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Show rt -- FlllWiK PifSEKOSiaEPMHT; 1 NOT TREACHER'S Tiny- - porkir causes r pachyderm to huge PHYSICIAN FORBIDDEN TO LEAVE - Yorkthe ' New iR0THEft r out and fltied aroud-the-t- in, ing enough maierlaTTor- - blue-clad- - t K A I- -- r -- S - . . siclan, and Gopsevlc fwill figures. bered as ibe erlpnVan Miss Hpy4. the helrres.: be remem v V. 7. TWJH 3UTTES HEM --imiAN WELLS. . ' ' If present plans do not -- miscarry; and If the people of Arizona are permitted ylo have their way,, a little corto two ner of the Painted desert,-equtownships in area, will soon be declared a national monument, and set ..aside for 'preservation forever, in its present condition, for, " ' Jorment of the whole people.- There is no more beautifully Indefinite term in American geography than "itib Painted desert" There are, railroad maps -- that confine the,name to a narrow strip of territory: along the. Little Colorado river; 4ut anyone familiar "with the southwest Knows that there are at least a half score of other regions of eoual or greater extent fully.aa deserving of th title, -- Qeorgl Painted Wharton desert region as extending froni . the Rio Orande west io thejCallco mountains, the Salton sea, thelojave des-er-t Its northern limits are somewhere among the plateaus of southern .Utah; while its southern boundary must be goughJ.4omewhere down in northerTMcoJt includes the' Col- - aUowrf the flap to tTOTnillk-wagona.t- TTie rTfli. HifTTilfflted hW WST With n is placed thrmigh 1he upper (hno at thn annroechlna vehicle. AS eaaJtnatatiwa-a,aw4rawnHght,- -t Is no possibllity-o- f the carrier being horse carriage with ft alngle passenlost, laid down in a train or street car, ger, he stopped, -- selected a favorable approach to the road wayrnd began audrjjeihapa, --forgot boots. By the sketch will explain the way In cleaning the mud off-- hls this time Mr. Blake 1ec6gnlaed the ecwhich the cord is of service, and similar rord attached to a purse or centric MethodlsTTfreacher,"Mr. Pep' hand bag may often be the means of per. ". Brother "Good Pepper!" either morning, (freventliig of them from being "How's the "he called "out to him. ' tost. navigation?" But Mr, Pepper did not answer; he. , The .Fur Turban, , Though hats oflenormous lite, con- merely stood till the carriage stopped.'" tinue to be worn.jjie popular taste for and climbed In between -the muddy the fur turban haa eeriaJnly. decreased wheels. . - 'Glad to see you," Brother: Blake," the lneonvenience--o- f wtrave1ti)g In crowded cars. Such' dodging under he said. "I've sunk down In the mud and over 1iat brims "that we baveoeefi an average of one foot for every step, bo I'm a subjected to for so long makes most of and I've come three miles; are good us hail the advent of the turban with mile deep in the horses of yours. Hike a good horse pleasure. t wo ""too . horBea when roads are Verf nice nais Covered with black the wrist log4)4afi(litlie--cor- r tenr-TA-gla- ncB For 69S hours; or" 29 days, Dr. ievertlieiess, no traveler Fearn alleges scenery. ie was a prisoner in over either route will ever forget 'the of Gopcevlc, where he had home the wide outlook over the gaudy, i super to reat themillionaire'g hrothftt. heated sands, 'ton fantastic sky lines, gone For each of these hours' the physician and volcanic craters the black, grim Is justly wants basalt cliffs, the orange and carmine due himflO,as which, fee covering, as a special "bad lands" of the Painted desert.. he "unusual detention" "In that of the the declares, Its coloring is as rich-afamous "Konoyah" mansion.' For Grand canyon, and, more varied.5 The 696 hours Dr. Fearn says he was kept prospect Is limited only by the powers away from his patients, who charged of human ""vision. The winds and that