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Show matters called out on cross examination BY TELEGRAPH. Ppeoial to the Oodks Jcxctios by the Atlantic ami Pacific Telegraph Company. Trouble with the Indians in Arizona! New Trial for Stokes! Death in a Gasometer! Riot in Ontario! Colliery Accident in Pennsylvania! Heavy Storm in St.Louis! of Jennienamely, as to whether she left Mm. Morae'a against her wish and because detectives were said to be after her Boon after the homicide. There were other points discussed, but these were the principal ones. Hamilton, Ont., 11. scene of a most unthe was This city and disgraceful riot. At the provoked close of the Great Eastern circus, as a crowd was entering the concert nearly about thirty or forty showmeu made an assault upon a crowd with staves, knocking down men, women and children. Mr. Might the proprietor with the assistance of the Police finally succeeded in ,uell. ing the disturbance, not however before a great many were badly injured. Only four of the rioters could be found, they were brought up before the police court and fined. Six of the injured appeared against them. They were badly cut up about the head and limbs. No risible cause for outbreak. l'ottsville, Fa., 11. An accident occurred last evening at the Heavy Clay Colliery, at Sbamokin, Pa., this p.m., which was caused by the explosion of a keg of powder, which communicated a fire to the slope, in which were abont two hundred miners. At 7 o'clock 130 miners were rescued, eight were found dead. Twenty still remain in the mine. At the time of the accident the inside foreman was exploring some of the works when he Bet fire to the gas causing the explosion. St. Louis, 10. The heaviest rain and thunder storm of the season passed over the city last night. It raged from about G to 8 in the evening, and recommenced after midnight, continuing until morning. An immense body of water fell and considerable damage was done in various parts of the city. Several houses were struck by lightning, and the fire and police telA sewer egraph were interrupted. caved in and choked up and the back water flooded the streets and cellars to Several the depth of aeveral feet. bouses were undermined, and chimneys and trees were blown down. lo-da- y AMERICAN. Washington, 10. It was recontty staled that two delegates from the Government of Guatemala, accoinpunied by the Minister from that country, called on FreMident Grant urging the annexation of that Republic to i he United States. There is the best authority for saying that the Minister from Guatemala and San Salvador knows nothing of any Central Americans who mny have seen the l'resident with the alleged or any other object. He has no' been in Washington since the 10th of April last, and to his knowledge not a single prominent native of Central America is dreaming of the annexation of his country to the United States." East port, Me., 10. A sad accident eccurred, this morning, at the gas works. Repairs were to he made, and a young man, named Hi. ram Lawrence, went down into the gas. ometer to let off the water; the gas overcame him and befell from the ladder in. to the water. His brother Edward went to rescue him, and he, too, was Another brother, James, suffocated. tied a rope around his body and was lowered down, but had to be drawn up immediately; be was nearly dead, and now lies in a precarious oondition. The others were dead when taken out. San FranciMco, 10. It has just transpired, that Tom, the Piute Indian, who was brought from Camp McDcrmott by Sergeant Sbeeban and placed on Alcatraz Island, wan summarily shot on Saturday, by the soldiers uf the guard. It is stated that Tom wHQtoulyjknoclced a soldier down with (rick, and commenced a regular bom-lduient with bricks and stones. Shots were fired over his head' but did not intimidate him. He kept up the fight t ill he was wouuded, and finally mortally ; he then fell to the ground and died ai hour ufterwards. It waq found that nil shots had takes effect, the fatal one through' the abdomen, lie was ling buried on Sunday, and a report of the transaction submitted to General and fired twice, but the first shot only, took effect. Roily returned to iwiu Star and gave nimself up. lne same4 and died at night he took morphine p.m. yesterdoy. At 10 a.m. the District Court opened session, Judge Boreman presiding. The Z. following officers were present: Mc- J. D. T. with depuMarshal, Territorial Allister. Snow, Attorney-Geners- l; ties R. W. McAllister, Isaac Bullock and John Hnnt, on the part of he Territory. Ob the part of the United States, Deputy B. L. Duncan. The Court was opened for United States business by Deputy Duncan. Judge Boreman addressed the members of the bar, in his remarks declaring that the Supreme Court of Utah, setting aside jurisdiction of the Territorial Marshal, by ouster, having not been annulled and the otBce having been declared vacant, he wo .Id proceed to appoint two elisors, one from each side. The Court then appointed B. L. Duncan and John Hunt. John Hunt stated to the Cwurtthathe had served several times under the U. S. Marshal and received no pay, and he would not accept the office unless some provisions were made for his pay. Judge Snow stated to the Court that he had no doubt the Legislature of the Territory would make provisions for persons so appointed, whereupon the elisors were sworn in. The Territorial Marshal being ignored, he aDd his deputies started for home. The jury were called and a challenge to the array interposed, which is set for hearat 10 a.m. ing In the afternoon seven aliens were naturalized. , m JOHfil B07ZaK' : Dealers in Imported Furniture of all Kinds, MAIN STKEET, OGDEN. CIIAIRS, TABLES. JLUUAtira, WASH STANDS BUItEAUS, BESTEADS, Spring and Hair TOat trasses. 