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Show f- riff - Tllf HOUSEKEEPER'S By Harriet C. Canfield op -- fROr.l Samsqri and Delilah ' 8 ' quite proud f 1 He Varfety Jhave of these for Hcarly etery kind or meat comes in this way. , For instance, cor a beef comes for IS Cents a can, good roast beef is 22 cents a can, veal loaf, fs a trifle cheaper, He- sides these, I have hank )oafhaju)barg i teak, chicken loaf,- eooked turkey, - - SLED. Will frovs Handy During the Wtnter Months. . : in ;The runners for the Bled shown, the accompanying illustration., should be made from pieces-- ' of any. Jlghilwobd three Inches thick, "wide and ten feet long.. Inches eight four inehes wide should be A good-toug- VI-es- n polled jtfrtey and " I didnJLknow there were so many kinds until I began to stock up my eloseLrBut, these aver-agIS to to cents can, the- most pO cents and they are txpenfilye-I- s good cold or can be heated quickly tt 'Of rnriM I have shelves with JelBaugai!9r ' NOTEBOOK FARM HOME-MAD- ( -h atrip within ripped from the upoer a"19 end with which the of n front fnnt t (Copyright, py ferij Pub. OaJ to make bolster which anf thus 3x4 These nt fciiir feet In lencth. "Aunt ttee put her pretty head out of ."He never called me Deborah : .Why IVo( Have a Com-:pan- y was alwaya Dee'. and listened air tmcon4 W to herself,-"are raised from the runner bolsters" PURELY-iFEMlNIN-E blocks under them sclous h 4ir4o-lncshe turned an Dorothy's name for me - now.- Poor Qoset? lies fruits" and "when back ones ar anffer-frmrfrandother page in her love story. ' They Grace! I n"ever dreamed that she was morethaTTT ptmpyseirT flnoT f9utt old wagon ure, dead". of moved awavefora with They pieces can get afeastadoaea Tarieties braced 1irtvrtirTMselfhbob6oa6nly days", hat' Dorothy had evidently knpw the foar llttle'iuaa "last chanea lor a leap-yea- r or tike ss this Jully that are always In the mar-- j the-Hostepretty dig- found a playmate,. Her eheerfuT little Is David's boy; the likeness Is perfect party, with the glrla In 'Ye, 1 would HkOChrlng Mend ket," orange marmalade, came floating opt v"6h, yeth," My heart goes out to that pathetic lit home to1 lunch, bur my wife Is never nified way aniiBg 4be. beys' places. voice glad you live la" tie. figure in blue gingham I I could ready, says she does not bave things pie, cherries, plums and peaches. So For favors, calendars are appropriate, she was sayingf'Tin' re the next houtat- - : pray with' Dorothy, 0 Lord, pleath In the house for unexpected company I am .never at a loss in jthe matter of There MATTERS OF GENERAL INTEREST or little toj watches. Aunt down at .her small have Tbamthon'th-haicut!' " v and it Is so mutb bother" remarked sauces.. To ttuppleraent these I' keep New Years postcards. charming - ' IN THE HOME. ? Sara- niece. was She the to close standing was The next Saturday! the business man. invitations. utilized on hand different: varieties of wafers for Which could be day hedge that divided their lawn from son came over early" In the. morning. I saw a book the other day that con"You ouslit to have a eomnanv cloa- - such aa vanilla, fruit, eocoanut. ete QldfaBhloned-yajldjoinlnI.t.1 1 4 at ffVt liiir' irlrft "IIBii,"liinnlirf rril' ft fn Pfttll I tlftTff Wfr tlht in the house! I talned soma ctever ,suggetlnna JCqi. thg Appropriate, CostumeJlfor "Wear at If you would Standing just as close to tbe hedge. over an hour. Then there was such a M. number two, 'ljion't know now It Thus you-e- e year parties. iam' prbridetrivtth a on the other" s(deiWasa falihalred xoromoUofrln the yard, that AtnrtDee Afternoon Party Senior Class Sotike' the Baffle" and address jend to la, but Mame always manages to get soup .course, a meat or sandwich whose long, golden urla were went to the door to see what 'was tb d- cial Suggestion, for Jiw ... me a stamped envelope. chUdT something up if I bring people home course, and a dessert. At times I want ' " each blue with a back side tied pn jmatter. r Year's Party. without warning. I asked how it was side dishes and for these I keep poa-nrimSon. t ... ... Bawson with Dorothy behind bin? one day, and she said she had emerSenior Class-focl- abutter which I often make In ' Afternoon was the center of a group of boys. gency shelves.1!!!