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Show ! ' I DO dZL i 1 i. TBirnfi ' liiBIWTB PUBLISHED : wedxesda r "g'i ( '(saCDBasaso' year, peb ' v j .Maiftieastii llST3JJU J. No. 4S. J 4. " ' ,' . . ( , ' ( Saturday.) OGDEX, UTAH, S.VTUIIDAY, JUXE 11, 1873. VOL. IV. night at Barcelona, with illuminations The a.llli and general rejoicings. ' From the Missouri jRyvMican.' Special London, 10 The Alexandria palace was entirely OF MAILS. CLOSING AND ARRIVAL Mention was made a day er to since destroyed, nothing remains of the build- of the return from California of J. double daily, 7.50 a.m. 5.45 p.m. ing but a mass of ruins. It is reported faltUkefity, Mail 7.40 a.m. Chief Engineer of the Atlandaily WtThtW Mail da.ly seven persons perished by the de6.40 p.m. tic and Tacifio Railroad. The object of struction of the building. his visit to the Pacific Coast was to ac6.30 p.m. 8.40 a.m. LiOce Civ, double daily A late dispatch from Dublin says: that 6.20 p.m. wirt Thiwph Mail daily at the great fire in a lumber yard a crowd quaint himself more fully with that por8.40 a.m. rT, Through Mail daily tion of the Thirty-fiftParallel Route CLOSING. of persons whose object was plunder the mountains coming ens!, 7.00 a.m. crossing East the and Lake hindered the eft'orts of the firemen to put For Salt 5.00 p.m. from the coast of the Mohave or Colora out. ' They stoned the firemen and a it via Kvanrton, go do plains. The Atlantic and Pacific rRichCi,iiiity,nR'l8 A second dispatch, dated Boyle's detachment of soldiers was sent to ...l'i,- - ntVr Ttlace for Ulch Couutv. e Railroad Company made the first ..preI.. ....., .n.l i. timlav.. at Camp, bth, tit 3 o'clock p. m., says that order. They fired on the mob and Thursdays Tuesdays, the interview between General Davi, wounding many of them. Intense excite liminary survey and did the first work (Vhe Couutv, 5.00 p.m. in that region ahead of any compel ii.g Simdavs Daily t Lev") a.oo p.m. Captain Jack and Schonchin has just ment prevailed in the vicinity of the fire, County. Tuesday and Thursday line; but it was deemed iiuportaut in tie 2.30 p.m. and rtiiirnday terminated. The Modoc chief says he and the scene during the Lth charge of the present condition of matters to stcure Satur-- .. and Wednesday was incited to his cruel warfare by Allen troops was tearful. jjainVfille, 7.30 a.m. possession beyond controversy, or the David, chief of the Klamaths. He also LyMie',' Plain City and glatersville, 3.30 p.m. possibility of disputed priority of claim. denied having killed General Canby, and Mondays and Thursdays 3.00 p.m. Mr. Blickensdorfer has been absent oa and Weiinnxilari News. Saturdays ,ui v laid the blame on his boys. Schonchin Kiveiutwv. ... eduedayi 11.30 his mission about three months, and Le Boupervillo aud Ulna, told the same a.ni. story. and Saturday AMERICAN. Special to the S. L. Herald. has obligingly given our reporter the HOURS. .. New York, 10. umcE ' l'ioche, 9. 6.45 p.m. - 8.15 a.m. Washington, 9. brief account of his exploraGeneral Delivery, News received here y from the The stampeding to the new mines on following The Post, Office Department has con suiiuav. o p.m. in O.OU p.m. tions: Sioux makes underit DEPART .MKNT Commissioners, REGISTRY cluded ta send a special agent to the Cherry Creek, beyond Egan Canon, has From San Francisco, instead of taking stood that everything is progressing been the Open from 9 a.m- - to 3 p.m. feature of the week. Quite the coast route various Territories to the great inspect he journvyed down the stage M0XKY 0FF1CK DEPAItTMKMT. routes pnpr to letting the mail contracts quietly. Grave fears are entertained at a number of the old miners of Ely dis- San Joaquin valley to the Open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ' vicinity of Interior1 to 8 as the what will .' of Departweut trict have gone there, and the excitement Los Outside boor open from a.m. to p.m. Sept 1; The Department is under the be the effect on the line of the Angeles, striking JOSEi'H HALL, Postmaster. s until Col. the Sioux. Staugh-ton'the lust day or two has been in Thirty-fiftimpression that there is considerable Parallel Route in Fanu ' expedition into this country at this tense. Clara valley, a hundred or so of miles swindling, both as to length of routes critical of with them, The reaction has now set in. Discour from the Pacific Coast. From point negotiations - - 7.40 a.m. claimed and the frequency with which C. P. train arrives there his, and the appearance of an armed force in aging ' mails are to ' reports have come lrom the new examination eastward commenced, crossdelivered. 