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Show WMMimftMtfaMBi struts mien 3fmution. She WEDXF.SDAT Published oery by the OudeS : and i.VTURDAT, uompasi. ChailcH IV. Penrose, Editor. ami Business Manager. ' OC.DEX, UTAH. SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1873. Thc Liquor Question Lake. ait Salt the Suit Lake liquor dealers, acting under bad advice, are again resisting the municipal authorSome of who has beities, and the come notorious a9 the mau1 that bought an office and then refused to pay for value received, is working as their counselor. It was expected that a decision would be rendered on this matter, yesterday, by Judge McKean, but His Honor reserved it until Thursday next. The following points, as reported in the Tribune, were made by Judge lloge in his argument in favor of the city: First. That no principle is better established than that courts of equity will not sit in review of the proceedings of ex-Jud- ge subordinate political or municipal tribunals, and that where matters are left to the discretion of such bodies, the exer-cis- e of that discretion in good faith - is conclusive, and in the absence of fraud M ill not be disturbed. , ; Second. There being no remedy at law by appeal, an injunotion will not lie. Third. Illegality of proceedings of inferior courts, or the fact that the ordinance is void, are no grounds for actual . rdief. r Young wields great influence over the minds of the masses in this Territory. We are happy to say that he has always used it for their benefit and in the interests of good society, encouraging obedience tolaw,and restraining popular anger against injustice and outrages perpetrated under color of law, when a word from him to the contrary world have kindled a flame that would have purified the land from the hounds and wolves that infest it, but wisdom dictated forbearance and patience. This liquor question is assuming a shape that forces itself upon the notice of the citizens of Utah. Unregulated and unrestricted traffic in intoxicating beverages would work ruin to the community. Accede to the demands and objections of those dealers at Salt Laka who are never satisfied with any arrangements or concessions, and the City would soon be under their control instead of their being controlled by the city. The municipal authorities must stand by their ordinances,and the people of the whole Territory mu3t stand by them. 1 , A 5Iurler. arid1 encourage vioo.'rT the At Tabernacle, in Salt Lake, last Sunday, is ' response to" some remarks made, by President Young, the congregation pledged themselves t o uphold tho city authorities in dealing with this great evil. Every person who Ioycs order and has at heart the welfare of society will join in thij pledge, j If mi Organic; Act and the laws passfcd in conformity with its provisions r3re. worth anything, the municipal authorities have power to prohibit as well aa restrain and regulate the liquor traffic within er Municipal. met pursuant to adjournment, at the City Hall, yesterday, The City Council at 2 p. m. There were present Walter Thomson, and David Moore, Ksqs., Aldermen ; Israel Canfield, David M. Stuart, C. W. Pearoseand Joseph Parry, Esqs., Councillors ; Thos. G. OJell, City ltecorder, and Marshal W. X. Fife. On motion Alderman Thomson was voted to the chair. ' Several petitions were read and grant- ts. ed. The Committee on Public Grounds reLand ported adverse to selling the City in large quantities. The bids for the construction of water tanks, were read and referred to the Committee on Public Work8, with instructions that five tanks only be finished for the Our editor writes from Lewiaton, under date of June 1st., is follows: J "Our town is under a good deal of excitement in regard to the killing of John Cambritch, on Thorn creek, 16 miles north of here, by a man named Fred d Charlesworth, wiih t'a shot-guCambritch died to day, and Charlesworth same in and gave himself up to Sheriff lialdwin, claiming that be had a difficulty with Cambritch about a ranch claim, and in' the dispute ' Cambritch advanoed upon him with his hand in his pocket.and he warned him to keep back, and that he advanced the second time.within six or eight feeof him. gun was resting on his arm, his finger oa the