-.- .' .Only f(re4(!ad of Sach was visible Costume for Ypung, Girl, of cheese, pots of made Our aehlor class want to get up :...'. ed rlli"cl!eeks-were"fluBh"and "6Tsey'es some kind of social from which the to the other but Aunk Dee gazed You are always so accommodating, mustard, olives, cheese sandwiches, So I Mame what asktd a company e Farm 8led. A at the little figure on the shining. MI won't stand It!" he cried, won't you kindly answer these ques- proceeds would be large. Do you closet was. .." 'A company closet?' Oh; and lots of other fancy goods that are of side a Was other the it "I, hedge. 7: a ain't know of anything?. tion! for mei-girl!" it's two or three shelves tn my pantry J on the market. When it Comes to the . Th bolsters are bolted to the rungingboy, or a girl?.. A OLTMP1A. "He Ith a boy!" Dorothy lisped that I devote to What kind of dresSi hat and wrap matter of something": to drink, of ners with 14 Inch Inch bolts. keeping "goods that I ham blue and white apron hung valiantly. "Hith name 1th Tbamthon!" would be, suitable for a young girl to. course I always have coffee and tea fitted-intr, two- - 7 be can use should an In know You .emergency... shoes.-tbickto the tops of wear to as afternoon party given be In the, house, but I also It all depends upon the" personnel el stiffly down Samson's tormentors hooted deris- I started in of .my. ends the In housekeep-ingVjandi front the holes keep,n ipch ne bj doing light 'soled anf ieavy, like those worn iy lta tween tbe hours of two and five?. pitches fn your class. If every-oively. "'Thamthonr She-aaemergency shelf a can of,jcocoa which mnners, to which the tongue is mor-- . ' with disjj. Jiving in men There' were !"embryo. . jjockets name ia 'TBamthdn,' and It has curls W. H. .. and works you could get-up a County can" be prepared Easily ..and rapidly tfsed . in the ,center and bolted, exThistaught me how tO Ttse prepared Before Aunt Dee could Interfere. food. Then I ' had and- various fruit juices, like Fairy with all Us attraction. Make la the apron, andhe small hands were house and graje kept plains -- Eralfift Earmer, while the" thrust into them man fashion. There Samson's fist had come In close conAny pretty wool at, silk froek,wlth It Amusing, interesting and full of was eannedtomatoes to make soup (if any and raspberry. These last are' delibraces are also bolted so the sled can.: look of n the real martyrdom small tact ltk hat and wrap f hat la ordinarily worn, clever tpdnsntawnee41. tteroapVThe one came unexpectedly, but now I cious fn summer, served with Ice."" If be taken apart and stored during the ; - ..: .will be appropriate, for young girts sums from the visitors. You can com- blue eyes. boy twice as large as his antagonist keep -- quite an assortment of goods I Jiappen to have a lemon in" the house summer months "I wath afraid I'd have to live near I put 1n the' juice also. I always keep too sU)uished to avoid the ready for instant use. ' .usually remove hats and wraps. - If bine everything in this one scheme to fit made are. 8xx2 The standards, a boy," Dorothy lisped, laughing con- blow. When he saw "Aunt Dee coming, In my company closet a box of nice It Is a reception, the bat ts left on. and make lots of money". 1 inch holes W the .bolsters. Boa'rds r "ATell, to begin are "What they? ; tentedly, he picked himself up from the grass, The young girls LJtnow hare lightlayer raisins and two or three kinds 5x1-1feet lung are nailed to the tops lots of things out of of The golden haired child flushed painfu- and, ran swiftly down the street, his with,: there are Luncheon, for. a Friend. nuts. These I use for. dessert When of the. bolsters inside" the 'standards..