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Show Le grai IgW of i2 e s PROBATB ) Black Jaelt Consoiidated further information -- In the district court of the fourth ; Eraet5 Rrr7'Rusert. Tracy) Martha - .'.artkrupt.-E. Miller, and Utah-lakeXotfre of First Meetlrut of CredltorsJ V tsuir-Vj.twr4-Fonr- r - Tthe eriWM oTr OompaHy, a corporation, defendantsSummons. of Soldier Hummlt, in the Couuty of of Utah tothesald defendTe State "and District Utah, Plate : ants: foresaid, a bankrurti-.- . ;. You are hereby summoned to appear Notice U hereby alven that on the withm twenty' days after the service - 10th. day of December, A. D., Jfl08,the of this summons upon you, if served said. Charles A. F.vlnjrwas adjudicated wit hin the In which thU ae ior bankrupt, and the first meeting of hi is brought, county otherwise, thirty eliors will be held In room 9 of the (tlVtt fti.r CavitI. anilwithin J Cr 1 V. - iv rf: action, and in case of State of Utah, in the district aforwmid, your failure to do so, Judgment will be l?th. of nth day January, A. D., rendered against you according to the - m, t 10 o'clock a. in., at which demand of the complaint, which has ; said the time creditors may attend, beep Bled wtth the clerk of aald court. prove their claims, appoint' a trustee This action is brought for' the pur- examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly the west one-ha-lf jtt- - the southfeait - eom before the meetine. of the northeast quarter quarterof the Flwks E. Corfmas, .' southeast quarter, and the north one-- Beferee In Bankruptcy of the aouthwest jjuarter oftlie nalf -- First Pub, Dee, 29th., 10CW. northeast quarter of southeast quarter, and the southeast quarter of Notice to Creditor. the northwest quarter of the southeast qu artet and t he' east one-haof the In the District ewirt of the Fourth south westryarter of the northwest the southeast quarter of State of Utah,County quarter i tidiclal Districti ; aejCUojreigbt lit Township ten south of of Utah. i. .... In the matter of the estate of IJeiiry range one west of Salt Lake meridian, Which mortgage was given by Ernest N. Greene, deceased. G. Rognon to Russel L. Tracy, on the NoticeCreditors will present dairni 27th .day of April, 1900 with vouchers to the undersigned at J. W. N. WKITTEOOTTOjr, Utah, on or before Mareh 20, Parson, Attorney for Plaintiff. - . r. v Aaqress, rrovo, Ltan. 190,---' First .publication Deo. 10, 1908. JAOUB 1SVANS, ' Attorney for Administrators , , -r- -- te lf . . -- An"ilrrtATatr with will annexed, F.rstPub.Nv.l0,lOB. NOTICE. DELINQUENT j names of the respective sharehold-- . The. Big.. Hill principal place of business, Frovo, 15Eles KiDf Uh.. Notice ere re la hereby jrlven that at a meeting of the board ofJHreeters ofthe Bis; -- Hill . Mining-company, held Thursday, Nov, i M08, an assessment,; cent per share No.j of one-hawas levied onthe outstanding capital took of said company, payable at the office - of the secretary, Gates-flnobuilding, Prove, Utah, on or before 'Saturday, Jan. 2, 19o9. Any stock 54 Jacob-Evan- s 57 G A Storrs lf (1-- t NAME NO, 8HAEF8 ANNUAL STOCKHOLD. 7 ERrMEETINCr fi5 7r J W Jex II J- - -- ' lw . 2f6ThosTDryl)brgh"F 258 John Roundy- ' 259 " ' L Whitney -- ' 802 Wimmer Inv, Coi S04 HeberC Jex. 00 1 2 So 5 00 Jo 00 1 o . . Eureka Feed , forihe 100 100 100 1 jftj, of.