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Show cUMM P?,OVO HEILALD mordent - and Utah County Issued ever - '- Tuday Tuesday, rnflmiw T1t i.rj L n m t ir " i.n L- - mm " .. and gaturday r- "I - " T ii fiHir.1"- tri-r-: '- - ''-'!"' mi ll wbhi wit a minim Iron n I ML Tubjor - a AM II III I i 11 H AMAh tmnwrotelon tbroufhthe l5fifnON RJITESrln -- K. - - I Herald Publishing Company r .DothPhonen A elv -- I - , ., . I - tl ..:.- -f- : .. n b ... . y S E " ' Not In . Thr ......,..... month. Mcotk... On ITT III II IT'1--- , J.i. L!. ;i '.'B f "; rant i.!.:.. J! Ml ftfl asipatallt y will Buy a hemeef tny ments each mcii'Ji on lrr;I a home in Provo from wfnifMhs8y-thcrfeHtinontW- ; wauy W.;M.:R;Ai:Co. ; Real Estate Mcii, TfetQ-lhcPMinut- c Ite.Mef'tvetng' V 1. .rinn't PUhivf.wni SUTTON MRICET i.o .BO -t- Will Kill Yon" he-f.erro TbeTj'Payr rent ee lorig s you live germ" is the rriost treacher' ous germ kno)vtr to the hgnian .SO II' n - ...... -TTW The best Grain FfdBfef wiUblfoHnd at our ttre. Tvrkev. PffH', (LkifDK. cr8i)V''''ie8 and fwy. OurMince. tUicp 1m to nwlf 4iner Meat is t bft that nn put into it i j.trictiyCrrtag. i. Adv-n- e.. MonthBi....,., ISiX f ... " rn N w 9. SO If I'll -. "lt-Yn- n 5 ' 1 f ' BV THB FnteredatthepofltoflflPtalProYonty, tn mm, ' lntert of Provo to the japerpublibhed 1" ''' Ik. THE PROYO HERALD. Tbt "Ptovo Uebalu - tpekw iti trurt will that bt 70a - will inttiah bow be p'ensfid. vltli xhsrjred . i toon 11 Mfloewhat It. Castlt Gate, and; HeajHGreele tMaf and . w It' appMtraw the new , wjulpmput ws considered appropriate for an Independent tfie The of 'Utah .County" doea not signify that the paper. dropping Herald will not (rive attention to the newa of the eounty. The people r . irrivea. be given all th Mill C 1 Tbe kbove xam ew that la news, Inthe Herald. 1 1 A- - for s&f -- oft i,. Co. UtSLh-Timb- er Solemn ceremonies were held out of respect for the old faithful iwdy Utah CoAntj Democrat It waa too good to llve and so paused to It's own with the new year. The office foreman fiv the funeral discourse and the office "devD", assfeted by jhe ofBce cat rendered the musk . The "head" - 3 indifcond North tenderly laid away in the 1iell'l box waiting to be ret-- 1 urrected by joint ambitions person ho may come along. w. mjxjs Mhl n M .A '. 6-- fMnsasaaaawsaaeMBHMi Thenne'that delieht and - Tiit these are better than joe, fciJ awl b?f.. 'Turkeys, men of tit Lhnme on youyoung man, cur V..--i tut Provo w fires ent capital you would waste money if you had it w4JBrgtJieiithe b the home, to couisged worker hands.pf jnany. lu the the school, , 13 al Good sign,"' iEto it in Germany, Ko. 6 for 10 for " 8 for M g for ilisA " ' Co. arrange money with which' to ay afternoon ou or near West build a home In the early spring. You Fuider- - please re--- a pay no Installment unit I you have J to J, W. Bangertjeld's Print-- drawn all yourmoney. JtfoneyaaV' vanced a building progrestes. j (..'Ice, 71 North Academy Ave., ' e I ,"", reward. Hindselmaivgraduate opticiat at Taylur Bros., fiu the hard to fit 7 - :raT7estern Stock Show at For eye trouble see him, iU D. & JLG. will sell French and American perfumes " t.?p tickets to Denver at Infancy boxes. S moot DruaT Co. J. ; : ;2.50." S.lliug dates Jan. Co. the cheap cash , Provo Mer. Good returning r 1 17th. store sells everything.' 900 North Poultry Show H 11 Provo f&r H - . . 8.16 4:2Sp.m. .,. poinn-ea- LBAVa ; -- -l vriiwu auu v) ,.