-colored woolen gowns, ornof light -ca I make whlcl). when sandwiches ... I want your advice or suggestions writhed with embarrasslly,-and I do not, have fruit andwafers. Somecompanions following like a flock of Bob turns summery silks. The coata are usualand a floor is made the proper size up jmlih an oldjriend from times I dinner or luneheon. for ment; then he leaned forward and said sheep. ' ly of light hroadcloth, jpr long .capes In regard to vary these' with a jar of honeyr. to fit between, while Bide boards It-- ' the to he used live and place my or in, low-f7 Could to" mother's. a too in Aunt Dee Aunt Dee's eyes Blazed with lady friend of my are again and dates. something style for party wraps, ' are set ' inches wide and ten feet all figs cowards!" refrigerator ismpty-bere-aryou give me a few Ideas in regard to' hear. Dorothy sprang back in amaze- righteous indignatlon"Th "Don't think we live on such canned up inside tbe standards long In held and them canned " f PAULINE. pates; "mong the menu f ment. "Oh! Ohi" she cried,; "What she cried. Samson's lips quivered, ad sortSt: all the time, but like all fami- For a New Year's Party, by end gates, of the same wild duck, grouse partridge goodswe position chicken, a whopper! You ain't a boy At all tears the :t8" lies he blinked, hard, often ; have enough Tor. two width and keep I am contemplating, giving long enough to fit in tight. and, quail. Then I keep canned llph-ste- and not for party 1 By all means give luncheon at one you've got curlth, an' rlbbonth.jafl'--- 'three, and are without cfy ! . "I' Miate backboyiTllda't 1. little New Year's eve for a party of young or halthour sardines in oil, -W&. need men at dlnnet shrimps, I'll come roumt delicacies one wishes to set and my curls!" be said cake ... hN .WINTER. neck cjims peoplq, about 20 or IK, ranging from 'J, parties; luncheons are distinctively shoes," hasaid. determined - to - conoa anduchingsthatjvary before-- a guest tyoojpariy closet Aunt Boo mado a 18 to 24 years of age, and wouliTap-predat- e affairs for womea in from 15 to"5 cents, and are price Ar good menu, aM- vince her of' his masculinity. A mln- she" solves the problemuat once. Bob thinks Season When Much Work on shet felt reckless. 'Dorothy, s It vertuchliLou puld ways aeceptableia flrisfClam brethf ote: later he was always ready to put in between thin it Is a miracle, tut know y standing oh the lawn, crled "bring me the scissors!'it is simply ' I Be Done. deslices of Should bread to and butter make give me a few suggestions. Can you with whipped ere am; breadstlcklr exhibiting his pedal extremities to the looked surprised, but she had that I look ahead for"an emergency: " licious sandwiches. Out , of t suggest a novel way of wording the breasts of chickens, sweet potato cro little J been! taught t obey her elders. While too, with these varieties of Then, girl Invitations? ; Also" what games and queUes, hot biscuits, asparagus on i make and lobster I can The farmer has plenty of leisure " " salad with my - haw" I am always ready "to serve - wear ahe vraa gone, Aunt Dee said quietly, I .Hater "But goods boy favors do you think would be appro- toast, .fruit salad, cheese straws, a bottle from of December to March, but for the ' salad on that is the dressing . "Do yon know how Samson the Bible like that," she said arguthent-ntlvelyof cholocate with wafers Jo the . same shelf. remainder of the year he is exceeding- priate? I do not want anything too frozen dessert," or individual charlotte aprontir ."What for do you wear em?" SamsoS lost his Jong hairt" who calls in winter, afternoon guest elaborate. time "for recre"On another shelf I keeD alt sorts of or if In CLArtA;: russe; Whatever hot beverage you deOh. yes." the little Samson an- was not answered, for summer, I have my fruit ;ly busy, having littje The If he and hla and ation It' and bottledAnd nuts the newquestion is .pleasure. off. sire, with all the assessortes-osoups cut "Delilah It pMnnel" " juices to serve with a thin, sweet waacquaintance said, "I've got to wered promptly, New Year's eve glvea a fine oppor- bonbons, olives. . "socTal life, the wln" Delilah! was a bad asionisning now many varieties mere fer. It is really as simple as can be. family are to have Aunt said now Mercy ; Aunt Mercy's calling me." go In, is their ter The MADAME MERRL are. social tunity for a clever hostess. She can Is All needed to is that heat The wonder Is more women da not do opportunity. woman, but I liked her first" rate." " " " - Dorothy came up witlTtfiu ecissora them up, pat in some celery salt-l- f de- the same and everybody jdoesTiot have plrcle In every town and village should In her hand. "Here they, are, Aunt sired, and. thicken them with a little a company-- ' closet The