- 4 100 500 1 00 500 5 00 5 00 It you can help 100 too- Kor Provo, Utah - . to 'inj! i 761 .100' 762" 100 100 764 100, ,100 1 00 100 100 766" " 1 1 00 00 1 """ 00 ' . . .1 00 100 -- 1242 Geo Havercamp loo 5 OQ 1207 LC!Poty "T looo 5 00 1288 JasAPollock&Co loo test your ... ..; 'ur u. whHe they are visiting ILvcry by fnrnishing you with firt-clas- s outfits to drive them around the city and adjoinAnd don't forget .to call for our ing districts. hacks to take them to the depot w hen they re -- turn home." , : PROBERT LIVERY CO. j, (Call vuruie iirf full. eBt boftls, 'JZ to be of much benefit to you, in Kodol is prepared at tha laboradlgsstlTt ailments. Pepsin is only tories of E. C. DV.' ltt & Co, Chicago. "F"f Sale: by ?ni(ioTDf ug Co." 2J9 -- .. . . - , ( 1 00 2 5o 8 75 Jriie,htf Manum 1 00 1 00 eyes;- Heindselman A - To entertain your friends ill 100 -- .UtDr, m Provo dachCB,tiaullrieBS Cf smienrty Sufi !SVItm:!1Utotiit dab fan "t rturs the p la artggui chronle tired feel! jig; you need Ko pM.i, u Will rcfanS u without ).n BiuBuy Hon or doL Jtnd thsu the Quicker you tak U'o psjr Hio dly. fct I.,-- , Voa't hraltkta, h6. l B f Kodol th better. Eat what yoj am SBi'UkunwthjiK ttsaodc ; 4i oner Mm n1 uoiua amy want, let Kodol dltest It nd to but eu is fh bt Ur( tabOrdinary pepsin "dyspepsia I t eootalD time nuok m U Aflf 00 " 100 -- and it diarrhoeas-t- ea 5 00 -- " & Co. Taylor Bros, for diamonds, A, fiO 1 b - -- ""100; 100 57 907 00 "loo" TOO 768 100 r- e. 50" 709 816 JasAPoII.wk&(Jf) 500" " ' Too FHO " K70" 1 00 first clnw oyster euppervgo . LET US HELP YOU . 764, 765 lest "your j;ingr or watch." Xmas wines and beer delivered for sals - At a harcatn 8 room modern housel Good stable, Nice. lawn to any part of cityt PJioce in your and fhade tw, f6ooo,oo If sold with terr days. 'lait Center street. Any orders. Elk horn Pharmacy. kpftd of terms. W.ll. Ray A Co. hf 100 a the Grier hou Buy a farm of Vv', H. Kay make money easy. A rreat msny people who a partial dlr tar and physics are triflsd with lndlgesilon, hTt bean not diteitcps at all. Kodol Is a perfect digester. If sorry for It when nerroua or ehronlo dyspepsia1 resulted, aad yon could see Kodol digesting erery hare not beea able to cure It particle of food, of sit kinds, in tne they : Um Kodol "and prerent hatitts glass test tuber. In our laboratories, you would knew this just as well Dyspeptia. v Eyeryone la subject to lndlgoe-- as we do. and Kadol will Nature always Itloo: Stomach derangement follows stomach abuse, Just as naturally cure a sick stomach but In order thf stomach must rest toetmred, and Just as surety as a Bound aM Tbartr-Wbst Kof:ol does rests the healthy stomactLJ'esulta upoa thu stomach, while be stomach' rots taWnf of KodoL well. Just as L'mp1. aS-g, C. Whn yon nnrqf S1J of stomach,, belching of gas sa l Our Guarantee Banseatlng fluid, bloated aefisaaon, Oo te tlniifKltl today nd fet 4ol yonr jat-Jptirt-lihau . a faawlns; pit ttMilra eontniH of ihA DtittU if tou vaa stomacn, Beart corn - t-0- 0 100 - 760' pnrn "'. Ure. Mansger. Kodol provenU Dyipepila, by Nature to Relieve Indigeition, effectually helping But don't trifle with Indigestion. 