-- r fhow " " ,. f BOVol FOB'WEST 11:40 XEAVB PEOYfl FOR N08TB . j,.I I t ! : ' ' !.t' ad sha.in ?rcl Wi'U ' " Co. t H rlerrp OS. r n wines, , 8re lint y ))py ! i.'il com Atf j wr- ' Mar "RAfc 4, rtki , AnwnWTtillnii iufiitt'n v:nt l';llt'ltH tn a1 - iV'o.'j-- ; No, 85, < Telephone 17 Spafford Lend and WoLtei? lURTNERr'ianlGount bve date.", Exhib!-- T jKr-tirtjsJaT- y ;s.e:e M j. --- i List and general information. T " a m N A Medicine That . "I have Copyrights &.it nfcnh nod rtprrtvtiP'n !pri pn.rTl,if Ulil'-t 1H('H aiKtMi'v t'.riitK'H ii lur (,vti,.,v, i on jsv jwiipnm. w.'cunrit: ft A h.tn(TAmet tlhifrM1"; wnit'Y. I'M 'I, )M:;; -i.'d t '!T ')! t? .A ... tour n.'ii Uk :. iW.:Cvt 44..-ji- l:v" 1 j "I t r. It N, i black- - 1'rovo im I ..'iimlty yoi:V ?tm 1 suffered medicr R frovo Opera AlONDAY, House JANUARY 4th.. Cort Presents America's Foremost Mr. John " Comedian f t .sundry. Im c In the Biggest Success of His Career enrtiitiis ;"":' Km. red haw.- - Wack- - ..n Tiaw.'.-jre- t nrf T I I iilutii. irisinniio'h7 rrdnf. "wild 'aloell wahon, 8iucac fPl eltii. 'p'sj hickory li ti k 1 yt v l,i rk nr bi i,, Tirr Mt'M, (It1 m Wvk (!', crab, ap Jjle v II ipillwri), niU tui'V, ('o' 9 i jumnwil. vw.rir bUik lwtisli M Let Medicine a' good deal with malaria and stomach complaints, htif I have found a Ttraedy that keeps.uie well, and that remedy ig 5IectTiflit-ters- ; a medicine that ts siuotaca na uver irouotes, ana iorrtJ, nu 1 jons,- - nys r. ,u Jv lesti er. of Ilalliday,-- . Ark.- - ,: Eleetrje 3Hten purify and enrich the blood, tone Op the nerves,and impart vigor and energy to the weak. Yeu money will be refunded if Jt fails to help you. 60c at Smool Drug o, J 4- - 3 6 U , Designs - J"1! lit f We have plenty, ilmoot Pleasant, sure; easy safe little live Pills, are De Witt's Little Early Risers .. Trtjiy Rustle Bridge. are eay to. lake, and act gently' " A rusttc !'itltlge at Ecach Haven, Oa., They We sell and recommend them. contains .u kaxrtsi of ,wo(T! d vines, I'cof Tenon iiavpn jfrnvrtrm rKcrtv) park. FolMwfnflf ia a Hat of the wiKids and vines: i Ehort-tea- t pino, Jonsj leaf YEARS' t ( , No saw edges "on your collars if hnt to the 1'iovo (Steam Ijaiuulry. tirtl) Antmnl Klkg eTPiirsion Southern California Ftb. GiIi. 'or re: ixvutiuua and "iiiForrnntiott Sec-I r write A. W. Kayb'-.iilil- , Get it now while you can, ' BO . Ik Clear Cr eek, Rock I Springs Write Secretary for Premium - 1 West Center, Provo, Utah liquors, fancy to .anleBpjeisja l?t. North street. As- Hon Ccops to show ttc lino of all L - (in tbe best Empire 10(T Self Oilinl MiTviinrCaLrsTMmerCatff s, Engine and Boiler Rpfcr Iron land Brass Castings, baccos and pipes. Oytn. I Carries a complete kinds of Gate,-- Exceptiona-lvOppriunit- ''.i.,' tFroYO foundry fi Machine Palace Drug Co. until Jan. 25th. ' Castle a.ih-.- - :r Ben, A.AI. JMeeef "iMlirn via Jan. 19th and 17th. 1909. The Utah County poultry sociation" will hold its fourth a.m. all points east. . ganpfte point all potnti east Tltitle polnta ' to ASI - lJ-t.Cr,i- I'--G. eOALlrCOALj- - Utah Jan. ii .- First Eaht a I HMlttllHHltIMMM4titliir.MlMili... :." i:-.Iv- - " - MSSBMaMODMianMMMHMMM ' Iortht .Uf'TPCP PBOVO FOB PitT. if you want to quick- euro find is UTAH COUNTY ,. getting the landslide habit IL Ray WniTE MUFFLER - See W. for " T 2 9 30 ajn. No, 122fotHeber ...i , - . i ARRIVB PBOVO FBOM NORTH. i ( -No. 121 from Heber ...".v..,..iV...,i; 8:45 p.m,' " "The only line to Ogdea and Denver without fhaug?. Free-recli- ning chair cars, tIiroigh sleeping cars and elegant diners on " all through trains. 