he forsook them to become the storms aud rushing jvaters of ages private attendant of a rich man. AH sandhave chiseled basalt, clay and these things and minor allegations stone into images, columns, "monu have been made in a sensational state ments, towers and. strange, fantastic ment, made by Dr. Fearne to a legal forms that, have no names. Irrespecin whose hands he has placed firm, tive of its coloring, it would deserve to suit for world's wonders. Yet his taser The firm will bring among-ththe- - most for-f $6,960 against ono of Wio ever attr Mere may-- br seeirarTed wall 500 tuna te cable of the west' breastedLthe fogs cUIlling feet high and 100 mijes lowg. "Yonder ... X is a coal black cliff of hardened lava era addition,-.-The of Konoyah .mansion rising from a valley floor of snowy held nosplendorfor Dr. Fearn, although prize alkali. Fromany vantage point, one call, may survey a' glowing landscape that Jiejbadjservants at his beelmnd to Be'studled when paintings priceless "of shades red, gray, pink, shQwaK ' countchocolate, carmine crimson,- - mauve, his patient rested easily, and ever less modes of recreation. But brown, yellow and olive. Near Indian Wells Is a seemingly Interminable line present in Jthe doctor's mind, he says, patients whopi he of tall rewk fientlnels.'alliSarBed Th dif- were suffering ferent hues; on .guard in this land of could not reach and he was stirred to enchantment. No wonder the 8panish explorers, wheg they : first beheld it more than 350 years ago, named it "El Pintado Deslerto." ""Nine niiles north of Adamana Is Dead River canyon, from the rim of which one obtains a view of the.Paint- ed desert thaanJiardly be matched I 1 Oil ii .I.- '- J f IHI f If . - - - - v mud.-Thos- . e lyirrw-asiow- The E)ephant8tartedorj;a WjldJKun Toward the East River. - e - - trimming necessary la a lng, a Jjunchl of novelty feathers or a spray of flow" ' ers. .' '.;'"' '.'' ., these will no more than of cot Any a dollar, while the , trimming is within the skill of any amateur sewer. " f 'm ersfVt'rei . vt nai oriHgs yuu roads are like tblsr-ftske-d ' bckm1 tlme- - ftl -- s ucu Mr, Blake. way, and horses reared and plunged "I'm corning down to try" to recon-al- l andlscreamed In terwrtHa hen they. saw two ffiembersTWtro have had a the lumbering pachyderm bearing . quarrel," said Mr. Pepper. yiown.upon them. Madis6i,.Park, Lex; KWeH. if yotf fet them reconciled by lngton, Third and Secoad avenues ' tweo'tlock you can ride back. I have articles that can be chosen to serve Ivory and Bro rue. ' were passed at top speed. to drive on to the farther factory, and this purpose. If the tin be held in - Between Second and First avenues, Ivory and bronze are combined to ttJtPBCt to teturn about luat time.". hand" the oL for. any J.ength however, the frightened beast stopped Mr. Blake drove back past the Little of the mel short- - and plunged into the entrance contents are likely to become warm library ornaments. to And Mr, where house he expected Is usedV most of the ornas of a tenement house. The passageway and greasy, nd In no way Improved by low Ivory It was - after two feppfirjjuid. -was. too narrow to admit the Immense Its journey; so that a carrier be meat being fashioned of the darker o'elock,- - he cgncJaded that the preach-.