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Show Utai Copntpnocrat -- SEVER TO BOY OR GIRL FIRST? HP THE SEA ef Russian Cruiltr Tells of CondHons In Strickea City " of Messina. ' . "' Gossip of People and Events Told . in Interesting Manner. ; temmsnder v NORTHWEST NOTES .ri-- YORK TALK GF TO START WHICH )S PREFERABLE Sill UTAH m. ISIillDS LIPAOIAN Many Reasons Why Boy Would Sem " Most Desirable, ' and Equally . Good Arguments In Favor f .' the Giri. - . Sherman, former banker Group of Yokutic ' Islands In tno tod oil magnate of Caster, Wyo., Mediterranean Near Coast of NaplearThe commander of the cropped tfead tBwns, Iowft, last flrs jRassten crnlserr Admiral atakharoffrt- "- H :-- week, cfcAut:dlBMi;:vLT, -Sicily on Wednea- - family should be a boy. Then If the at arrlviii which Even then, however, her gay stunts at Naples Cleveland Uilson, manager of the" post of jiead of the I tracted attention," and after her mar aays father dies-teay wlth.efugees & ElCoal of Coke Montana company family falls to him naturally. . He bethe rf earthquake: riage she went" tbe pace at a faster comes J ts protector. Whether or-- BOt dredge," states that he believes that I than awelldomJiad. seen In its hurried the of Land of Whtr 3itaster, clip "Hearing Population a large deposit of coal Ilea under the the child, if a dieB7'15e"oldest fathert circle. The climax came when was own to Messina The literally Vulcan Forged Hla Bolts aid city Yellowstone park, boy, can Stand between the younger she was seat to air Insane asylum. . nothing but a heap of ruins. , Every children and Aeolus Held Winds Imprta-the the world, In. their piayr An eastbound Union Pacific bag, While In that institution ierjortune building there has collapsed, but jta contact with ft- .o Hv J)i- , nod Rsportod there are no True; was gage ear, loaded to the root with relest through mismanagement. Jihe shells esaeiT outward the many : "little mother" possibilities la blm. pouches of "mail matter, was burned Sought her release, declaring that she main standing, and as a resuitjjhe and be is an Indifferent nurse; there! had been nt Hanns, Wyo., recently, and' practV general contour of "ihe"fity is Jess fore, tn many tenement families, the: N EW YpRK. Mrs. Jack Wilmerding, had never been insane, but confined through the' machinations of of old 'Com callyaltotihe contents-eroyeifc-- ''" be expected. changed than might or a.4anghter"e-flrBtjchi- id modore' Vanderbllt, wbosV brieflfe a lawyer so that somebody else could H. C. Oamaron,, the engineer at the The Vita state hat a wireless This is particularly true ofthe'sea-ffopt- . birth ' is preferred. has been esewded f hJI ofBD8aA4oBSeUeontMi-o- f Messina mine of the California Ploche Mining message from the Strait- In tplte at what hasbeen,saidV one That Is of the drawbacks about and startling company," at Ploche, KevadaT" while reports thatrthe Opard islandora the'formof the Strait : of - Messina chapters, has leaped into rother examination she was declared being an elder sister. She is too hanthe limelight again by having "Jimmy" sane operating a hoist, wag dragged Into group Of volcanic Islands In the Med; shows iltiler if any change. V She dy to have arbandthe liouse. At the time she was.sent.to the asywho says she is his wife ac-and hurt bo bad- iterranean near the coast Of Sicily, the rear of "The, harbor is ' filled with refuse becomes the maid pf ail work. We Coatcs, "The die. cording to the English comion'T'Ia.: lum,' Mrs. vWllraerding-was-cTWhave total may" disappeared. popula cf every kind, and at one. eiid lies know of several- ly that hq . charming wenien,; arrested and arraigned lit the Harlem released When Downht-artcantion of the, group numbered S8,00ft the bediscouraged now well along in spinsterhood, whose on a.; charge af excellent physical condition, all court police cause he '' was out: of money and nd mnst Inevitablr Jiave perished. a" "It Is impossible to give even