, whilcd away the solitary hours by making friends of the rats that had access to her cell. A gentleman called to see her a few days before her execution, and, after some conversation with her, told her that he had understood that she had some pet rats.' ' She answered affirmatively, and then , he told her that he wanted to see them. She tapped on the floor, when out of their holes came the rats, until no less than fourteen of them answered tho call. They climbed upon her lap and up her shoulders, and crawl ed about over head, suffering her to caress and handle them as she pleas ed, and not one of them - manifested the smallest symptom of alarm." These were her only companions, the unhappy woman taking an interest in but little else. BRIGHAM CITY ' children. . It was Daniel who said: "Many AND shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.' He clearly reare in knccwMful optratibit. ' ferred to reporters in this remark, and this suggests the idea that Dani- WOOL WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR ' el was in that line himself; it is cer4 CLOTH. allowall he was that at tain, events, Wool rented Into roll in a mperier 'manatr by ed to pass in free to see the lions. the and exptriemed Carder, K. liatk.-ley-. WOOLEN FACTORY Oniliiy Mneltine well-know- n "What's that picture on?" said countryman the other day in a print etore, to the proprietor, who was turning over some engravings. "That, sir," said the dealer, "is Joshua commanding the sun to Stand still." "Du tell! AVell,which is Josh and which is his ton?" ' Bring on ) our wool! a A young English clergyman in a country parish tlius reveals some of the secrets of the clerical prison house "Oh there are four of us whose churches are neighboring, and we have a whist party every week, andt the loser writes the Sunday sermons for the party," w, Pomeroy is to be a candidate for Senator in Kansas, Ben Butler for Governor in Massachusetts, Harlan for something in Iowa, Colfax for A Fcoria Minister, while thawing Congress in Indiana, while Grant and Louisiana. a frozen wasp out the other day to Kellogg propose to run This looks like reform It is time see if heat would resuscitate it, was to for the their people get eyes open. astonished to find how hot the sharp Gazette. (Iowa) Burlington end of the insect became in a few seconds, and those who lire next Hammond, the noted revivalist, state that door, they thought they has had himself photographed in heard a piteous cry for "Helen Bla- various attitudes of prayer. zes" by a man's voice. ' 3-- m HOWE SEWINGvMACHiNK. rB BEST IN, TUK WORLD; PERl'lTTKl the Invntor ef the Seming Machine, KLIA9 HOWK, Juu. An HONEST M ACIIIXE ii ot subject to FITS. and The island of San Juan, Washington Territory, was recently the scene of a POINTS OF SUPERIORITY: shocking double tragedy. Capt. Dwyer and his young wife were the victims. Simplicity and TerfecHoii A neighbor of Dwyer's found him. lying of Mechanism.' ' He had dead at his plow, in the field. , last been shot through the spinal column, Lifetime. ... the ball passing out under the right eye. Mrs. Dwyer was found a corpse on the llange of Work without 1'arallef. ; floor close to her bed, bathed in her own blood. She was riddled with buck-shoStitch and Perfection The murder was perpetrated about May Tension . lCt'i. : The door of Mrs. Dwyer s apartEaue of Operation and ment was locked on the inside, but ber Management, window was opened. A gun, which had Take-u- p. Self Adjusting found her at been discharged,-walying , Adjustable Head. t' Bide. Bullet holes were discovered in ' the ceiling and on the wall. It is supCall and kx amine our Style and Price at T. W. JOHZff, Tailbr,' posed that she had attempted to defend herself when attacked by her assassin. Third door from Z. C. M. I., Ofden. No clue to the murderer has been obSAMUEL MILLER, JUN., . tained. The people of the island are . 4geut. greatly excited over the tragedy. No the at few a AUo, Rooms, augaits Sheriff nor Constable exercises any I'WS. , Charity ia an eternal debt, aad with- doors went of Z. C M. I., tlt Lake on the island, and the inhabithority " i28-l- j Mr. Haskins adds that he believes GovCity. , tants are really without any protection $3. A VALUABLE INVENTION! 