- . hued sutanes. For Instance; where threw her comes useful. hulk, but- - the elephant eT nadfe flnUhe(T bis task earlier than weight forward and the sldesjpfthe anA tin of any shapeasmay be used, but there Is a figure the head asd arms are he expected and walked home. But aa oval one, such shown in our formed of the Ivory and the remainder he1 doorway crumbled. Trotting through was. getting almost but of the long hallway, she forced "an exit sketch Is, perhapsj the most-- con- of the bronze. A handsome tray, from be was halted by loud shouts in !.a venient to one choose. which of The cover, side rises of the figure shape n the same manner, and then started by bn a wild Hmpag through back yard of course, must be made to fit the kind bronze wpmaa wttft "fleamlngl vorj wo others of the fencee. By the tims heii. keeper . ar- of tin chosen, and tor the oval one, arms and face, Jiai a bronze inkstand' ttOrseS; Snd, saw j . - ii.,, ene she "had Is weir the preacher funnlngjpward the gate,drte-Ttr- -' ceniO' intreat."-Th- e through half HdswifhJiDtb. the nteu: at Mongolian plateau,, the Tonto basin, quires not more than two- - hours, over shaking Hons and the windows of every Jenfit and giving them ft parting ad- once the Vrtlt Hassayampa and Salt river a road tnatjaertvei fmdfefthaofdlhafj Double Use Proper5 Single ihenf house In the block were filled ajfersrth-Fetriflemonition.- Then he hurried through tarestcsndthB Ihierest f rom thelrcumstance that it ' with spectators. the mud to the carriage. f SuBerstition mountains' .Not all of crosses the old Central Overland stage Re-Be The keeper finally succeeded In get Simple Rules Thst Should medal-lioreconcameo In a. them seem Is a which nave to set like "Yea got this vast region is desert in character, route, the extension of membered' by Embroiderers. nan the outside, are being carried ting a rope around one of the eleciled, but you nearly lost your ride," and only a relatively small portion of the historic Santa Fe trail. Although with handsome street costumes. phant's legs, and by making the rope said Mr. Blake. not been traversed expanses deserves to be de .Often embroiderers are at a loss to fast to a clothes pole held her there ; "Yes, yes!" puffed Mr. - Pepper, scribed as painted. ir! . ' tfian a quarter of a century, the deep know- whether to use" a single or Flowers Crystallized was untir the beast tied. bareof securely conditions Yet the color and scraping ..his boots against the iron ruts worn by the wheels of the stage To crystallize flowers take, two sheets Theft, came of getting 'double thread when working in ness that first suggested the name ex- coaches, freighting caravans and pr; step. "They're reconciled, but It was her back to. the playhouse. The beast silks. The ad from lsTol' gelatine, one gill of water and caa hard work." ist rie schooners of the emigrants'; bound refused to leave the yard, even after rter workers TiTso varied that a few tor sugary tillacsT' primroses, vloleti He finished scraping his coots, and vast stretch of country. Parts of it are for the f land of gold in the excitshe had been calmed and the ropes re authoritative words on ;the subject and tulip petals may be used. j took- ap his parable; as fertfle as any of the world's" garden ing yean that heg'att'wlth '49, are still 4hn "-- J" ' WsselveTThe gdallnOnjater-i-n al yni-nthi- ! moved, and as 4ast resortrbe-thr- er may not eonw-amlninlfft " Vim nlil "ini tan spots: It contains seme of the noblest plainly visible. , other elephants were led to the scene. . The rules that govern theusef the sauce pan, almost any tfctnr wlih two" men till ' virgin forests In America, including a Just on the brink of the canyon is nruBl eacl flower with the gum. Let JtsfMeeesssT7"''t(r"-tTSair:a8wn3TwoTstt'siroraouo'rerea'o number of national forests, aggregat an-- ancient eedar treeciheronlynone farr begin to fay 'Principle! princiflowers become qoUeVdry, thgn they More men more material the on formulated are genfences the before be could gotmillions they extent. acres of in go to telFwlth that ing many miles around. Tradition has it that ple!' ten to the runaway. When she had eral prlnclpla.lnat the finer and more dip them one by one In syrup boiled word on their unforgiving lips than. It is crossed by the Continental