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Show Pfdvo hkn assess valuation of 3,60u,00tf'.a kpldi(J njubakeri business record. Her outlook for iwsperlty Is unexcelled. GOOD RESOLUTION 5 JIW MVP !l! WHIG I II ORDER 111 HIJ GELEBRATEO refots KEfl YEARS ARE S00H w1909.-exitl90- among citizens - raphy Concerning their Res - olutions All Boosting JTbe cry of reasonably happy "Happy New Year" could be heard front everybodyj which is a fair sign - , -- - y- - - v y PfilllSSIfiiKEiSOr: r? - A - 1 J ir- -. i. tMpru-- pk - " I?-- ' 1 - :r " "boil cfri a- - ' j"jL'V'-.- S'J'' WT)' JyMwf x if "V v - i r i : y...... - i jiir nine - HUT BIG 7 CHANCES I.""-:- - " i"''"'' " -- CC3D - - Sev. NewsyMining Notei-Frcn- i eral of the Klines in WWch Local People are Much In--4 rested ... y - like puppues ADunaant - t - Mt Grant Bnyder reporta that thes machinery plant of the Eureka Lily ' mint will be ready to go into com , missioB within a day ; or two, and that U is the intention ' to crowd the" ' work of getting the property Into1 line as a prodow, 1 Enlarging aid shaft has retimbering the been for feet and the 150 completed California when her people were stricken with death and of out drifts, to of open the Italy .who have been called to endure one of the sending people v-: v level V-'-the ore bodies on lowest" will . Z the aid of the unfortunate pebpIejnayJeaveu at the Herald soon be nnder, way. , Mr.. Snydtr - V ? took a look over the 'district while 7v there and he says that he saw sev -r- . r . eral properties which will soon be a good account of themselven I UII'iUUIIIIIILIIUinL IIUUUU I ULUU ingiving the way of i new developments i Aa a a which will interest the public. . ' . ELECTION OH 1 jiouktaikjuake. i -- - : 800-fo- ot ward V- - A ' ' : iaj - and that it will huln nno if tha hiirrroct Jiimes Clove. iMtttofflce) besides aitoa In ilia fitata Resolved, that we III la Max FigSiatf the btitldine we now - orciipy. I will never tell anyone how Figman was c mewhat of an experiment as a star but hia- - suceefg was I killed those deer. no marked in every way he is Uoole Jesse. Resolved, I wilj lished now for air time and is rebuy every prospect that is offered garded as one of the leading money ( me providtog I think that it will makers in th country. He is a - make good and be a benefit to the true artist with a fine sense of- compeople and edy and no one on the stage today Resolved that we Lia Poli"emen, jalifled-to- : give - a- - better per- have shorter hours and less hard fmarjrofJLlTheSubetjtyte.'iJhao 7rr 7 wo'k. . he does, As for the it is the Limit lLUU IIIL r nrnn - ihe-stet- ." - mm .. itt4 4-- - m m UUUIUI Ljl.UIIIUU ae. m t j JiraiHn-- ' nrj ninT m m m aeik. ni fpj? -- ed, j m mm - "The in nmiffic vccDC-TUttcnpi- h l other people need tbia season lte-elv- nv h'euhu Provo - '.4 M AWyMMwW prize winners were given. People young and old were- busy writing down the numbers that they might Mayor Decker. Resolved, will take them home and compare the not lay awake at sights worrying numbers with thiif ticksta. Ths Commercial- - el ut. and Elks , about that depot franchise. I have already lost more than my share of club wf re visited by some of their life due to thitf worry" Resolved, members and a good Jolly sociable too, that the - next Municipal Lea time whs had. -- the : evening - the - Ugrhted ,n8 Dupqagt be along the lines of P'Ib Christmas' trees could he seen in " . prohibition, f windows and of course the Joa. Resolved, that many LoVey his beautifully portrayed tne attitude ofjuucl Sarrr childwrn mwr the trew had their misfortunes-UncSarn is equally sjrmpalhetic toward the nnfortunate. . X wil I a jrod friend ttlie Mend le uMual Provo. worst disasters in smiles. . lug satisfy Ho gave We that Wire. ... Nr.-.,- .. history. "Ajnt Isew and this in quiet peaceful citizen td vpenta desire, ho contriBuf Any part itwwntto tiesolved, that the a beauty." Yrari to the forwarded atraionWs. . omcTiMlfwum proper day. faun mermal ci ub of Provo is the . .. .. . .i 4 i -- - 8 Garden City. ; -.