1"; r -S. K. Hooper,- L A. .' 'IF, ."Foots, ' A G. . Q- Agent. and his wife in the cure of bad It can &Iway be l!)!3 remedy s i.i rac;- - --m .... . ir.ci"..-Ii-.t W ,"i. AI'AKWl Ji it'c is aiiir.'Jod brllic ue cf of L? SgggLlftl 8:34 " T fo4Salt1,ke " t for all point weit SfldTaorth , p m. " 9 for Salt Lake and Ogden ..".".rrr4:25"' .,..H.".. " 8 ror all points west and north a 51 - Is altto IBl s i!;;.4 f - Tlrne-Tatole- " No. 6 for west and north few holes 7." No' man's salary is ever1 high enough to suit him, " considon it a mere pittance. ; Cuba s, Utah . --- - : S'aiKifl ftKAVS church, and fa the "The divinity that doth hedge a king," is' having-- a AN D Current Tli8 world would be happier if people were a little more generous tlS.cir praise. There U too much" flattery but a word of Just appre- - vould cheetJtha heart 3.9-- H . W is So don't AbrsyB do your best, and If you managa your capital that God given yout well, you will soon have plenty morale manage. ? . :h m 111 III IJE.IV III I - at eronnd, "a great helpless fellow, .waWngtor somethinglolurn up, go to woiW Take the ffrst' work that you can get to do and do it V. !r-- r r-Eo- !h asm will. c - - depended upen lo .effect a pleasant to tsl.o. It contrtins no ojKm' cr other; narcotic; and may be' given as confidently to av child as to an adult. .Price 25 cents. Large size SO cents. be a gentleman "of leisure,"""' Go to work with the capital you have J Lrta ititvy Avenue. r 47 an J you will soon make Interest enough upon it to give jou as much as make"mnney upon wtafcapilaT you money you peed.If y6ucannot lave, you could not if you had a Jargermount In cash.," If you waste y ehick-(n- Pfovole&tPacluivGo Willi Hieres - clothes, smoke cigars and dnolsvjrpe, ".".irr. 7Ts cckis A few of our -.- for n(TimeTil tfikrthem from k ftr'n.ash- - :r i - nimoe' jnjjit,nr.)nsi ntA currants, Kpvce, cranb(S;ris,ftnd ever.vthm? else a motlernjiarket ' keeps. - tLs rub; you don't want to work. You want money on credit so you caa play the gentleman, speculate and end your career by playing vaga bond. You want to marry a rich girl who will support you, whfla you Wtsr . hrt wealth and influence did not start with any cash They went to work with their plow, the hoe, the jack plane or ax, ar.J la time their capital brought them a rich harvegt.' Ah! but there's Our Kt- - true yulv ttfie'upmWyLwant it perfect. Purchase vtini srrocrie cash capital, lhes-you-ft- lmtrts the Isfles nd not these capital? What more capital has "God eiven anybody? ,"But if I only had a few thousands In caeh capital' says the young man. en"' - Col A 'Try it - Christcas Dinner In our -- VI 9 ; cure uttered The hearing by a worthy boy and undoubtedly they are often reiterated by many who arejiut of employment, or have little or nothing to do. To all sufh we sav, you have home capital, you have hand, - fret, .bone, muscle, health and are - t 1 was above worda were recently o life ' wmEmiA imi '' iiniiiiirninninnrj n vl'" 5 Mgr. of Yard. ThM Dietver cf Dinners " i West Street, Pfovo j. POTH PHONES. n Liilll! avt wliu.t urai turn 1.1 l.v (, Vines ...... hir wMoitli A etittt)liinl , ii. . . ,.--. l. inrii inriu, iMMKiioua, sycamore, C!raie, rattan, bamboo, waf- j s.waVt ViiLj yi'l: T f "'! . f lit ''''T Con-.ed- y by'B. M Dix and E. G. Sucrland i(, S:nt SiJe LtrTr s S.itiu'Jav ."Jan. "ITt75fi.(0i.np , ..... |