100 100 100 Stote Better Not Get Dyspepsia '. - 500. 5,00 . t'ut but girl with 00 1B82 " 5 DO Sunshine, Fruit and flowers Kniht,'Mnnetim ' Wnilney ro'Too - 1 OO 1898 L C Doty" looolobo , janeHrjr Jvn'pnr, l, tail 1 00 lo . 5oo Whitfipv Co 00 within 24 hours of your very door. It's the place for rest and reo " Flabing," Golfing, AutomobDing .nation, health and pleasure. be indnlged In every day door other out Yachtlnir and sportg'tnay v ; Notice Is 1 00 hereby glvea that the an. looo iooo nual Rtockholdej meeting of the Tin-ti- e . -- 08 1 I08 l299Alfce In the winter. EDJloyle N Central Mining Co. will be held In 805 Knight-ManguKniehfc-Mansfur1314 00' JasApolUkACo 5 5oo 2olo the office of the Ptovo Commercial looo lo 00 Whitney A Savings Bank at Provo, Utah. on 133a Knight, Maogum Yri5"'.ll 00 WKjtney Co 600 5 00 White Frank 311 J " Mondsy, the 9th day of January, 1909, ' : 2150 00 Whitnev Co is the fare and tickets at gbod six months for return. -- Ask the 5iQ loo 1 00 looo looo at 4:80 o'clock p. m. of said" day, fof 319 John Eoundy mnn to tsll fBSlrlfS 00 5 00 43344CighMaog and return via San Francisco at a slight' ad Co ment Txjo 1 00 eompsny for the ensuing year and for !328xW4,3rirnhall loo Whitney Co 200 2 00 most 1 . . coetsnd . ditions anywhere. oyer stop OO other business loo I r that may properg any . loo Hinckley loo 2225 ir J Joseph looo lo OO 1376 f come before the meetings gi33aSj Allen " ' 3 00 3oo . A Close Scrutiny . Information and tickels, 169 So. Main St. Salt Lake 16 2233. KJ Knlcnt 16 looo io.00 1443 J M Calderwood 341 Jennie Beck ; R. Im A KDSBBEBSj I a 1 1)0 loo 2250Oifl8 DPceley .: Secretary. loo -- loo . 5oo 5 00 1458 Wm A Hodges , 349 ITT Lewis. - 8Ht-22- 61 3 00 by a good dentist will Bhow treach-i Geo 22o4 Paled Provo, Dllr1908. Ches 1498 F bo 302 M"A Thompson 2 loo ""lo oo Murphy9oo "9 r First publication Deo.12, 1908 7 loo. 1 00 erous csvitiesr'aud "defecta in your 1 499 S (JDa y J A Revnolds jo7" 1 "bo 388 Kpiftht, Mng'nj tef.h Uiat. v.illvrfKuIt in.'tuelr loss 3o 3o 263 Wm H .T il beld 3ro 1 00 unless looo lo 00 1503 Ella E Oswald WbitDey 0 to you Ljve them attend " 1 00 loo Narked For Death. ..' 2o -- 2.0 22f4 " " 1504 . in time. "An ounce of prevention. is 4o4 Wimmer Invest- -. " ' 1 do worth " loo 34 "Three years ago I was marked for S4 2265 " ft pound .oL.cu.re" is aa trtie looo . lo cq 15o8BS Hinckley meat Co 1 ' death. A grave-yar- d 1 00 266 in Gallacher. 151oJohn teeth to as to loo cough was tear--' 406 regard your your p B Hifrgirison 800 3 00 1511 .TC m H Tibbala 1 001 health or " ing my lungs to dleces. Doctors failed loo 2267 ejffl'ghtiJIaveyojifJeeillj 00 to help mo, and bop 4iad fled,'Wheh 407 Knight,. Maogum ; r 1526 Geo A Storrs ""125loo 1 OO examiaea tid kept in good condi"' 125 2268 U ( . K .2oo 2 00 my husband got Dr. King's New Dis-- ' ' WhitpeyCo tion by a itood dentist, and you will ronirg: by pressure comes, nearer aroompluihing the work of the 1529 F B Hubbard ( 3w 3 do 2279 J V Beato- nSteihl-oo- -a covery," aays Mrs. CA Williams of -- bond ltHiu'lerer than lft tU tern ihrotigh-4ife-r 00 any ther --known - mechanical method. . The preserve 2336Knieht-Manirtira- -Bac, Ky." "The first dose helped ma 1532 Dr G E Robinson417 17 launderer is to produce work 4 effort aim