- YEAR that people were feeling fairly happy on Tthr holiday." "Much of the attention of the people who took a stroll down town was directed tof the ; windows of Farrer Bros, and Irvine & Son The numbers of the omenta by Wireless - Teleg 1 L s'-i-m -- New. Year's day was a quiet one for the people of this,, city. . Nothing of a startling - nature happened all day and every one seemed to be Prominent Citizens Give State - THE - . BIKE ii ... ..... III in .....i r. . , MH - I . r- lPilf I I III : . an IIH - .... innn I .... a. IM LLLUIIJ nr piinnT t . ' i u - Ml vr ..1t -- f Mws Mamie; Deesfey. antetlainad Today several of the prominent of the are endeavoring at dinner MonOay. 'Joverg wert people city to explain the methods iu w hich the laid for fifteen. Great McEwen perfqrmes his acts Mr. and vMrs. M. H. Graham at the opera house. - At last even gayedinner. partyJFriday Jbe ing's performance" Lester Mangum, guests being ohiefly meml)ers of the e, " " J. W. N., Phiteootton,-Rbe- rt . family! v Wm. Start Jr., Judge Hatch, Missei Blanche and- Rntir Khk up, J. W. Kuijiht, C. H. Wright, wood iave returned from Silt lake Mr. Johnson, Prof."N. L. Nelson", where they have been spending the and Joseph Yates were called to " the stage as a testing committee. holidays, The profei t suggested, that they "Curtis Lmon and Miss Lareoo hide some artiolei m the audience of Pleasant Grove are guest 8nd asserted that he would find the Pr. and Mra. N. H.Nelion. . . r mm icnm ccnnuic oiiu n rrii - imn, Will V . - t : - - ' V -- ni Im.n I fll WbWWII 1 1 ; - V ;t:jt OJd Fellows ptrclaed fo.lfc-- e by 'the, of this city and wilt bfc.the prudnetrt fraternal JiaXl city. -- The two top - fleers will be renovated .and prepared for ldge purposes, - while the lower ptrts will prubhbly beccujied as of this uiey Hre aniie present " time. , irii in inii llfl Villill iria - The Sflioot block' on Academy AvaT fcia ' fcee.T - " 1 The annual election of officers of the Commercial ClulNwiU be held in the club rooms Wednesday, Jan' uary 18th., at 8 p. m. Besides the elertionof ffiw reporta-o- t the fs standing of the .club and other will be attended to and it is re- qeHUd that every member be jres bnsi-ne- -- e Superintendent Wm. WiTrhasT"-tlifollowing to aay in his report regarding f the 4 condition-- - of tlie' Mountain- - iJake miner "A great 1 I many people, includiag. etockhold'- era, may, wonder . why we strike the Mountain Lake vein last July or August, as we anticipated. t The facts of the" matter "are thfee: " " When the old' Steamboat company . ' &h't taken over by Mr. Knight, iLj" '! tunnel was than in- 2,01 4 Jneti - As was - cot. 4 (i there was no ' correct ! survey it waa play projerty was turned "over, to the vernacular "it is the goods" and simply a matter of conjecture as tQ , new ovroera.. December 31st, tbe will live for many seasons. It has where the faoe and mouth of thin, COUNTY SHERIFF IS aiRIS oonslderatlQU )Vtien d,7QU.. f being desirable every tapgef We located, with referenoa , quality an interest the neoTssary ere lmprovemeOt TpEED JfEW NAME to the valo, ; Last July a correct ing story plenty . of action lots of oompletti d ihe OddFellows will humor and witty lines and above all survey was made of theold Steam- -' borne. ".comfortable have is lo sheriff a. The of , county apt i it is free from anything like vulgar boat workings sad of the Mountala v order has mad excellent growth in be called and fruit. Lake also, both' in the tunnel and many Mr. Figman will be hiding place and return the articles things many tugeestion. The OwtneJOntertoined this J to their owners. e of the niott The articles were .v B- - H. BowefC.. Resolved that I city !n -- A received, was letter and a D. of namej. the workings onltbe Cottonwood n J. supported by strong company Thursday evening by Mrs, - whatMcEwani hidland hive will see that 643 bills are passed in throughtook which ofrtheTcitjr the office the otherday brings a new andcompletr produaside, and we found. ( that w were VinCaHswereXpTayed fol premjpebtople beodme connected .with it ' on ac- - the bon when U cornea to names. hont-15the legislature and if they are not I tion.