trigger, and he asserts that it went off accidentally, the charge taking effect In the left breast of Camtheir respective corporate liiuita'and britch' i Other parties tell a different tkat Charlesworth had justbefore the liquor dealers who are making story assaulted another man, and deliberately trouble, prompted by lawyers, reck-les- s shot Cambritch, who was unarmed; that he then to shoot Jake, a brothof consequences so long as they er of theattempted murdered man. and was only can secure, fees,may find themselves, prevented by Jake getting behind a wagon,' and another man getting between if they persist inTtheir present course, the two., Cambritch wasone of , the hardest working and most peaceable shut out of the traffic altogether. men in country. Several years ago The people have' the right to ex- he used the to drive a water cart in this city, press their views subject, and for two or three years, I think in either privately or publicly Some 18G8V9, wai aiswaiter in the Luna House. Charlesworth in jail, and it is thought comment have been madij qa the a special grand jury will be called and a trial had at this term of court. One propriety of President Young's ec- murder trial, and an assault with intent clesiastical influence being brought to kill, are set far trial this week, bo you to bear on this secular We see court business is rather Lively. "" - double-barrele- n. . " Char-lesworth- - 's question. maintain that every man should use all the moral power he possesses in favor of order, peace and submission to constitutional law, and that a gospel minister "who will "not do thia is ' unworthy of his calling. The idea tt5T-- churchman ruut keep his mouth closed on subg jects that deeply affect t he ", of society, because they do not come within , limits- - of Christian creeds, is preposterous r to a people who have cast off the shack-le- i of sectarian, theology. President a well-bein- tho-narr- ow ! 'w- - . VV Itttters present st Good Cliancc for a Iliblc. il Weber J. Co., GROVEK,oT burton, Agent for Utah of the Victoria! Polyglot amily llibto. A magnificent work. Look out for him Judge No ten Dyspepsia or . the way the Indians are kept full of good feeling to is observatory will be as soon as men and materials can be obtained. After inspecting vari ous points, Ogden was settled upon as the most suitable place for a central ob 8ervatry for the Pacific Slope, being in direct telegraphic and railroad commun cotion with every important place East and West, North and South. com-menc- , For Female For i Mr. Davidson, and others, who have d t, A prospecting party, Morb Tin. Messrs. Reynolds aad were whom among of this Buchmiller, city, yesterday, claim to have made rich discoveries of tin ore at Waterfall Canyon, near this city . In a single piece of top rock were found a combination of tin, zinc, and cadnrum, A Yankee in Paris, who was' containing twenty-fiv- e per cent, of the enin.a: to the boasts of a lot of . minerals. - ka-dun- k, ,!,,;.;, ,.;....,. Personal. Among the arrivals at the Union Depot 'Hotel this morning, were C. D. Hyat, Omaha; D. P. Denison, Saa Francisco; GV L." Greathen,' Salt Lake City,' J. K. Bradstreet, Boston, H. H. Savage, New York, and J. B. Charl: "! " ' ton, Boston. Right t Chapman &' Scalley,! of the Junction Hotel, have been appointed by E. M. Shipman, of Salt Lake City, as hi. agents In Ogden for the exclusive right to sell Berwer & Bemia' ale, porter and ., '. , lager beer. ' "":'.;:! B.; IP. t BBOW, General Produce ; ASI ! Shipping a Specialty ' : A -: 0E ! 1 O. S' I. ...1lOt,.. : - ; - Box 24.u, ,,.,;"! It. It. , UTAH. a NOTICE. Beef. C. ! 1 -- otfcer Worm, ' - Mecliunical en- lioaea.