and SwenSon 5 of.every 00 5op and improvement kept on until I had 427 P L -no 1547-- Mrs C A Parry - 5o6 ' 5 - -- WTiitneV that as CO. UTAH DENTAL to 5 a,s possible, etinal, nearly 00 produtd by the moat expert "' 5oo 5 00 . gained 58 pounds In w eight and toy 442 A Manwaring to idea the ; produce sT stirface perfectly hand launderer, being 1567 Parley PFulImer2oo 2 00 . And in scrorlar( with lswand heaTth was fully restored." This medi25oo 25 00 Daniels 443AE and without preserving as near as possible the gloss, smooth, cine holds the world's healing record 1572 PP Fullmer 2oo - 2 00 an order of th honrrl of .directors " 25oo 25 00 when new. ffnihb, of . the and goods, colds and lrng and. 7Vfor coughs original 1579 H) rum Flanders 3oo 3 00 maa on the 10th dnyof Xowmben, . B. ROSE I Dll. 5oo Beck "5.00 448 Jennie diseases. Sold under . guarantee 1598 Mrs M Malcolm 5oo ' ; 5 00 1908, squinny eltsres of each rarcpl " ' ' J'lhro(H at Smoot Drug Co. 6O0 and $1)0. Trial 492 J A Stallings ' looo lo OO of stock as mav DENTIST- 1614 Paul CWithrow,- - 14: .e(sarjr .will bottle free. 14 be Pfld arpnbHc sucf'Qn t ihe of'And In aToordanrwith law. and 1647 J.JLJensen ..2oo2.oo fice of the Oflj'ef)VerM()CoantIircv.Shoe"ftore an order of the"board""of directcrs I680 Emna pommny room 7,K'ght lo 00 Hedges ' loooi E DIARY A FREE "Wd.J made on the tenth day of Novem- 1692 C Swenson Block, Trovo Citv, Uth. on J looo lo oo newlay, Jannarv h, VJiVJ. at the FOR OUR READERS ber, 1908, so many share of each -This requires an operation" with no friction or motion rby 1693 " ; ' 5oo 5 00 hoor of 2 o'clock p. 'Trw o said . , CIDER PRES3 , stock be as may necemry 1724 Jos A West - loo ' 1 06 day to parcel of goods vbeing irored being under pressure until pressurfr-.t- he thft dlip(jient pay We take pleasure la. announcing wilLi&jolcUtuiJic. auction etJhe fl-jtIi6jroiidtfydjT with tltf cof4-- f 2 no 1I?9 G.W. BnmhUL:.2oa ' in ai n frarirrent in Buch a manner as to give -office of the r company,: Brtotrrr7; afijr"mf 6rfcs3eiTOitseeuTe itpewijik trrshnpe Aear suar" hwt factory, Frovo. 5oo 5 00 vrtising end the pxihtsp of sale. - U fine Vnevr'- - appearauce not obtainable by any other diary for il909, by sending Knight blockj Provo city, Utah, on 1 750 Badger Bros cliarai'teriatic; a ' " " ' Sheets-Ne2 cents postage, to" D. Swift & Co., ljened Cider of all kinds." Cider" a - ' Co loo - I 00 it; E. . method.- . . Wednesday - January ; It-- 909, at 1760 rure unlermeutad vinejrar. apple patent lawyers, WraihlngtoBD. : " loo 1 00 Secrelary Black Jack "('orlwJidatefL o'clock p. m. of said 1761 the of 2 hour .": '.. and pra'pe jntce.- -; Boiled .fidef for This diary Is worth, 2 eents, and con" ' ' ; A " " Iqo 1 00 Minings Co. " ay the delinquent as- 1769 tains 20 nages of valuable Information, day to Cider syrup. cooking purposes. sessment together with ,the cost of 1778 H W Dosiher ' 1 OO First publication Per, 17, D0a lAddrw D. Kxk.xrak, Route o. such lpo theorop production of 1908, by states. P.rief but valuable points of (idvertitiing end the expense of sale. 5 06 e 1, Jiox J5j Provo,. Utah. ' ' r- - "Stands for CIeanliness.', R. . law and patent lawi; bui-nes- s ALLEN, v evcry-da- y , ,t 1795 J M Jensen 2 2oo 60 fiwrt.nrv..., fount, and population of all cities fSoTii 7, Kennedy's LatsthT" Conjrrt 9 ynip and (flute, etc.,. and .75 pages mcmof knight; ' andtun. . 