- - The date will be January 4 calls mental telepathy, the articles lowed Jsetoff .withuour giusse, music' by -- woat vote for prohibitioar yfcount of theijriiqiiatitie8"of the ThTletter was addressed by a tax- If tie Mountain Lake rein course Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Royladce order. To show the growth of the owners. Mobwau . perlorms tneee T. N.Taylor. Resolved! wont today. payer of - the southern part of the is nortneast ana eoutnwest we br-th- e entertaued th Trio club at their organization in 1891tTii8. order aid of some one of the stunts more Municipal .League taste an county. The letter was as badly should cut in with about. 600 feet lessJ.bo.rae Thursday evening. Games loaded. has had who Sm6 committee floor was the of more the or It out of proportion as the envelope more tunnel and we will be about upper .banquet pudding. JJ. HANSENBREKS JAIL the building prepared for the use of the mind concentration He also Wrote and music were I.' Will change the "We Nevir address. r- -- The fullowing was the 500 feet southwest : of " the place Aula X AT SPANISH BORK the names of some of the persons of lodge." Tfie lodge has now grown addrm-givenM-lSleep" and take a little nap at noon where the Mountain Lake vein ia i ' ff fa visiting in ta that to hive fomfortahle qnartergp .tima ','r' - . yEommembers6f the (wmmlttee of Provo, fttgt-Sherlopened up to the depth of 300 feet, John Hansen, a resident of Map were " John Daley. Resolve, I. will thinking,' Provorwith Mrs. H. G. Blumen- - it is necessary to use two floors. Utah, on the other side o! the mountain. ' i Pioyo CityUtah County, let on was arrested in Spanish Fork '. ".- The class conducted by MEwan thal1 make a master effort to not ''butt , of America. -: Statea United "We have at the mine supplies and - Mrsi the other day for heingdrunEThe which consists of J. R. Jlodaon entertained iu" any more when 'people are dia- -i young man who material enough to run. us well inta e wen is spenning at a family dinner Friday, Covers jUias Annie interior decorations of the city bast-il- e are ' eussing private business. hypnotic subjects is one. ofthe . the middle.of the summer, aud the ' the holidays in 'southern Utah with were laid for eight. were not In aceordanoewith the . : . ROYLANCE GOES EAST Ilesolve. I will muet lniereeungi me si ass W. oi m.06i r friends. . : AND WILL MAKE SPEECH aire all paid for. I am not dis- - , hours but desires of Hansen and he decided. is made ' Ms8 Eva Ward enterrained the J . boost Provo twenty-fivmenWhile Jooal conraged in the least.- -' I believe r Sidney Rageell - returned Wed Le Coterie club. at. ear's .V..-- . o! Jt : h 9 to dtr" the 'Sullivan" act- In some under the influenoe , of hypnotism, every., twenty-fou- r. Lake will yet be one " --Wm. M. Roy lance of tb ia city that Mountain unknown maDnex haJ)roke the pad the r from. Denver where he has professor has the class perform nesday party Thursday tveuiug. Games greatest place iu the world. , 1 will the big jnineeofjhe jwest." of . the jail and 'escaped: He a few months. .. i . v jeav?a' tomorrow morning for Min were - playedfullowed by a work for the paving of the streeta, lock"; gome of - themoet ridiculous acts. spent . BfCKTJEY.MiyB and taka ' : . .. neapolis where he will attend He suggests that the subjects' are Mrs. 'A. Mr Moore and Miss the buildingf sky scrapers and a was subsequently captured known here better The Monarcht Mr. convention. en before the city justice who fined fruit crrowim " ' rv- ;. new dog catcher. "spielers' for a side shdw,at the Beatrice Moore of Bait Lake City as the Buckley property, reports a : make JMlJ-mtliovlance has been- asked to him five dollars for being! drunk circus and A Resolve, I am b Reed Smoot by : Ll oommanti, they are visiting this week in Provo. " lower tunnel . of tlie a ine at gave reak of wel- - strike in the. (lancing pmy to the M ' v favor of going back to the senate and . ten dollars for breaking jaiLfadvertise a ide show in a manner A of lead and car. ' Le entertained .nsU club Cotrie The arid . Flowers 8ocial hall. body pf property. Hansen paid the tinea and it is said which would make and I think that I - can make it been baa encountered professional bonate r ore :. anp . ; Monat a ikating party at theHake ,. ,R on- ihe masdprs formed the deoorat)ons v.r ; returniD. to and he made " The Mr. to there . with the help of Brother Homer. I jealousT"". according