6.40 It " is proposed " U. P. p.m. UJ their midst, may cut short any pending camp, and Cherry Creek is 6.20 p.m. stop this sort of thing if possible. beginning to ing the Sierra Nevada mountains near 0. P. " Governor of lose negotiations. favor Campbell, ' --' Ban' among prospectors. 8.60a.m. their junction with the coast range Francisco," 9. p p Wyoming, 'has asked to be put in t he Another sensation in the stampeding which sweeps down from - 7.50 a.m. - Dispatches from Boyle's camp, dated Sioux U. C. train arrives Oregon. TLtra Commission, as he was formerly line is developing, as the result of rich the - - 5.45 p.m. yesterday, relate full particulars of an ' was made by him of the celeand " survey uf affairs in Indian this silver veins having been found bevond 8.40 a.m. atrocious massacre of the Modoc pris- Superintendent " leaves Soledad pass in the mountains " and negotiations are of vital the Colorado, in the northern part of brated Territory, have C.30 been to committed which'l he track is to be laid. and oners, " " supposed through p.m. to Wyoming. His request Mojave county, Arizona. An expedition The mountains here rise on either side by Oregon, volunteers. , On Saturday importance oe coiupueu wim. is organizing to go out in that direction. of the V. nd win , Religions Services? morning Ijolin James Faircliild pass from 1,500 to 2,000 feet. The 11 and at the, a.m., The expedition also entertains the hope weather in March is as mild and soft as Tabernacle, V, FOREIGN. Ewy Suu'iiy, in V dozen about a left men other Fairchild's W 8 School hou ard Second Farley's is the that they will discover cinnabar depos- it is in this latitude ranche on Cottonwood Creek, with sev v. v at 6 p.m. Madrid, 9. and Third Wa-during the .Utter ,, 7 11 and at Church enteen a.ui. Jlodoc captives, women and The evening session of the Cortes last its, believing the Indians of that region part of May, and it continues at nearly p.m. Kpincopal ; Metliodixt Chnrch atll a.m. and 7 p.m. children,- including Shack Nasty Jim, night was one tf the stormiest en record. procure vermilion " at rich ' quicksilver the same temperature the year round. Spiritualist Lectures (Child' Hall), at 7.00 p.m. The engineering party found it to be a Bogus Charley, Tehee, Jack Pang and Owing to the confusion which prevailed mines. A man named Laura Muloahill, who most excellent line Little John. The Indians were in a wa- in the Chamber and the closing of the over the Sierra NevaOgden City New Depot. Open had a span of mules stoleu from him at da At John II. Chamber' gon drawn by four mules. At the cross doors a portion of the time, by which range, the extreme elevation being Uulhonville, some weeks ago, followed only bYAJO feet above tide. The length tveiy day, Sunday excepted. ing of Lpst luver the. party wasencoun-tere- d reporters were excluded, and the late the thieves to Los Angelos county, Cal., of the entire by the Oregon, volunteers under hour of adjournment , the morning papass is twenty five miles, the command of Capt. lliser. The sol- pers were unable to obtain complete or and found the mules in their, possession. extending from one base to the other of diers gathered 'about 'the wagon and correct reports of the proseedings, and lhe thieves were arrested and are now the mountains. "Snow never lies there G. questioned Fairchild. The latter told many false rumors obtained currency in awaiting a requisition from Gov. Brad- longer than a few days, and it would rehim the Modocs were all