3Iade to Order. Cupboards and Bookcases aoini'i i urn. anu ifcepairinir Don e' Wood Turning in all its Branches. 100 DOZ. CIIAIBS JUST RECEIVED, and other Goods in jtroportion Flease give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. lietwecn twelve aud yes m AND MUSIC STORE, 0 terday, a sad accident occurred at lorn dl-3- J. R3. THOMAS, Coal & Lime Office Fatal Accident. one o clock-- , CO., Main Street, . . Ogden. Showell's corral, by which a man named Mulcahey lost his life- The deceased had purchased a wild mare in the morn-in- r, ! COAL and at the time of the accident he the In on baud. Market, always was in the corral playing with the ani mal. Mulcauey bad bold oi a rope which was fastened around the mare's neck, and she, starting suddenly, jerked ALL him against a post with such force as to kill him in a few moments. A coroner's D Deaeret Telegraph. from a Jcwgharp to a Churoh Organ, as Cheap, or jury was called and returned a verdict in accordance with the above facts. Utah. else It is stated that the deceased had Special to the 3. L. Herald. in this city, but his whereabouts brother I'ioche, 10 had not been found at a late hour last A large number of people met at was removed by the on Saturday last to witness the night. The body be buried by him this will and sexton, SHEET MUSIC, ETC, ETC. ceremony of driving the last ipike in the Pioche and lulLouville Narrow Guage morning. Saf Lake Herald, Wth imi. y One door South of Ogden House. Railroad, after which a train atarted for ' The Weber. Pioche, making the distance, eighteen miles, in just two hours including stopBro. Geo. II. Peterson, of Coalville, pages. The road is now pronouneed to called this looming. He reports crops be in fine working order. An immense well in that country, no crass crowd assembled at the head of Meadow looking nor of any, a large breadth hoppers signs Valley street to welcoms the first train of small and looking fina, ia, up, grain from Dullionville. Its arrival was greet-e- d and stock looking the same, every grass with a round of hearty cheers. General A. L. Page, the superintendent of thing bidding fair for a large crop, two and four legged animals all healthy. High the road, was warmly congratulated on water and prospects of higher, as the hot the success of the enterprise The first train from Pioohe to Dullion- weather is fetch ing down the enow apace. Needle Unless care is extended, some bridges Retting. ville took ten car loads of ore from the Los Angcloa, 10. on the Weber and ions Tort .' of i road no the ; The following letter gives additional Raymond & Ely mine, and when last in Parley's Canyon are bound to with go ilciails of tne army movement and a- seen was making fine lime for the city of the stream. Roads good now. The R rulls. The people generally rejoioe over A cajous of General Crook: the completion and successful working it. 10 me coai oeasnas lor some time ' l'rescutt, Arizona, June C, 1873. No cogs, no been up to the Wasatch (Mitchell or Lieutenant Jacob Almy, fifth cavalry, of the first railroad in southeastern Ne- Nebeker) mine. By the middle of this ' Ifses attachments. w killed by the Indians on San Carlos vada. Trains will commence running week it is expected to resch Robinson's in few a as soon as the first bed, and Crismon's and Robinson's cVery days, reservation, the 27lh ult. ... The particu-lir- e regularly arrangements caa be made. are not known yet. second bed middle of Upon Major necessary the the week after John M. Worley, of Cullionville, who Jirown's return to Camp Grant, near the Dtt. I've, tfttrt, 10th init. broke his arm aeveral weeks ago by the S.n Carlos, from the late campaign ngtinptthe Tontos, the Indians having upsetting of a buggy, met with a aimilar Another Man THE LADIES NEVER BUY ANY OTHER AFTER SEEING Leon removed to San Carlops in the mishsp yesterday, breaking his lett arm in the same again place. Last 7- n'rWV meuutime, he found great dissatisfaction o about Committees from the Pioche fire com another Friday evening among them and trouble brewing; there fearful occurred in our tragedy and the Meagher guard will hold Mns to have been a une an streets, quarrel between panies, raoio Martinez, Alger ! e Wilbur and his successor, Lara a meeting t morrow evening for the pur- ine. had an altercation with annihmr of pose the for perfecting arrangements of which the 0'it disaffection bee, son about his own color, named Jose among the Indiana arcso. A valuable officer proper celebration of the 4th of July, by Demctrio. The difference ran high, and lost his life, and much trouble may their respective organixationa. a man Known as tbarles White interfer Reference ia Ogden, Mrs. M. Bowring, Dressmaker. A party of prospectors is oreanitinir cd