85. out limit. ernor Veods,,of Utah, in issuing the of law. AN ENTIUZLY NEW prayer for his arrest in this State, was not actuated inthe best ' of by motives, Cause B--S E B A asmuch as ho had a personal IVI difficulty LYJk .1 a JLTJ. JLTJLi JLJf Vf Jbef with Woods FOB DOMESTIC USk! concerning this mine, and A leiral trentleman in one of car larre the Governor menaced him. Co. Eastern cities, upon entering his office ONLY We learn that Governor Booth was told loose found the summer one morning, ta requisition was for a criminal V in Willi the New Patent Datton Hole AGENT FOR THE. T-- " papers on his table just starting into a Santa Crui county, who was Worker. fleeing from flame, which surprised him trreatly, as justice and the officers of Utah. If so, there wai no fire in the room at the time, The Most Simple and Compaet in Construe-tiothe order from Governor Booth was pro! The Most Durable and Economital neither was it apparent haw it could cured under false and it should have icnited from pretenses Use. Cbmbined Model A in external cause, of Strength any he revoked. Application has been made the windows being closed. This hap- and Beauty. to the Governor to de so, and it is IN ALL ITS PARTS, TJSKS TUB he will at once ' send Vn order pened several mornings in succession, COMPLETE Eye Pointed Nsodle, CELEBRATED .WAGON IS MADE OF TJIE BEST MATERIAL office his at he arrived direct upright punitiro motion, new tension, heing absent) to that effect, for it is but one morning ' TIIIS.JUSTLY dein succeeded . . and wheel cloth on and than and earlier Operate! usual, by , 'brougbout m4 is warranted, j .'. guiler imooth certain that the laws of California are in and nofseleM like the origin of the fire. Sitting at aalltable. Light running, lull eflect, and are of sufficient ALWAYS tecting A ' machine. Haa patent check OX SUPPLY force. A good the tabic, he felt a burning sensation to prevent warrant can be sworn out here and the wheel being turned the wrong way. any upon one of his hands, which gradually Vt' the thread direct from the fpoul. Make the 3 Prisoner secured like Mr. Haskins. and ttrongeit Mitch it became insupportable, Klaxtie Lock Stitch (fluent until increased ere is no i known;) firm, durable, chiea and rapid. Will do fleeing from justice in the and on looking at the window through aU kind of work, line and coarte, from Cambric fitter, and it would be a great hardship which the I 15 sun was shining, he noticed to hoary Cloth or Leather, and uaea all detcrlp-tio- n take Mr. Haskins over to Utah a Bris- that one of the of thread. of glass bad a babaad The beit mechanical talent in America and compel Mm tf ker ball there, ble or flaw in panes conto served which it, , v haa been devoted to improving and U .u owa home fle can -. produce centrate the ;rays of light, in the same ing our machine,- containing oniy that simplify, which v of bail at briefest with all complicated '"wo and with practicable, and dispensing a manner as glass, burning be8t there was no call generally found in ether machine. C,?,At.,he sufficient power to ignite paper in a few lurrotwding OF FARM ,M ... "h gpwial to nut aud extra Inducement to male of "tion his aid Billin. ha The dangerous pane was at and female apentu, etc., who will moments.. 18 1Bescu8able when all the agencies through the country and keep once removed, and with it the cause of a ewtablieb are considered. our new maobine on exhibition and Je. County " 1 1 Cad-wilad- t. a Durabilitywill a of " Has-kin- s ; 1 , : ,',...;? of Fire. Singular SEWING MACHINE! AA lti ll Main St.i Ogden, and Main St., Logan, Cache FirEDOLLAliS. "n. n. , be-tier- ed "i.V ScHuttler Wagon elf-fee- d "f bigo-price- ,Vt FUIX d 1XAd . IJ ght .Spring Much nes V Kn-rop- e, a- - Wagons, Sweepstake' Threahiiig nek eye Mowers and Ittap'n, Corn Feed Hakes, Khcllers, Sulky. Cutter, Emery Grinders, Stubble Fanning Mills riows, Shovel Plows, Cultivators, 'AKD 'aLL KINDS ACjUNERY. ftore-keeper- t, ee "mysterious conflagration." The road row ror fne&dfh . . " tun icSf" h0n"t7, i A Complete Assortment of i ' Sample of ewing, descriptive circular containing term, tesilmetiiala, engraving, etc., sent free. nar Those who aerve yeu because they ove, love you, will exact no return. Those Addre, will ex- BROOKS who serve you from d"k BKWIKO HAC1TIXE CO., Ko. Broadway, Kw York. act both principal and interest. oo r... rv,t nd 100 rights given to mart agent free. Agunt'i complete outflu furni bed without any extra charge. self-intere- sly-l-a-- X WAGOS U-fc- MATERIAL, DASDWOOD, IRON AJ1D STEEL, ETC... |