5 00 not onlyjieals irritation and allays briibhes, Jady combs, Ma Provo rit ITrah n? Whitney Co the First puhli-a- t n Dec. 19,1908. 18:J6 Geo Havercamp loo 1 OO inflammation, thereby stopping ts, extra niai.fcuring p'rees " cough, hut It .moves'the howcls pently of ellfeiads at KlkhoiuTpLaruiajy, 1842 Knight, Manum and in that way drives the" coH from Thii is Worth ReaiJinj. ' no tern ' .Contains' , ' opinio, it C. A. lledirnifit Prop. Fourth Annual Elks excurs-ioi- i LOSTSaturday n;,:lt, Whitney Co 5oo 5 00ltnesy New machinery and new methods Is pleasant to take, nnd children1 esi'i'C-IfoF. 7eiinMii, of 68 Gilwn St., KoiIitj-Wmigui. 1811 liia Califot Ftb.ljilh. Vr., says; iiiTam, "J cured the Tnsure pun 'wmlt l'ri'VO'fitefim black coat .lined w"''i ; Money to loan on catsy ferths. : k.r?r like the lawic, nn veaty like ma5 OO lallyKURttr. ' Hold Jrh i tuey Co 5 OO '.. IIImost annoying cold sore I ever had, Laundry. r7 rcHcrvations' ard; iuforniation by Palace 1'rug Vo,. Interest. . Man oj)tions. IS'o dels ple of tiTou'ey. ; We iuust loan it. t 1 Arnica Salve. I applied 5 00 1855 C L Whitney ? 5oo with bear cloth, between r.otl'i . LOST V.hite fi, wun .01 jiU ,r write A . W. Usybould, So-rj- r, this siilve one a day for two days, Co, Ivlgar-Kinft- . i' J?rovo JIerr- s as thpflp 18-j1 00 nJooII l'.yi t ' t t! JcpoL i.i.n every tr.iceof the aure was gone." Nu. 15. 1. O. fiir"a cn t:j. llcti'm' Dr, .Ifi'Ind.vrum' as elew here with ten per cent off 1W0 Grace K tlim loo , Suit pliihii 1' OO id un.lt-S si1. g 'aranteej ijit' j ht.iio L.-()- . '! wry, ' f jr fiot ca h; prompt delivery. Co. c. rj USC2 A mj rii.w . ".elfmt hue of l ioo 4 oo to tLiij ofiice. uleC'ity. Fifty Dollars R.ovjndxTrip n- - i2218-Xnmmer.Jn- vct- J J - W-Atn- oa -- li :, -- -t--- '""'"M" 1-- IroningiBy Pressure- '.. .oojj - r I 20 iH up-to-d- 'o--g- oT Retain GlotK Finish." ' F-' J&nnMt OdecWorl. -- Aex, el C Domestic Steam Laundry a-- loo' 1782-TCpCFt- , BIocldlHMangum nir Ltd.--lon- a -- . 1 Co-ffilt- ". niWfli. - 7 -- r lil t'r, j I -- Can also If your waUh heeds Tppeiring Wasted TYour suits to clean, take it to Jleiudfelmen at Taylor repair and pfesv' 189 Academy Bros; r He can make it run. in 100.' 100 VVm adNTinoe," Buit' For Rent FurniKhed, - Peven rooms Ijow rate excursion to Salt Lak bath, comp!ctevOood- - location, N pinov J4o,oo perv month. V." H. Saturday, Dec 1 2, vjft Ban Pedro, Kay & Co. ; . 7 Special returning. V ' , , WvyVsAAASrAA - '.- Provo, Utah BOTH PHONES Browning , -- 100 -- 1 00 567 L T Chase 200 2 00 6Q8 Mrs M L'lloney- raan S3 33 632 Knight, Margum 1 McCuliough, 42. W Center 00 100 100 VhitneyCo make yonr ol4 you will "find a big reduction Jn vmir groceries and meat at the. , ; For Sale A first class piano. A Hines GnH-er& Meat Co. .DUD- bargain if taken at onctj.7' Bell phone 158 Red.' LEY Chape, Mgr. BOCK FPRJNOS COAL, v Gct yeur dinner at the Grier Place your order wllti t"he Independent . . - Wafl--Mlll -ftioTrsE 7ir- I'eal gmpany tipoeltri . . Carries the fiinious Pry Land Wheat Flour from the Jfephi Mill 4 Manufacturing Co. Atw hBy and alt kinds of feed. stuffs. - 643 Thompson can V 2-- ' Ilbdselman V j JasAPollockACo'lOQ : 1 00 242 W J Honeyman 100 100 251 JasAPollock&Co 100 10a ' " 100 100 Ho OO r.S69 G: B Greenwood. 