-Pcnio- ns lUiiitM and Minerals, hucIi a and I'lnrabers. Typesetters, Miners, os tbcv advuncw in Kfe, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard agalurt this, take a dose or Walkek's twice a woek. and Inter' IIllloiiK, Kemittrnt which are so prevaleu mittcnt Fcicn. rivers throughiu the vallevs of our great out the United States, especially those of Hie Temie-seMississippi, Ohio, Missouri. Illinois, CumlHTlund. Arkausus. lied, Colorado. Hrazos, ltloGraudc, Pearl, Alabama. Mohile, Savannah, Itoauoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries.' through cut our entire country during the Summer,and Autumn, aud remarkably so during seasons of unusual licat and dryness, aro indevariably accompanied .by extensive ami.i rangements of tlio stotnaclt aud liver, Iu their , other abdominal viscera. a purgative, exerting a powerful eswn upon these various organs, is . tlally necessary. - There is 110 cathartic the purpose equal to Dh. J. V aj.k kb's lsi' car DiTTEits. its thev w ill HjK'cdiiy reniovo the dark colored viscid matter wiia wnica the bowcU aro loaded, at the iwmo tlmu IW-8U"- . stimulating the secretions of thofunctions 01 generally restoring the healthy : ' the digestive organs. e, t, If"1'"-men- -- Scrofula, or Ivins:' Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, swelled neck. Goitre, Scroruious Inriammatious, Iitdoient ' Iunammattons, Mercurial AU'ectious, um , Korea, Eruptions or ,th Skin, Sow M etc In these, aa in all other cousi Diseases, VTalkek's VisEa TKrs have shown their great curative ! ere in the most obhtiuaio aud iutraetauit cases. ' et, COHHISSM 1IEBCII.WT Fifth Street, South Side U. unl Fiti, Tape Gold-boate- V " when- lurking In the system of to many tliousuuds, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physiologist: There te scarcely an individual on the face of the earth whoso loUy is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not npou the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased hutirors and slimy deposits that breed these living moiwtent of disease. Ko svstem of medicine, no vermifuges. nthelminitics, will free the' system from worms like these BitU'rs. gaged in lish and French artists, wonderful genius of their respective out and countrymen, at last said : "O, pshaw ! ' You git eout ! ny, there s Jiill Devine. of our yiI lage who kin paint a piece of cork : so Wkly like marble, that the minute you thrW it into the water, it will Ticrsosai.. Hon. Willis Drumuiond, sink to the bottom jes like Land Commissioner at Washington, ar SlOne. , rived here last evening from the East ' Carpenters arc fearfully careless He was met here by Hon. W. II. Hooper, about putting up closet hooks, x A and went with him to Salt Lake City. rhuadeiphiu woman - broke down Welcome ! four before sh6 could hang herself. ;. Fou Chicago Bishop M. D. Ham 3ond, of Providence, and A. Stayner, Esq., of Farmington, left this morning for Chicago per U. P. train. They are both on business bent, but we hope they will find their journey a pleasure trip, 'leu.KC the Vitiatnl Blood , ever you tiud itsiiupuriUes bursting througti the skill in I'implos, Kruptlous, r Sorc: cieanse it when you lind It obstructed ana sluggish In the veins ; cleanse it when It U foul ; your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blood pure, aud tho health of tiia system will follow. ; list Eng about the . Dyspepsia or Ih-h- ; . and Chrunic Indigestion, Hiiimis, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys nnd Bladder, these Hitters kave been hiost FticceKsful. i.Kuch Diseases are caused by Vitiated Hlmxl, which is genenilly produced by derangement of the Digeslire Organs. For Skin DiwaOH, Eruption. Tetter, Salt KluMini.' Wolclws, Spns, pimple., Pustules, Boilx, Carbuncles, . Scald-HeaSore Kyow, Krysipelas. Scurfx, Discoloraiions of the hkin, liuntors and Diseases oft lie Skin, of whatever qanie or nature, are literally dwg up and carried out of the ("vsteni In a short time by the u& of these Dl iters. One bottle in such case f tucir will convince the niobt incredulous curative effects. King-worm- vidson saw a bevy of bucks and squaws cutting away the most pu trid portion of their flabby and stinking salt pork, by order of the with the hope that they could temporarily stay hunger with the better portions of it. They are very much dissatisfied. saying they cannot eat pork, and have never received an ounce of flour or anything else in the eating line,' though an aounaance nnd been promised by Mr Ingalls. The Piutes are reported to be very tractable and obliging to prospect ors traversing their country. Their Lnristian guardians are severely denounced for their cupidity in 'withholding or stealing the annuities due them from the General Government. Sub-Agen- in yoiin? Inflaiiimatory and Gout, ItlieiiiiiHtiMin . half-famishe- Head-ach- e, Coniplaiuts, or