destiny unfulfilled may be charged to ment. ' Coates 1b a large, blonde maj her qtd beauty and graee having The mlnbiter oFtnarlne has pushed faint Idea, ot , the - desolation of-t- .be could not. make his wife. b.apps.wUh fact that they were elder sistersr heavily inustached and nattily dressed, the ,! Practically moneyless.' - she Christmas presents, Thomas Hamlin, a torpedo boat to ascertain the fact scene, Evef'ylnow, anjd then we They were always nursing babies- on:he andL 36 a thick has old, years atage ia.iaudeilllerEhere Knglijifc The Lipariaa lsiands lie to the heard Jhe crash of falling flaw andJBomehody else's' babies; The carCs oT a Denver plumber killed .himself by Lwas accent. about a recon of section northeastern the north of aalls- - This constitutes the greatest-dange- r Ihe hoUsehord 4escended on them presending a bullet Into hla brain. but wnen ciliation with he CoateS is her declares that, husband, the legal conA Big Laramie river JWyomlng)- - thejaiand of Sicily, The group to the rescuers. It is not safe maturely and their I and" the old were lure wine husband of the the Mrs. of that Jack; glass they xancher recently caught - a native sists of numerous" Islands. .the seven to approach any standing masonry-Meways, the sobering marks of respon married In England, and that be has gaiety drew her again the estrange from roy vessel had many nar-iotrout " measuring Jwjjntyelx Inches principal ones being Stromboll, srbility In lacajtnd manner, lessenefl --reformed her, so that sheT ho longer ment' with her husband was made perFlit Saltna Uparia, Vulcano, their appeal to the captious and rov- drinks champagne Or Bruokeg cigar- - manent. She was again placed in an, BoaBd.G' Th Bsh escapes, and I saw several ,snd weighing-Ji1 part solitaliaa was caught, through Jhe Ice, together trndl and Alicudl. The fwp brave fancy of young men. Tq the hari ettes. to ing , . . .". , .... ... . asylum and again released when she of tho province of Messina. The cli- diers,, who - were dolhg more than dlcap. of dlmtntshed opportualty- - way ."j Before her marriage" to jack Wil with several other sllgfeWf-- smaller. appealed to the state authorities. Then the and iIubrJous is highly. their duty. , - ..added the handicap of diminished , William Reese convicted at Helena mate rtlerdlng, the young woman." daughter she went to Europe, and has been less. R I is well cultivated an'd yields charm. M tbejate Col. Vanderbilt Allen, was In tbe pubjlc eye or - on; the public "We lost no time in setting about sn a second degree murd charge for land, cotton and olives.. The, isl- It is well, (hen, for a girl to have rich and a - dashing society favorite. tongue since her return.! established the killing of his wife, has been Sen- grapes,are also known as the Aeolian the work of rescue. v hands . an . older brother .JXii not always the on sn shore, twenty-fivair to open hospital tenced years Imprisonto fable, a here. and according here, islands,, .or iwo three lot -Ve- - received and Jrealed hertaJiaye ment. The killing occurred nt their JVeolus held the winds imprisoned thousarulpeople, men, ,. women and onnger TristeraC,, Humanity's natural ranch home north of Helena. In the caverns and released them at chlldrea. sense of Justice has long discerned e of We saved have decided what Is best, I shall run elao. was Chris- - fiutliff. whose head 3:1s pleasure. Here also vulcan ihe Bojjk of with its treasure, this. Jacob, If you remember, had to It myself and I shall continue my "Sicily two wagons between freight :aupht take Leah to wife before he was alforged bis bolts. studies in aeronautics.'