divide. here was the famous rendezvous and been joined by her companionr the delicate the figure or the material, the to so degrees. ; " other word In the dictionary The lofty peaks of the San, Francisco camping place of a band of despera "V ,"' '"'falner ". became !blei)eBst as a - flnerlihottldrbe-the-tlrrea- d; "Let two man be Juat asvhlean as and San Mateo mountains, as well as does and cattle rustlers that tarrnrtzed s 4 One over them with castor they- - know how. to- - be, and know Thus, on a sheer handkerchief linen and dust the lessee heights of the Ztml Supers j this part of Urisona for many years, "You Cannot Go You Must Save the !iltenTr The four animals were driven back to the Hippodrome through or mull, or on a very small design on sugar. When dry shake off loose they've- - been mean,, and show them Life of My Brother" stltion,, Mogollon, Pinal and other Hence the spot is locally famous as . - a heavier fabric, use a single thread sugar. their duty, and each will stop and ranges are within Hs borders. It fs the "Robbers' Roost." j , Indignation. When he attempted to streets lined with spectators. fllo throughout of Otherwise,the crossed by one of the great rivers of T quibble over some trifle, and say: THE CARUSR"VEIL7'" To describe even the small portion America the Colorado; and a. hundred of the Painted desert visible from persuade Gopcevlc --to permit him to WOMAN BOUGHT HER HUSBAND. "work .will look rougrT and coarse. It's . a matter of principle wlth me!' ' Sometimes, indeed, the thread Is When men begin to say: Principle: smaller streams, such as the. Little Col- Robbers' Roost Is as hopeless as to leave the place, he, says, he was consplit for the Shading In the centers to I'd rather, undertake to "Principle;-- ' orado, the Gila and Virgin rivers. Bill describe an Arizona sunset , As far as fronted by violenjt . entreaties. "You Bargain Not Satisfactoryv the Purehaa give a more delicate effect This, I You aiust savehe 'Bfe-o- f cannot reconcile two fiends from 'the bottom-- 1 Williams Fork and Havasn;-TValn'.gov the is er succession ot Kills Herself. " " is very rarely necessary. less pit" Oak, WiHdw,-Diamo- nd and, Bluewater buttes, terraces and castellated hills my brother Peter Fearn says' that his a safe rule is for figlt fairly Vwere i met with emphatic ; St. L6uls i'Haw large asked M r. creeks grain other portions. . Portions that seem to display all the "colors of suggestions Reallzinc' that herhus I urea or 4eavy matertalsTgTluse Two Blake. of themesert area are mere wastes of Uhe rainbow. Pervading alLJa the promises sue wnom uauu, nossman, purreier th reada..ofJllo,,at least for the outer 'T reasoned' with them, and prayed nna-r- ma "I will pay whatever price you say," chased from another ' woman ; wuer puriions. are ticpurple haze of the arid lands that three edges. Frequently flower is with them, and I got them both on JheiiUce, chaotic "bad lands," upon which the blends chaos itself into a symphony ef aald Gopcejlccconflng to the physi- weeks age-not'loved her done In l'enbi!?sllk, but forJ3SQhad their knees, and I thought ft dozen Master Painter of the universe has color more celeBtla! than of this sordid cian, and xFeanT declares that' when since he became aware that her boast- often the outer nnWlnYui and quites lhn fnll. to times it was as good as settled, when hour an remain for divihe $10 of he a color that off harmony agreed to spread the nbrthweet is a earth."Away ed fortune consisted of a spurious strandsVl ftge are worked with the tw one or the other would say 'Principle!' shames the wildest flights of the ima- olack, mesa, beyond which Gopcevlc pffered no bJecyjp. and a few hundred dollars In while for the bill In towardthe shading and the fat was all in the fire again. , "'You do not