Hot Creeks ex- consequence. lhe statement, among ley.A teamster quire no snow sheds to guard against named Ould fell from his the blockade of trains. The mountain Little no were and that there that the John, cept others, Ministry proposed by FOURTH charges against them. Fairchild under- Margell was approved, is incorrect. The wagon on Saturday and was severely pa-- s is in that portion of the line corresHe was unconscious when ponding with that of the Central Pacific, took to push on to Boyle's camp, and House finally rejected his Ministry and injured. Four Doors from Z. C. M. found has been irrational ever since. where there are and the volunteers retired to camp near called on Figueras to resume the couduct thirty miles of snow An unknown man was picked up by sheds to shelter the track from the driftOn the road he noticed two of the Government with his old Cabinet. Crawley's. GENERAL men ahead riding to Ilocky Point as if The following is an accurate resume the incoming stage from Hamilton on ing snow storms that blockade and im' 1 to intercept them. When the team ap- of the sitting of the Cortes after passing Saturday, a few miles north of Pioche. peril the movement of trains. BOOTS ' SHOES, He a few lived after micntes few A only being and of one them deer were the only bears presented a needle a resolution proclaiming the Republic proached, LE1T1IKK at Fairchild, saying, "Get down, adjourned until evening, for the purpose discovered. It is supposed he died from animals seen by the surveying party, gun SIIOE FINDINGS, !" of completing the formatien of a new starvation. The deceased was about five There are a number of abandoned gold, old white headed bou of a b At the Lowest Prices, , Produce you feet eight inches high, middle aged and silver and copper mines "By what authority?" said Fairchild Ministry. At seven p.m. the House re along the line, Taken." had dark auburn hair with red chin which were Indito I'm kill mine. de and assembled the the formerly worked, but sus"By going Figueras opened ans and you too," was his reply. The bate, advised the Republicans to be whiskers. " pended on account of the lack of transThe weather continues very hot. leader caught hold of the mules and un- united, and warned them that divisions portation facilities. Along the Soledal a f limpid "mountain hitched the harness, Fairchild, clinging in their rauks would prove fatal to the Creek, stream, ' which has its course through the pas to the lines, leaped to the ground. The cause they held dear. Correspondence. REPAIRS of that name, there are two quartz mill?, NEATLY EXECUTED. lhe question then came up, whether poor wretches implored for mercy, and i Brigham City, June 9, 1873. erected several years ago and siuce the them. The to should save Fairchild begged Ministry proposed by Margell Editor Oopem Junction: abandoned for the reasvn above stated. warriors were unarmed, and knew that be voted on en bloc or separately; Sir: Diligent search has been prose The present resistance was useless. They were the An excited discussion followed, ac survey they did not extend WHOLESALE NOTIONS,' coolest in tne party, though facing inev- companied by frequent scenes of confu- cuted in Bear River and the lake for beyond the eastern base cf the mounthe body of William Henry Wrighton, tains. From the Soledad pass there are. DIPL itable death. But the women and chil- sion. And Woolens, , to into A secret who was drowned on Saturday near the no mountains of any magnitude to the motion was made dren shrieked, groaned, and wept g) Largest Stnp.k AVpst of New York' point where the U. N. R. R. bridge is' in Colorado river, 200 miles eastward, cr Fairchild had nothing but a session. , Sonroe aud Franklin CHICAGO Bastellar protested. The Cortes, he course of erection, but up to 6 p.m. no afc a distance of SCO miles from thecoast, Sts., - small pistol. Six inches from his ear trace has been found which would lead w&t're that noted stream is was the muzzle of a needle gun. He said, owed it to the country that their easily bridgto its