-- . "I estimated the deaths at Messina lowed days s gtr, and t Rawlins, several to espouseJieriyoungerTristerr 1 The at 0,000, imlnd I conservatively hose recovery was not expected, Young Gould Is a member of the CoBELIEF THE VITAL PROBtEM. Rebecca. The feeling, very marked shrinks from contemplation of the lumbia UnlvereWero ; club,' organslowly improving and Is now opt of among the Jews and Borne times stereo"'. Can iresent condltiba Jn the stricken . ized Naked and atarvlna Refugees recently as a resultjofjhe faculty ianger." typed into a custom has . strength J c'.ty: that there are thousands of among Incorporating a course In aeronautics not Long Survive Their 8uf-The engineer and fireman nt the all peoples. In return for an In the college curriculum. It was not persons still alive In the ruins, and elder sister's the family Oregon Railway & Navigation comsacriflees, die. roust numbers suspected that Gould," who wjjl gradutLt of countless. the Tobbed was neai which GOi;LU,""grandson Jay of. sense fair that her pany's train play have of requires JAY Rome. Shiploads fugitives ftidal wave lasted mncn who knew aH about financial ate in 111, had taken' any more than Portland, have positively IdHuIiled teen carried out of the stricken zone younger sisters shall not become her the has announced' himself as amassing Interest In' balloons or airlonger thajr ballooning, as Johnson ealfthquake.lluring Oscar and llenson to are competitors. expected Harry 'They tanla . and to Naples. Palermo, In- the harbor an we were enthusiastic student of aeronautics, ships. When he signed for the new -- two of the men In that In jlUhetime Implicated the. other porti, and according to the cf Messina .our vessel shivered Inter- stand aside, to remain within few and a days will purchase aeronautic course and joined the club .. . ahe has had a chance to .. rrime, , mlnlBtef of marine, rescue! vessels to " an aeroplane of the most practical It was supposed that the noveltymore some as shaken ' by mittently,: though "the annex a vt man, streets cenWhile" walking along are now the number of thirty-fikind that can be obtained. Young than anything else had inspired his ac- Sometimes pretty often, lndeed--th- e Great. Falls, Mont., J. M. Morris, ap- tered lh the Strait of Messina, and huge marine monster, - ; ' Gould, after gaining a world champion- tion. ' . could stories "I relate sisevent shows that the younger pathetic parently in good health, fell dead. 5.060 soldiers are being landed on without number." ,TJnder 11 the at is After court other ship big guns of. the club wrecktennis, some seeking not in has far the In the ter, vessel blood enough kept of a The bursting :" the two coasts.' 1ad talked t length, Gould was called age sieloe4;4Tta Jtlnd of fcJIttle background. - The captious and roving jrorlds to conquer,;; l tnUa caused his fleam. Most Important of aiKnow 18 Ihe am 'but a recent convert upon, It being known that he had pre'I ''Although two hole and of is the by elder sister's "steady protected fancy a one of th early pioneers ot niiestlon of Uvinsr. of cubby Thousands to the study 61 aeronautics," said Mr, pared a sort of a thesis. Most of the :. heavy beams, I discovered two little attracted by v thr vision of fresher Sreat Falls. more present settled ilowttJo those who escaped the falling walls yfifty---r same safe tho , and and in famitr charm, circle, T C, i, tsbles,i Patrolman Edward Burke of Hpl- and theeweep of the tide, are starvi were formed jQaUimbla University Aero club listen- to a Humdrum dissertation. to woman's as Invincible and a comfortable strikes yoathj; foe, possible, In Faculty halL "I never experienced the eurprise ofeveryone the paper ai shot and killed Japanese. Early ing and without clothes er shelter. with the but- her down through the arm of daughr an enthusiasm for anything in was Interesting, learned, yet compreJo the morning the policeman found They cannot long, .survive their suf- laughing sad playing such of tbe same mother. Probably no ter fonnd We on tons clothes. their life Tennis Is nothing In compari- hensive almost from the first sentence the Japanese assaulting one of the ferings. The thought hat ..been to who undoubt- ten enthousand novels and jilays have tny son. The more I hear about the fight He talked about balloons and the densiwomen of the street; and interfered. carry., food and covering for those trace of their parents about this theme the a "made lost lives. their It and in relpless people, and it Jia been --de- edly "He. turned on onquer the air, the more I want to ty- and displacement of bodies in the to see the bereaved cliaracterlstlc theme of CindereTir .silf-4pfer.