old, married or single, at iheiawmc or turn of life, these Totc the womanhond, Hitters display so decided nu lnilueRcc tltat a marked improvement is noon perceptible. ward the Government and their neigh bors. If these Piutes don't stomach rot ten swine's flesh they should be fed with rifle bullets; if they resist, exterminate them; that's the Christian policy of the times. The Tioche Record of the 7th insU has the following: to-da- y, astronomical tticso Rit. Indigestion, J'alu in the Shoulders. Coughs, Tina, ness or the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Hud Taste iu tho Mouth, Rilious Attacks, Palpitation of Innammation of the Ums. Pain hi the region or the Kidneys, and 4 hundred other painful pyinptoms, aro the otrspriujn Of Dyspepsia. Ill these complaints it h no equal, an i one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits thun a lengthy advertisement. . s6-la- w Penon run take according to directions, and reinaiu long unwell, provided their hones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means and the vital organ wasted beyond tho point of repair. lately returned from a trip through the Muddy valley, inform us that the Piutes The Obkekvatobt. W. D. Wheeler, down that way' besiege every' passing Esq., brother of Lieut. Wheeler, called wnue man, ana, witn lana anr torlorn and informed us that the countenances, demand to know where on us their Agent is. At St. Thomas Mr. Da dlOO Prlf, n, South-Wester- IIkaltuy Dikt. This Whiskv and sweetened to please tho taste ai u ! "Tonic," "Appetizurs," Restorers" Ao that lead the tippler on to drunkenness anil ruin, but are a trne Medicine, made fn , the native nwt and herbs of Culirom free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. Thev the Greut Blood I'urifler and a " Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Inviror ator ol the System, currjlujt oir all poisonou matter, and restoring the Wood to a health? condition, enriching It. refreshing ami in viKoratlnir both mind and bodv. Tliey um easy of ttdniinistralion. prompt In tlK.ir certain in their results, Bafu and reliable In all forms of liscasc. fifte- south-easter- n are not a vilo yincjrar prink, made of Poor Rum, snow-storm- on-4t- f The Etcord says : It does seem that this whole desert country, over an area of thousands of square miles, is threaded with veins of silver and gold the former predominating. John Mason and James Iteace, old prospectors of this State, have just returned from an ex h ploring trip south ana west of, the mountains, down toward the Amar-eoz- a river, and not far from the celebrat ed Death Valley, who report having found some very promising galena They will return if they can from men of means. assistance get Railroads are only needed to make Southern Nevada, we may reasonably believe, the richest section of the explored globe. Few are aware that in this country, s in the latter where we have be can cotton of successfully May, part cultivated. Such is the fact; at this very time, within 125 miles of Pioche, in the part of the county, a en-acre field of cotton is growing splendidly and promising a heavy yield. It is the property of a Mr. Patterson, whose ranch, or plantation, is in the Muddy Valley, about midway between St. Jo seph and St. Thomas. It is one of the upland varieties, and seems to be ma turing satisfactorily. It 19 believed it will be ready for picking some time in August. There is a cotton manufactory at St. George, in Utah, and thither the crop will be taken to be worked up. What a country T Cotton and oranges within two days' ride to the south of us, and almost perennial snows the same distance to the north. Ash-Uta- Indian. Bright ex-(jrcii- -e law-break- IMoche Items. 