between them to Dretent a conflict ersie. Gen. Crook haa beeu aware of here for the purpose of proceeding to when Martinei drew a huge knife, and the Potosi located in Northern to obliged tpare Major Drown fretn hill Arizona. mines, rVbtte, plnnged it into his The property has been pur- assaulting a'.aa, to be ou the spot tf trouble came, about the pit of the stomach, the body IV. which he has btea anxiously anticipa- chased by San Francisco capitalists, who anno passing tnrougn. White bled ti intend to detheir enter upon aud which a Ma-thorough death in a few minutes. Martinez fled messenger from ting, j r Drown has just advised him of. It velopment Immediately. but was sneedilv arrested bv our A man named who ' was Cook, l not known what further information employ- lant officers. An inquest on the dS6 889-a- lt body ed by the citiiens' protective union here, elicited the above facts. On Monday may bo in possession of the officers at several headquarters, but the above U all that is a card months ago, "goes for" them in morning an examination was held before . . nt published in the Retord of this i uBvivo r ji public. iraQiey. ins aeienaant there date. Cook claims that, the executive New York, 10. stated that the principal witness did the committee employed him as night watchWhen Stokes was informed of the stabbing, and he was innocent. Thus of the Court of Appeal, granting man, in which capacity Le haa acted, we have one man killed, two ot hers lii'it a new trial, he expressed himself since about the 1st of January, until the cnarging each other with the killing well pleased, but added quickly and present month; but he haa never receiv- and nobody else present. Both the de ed a dollar therefor. . 00' bmiewsiU sadly; "The report might fendant and the witness are confined in of the committee have advised possible be untrue, and the disappoint- himSeveral the county jail to insure their appear to sue for the amount of bis bill. TE HAVE THE AGENCY FOR, AND ARE SELLING OS FAVORABLE ment oul l be all the greater if itshould ance ai ine nnai trial. iMlia DrUt Cook will commence i Terms, the justly celebrated suit, and also prove to be the case." ; His counsel, JutWk., Mr. los I'nssos, with his" relative and threaten to publish the names of the friends, soon arrived at the Tombs, and committee unless paid. - Hook Making. Edwin Quids, the man injured a few there was a good deal of rejoicing i since by filling from a wagon, died '' ' j;' ' " T among those interested, at tho favorable days , i ti V i The following estimate of the profit on 1 vision of the Appellate Court. Dos wifeSunday night. The deceased leaves a . and thrp children. accruing to various persons interested in says: "Upon the, next trial we ,i Bullion & Wells, shipments, by will prove to the satisfaction of the New making books, is taken from the Ameri Fargo i York public, that there has been a gross Co.; yesterday, were $8,886.00. can Xewspaper Reporter, and niusfbe cx mUappreuenston of the case, from the ceedingly encouraging to authors and day of the tragedy, and we will be able those who want to make a living out of to establish the fact of his innocence .by literature: evidence of an overwhelming charactBy Dret Tolcgraph, u, .. ' ...,,..,..,--' er.",'... ' Beaver. June 10. Approximately,' out of one dollar, The court in the Stokes case gave (wo On Saturday, the 7th, Pat which is paid, say for one copy of an cf Holly, written opinions, one by the Governor, ixonn ftar, witneut , shot ordinary book, the money goes thns: provocation, the other by liappalo , The ..charge ia and killed W. G. Robinson, at Benver To the ' -- 09author, $0 held to be erroneous on Ike point that Lake, twelve miles from North Star. To ' - 0 the .' publisher, Purchasers in the North can bare INSTRVCTION'S at the Store ol tlte law presumes the murder from the Roily suspected Robinson of ' being con- To the 0 Mrs. BOWUINO, Ogden. fact of killing, and calls on the prisoner nected with some horse thieves who To the bookbinder, . 0 to mitigme or justify. Also that there had stolen his -v Qg' horse, and accused him To the printer and stereotyper. 0 were errors in exoluding proof of threats of being so allied. Robinson denied the .wm4m r AH the retail bookseller, or to him Full lit a9 ft ana3 a a 1. brthe deoeased to kill the prisoner. Al- - charge and a few worda passed, when Toand aiiK his 0 40 customer, an error in permitting Mm. Morse to Roily fired. Robinson ran twenty-fiv- e supplied. eoutradict Jennie Turner in collateral feet and then fell dead. Roily follewcd a $1 00 Superintend - THE CHEAPEST KINDS Pioche New. AND LIME OF MUSICAL in Cheaper than anywhere and oilier Fittings. Violin Strings Bui-lionvi- -- s27-l-- m The "Victor" Sewing Hachine! . , 1 ts-da- y. Sco-fiel- J. needs no Shuttle needs lacing. child can work it. springs. . Takes the First Prize at all Fair. Killed. The Victor hs CIIAS. STAYNER, General Agent, Ko. 5 Main Street, Salt Eakc City. . Sewing Machines. de-ci- in -- . , ... , Sinser Sewing , . , lloreman at Hearer. And at our , ! , , . i i TOTsLchine. "1 AT THE CENTRAL DEPOT, J'-n- o! . ( . . i . , - . In SALT iAKlD, BRANCH STORES ' ! In paper-make- XOGAIST. and OGIDEiST r, . li.ii vviioh, s25-6i- ' iieeaics Aiuiiuuicuw H. B. CLAWSON, |