- s tho aoeoBapllahments all Brake. .kllleiL l1SLl:iJ,.. Aide4Jy-t5"- e ve Bt senda goverhroentjto of t 'gar-naitr'gppaTeatJjr-ait-" The jury In the case of Anthony" Beet of emigrant I""?,. " the Wright brothers. In as familiar a steameTtotran seen the The in riv England. light while while their parents7are"deid. desire. . : iray-a- a did nls graiJdTalhef Vi "yeafs "Wilde, charged wOh attempting .to we-awot hire "wfth dead airy-o- f sIstHm Btsemg'ta'be 'marri an aeroplane ago of gold when" prices went loarlmj"! " Ttrlee-Wi- n, -- trlmlnal'ly aBsult-Mis- s Relief, expedlllons" that have been tables In their rms. and overt there than elsewhere. nlte of the most practical kind as soon as I and set Wall street In a panic. irl residing near making their way to Reggio have en- r six(wn-year-ol"Shall the elder, sister ruler then. Is "It was also lndescribaby'fateftit obstructions. tremendous cottntered ot verdict at all times a. live and poignant issue.. Ilartvllle. n along : the route. They report to see the many who ' had gone crazy Th rebellloa acquittal, after having been out all fromT grief. "They and searched ptr the younger . one besides eighteen provincial villages searched aimlessly for ' .their loved against a rule Represented as tyransight. Wide Is mayor. bf HartvUle. those In Calabria Tin the United States army from 1799 mentioned already, At KalispeTl, Mont.,. Frank Lebeau tr having been Completely ruined. ones, keeping np the quest even after nical is oftea a sympathetic episode, death in 1825. In her girl has been sentenced to be, hanged This would Indicate that the earth- they had been brought en board the and sometimes the oldest daughter has hood she and her mother; Mary Gooda as , ot as a bhip." murder general, popularity slight February 6, 1909, for the quake did not confine Its work of win, were quartered with him at ne rate, stepmother's. The; sultof, at-ali W. Yoakum ahd his bob Richard. havoc to the coast.. What has e GOVERNMENT iN-- THE HOLE. M EortUagara. Iflroe winr rrot tawiegard torthe'eiaims of of the inhabitant of these Lebeau's confederate,- Joe ., Robblna, After .her father's death hex mother were Those not that unless is known. primogeniture In they of murder found vas also guilty married Archibald Watt of this city, of United States $64,288,463 to th Bad Iscriminatfon and by dowry the first degree- and his pnlshment left alive after the destruction the who speculated in. "uptown - real est Since July Joined doubtless homes tame a their he who will let the lover lr was fixed by the Jury at life tate. He was jsngaged with associates, seeking armT preat TuIeftrt.HCOBiaJirat3raerver- - deter ,of refugees - - -.Washlagtoiu PINKNET; la project To hulld a canal from the . afety, or have --fallen., by Ih: ;"way-sidchoice of a wife, - Still, ad 'statement- - of ihe - govern -- - mine-h- ia died at the- Wntpt RiiiVtn'ff. Hudson, to jie Easlriver, He "was" feasury James F. Kinney hes' supplied c - trent receipts and expenditures jWU! niltUng numerous etceptlons, I rule the ham recently, had spannM the better drlvenytg the": wall bond and qualified as administrathroughjmsiness de- tow a deficit for- - the first tlx la good one, as applied to sisters. nart of centunrmost of the lime pressiqrrs, m ine susena stood to lose SUPPLIES FOR SUFFERERS. tor of the estate of the late M. F. Months of the current fiscal year of here In lie w Ygrkanj iadLtakeaxare gyerylhjflgjrhen Mary Brown, who was killed by his wife Plnkney came 'WsiiiK;ue "by offerlne him. in conr i.t Thermopolis, Wyo