discovery. There were quite a ed just below the Big the tears came to his eyes, and be proceedings should be public. '! H" ' canyon. This is says v S. to the sad as far as the number of men present survey was carried, Margell finally announced, in new of mingled his voice with those of the MoWATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. unable but preliminary butiaa position tragedy, utterly of which be docs in the hope that .the massacre the sad scenes disorder surveys were made 'a to save the victim of the watery grave. lr in W atcUes. Clocks. Jexwlry, SiWer and two since or ' over the cutire line to evidence of as consider an could terriwas it a averted. be year only "Oh, o ware. MAIN SfHEET. OGDEN. might One of Judge Smith's sons, while swim-in- g Vinita, aud the branch to Fort Smith. ble scene. I never shall forget it. I distrust, that he would withdraw his pairing ueatly done aud all work warranted. toward him, lost his balance in the However, the great object of the ''' ' ' shudder when I think of what 1 saw and list of Ministers. present said whirlpool, and went down once; he survey, the practicability of the A great uproar followed, and could heard. The tearful voices of those wo reached the shore again by an extra- was found considerably easier than paf, was men and children still ringing in my only be silenced by Figueras, whe arose t The water of the deterstruggle, and ordinary has at first it been chosen be Ministers move that supposed, the cowardly hounds were not to directly P ?0U WANT A TIIOMSONIAN DOCTOR OR ears,be but baulked. A shot and Little John by the Cortes. The motion for a secret river is as cold as in winter, and it ap- mined that no part of the grade will exto t Thomsonion Medioian, pears that tramp had taken bold of the ceed ninety-fiv- e feet to the mile in get; CALL OM DR. lay dead in the bed of t he wagon with a sitting vi? then renewed and adopted, MURPHY, man who was drowned. He has This over. new exploration is an young clear-were J the and at midnight ting bullet in his brain. galleries POST OFFICE, MAIN ST., lhe mules dashed at borne and been a valu- indication of a purpose to put stayed always . OGDEN. toe in Around ed and excluded. him through Fairchild and with reporters tangled away able aid to his parents by whom his loss the railroad, and that its completion is Jwvno Feb, Sl.00. Five more shots in rapid palace the Bireets were filled with an exthe lines. is deeply felt. 'The greatest ' anxiety only a matter of time. The line A iren U wanted! All through 6fA nerdav. success on and Tehee, Jack, Poney, and cited throng, aud within the Chamber clasne of working people prevails here concerning the recovery of the pass described has not only been lo' tfri'il were the greatest agitation prevailed. VVf or the Mooch, warriors, remaining ola, make more money at yu"K body.' uift t cated, but men- have been placed at It was rumored at one time that an hisJames Little John's squaw had a u' iu t,,eir par moments, or all the dead. tim. .i man whose work and possession has been taken of the Hansen, young and entered had the crowd armed wound in her shoulder, palace """'fe ioo. i t vnrumi a live, I u- most was so dangerously broken, and the ground. With Jbtinwu Si Co., Portland,, Mai Be. , 80.1y A war frightful regard to the present ahead in the road in the direction threatened to break into thehalu More- leg horse was killed by the runaway-teawhose feeling in San Francisco regarding the of Boyle's Camp was a cloud of dust in over, a fight Detween the military and is beginning to walk about. Judge Thirty-fift- h Parallel route, Mr. B. found dicating the approach of a team, lhe the people in the streets was momenta3 S. Smith has solely attended te him ' and the with whom he conferred and Castellar people mo a and in Figueras STREET. OODEX, murderers espied the dust, rily expected. ' .'' successful. been as anxious very for the construction if culm in the quite were riding rapidly away, tier succeeded in restoring Heber Carlos, son of Heber Loveland, that road as they