Buckley "Hypnotic Statuary" - J- -1' day evening and afterward enjoyed and the ItroneieijEertl will vyt is an. abundance of ore. It has i is also good. , It is better for New Year. favor proliiuition. I V . ' ....we, ,uuhiuds tiz. been the siipjer. at the home of Mr. rand club members. N the nuns, operw some purpose-o- f oi muwh . handclever is j in McEwaa his " .v " our forest. "f Mrs. Ileber Knudson. . . : ator to tunnel under the o)A The Herald is in receipt of some cuff andshackle act He freed JUlph Poultoa entertained-- at aiuteresLpf his. business. Ilejirill shaft and meet it at "tlie furtherupper ' George Powalson.iReeolve that end from H. .calenders Q. beautiful rsTjrWil lia mKnigb t en "return abputFbruarJst. -r; himself fmm. 4 4i2det;5-j- r I will not conduct a cla ".'ialhei iriasmucn asthisTf unnei 'dij i a. '"" 1 1 """.1 Blu men thai, "John The Wednes a on Homer, at Kensington to in --3Irs. evening eomplimeut of shackles less than two ol tiiecuesion the council for was w jjjio uum g uim nuis. umi ktic pairs in. city About fifteen . lad- - Poulton, ' the event being her Flectrio Co. and a useful pocket minutes. Show Stock at One care c f was encountered. ore takes too the is really commend' day afternoon. Wester This For parliamentary. 'memorandum book from the Provo les" were present. been from this has ore , numbered. sell The G. will & R. ; able and ia the beat time ever made jihipped guests Denver, the D. birthdiy. much time to. make them under " ' toua of Machine Co. about and and there are" tliirty Foundary " -round trip tickets, to Denver at - stand. The Le Ceneate club entertained ten.' by any one on the local stage in f this damp.--Inow ore on., the mil this work. at a New Year's ball at the Social '" A few friends met" with" Dr. "snd rate of $22.00. ' Selling dates Jan could be made a winner it would Myron Jewell. ResoW that I Co. Palace Drug MuKwuns work is pleasing and ball Thursday evening. The dec Mrs. N. IL Nelsou Ifithand ,17th. Good returping be a great benefit to thia city... ; wiiiuot. play billiard in ti e club Thursday even' has a wonder shade of which line of all Carries a complete ' BIO HItil RKPOItT until Jan. 25th. gives orations were in red and green. more thau 1323 times a day. ing to watch the Old. Year out a id ' . ! Tonight closes v ' from Big Hill at V kinds ofwines, .Jjquorai, fancy to food for thought. 'Reports Mr. aud Mrs. J. B. Oluen enter the New Year IE an engagement of six nights. $22.50 to Denver and retnm via Tintic kre !' baccos and pipes. ! tained at a watch party Thursday. .. A mcetiug of tlie -- 'Mystic TU the D. & 1L.G. Jan. 19tb and 17th. they iave been for sotae t'. LOST WHITE MUFFLER The guests numbered about twenty is now autboritively stated t" ers" will he - held next Tuiwlay Fourth Anuiial Elks excurf 'on Good returning until Jan. 25th. - Wantd 3 1 8 lwt Boarders and aud mutiic. work will be encountered in the i will games new' enjoyed afternoon ..be on or lear West Sunday Lilt. There to Southern California reb. ( a. " North street .toilet It lias l ' n v : Beautiful and let. day. shaving ' 3rd North St. Finder pfcare rn and initiations. Pr. and Mrs. E. E. Hinckley en For reservations and informal fin ' for 'some tu. J timber ''sets. "Snioot Drug Co. to J, .W. Dangerfield's Print- tertaineda few friends Thursday call or write A.'W; lUybould. Provo Mer. Co. the cheap cash been has at and this Hindstluian, graduate opticiat 900 North ing oflice, 71 North Aeadtm Ave., eveninguntil after midnight with T!: ? No. 85, fcit' No saw edges on your collars if cellent sign. bard to fit. store sells everything. retary'IJ. P, (). Taylor liroa., nta the ' and receive reward, First East 6f tlie Steam the , Provo to Lake City, v For eye trouble see him. games and music, jent pro' Iuridfy, Wm. M7 lVy lance. "Resolve, I will supply the earth with fine fruit from Utah, and then seud Mars a little bit. I will take steps to have th streeta ploughed up - and plant them la fruit. ' I am iu favor of 4 Ji add-som- 1; 00 anhToraiemien 1 t Pedby i . ,- H.-Ra- - y, . - upf e, . -- -- -- . . . . ' . ... H . -- some--resolut- ion -- i - '"X j , si ter-tain- ed julesjjt -- 'S . ' : : -- re-iu- c . . . . . Jnlit |