recently. Under NavaT"VesserSiTrs Trom TJework i pproxlmate'ly $64,288,t6: curse The this world U of that ' for- the first Ioajil Baa6 t) ner atepi sfelij, a twlth hlr sisters whodied the Wyoming law Mrs. Brown, who With Food for Earthquake Victims. Ceiptsffom r customs - afterirard." the $40,000 legacy tlx months will aggregate about the muskmelon season Is not eternal. father in 1843, ft fctiot the owner of the property, "win United .States The York New.: Bnt what is heavy sorrow in othbri The AM fl7R - in.rni nu ' m their father, for all his real - es- published death notice sail she of the es- supply ship Celtic, which .was to $12S:7o'.530i.ian4 receive at least Jrom-mh'receipts diedJn her ninety-nintyear,J)ne of te. tate. battleship cellaneous sources, about $25,079,305. hava puet her jjld' associates thought that . she he family contlnned to live in ihe The Chicago & Northwestern Rall- - fleet with holiday cheer",",salled' out of melon comes the luscious Is a falling off In customs aa retreating about 38 when she made her fa DeLancey bomertead, lwas There the . colonial that has fame and roa4 company has settled the dam- New York harbor Thursday afternoon" pippin brought.:: . with .theeorrespondlng pe-mous loan, to her stepfather, and in house still ' standing on the block to so many counties or Virwealth rce claim of Frank S, Bower .of ;Lan-"'da- on' ah entlrlr different mission, but compared" return came tato possession of "half bounded by One Hundred and rlod of 1907 of about $a7so,ooo, sua Thirty- , Wyo., who was Injured In the without changing a single Item of her OR Harlem," or, Ib other of ginia. of internal revenue worde the ninth and One Hundred and Fortieth decrease t to Messlne will one direct The apple crop is of the most inblent farm ollohBJM4UUwbicJtItreeta.anjLaeventh wreck of one of the company's trains cargo. She go an ahnut $4,000,000, and Jn jmlsceUane' Inox ! ft ;t- BW.4.6flftoo.i.kr.navy rauqn -- to important September,- by pytesrthe--chtlM $3T6oo",o"o6. The bad bought in 182$ for nuesr"There Miss Plnckney had made receipts" about of bus " tural outputs." In the number of ap- nensteptatner fuit $5,000. The claim of the estate the earthquake sufferers. . . her homo ever since. The Idea of changing' the Celtic expenditures during the same period ple trees Virginia ranks seventh in. $62,00., of M, N. Hawkins, who was killed. Jn MOst of her life she had spent la tbe The grounds occupy a whole block, relief ship came to her com- - will amount to nearly $35,000,000, as the union; in bushels of fruit raised a Into the wreck, has been settled for f 2.500. niander, Harry McU P. Huse, Wedr J against $325.0QP,000 for Jhe first six fourth," and in barrels of cider pro- old DeLancey homestead at One Hun- and up to last summer all the vegeta. J. X. Thomas, convicted by a Bl-- 7sd alght. It met with the Immemonths of iheJast fiscal year. etreet and bles which her household required had :J duced eighth. This provea that Vir- dred and Thirty-nintSeventh avenue, and she left It for her been raised on tbe remnant of the old iingharu, "Wash., Jury, has been sen- diate approval ot Rear 'Admiral CasThe heaviest' increase will .he Is well eitraordina'iily adapted' winter euartera in the Buckingham farm probably the. most tenced to life Imprisonment for Jhe par F. Goodrich, commandant of, the shown to be on account .of the war ginia expensive for the cultivation of apples--, since its murder of his divoreed-wlf- e. Thomas navy yardc who promptly "communl- ferartment, which will approximate only a fortnight before her death. garden Eioperty In the worldV- -- in bushels is twice what production it at Wash; the wits .cated flepartroent $12 500,000. Tie ""cHll and mlscet-- : Miss PlnKney nsd heon oftea writ- From ner mother s marrlaga .wit. ten wealthiest spinster In the Watt -- there was " on son? Thomas FTederlck' In the county apple lecessars" crop with preparations as . $11,600,000 about compared then" buried the body Jn a potato and . the Celtic sailed wltb cnristmas United State and as one half-- , Watt, He married Julia Elisabeth last year:. .