doubt that I can pay ; lies the Jand of the Hopl Indians. To gination. Mrs. Catherine Rosihan center moneyt the.,single- thread is used e'd have-beethere till doomsnever the north is the land of the Navajos Transcontinental travelers your bill?"' anxiously quizzed the This treatqient gives oothgreater " am a Ttchman, .but to opened her psalm book and after readi hilt the fKuftmJ wm rna .fall to wonder at - and "adime - the the American Bedouins. But thlf is day,, favorite passage over and over. richness and depth te her , our knees I saw :tBe carriage disap- standing rocks, red cllffsX back lava; desolation Itself,, uninhabited even br leave my brother to a horrlhle, vtpath composed herself .and Bred a bullet fltttng-n- p more rapidly always pearlng, and I said' I'There goes my praolnlcesr 'OTTrttea that find inihe desert In these lonely parts would break my j Into her. heart and died Immediately. a desideratum In an intricate piece of a ride home, and your day , chaace - and tall white walls that a congenial home. , At one's ,leet Is the heart" ' " Mrs. Rofcsman was only 30 years old," of'embroldery Bf grace Is going, too. Let your prinso Fearn remained.. For - a to the view the whole way Irota Isleta sandy, boulder-strew. And tied of a forgot? nusbarW a1r"m6nfhs-atoHer first ' nle4 In using two strands of silk It is Im " whole month Dr. Fearn treated Peter Before and to (Jallup. divest of the Colorado rlyer, ten river, whose, healing flow ceased ciples go where they ..came ' from' after ner macrlage to Ros kne--- J where ; that portant to threaxLlhe needle properly. was 'aad . they the Chocolate-colore- d mountains and ages ago; when this gorgeous land of Gopcevlc and at the expiration of that man the young widow talked constant Do not fold oyer a Single thread In shake hands and be brothers!' And hills that shade, from gray to rntack. thirst bore 'a far different aspect-gr- een time the sick man arose from, his bed of jsome "great .sin" hanging over the eye, as if will cause the silk to ly and from brown to crimson compel the; they did It, aad I said 'Glory!' and with tropic vegetation and melo- and departed for the southern part of her and she refused to be consoled, twist nd rdughen. " Ihsfead, draw out shouted for you to hold on and let notice of the least observant AH these dious with the songs of (birds. From the state-..'-- . The shot was fired while' her hus- from the 'skein two threads of exactly me of wharrnien "call prin- are of the Painted desert but they are the parched desolation; rise shimmerThe sad sequel, sad at least for Dr at theironL-dooi MniLwaitfid . , , .r thrthriamrteuinnZI ? at such "clples times are pure stub-- , more so waves; ihaaiantallzlDgJttntg-otJlieone neat that shrinks l jiq log rertdencTToTWwWJOdmiThlm: ; w!ithbotb together. born ness." greater glories, that lie. beyprfa the car from the descent into the canyon as sented his cfatm for his services. was bed-lon The body found the A MrV Blake, told r- - ; the 'story many wmaow persnecuve. ; from a? fiery furnace. iK According to Dr. Fearn there never ciotned in a V Cameos In Purses. . , nignt gown. A few Inches in later years, and he was ac times ' ' Most of those who forsake tne Pull' Cameos set In However, it is not aa bad as it looks. has been any reply to his statements the clasp or metal customed that he had come to mans and ever after boast of a close A circuitous path leads to the canyon other than occasional checks. thumb-worfrom of handbags are a hew idea. The cll marked., TK belleva that Tkother Pepper told he "view of the Painted "flesert Inspect It floor,, over glittering beds of gypsum Continued silence on thyf part of Gop- kbody; was removed to the moreue and atones are genuine in the imported truth. Vouth'sVlompanlon. only as an incident, of a trip r to 'the and; thick deposits of .mineral paint cevlc led Fearn to place the matter In nuBBunta w Miicstvu anuDpia lor- a novelties that have just reached here, of towns and It the bottom Near a a Indians the dethe the vast Hopt, now, firm; nandsf strange illegal edgeoT though ..doubtless imitations will soon The Carlier "vellls one of the latest coroner's inqnpat V Traffic on the Canals of Holland. . be seen. In rich brown leather with a long "d wearisome Journey, of a hun posit of. siliclfled wood Is reach d. la stated,.