219. lo 00 993W MHavenor loo loooToob loo2 Arthur parson? - 25o looolaoo To39Ja6APoJlock&Co loo 5oo 5 op 115o W II Drsuher' loo 5oo 5 5oo 5oo 243 E. 5th. N. .100 -- 5oo 5 00 looo lo 00 srtrikVe looo. M Kelson loop fr'x 223 ..nthony 271 274 -- t(H. " C Jensen h 95 EJX loo 5- . J lo -- 33 JlOO 376 Badger Bros ' 435 494 L G Dinwoody 540 Thompson & RAT A Co. - 1 TfTT" Ul looo - 99 " " , Ow. 139 J ; 182 S D artrdve 188 188 A MT. ' " " yv.'1 main unpaid" on said Jan 2, 19o9. will be dollnonent-nr- i advertised for al at public auction atid nnless psvment Is made before will he sold at the office of theJMwetary on Thnntdsv. Feb 2, 19o9, at 2 o'clock p.' m.' of sld day. to psy the delinqusnt asoemment together with the cost of advertising and expense of gale. HABVBYCLUFF. Secretary the Big Bill Mining Co. Office upstairs at entrance No. 43 E Center street, Provo, Utah. ' irst PUDlicatitm Nov, 7, 19o8. - ' 128; ir -- 33 -- -- Fot farther Birttouiars inqnlre .42 42 71fBHobbard 100 1.00 76 Merve Blanchard 200 .2i)0 L96'Wm H Tibbals 33' .83 Gillespie 757 Mary Judge ' ""' 758 " on aK?ount of n9iment No. lrof. one cent wr share, levied on the 10th day of November, 1908, the eeyeral amounts set opprisite the names of the .feeipeetive shareholders, as follows; . - A.Hed-quiti- t, of "rli-cLar- a at prpeftjMor-a- l graln. 4 It is loeatfd at 68 West t en street, "You had better buy lt.W.il, have a fin Foa SAii-W- a Kaln-stre- watch keep correct time. "Xonr taxes may .. . J54 delinqnjT't i- .50 y5Q; Metdenball - A'lfif. ; 680 H W Lawrence 701 Deal Bros & , Notice--The- SAMK OfflduateOptieiaBt Prop, ir ersaa: follows; NO. anyon,.Provo,' Utah zr seti opposite the several amounts weak eyes, see' Dr. Xmas cards by the thousands at . Silfclowi Saritf for Cement and Plaster work at . . 150 per cubic vard -1 jf 4 Foil ndation Bilieio;ugXUn.e itflCjfe-f- ar foor"" Silicious Red Slate forrtair ays in the much 'V froitf S to lfla Jted Granite, fine grain dbneiuious for 41 H 13 to Me " or4 flfflontal Nticate Aiuininiim t'lay KotjB: for Are brick. " . Jo er ten "'Ume Shale for teftdmlKlitir'.roAihf'Ji ,,,, i-- ? iT 1 he yard " :ioc per l"n Waste jsiaie for vitrilied Hrieks (paving) one cent per share, , levied on the 10th da7oi'ovembCTW8rthi Assessment. Notice. ' it- - theKtkhorn Pharmacy. U furnish at their Quarries in Slate i mt-smen- t ' Browning 1 , Mineral Flat Mining Company. Principal place of business Pryo '' ; Mining company, City, Utah. incorporated; -- -- -. Grkknk,- For yt CONTRACTORS,UILpERS AND MONUMENT MEN business, Provo Oty, Notice. There are r delinatient lipfm the following described stock on looount bf No. 3, of rrr7:Tnwentii Joseph Cliffobd V Utahw Judicial jjirtrict of the State of Utah, States for the District of Utah. ( , No. 1224 In Bankruptcy. in and for ftah county. : George J HavsrasmplatoUfTiva. . In the matter of Charles A. Ewlng, rrr Minibg Heiudeiflaitta Of BAKKRVFTCV, Ib the District Court of the United . CLASS IF lED : LO C AL INP GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE Consult Cpunty Clerk or Attorney for NOTICE vmm. BsmsH NOTICE OF CELlNQVXNCy ,f i |