(his year, ' It Is. stated, will amount to dozen richest women of ,; of the the country; Hawks, a southern girl resident in jaich, where It was discovered two'' trees still lashed to the mastheads. tbe corresponding. period $125,0001 Onebrchard in Botetourt, Jiionths later. Her man. f.orlJeara..hsd been filled New York and a daughter of Bishop It had been designed to make the consisting of only 40 acres, yields Couldn't .Bear Parting. with letters asking help and originat- Hawks. . Four children resulted from W. T. Clark, an aged prospector Celtic the Christmas ship for the worth of fruit annually. What is Washington, N. C John EmerscmH ing In ever part of the land.- - Her this union. , , u'jo was found dead across the feet. true of Botetourt same the In la, pro connected in Stone, aged 22,' highly eharlties, however, she kept quiet Her threshold of bis cabin on Fish Creek, FromJho time of the transfer of his connttas true of such portion, Amsrleans Respond to Call. Doston and New York, a graduate of ' Wealth baa been guessed at.- all the propertjtjjy Jhe i en miles from Butte, was prob-t.bl- ' elderchlbaldrWatt befmarle, Nelson.iJlmherstrltoekfag--- t New Tork. Nearly $100,000. was Holy. Cross college, Worcester, Mm., ham. Mist Plhkney provided for the entire murdered for his money,- as fay from $10,000,000 to $60,000,000. . Shenandoah, Rappahannook, killed seas here Wednesday shot and Her father, CoL PInknejr of the east-tr- a WattJamtJy, he was subscribed on .Thursday" to the funds $3,000 $2,000 and giving Jbem at times Hockbridge&nd "shore of Maryland, was aa officer whole known" to have kept in his shack Is "being raised In NFW "York for the "re by" "May" Woolard. who then shot hercity blocks. . , The die. twice and self may b sufferers. tragedy The earthquake A man earned Walsh has lief of if'u:. followed Stone's call on the woman , I nlted Sttp Steel cornora'tlon arreBted on suspicion. Beerbohm's Argument. J25.000. and the Standard to say he was leaving her forever and Hubert Henry Davies, the playVictor Johnson was fatally stabbed I The New York going home.: Stone had two brothers, ms Kfw England ancestors. To finish $10,000. i tiro restricted district In Butte by Oil company wright, who has spent much time in stock exchanpe added $21,000. On Gilbert Stone of New York and Cap- London, with, he Jakes either a cup of tea ox tells of an ... s O'Nell. formerly , manager f interview amusing Coffee and a long, blackjjigar." the list opened t the city hall by tain Stone, tr. i. A., stationed in Ltt- - between the owner of : a publication in .il precipiatlng plant and promt-nMayor Mtlellan, contributions rangIslands. The former the .British . . This lunc- h- satisfies the - world's son, Philippine -whereof capital,George in mining circles. After an ar ed from $5,000, by- Mrnr Russell-Sae- , 1 of to here take his. charge banker. (: way oi greatest " Bernard Shaw had" been the dramatic 'nent 'In a restaurant; 0'feH; stab- - to one dollar tendered by an Italian the body. him and a boot black. - critic, and Max Beerhohm, on the oc.ichnsan and'ehased -. Hearty TrenchrTnerw.:i i f the " district through th casion wsumptlon of Miner, pinned to Wall. One ay Dr. Krtrmarr McJtodTthfl. to the Takes B. lold O. Wood.J Si down eT'f Judge of by Was a large and healthy man, and one the most- grue rEly lTerTne-S C. I.il'is, the wealthy banker and .The owner advised Max of the salJacksog Ky- Thla town Is terro D. ROCKEFELLER'S some accidents ever recorded in thia "eat of his burly elders,- - went to pay a visit beeni had that - Ihe JOHN Berband ary of armed ormet paid George f ,,c!n pf Ltemore, recently led advice has opened the eyes to a certain Mrs. MacLaren of the distrlcfSccurred" .Wednesday when nard, observing at tho ame Ume: ; itc-tof inpgal!yencing