10. The Committee on Public Works reported adverse to cutting a drain in the North-Wequarter of the city. A report was received from the Road Supervisor, of work done on the highways, at a cost of $185,10. A verbal complaint was made by W. S. Brown, of damage to his farm by the overflowing of the waste water ditch in n the part of the city.. .The matter was referred to the Committee on Public Works, with instructions to conExample for fer with the Water Master. Tho massacre of "Modoc prisoners, A number of tradesmens' bills were in will found be of which particulars presented and ordered to be paid. our telegraphic columns, Is an outOther business was transacted, and the Council adjourned to June 23d, 1873, rage that calls for condign punishment.1 The Indians will be mightily at 2 p. m. court of equity will not interfere by injunction to stay proceed- anxious, after this, to plaee themings at law, only where the case has selves in tho power ;of, the whites been tried at law, and decided iu favor of the plaintiffs to the bill, and then only when the fortunes of war are against to prevent a multiplicity of suits. them.-- They' will have a profound Fifth. The bill will be dismissed on the demurrer if it is not signed by coun- and lasting respect for, that honor sel, which signatures were lacking in the which Christians desire to inculcate ' case at bar. t ' - in the red man, and are furnished - The people of Salt Lake are natu-rall- y with a pointed example of how to indignant at the course taken deal with a captured foe. If the, perby the Judges arid other officials to "of this horrid murder are petrators hamper the city authorities iu the nob followed up and dealt with to the of legitimate 'authority to reutmost extremity of the law, for the strain and regulate the liquor traffic. sate of' justice and common sense And they are becoming thoroughly let us hear no more of hanging the aroused to the fact (hat the influence wretched Modoc warriors. which should bo used to sustain the law is being prostituted to thield the Fourth. TUESDAY, .','32-tf- " '.,? "er, Dr. Walker's California Hitters act on an theso ens'1" par HmUar manner. By puriilng to wMj solving, they remove the cause, aud by away the effects of the mnummatton tubercular deposits) the affe:ied parts health, and , a permanent cute." effected. ., .UJ ' The . and milit I'axa''l: rr-Apwrlent i -. properties of Dr. Walker's Vinea hi ea.scs ol en TERS are tho best tionsand malignant fevers. Their balsan w. healing, and soothing properties protectprop ; humors or the ranw. Their Sedative ertics allay paii li tlio nervou bowekw cither from inflamma , Btotnachaud , tlon, wind, colic, cramps, etc. e of U10' Wttew ot lroctlons-Taka half w one going to bed utwfrtitXrom l. one-haEat good aourtsuuY ' Iood, such asbeeftcat, mutton chop, u roast beef, aad TegetuhR's, and out-doexercise, Thoy are cotnposeo coauw , purelv vegetable Ingredients, and no spirit.. IMcDOXAl.D A CO., Ui ' Con. Agt., Pan Fnincisco, Cn'., DrngglW it cor. Washington and Charlton Sts., SOLD BY ALL DP.UGGIST3 A DEALEB ; ; ;.. - S4-S- m ' safe-gnu- - rd Salt Lake ought to have plenty ' Lagf.r. C. D. Tyree is the prince of of beef. Herds of fat cattle on the way bridegrooms, This was the testimony Thoroughbred Short-hor- n there pass through Ogden nearly every of the printers Durham Bulls & Heifers! while broaching Beef to be cheap too, but a keg from the U. P. Brewery. The day. ought SHALL ARRIVE IN 00 DRV ABOUT THE this is a matter solely in the hands of the fluid was clear, cool and 15th of J una with tins cattle of above broods. , butchers. made of pure malt and hops a All entered in th .. .. AMERICAN HERD BOOK. Bt.vo ut Yoca Ohdkrs. Shipping-tag- s healthy beverage, fit to quaff in honor of Stricily pure blood und pHiirrerd. desiring in; reticular Long life and hapwith business address can be ob- the AGE, NX OK COLOR :; two to the made one. tained at the 'Jonction Office. Also piness " ryn,,ina. Ky-- . WITHIN Tw,?I?tr.vl" letter-head- s I will deliver tba sama at OWtth.S,nd cards, and all Another Papkr. The Bingham Kan-yo- n fair prim. kinds of job work.,... .. Satisfaction Guaranteed, miners are to have a paper of their Whatla bigger than the HgS9f.J,,t" Mtaral credit on good Hra-ityTho great Napoleon, in a celebrat- own. Mr. C. G. Loeber will commence R""" VFitHOtT fnHiMiOM Lrin Farr, meg A nutmeg grater. ed order of the day to his soldiers, the publication of the Vionttr oa the 21s OR.in; Ym. Clayton, felt Lake; Hon. W. M. ct " Jenks sayetbat s pawnbroker'! Brewer, Omah; Central Jiationul Bunk, Troy.Jf.Y. characterised suicide U desertion. ' inst. twS4)w It0LLINP.8AX., must be ft long mt place. ' rare to-da- y, , lf thirst-quenchi- . I ng . . , newly-wedde- d. : bill-head- s, , . ,,, wiue-glaarfn- aj' t |