- - lawsuit is to follow; ; A wide satin ribbon Is ran novelties, who is an had Rossman, arthrt, I Next-t- o gone 3 . , dred windmills. Holland is It was while he was grlpman at on ,es or more from Canyon Dia This Is not the famous Petrified forest silver cframe half-Incgold of this Jtind gilt in a best Jtnowa the hem, and tied through a home for lunch shortly-afte- r noon and for itg cauala. tor the enbio The por of Arizona, which is IS miles south, yinslow or. Holbrook. day on the Old Sacramento street rang the - front -- doorbell.- IJiafwlfe ft& ornament is most pleasing. , Oreen bow at the bacs. The veil should ,t tions one sees on such a trip are not but in mSny 'respects- It is not less cable line. Gopcevlc met Miit HSrry" ?A tire country la a network of these the door a few. inches and told' leather bags trimmed with silver gilt, over the bow In hood fashion " ..athose most worthy of Inspection for wonderful.:. waterways. Almost everywhere one Floyd, ft brilliant young heiress, living opened afew him to "waitAl - "FiZi: looks Is to be seen a eanal threading in Sacramento street.- From a casuRossman waited and Fashionable al acquaintance therr grew a loving though puzzled, wajr throuh thev meadowa and f or Beaver. Trimming Popular '"soon heard a revolver shot. : He left f fields and towns, and at frequent .z f riendshfpXSmd Gopcevlc left his hum:. M ; x i ! and house told 8ergt Fred 't 4!i.flnal hoata,. drawn by horses or ble job to wed Mlss,Floyd. A year the The officer ftcco'mpanled hlra is Really, Simple.. ut by No. Means I?a.J3l$li??-10OYd-Iopul4nen;jr-els- e pTopelled by sails or a after marriage the heiress died, leav- Lanzi ar of Construct lon,Eay pack iclhe Jiojiae and "ihejcwere L- Man" - Undleubtediy-Durlng his pause for breath a ing Made-Out ernJneans of propulsion Is now In manin spectacles, arose in th& GooitPiseJ s mJJ The medium-sizemushroom beaver .v A 8lckroom, Screen, stalled on many of the boats-mnbe A character In local poll: the audience and craved permission to few minor bequests, to her husband. entep bat has become even more fashionable seen .passing, and if one has the leisure well A screen is cried the A bitter contest for the beautiful Lake tics, MaJ. Ptereewsf .Rhode Island, was put ft query: "Granted!' nigh indispensable " It than was i last winter Its a brim doesT,Jai.a.aickroom for-l- t Dog Stops Jff Runaway, Holone of those men who think they are orator; after a tevlying drink of water. county property ."followed, but Gopce-- . leneeded to to make a canal boat trip through JPorkv Pa.People on 4he streeto uotcatch ihe wind, anJ it protects the kfeep land It offers an interestingand unique "Did I understand your qnesUoh to rlc ,waa from to aratora, 'fttid of him the story has oft theatlent'a light eyes, " caa hair, it be comfortably worn when Red Lion, this county, rubbed their I" beerr told that "he evolved in a certain, beJ.!wEat is our country coming to?'" "All that he says about (he Dr.'Fearn" guard U v draughts or- to means of transport, this cheap form a nuisance. " ht eyes at the right of a frahtlc horse, .larger bats oil rv of shut out bottles of transportation is a godsend to (tin madlclne did statement the love It "I speech - thla most ' marvelous perora asked