govern; Sheriff Ed CallahanLand of James T cn Austrian bf the' public on what the big men In -who lived in 'the Scotch was killed at the miner t Being comparatively inexperienced, finance consume In for to Beaton and . Rash Sebastian, l.irui, has been sentenced the way of lunch. hills. She was a frugal woman, but smelter quarry near-her.The: AusMr. Beerbohia,. e8Bnfit of iourse allahan Ja to be ipiL h if nn of six months in Jail shooting of whomTh fi that dellcaes Of ihe season, "drilled a hole 'for at, expect so ai uch,V saiiL-:- should have the determinedjhBt they " ji ' a fine of $1:000.UlJis has t' led.- - In tho woods, near lent' Creek-i- trian, having spread witB "Trench sauces, are not best jn the house. So she piled the stuck astick of dynn tlast, shall! "Oh, yes, J hastily Interposed lerved. to the down.-psvJDmit!JU.fc.S TT&&zi. millionaire at table with Jellies and Jam ' and cre-Jhejb,a!j5i "l serves mW'emm'indrJSj'm Voon canie Timbers, who twice escaped Ing that he will not return to try CaT" crowiwrrThc '". powJeTlTxplollC'J 'anl a to shock Some. Sbaw knows the drama-e- o thoroughly I J. unless the governor . sends the crowbar was driven il for iniirder,. and who cap-- i Jahan, for into - the took unsparingly. After the meal the Morgan, Plerpont example, that it Is'au easy matter Tor" him to never even mm irom.ine two man's v, r by an attempt to hold troops to protect body, entering ETirlbreast anxT write of gqes out to luncn, 4)refe elder said to her: "Mrs. MacLaren. In Jackson, Govmen whereas nothof It, armel I, bands knowing out through his elioulder, "and seesin Butte September ring as'he does to "eat lightly" and were you at tha kirk and ernor Wllsnn is out of the onSundayf "Oh, ing whatever about it, shall find it to a wall as a :n the proprietor and Lieutenant- - Governor Cox state, juietly. .. But Mr. Morgan's taste Is not aye," she said, "I wae" "And what thus far pinning thea body hard work!" . dreadfully Harper's found has been butterfly. confined to the bowj of milk and crack- did "yon think of tho treatment jpla !'!! hers, of the has refused to Bend troops. . v,. Weekly. ' ; A charge of as-- i :r. !;ii y. ers diet of the Standard Oil ruler. Mr. miracler (the sermon had been on Count Bonl His Loses Fight.' degree reinitins. likes f';i but Morgan substantial the loaves and fishes).-Gone to Join Ruef. plain v. Hot WaUr for Gardens. ihought It - mii the number Paris. The petition of Count Bonl of ; ; , was goon," said Mrs. MacLaren. "And t A. S. Blake, the The proprietor of baths at Aequl, things. Francls'CQ.-- E. Fan, I ' estl-lie Ho of his has ccintr. It Castellane, that the custody diaing room fitted what is your idea of the subject, Mrs. convicted of attempting to Italy; iises-hisupply of hot Water to u ere in t1i state of tfutjaetor three sons be given to his mother,- the force p in hi bankiu house at Broad and MacLaren?" asked Ihe minister. the M. Kelly, a prospective Juror of J. growth tribe garden produce : Wall streets, and he goes there with " "Losh," said the er I." 19' at nant In tha Ruef bribery trial, to vote for Marquise de Castellane, has been do- He has an Inexhaustible hostess, supply of.hot his !.'"if) woken. Tli In ncqtilttat, has been sentenced to four nted. The court ruled that the'chll-nre- n water from a natural partner at one o'clock each after- "I'm thlnkin" that if you and suddenly; tempthe the elder spring, ua-t remain In the Custody ot their erature-being a rovote lor noon, They aft around n. small table had bin in cars' 167- - degrees fahretp Jn 'the penltPW-iinrthere wolf and during the meal discuss tho events wadna bin 12 baskets of at San. Quentirit Apneals for e mother, "princess de Sagan, formerly ; belt .:,' fragmeuta tor t iiitU s. of to the were In made no Anna Miss of this Gould sentence York. Is New The day. way time Iifbt. the disciples to gather up!" By means of pipes' the surplus water Ii n'mtrict Attorney. Lan'don court