ever were, and no le?s ' ment to themselves exerted and geant Murphy, of battery 0, fourth or Chamber, effect in restraining the populace aged 6 years, who broke his arm about desirous of some road to compete with tillery, with ten men and teamsters.came good the joint of the elbow about 10 days Central Pad fie bf the team The Sergeant took charge ouuddc. There being no asprospectcom-of since while playing around a cellar at the to the of the Depuiie? of affairs and remained with his men on agreement Calls Fort, is also doing well. He was Forgiveness is the odor of sweet flowiftE0ARDEN; position of a new Ministry, Figueras, taken to Corinne to Dr. Graham, who ers when trampled upon. the ground. Fairchild, a teamster, v ... t U wounded souaw and her two children Castellar and Margells were called upon set the bone in the arm, but on returncame at two o'clock this morning. Fair successively to form one, but they either SnAir0dment f GaASS SEED coa- ing home with a team on bad roads and X A K child reached Gen. Davis headquarters declined or failed in the task. in a dark evening, the bone got out of whole the consultations After repeated and related his story." Teams with an place again, and the surgeon had to be i escort were at once sent out after the Cortes finally appealed to rigueras to re sent for t re et it. ., ; and Drisdners, dead and alive. No steps main id power with his old Cabinet,, to IarriairA. o'clock four At consented. t DiasHcka Ar. Bonri. CotLiii1uThn fol'lowinR MAIN 8 T II E E T , 0 G D E N . Men from th.effoct of were taken for the apprehension of the heat last fT If mi excellent formula for a cordial to keep In the thrown were open,-andoors the ln a.m. l,fBManhood restored. felons whd performed the bloody work'. imIcimt. . C'AXDIKSJIT WHO" and waprupared by a phyntrian who PUKE ro ttored. New method filled were the immediately galleries , ? tfitm.nt I2"naR or Uetail. that the is bin practice: Chalk .).-nnccen with ia Oregon It supposed it ued generally great warkahlc rriihedie. Soolt'andH,'ew kM vote of mixture, 8' J ot.j tinctnre of Jamaica kIuK'T, ) i ; PII-... . K. a to CAKES Cones adopt The . Fair- KKKAD, proceeded the are volunteers parties. fret! nt euilty in sealed envelope. T,c;u' ' 1 drachm, Mix aAd keep in a ch! Hnd I'ASritY of huidaunia. ana the Fmueras confidence ' ct.j in Ministry, Every inscription child ii of that opinion hiniscif.' The place. Khake th. bottle Ufo:n using. ivr for The proclamation of a an "n in",i,u,in i"K warriors killed were not charged wjtb and adjourned. f ' ' ' adult, oi:' tapoiiu('ul an vftea a utx:iu) ; 1 CROCBRIKS alidOanled 0W. ' E2tf 4. IU STINGKU, Proprietor. who know them best soy Federal , Republic was celebrated last childrni te'f Uue or Us. ' ' ThSse murdgri. ' ' . ;.:. el they have only participated in open fights. Eve-- one here condemns the af'..: to the OodenJcnctio." by the Atlauticand fair ad atrocious and without excuse. There is no doubt but the murders were Pacific Telegraph Company. carried out upon a carefully arranged at Mr. Fairchild noticed horsemen Massacre Mo plan, on the road ahead and behind him when doc the shots vere fired. Had John d instead of James been present, another murder might have been added of to the list, as the Oregonians are bitter in their hatred to John, the old man and London! other Cfllifornians. Horrible t SEMI-WEEKL- Y, BY'cm TELEGRAPH. OCDEN DIRECTORY. nvriipn'Post Office: i . ' of Prisoners. Parcllel Route. L'lick-ensdorfe- k i r. Fair-chil- Destruction the Alex andra Palace in h , pre-serv- , Stormy Scene in the Spanish Cortes, Progress of the Sioux O'den.-Monda- ? Commission. Piot'hc t !( to-da- ft,.: 5 h Trains 1 lfes - .u ; hool-luu- d 'a se School-houc- e ; j . 1 - Library WHITEHEAD, . STREET, , I.f DEALER it and 0ASHPAID for HIDES. ( y , vN0.V.FARWELL&CO.; Y GrOODS pite-ousl- y. tii-i- y J. LEWIS, es Il-l.- v REMOVED. i " 4- - - - - CEO. W. TURNER, "ITn ttuit, Vegetables,5 SEEDS B LOX K It Y , mtncles SSLT CONFECTIONERY, , - d UOME-MADl!- boui-ehn- " - . , Kinur?" f" ' "' S, ! t 1 ! i, |