the, lss for cltteniJj' ' breakneck epwid with a big - T.he new trimming Jor these Is slm-pl- or at ' dashing , room .: "Yes. si r.! tion: c whore work Dutch- people. By means of the slow my nrother." and yet noteasy to dif It coo- - Is any seact of th$ wagon on the "canal boats their garden dog shepherd but " capacious dflSS. An child excellent sanitary screen lTher"'l noiRna''wuujA9 or "And; you say echo answers whatf coolly sawing jway upon the reins, and field products are carried, ta within the sound of my 'voice ' "That is what I saldrslrl declared ' .'af ) " Chanca for American Oalry Farmers. held betweea.tils teeth. '" '.. across the left front ani Lwldfl the cities, and If there ev - . mlio has not heard this truth ringing the 'orator belligerently. If" p nt n,R, ,a ,n were a l,racedtheirsbe"gFnlng. It Is tberclfnr&tLf7Iame" wrong - There la a splendid openpg neaf '". Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson of necessity for the regulation ' in their ears for centuries!". "Then theretB-Tgmethtli" """ M,fc,u " trouble bow to make. tfiansthe Iti"" come up to visit John at Jeast two rtal iTiee screens can- be rail way .'rates la that count rv, r; But the old major whs not the only at this building," Calcutta forfarms. Kh "theT.acoustlci - The Europeans of Raab and left the rig standing outside Is exactly thdebape of the flat, silk pne "Bntwrrnes. boat transportation would solve dairy vei-day. 'ahid political oratof whose enthusiasm has said . the inquiring man, shaking - his Calcutta - depend on one dairy farm for the hotfse.. Their doir had been lying worn on a; man's patent leather pump. IirnMinn, and carried him. iptti statements passing Chinese-- btueT" Coral pink" and Jade inmilk and butter, and this farm Is a under were lleyi. t of tmaglna-tiotthe furthest flight human Light Welghtjif Fur. for it ; The material ' Science. " day's run by rail from the rl!yTCom'; side ;id auto scared i.he" horse, which green are jusedribbon Explaining It. as the following little story One of the great benefits th.ALihi.l -- s about five Inches is an Ottoman full and with at the street started native the dowa any milk, AtthOUfeh my fnllu rU pared spced shr-slid yon know that If all the salt 'The' pessimistic-spSWrTTion bestowed have women Is the toaiifMd eiiils are'qF equal furriers hat-btet oltaiable- - bene 4 be prod- -l la- - atwlnkliiig tlie" Zap?, nndprstand-ing- ( wlder"The n d the- - rM4-'"lar- ge anil tint t in the ocean- - werega there m to tnre pjt widra'ahd Ieneth.T One is laid' flat way they have lightened the weight eatd Miss Howell; "ho 't.' comof that this hut Is net farm was Interest In, my musical r yejjfuell something measmake a cube audience," smote the table belda solid body It vould other. The loop Id . the cen otiutlgarments. T7y, ;: 4 61wys encourases me pared, iith the products of American wrdng, seled the reins' and threw his j?er the Jiim with an Impressfve list and thun- - uring 500 hiiles each wayT". 7 one Pick I the fur up any nat long of, and. detached. cus whole weight upon . thm. By the ter is equally ' -- "No, but Who ias dairy farms it is d rf(3..ii(i iV: don't doubt " -- ' tom of Jegjjng enw ,fnwi ciistoiraiLtaiJiroe- :' greatest pnn," what, 1 ask again, is figured It out?" prised Jo feel how little it weighs. It Customer and milking in plain view svreef in front of 1he rig the horse'a the hat It does not go up against the Is "Wrll." n.j'lio-- ? I VTnal was unr country Coiuihg 151 as cloth, find Ja alas "Nobody.. not just trying to find was from crown, method heavy copied jjlie In Cal- speed was incied byjhe dog and the da spy that to? And echo answers out how big a lie you would swallow."' sull .prevails t some extent ' cottilne "as" as most sirorde satin. for ten little of the bats smart iirls ' ' cutta Consular Reports. '.. i runaway was easily stopped. get a liat?" " Chicago Tribune. Jameg-deflnea"-t- he - ol the. roads follow the lines ; JeftsVslstajic - " Wagon Jnan&.iO-two4oop-Hindrrwhe- d i the i' NPAn VTFW -- key-rin- W 1 , ng e overlap' afijarSntTmjro. paflT" The case Is edged throughout wlth w "taarrew coxdlajui Jjierji laahio a long loop of cord attached to the top by which It may" be carried, thus obviating the necessity of holding it in a hot 'hand g An ordinary she-swep- . .. - it-- hub-dee- horses drew the comfort, b carriage with reaaoi-ablone berse' might alSIOst have stuck i t drivitiS u the mud. Mr, Blake-wa- a a; Inspect one of his cheese. factor:" and only the fact that the thing b;iJ to be done accounted for his dri" out with the roads in tnis conuu hd-thebad to htmself hoev and he had the "added satisfaction, if such It was, of remembering that it TaTTTio'aairy Journeys of and Irom his several factories that-- plowed Jhe mud, to tbU f": . bottomless condUton- Ahead, at the Side of the road. t discovered a solitary figure walking. pieces of cardboard should be cut out ft tittle larger IhahV the" top of the lid and the end of the tin, and then covered on both sides with the material-that may hgverbeen. selected to make tite case. h 1 O View the Stumbling BlocK t ReeencTnatTeiv- - Bet we n Efri r. 3 Is In That Wcd Used by Stiffnecked. The mud was almost 10 , ls two-atrd- ch - AF,r-T- .LBrathren tame- - pig, J .'V'--:'?;S- - ifl-H- antics of a tiny ele-- j so Irish tened a foar-to- a OF LATTER. phanVthe other day that the big beast t Jtl" Keepers at the Hippodrome, crashed through seteial barred her progress, CHARGES BY HOUR FOR STAY stout doors-whlsad started on a wild ruh toward the HOLD THE LUNCH East river. . ... Mi Forty-thlrd- street Fifth to Down Starts Suit for $6,960, WtiichPrice He avenue and . then crowded through Claims Was Agreed Upon for "UnThirty-fourthuge beat SANDWICH CARRIER THAT IS streetlhe ' Defendant usual Detention" , swung along at a speed thai amaxad GREAT CONVENIENCE. Married JHeiress. :v the great crowdfollowlng.nnd spread consternation ahead of her. No- hand San Prancisee: From the lonely cori- was raised toi stay" ner , progress as rFashioned from Cardboard, Over Tin fines of theJamous" Konoyah" estate in along, dodging street can with-A- ny RecepUeJe, jndLCo.ye.red, Lake county,, where . dwells wealthyj - aad mtoawbHet." Detired--Lo- opi Mtril Milos Mitrov Oopoevlc, the millionaire r ' Men, women and children dartee Fit te the Hand. , haFd worklag into doorways, to ftve"i& animal tree At ona time a street gripman on ,tbe Sacramento Nowadays, when so many girls go to cable line, comes the story, of a most business and take with, them Bome- .... X an occurrence l LAt. unusual H'UH.. happening thlngjn the shftlw of Band wlihf a lar which may be aired soon in the courts a midday meal, a case for carrylgj Drl H. Walter of San Francisco, with JJhejnJnJ!conie-8-a-Teee8sityrFearn, a"well kuown Lake county pbytin is, unqouoteaiy, one or tne best t Gopceviaa--h-eemTat- "rttorPAf lENTpBY OPINION OF "PRINCIPLE."5" run amuck IN 'fiOTHAM Arizona tsmiTfrpmmwmm t ALWAij a j,,-- ' ,,.jf ' ( iitr . . ft. . ear-sho- olcer-ttgmen- ted camp-meetin- g V-- ,, - of' of Thread ;. tar-wes- tern thhas ert . ' - - i thai-proble- -- - ed far-of- -- '...Jim A'. - - jtetJtjlJtelwB - vr , ,,rJ -- Mr - - ' .ill - how-eve- rry - dldy.. mial j -- - $10,-60- 0 flat-topp- .. 7 ' . , - -- lg ' Udd-varlet- y- n . - ixmv ny7r7 r .; n toay and-pen- -- ; - : , r --- - 1 " - There Was Something Wrong, Hat '. -- ... -- -- -- A 1 d re 900i,fc- -- well-know- d y rLiT v e cornctlie " ' - - 't- JJ' : - e - y head-slowl- sitting-down.-- tjiwgtlflllli ' "';;. F ut flrst-clas- t it " v . W Ft.'Hii-citiwn- J- ; - ' ni-'i- U |