rylpd further that the children r. rtn. rnnii' not required for the bat hs is carried wasted from buslnesa and the digs, ' van 'St'l'i "anil tlons of I'i'd 'Attorws Henley. i the firm's members are ma should not leave the continent withOtherwise. Unobjectionable. to a garden on the outskirts of - the , In?' (i (ilea on the gromir! out Ite permission. .i OcA!gjr Myrtle,-wh- at are yonr objo9-tioti- s town. The warm liquid flows beneath terially assisted. Beginning confesi-statlng full had n:iJe..a bat Mr. Morgan frequently takes a small tober 19,' 1909, they are to be placed to marrying me? cf h! a number of forcing frames containing that ho- comtntUetf" the ilii a college situated 'within JOfr miles cup of bouUlorf first, then a chop or I have onlv it Myrtle melon iV I etc. A V tOTnatoes,aP',ftgg. ; r!nifttJji'? Jllil'Sal'"? '5. a piece ofTSTgy. I'd haveTo liVr withVi if suiipTyliriheise 'deli.'.acies Is 'ready for plwwetrakrsnrlways uct's aitonieys.. pie. The pie' habit he acquired from Cbicaso Tribune. tlie market at a very f arly period. Charles A. " i-o- wnw:0 Ha?e-Diiappeari- : frofff-MSBln- Th-Tot- he a, al . the-dru- NMiflesTPuts sad SuffUa lot kof Vlljon and Stogsr JVuuhiiiaf thulet&. ' SOLO ONLY BY ; she-wi- she-wa- SBE3CE R . SEWING MACHINE CO. rt . n No. 97 North Academy AvenuS, PROVO, UTAH , Pa-nari- JOHH JACK8QN, 5 MT. terribl- e-accidents -- . r- Buy Buggies " - "". e Jay Gould : Has -- ; Built in Pro-- 7 vo the-saf- 115 i . iii ' 1 r :.: "'.-'- 7 5 SO., BY THB ( - at - W il. . 24-i- ' jj ; Curb your well uitli Tiling . 1-- Mr.-Mo- ' Cement h. nls - 24- -i nch cement tiling into these Provo wells: Bp.Wentz, Mr. Weeter, Dennia Davia," Henry Davis, Sarah Tidball, Mr. Hick, Mr. Vjlrprife and' L. Hoolbrook. , . r"""! - i been-writt- . Ltddiard has put . 7T"" 7: itPTH "OF WATER" - . "IJirteod-to-;pu,rcha- 8e -- d Wealthiest Spinster in 'America Dead - - Seventh West and Center Sheets fROVO, UTAH . nj arefe-en-force- Provo Heat find ' Packing I1: d " Impris-;-.-poie- e. -- : 30t-00- rfA " one-thir- d Va mm t zrMt kinds of Fresri and uureu meats: ureen ana '.Fancy. and Staple We handle tho Farmers' Products, and pay CASH for all Fat Butcher Stock. Nos. 4T to 55 North Academw . Qro--cerie- h , ; A h -- were-hurri- ed PROVO " f.jAT and iTSipiiipeTmrnir $10,-00- 0 - At tha present rate of growth Manhattan island will have a population of I 8,600,000 In 1932. aa-U- ! - y Pie Habit Clings to J. Pierpoiit Morgan '. ; t , I .' H-- : the-iatte- r'a - i j- the-dutl- es -- l - r'r V r - n tr . Th Wages of women in Aslatii Tup. key vary from ten to fifteen cents a day of ten hours. : ; England reports an enormous demand for second hand Bibles. Got any you've outgrown T 7 In the population of New York tber are 187,000 persons who city are stockholdert la corporations. - Pu TI, the emperor, has 30 nurses, and is hollering for his old one. What's the use. oMieing an emperor? ! The Pittsburg Press says that wealth' kills. Well, we'd far rather be hit with It than With a stick of dynamite. ' Engll8hrnewspapers say they are. eorry for the kaiser-Uhis aa artistic way of piling on the punishment. : -- at cuHBoraH pnysiciara Says our high school boys are being ffeminlzed" by Wmi teachers. Noticed It, this fall? . - : boy-woul- d i . . ,:. T . f- , ' i I c s - -' 1 t imprih-nnmen- ;. '- - ."".--- . Ot-lS- fH-rri--- 1". i Philadelphia has established an bank, and its citUens no longer heed beafraid to go home In the dark. Ira. Qirard Bancker told a woman's forum in New Tork that all wives grovel to their husbands.. 'Say but her sex protects her. - Wo are still waiting for some scary German general to rise up and explain to an k public how easy It would be for a British army to dpvas-tat- . , awe-struc- e thertuan empire. -Tho man who lent Mr. "Rockefeller" that 2,000 to go Into business with would l Jh aFej.4ejLooi-Wfti4f-i- i, had stipulated that Instead of interest he should have half the profits. -- |