English call include the;'farm,';and the dwellers on It Handy for Keeping the Pint or Pent I I ODDDDO macaroni, or one can use them; with- these pantry groceries, said.. she and have t,he farm should meet with the town Dee," ;.;.vn . . -- 7J .'T r; A look of wonder and deftght came out any thickening at all. Ainong'my aloreathat c&rry nothing else. Lots of . folk in social gatherlpgs. Both will Quaint Little Pierrot Figure for Toilet Into Samson's blue eyes. "She called canned soups I have mock turtle, to- times I am complimented on fny soups profit by this mlngllngrthey will" be- larger ones for the middle of the coat Table or Oeek. ' tail, consomme, VTWlenne, and sandwiches by the men that Boo"' eome better acquainted, will better unIn front you 'Aunt D.!'" he cried, "does D mato, ox ' chicken, celery, vegetable, tomato and brings home to lunch, and 4 smile and derstand each pther-- ' and prejudice The ruffle Is of white ribbon, edged stand for Delilah?" " New ideas for pincushions and pen-- . with three rows of V "It doeg h jnorning," the scissors flkra, and beet ;J I buy, these cans by say I ara glad they like them. They VlH give way to friendship. very narrow black : wipers always sell well to hinder ?,. Roade, at bazars; velvet ribbon.is there dozen What them in the and ret this at way she and said little lady realixa4hatl determinedly. "'ZTZI".. the and !adsiThfi8eare JifiarJv always A small eeUulold, ball Is ol'g meal oUrefniyfnWgeTiere' Snipped f&eTong curls of! as tl " ers will doubtless be Interested In the used for the head, with the featarei can. a wnen I am I yery: particular to telling them not . I. bad in winter and often tirartlcnllv lm.J as and aha enjoyedlier work. "There!" After et, 'driv-r Is no of Illustration, which is glvea herewith! lightly sketched in pen and ink.. If : pleasure In green; turtle eoup or Wnat'a the good of telling all of dneTj passableThere It is shingled."-shsaid, "and we get open. A can. of a quaint little Pierrot figure, which Ihla cannot be"pfocured. the-- head of a Jhese-- cost-- more. domestic udd. road, and win us s feally, elam -c- hewderr-bat-rid orihls I secrets? tell apron," you that you you stiltworse is a rough, frozen one: The J So you see I am all right as regards might be adapted equally: well .for mall china doll might take its lace, Bun the into house, be dear! next the time may that Uoy, truly,' prepared t . either purpose. fact is, the winter is the time when soup In an emergency. or a lines head might be made on the " husband ot yours cornea home suddenDorothy; t am going home with The pincushion should be made eep. principle of a rag doll's head. , mostneeded. They I "When not to -do want follow n eld my friend who ly jrith My is would . JDick, enable the farmer to go 19 town stately, staffed with bran and covered When used for a folds She gathered the eurla In one hand, soup course with sandwiches I can spending the day In the city,' and you " jand get out of his shell, keeping In of cloth would take tbe place of .the and held out the- - other to the grateful open some of my potted meats. ,1 am have nothing In Ihe bonaeta eat!! touch with the world.: They would ' ' , cushion. - little boy. Straight into the old house enable the youth upon the farm to held and Aunt up Mercy they walked, Hall to Florentine Modes. haveJhfi Jocial,;privilegesr-the-enjo7'' her withered hand, in horror, at the to tnent and the wholesome recreation Seeking ever for fresh . worlds lamb. -slght-o- f her'shorn conquer,- the dressmakers.; of highest their natures demand, and are thelra . "How did this happen?" she gasped, renown have deflnltelyandoned the . .byjJghlJmthlcaaWled-theand the scissors lady. like. George directorate period as their source of by had roads. - Such coniUtinnii tell oi ajlenibut WashrngtoHDUld" driven ouands,-yesr-tengInspiration, and are going 1q take, the thou- - T"; k of full mad eoBfesslon, renaissance for their guide. It was a sandfl of the youth from the farm tdvVffi JIIRSCIILER, TL. BT " Some one came into .the room while the cities, draining the farms, of their day of sumptuous -- dresa influenced shewaa" introducing herself to Aunt Expert Trainer in Salesmanship) best blood. mainly br Italy and particularly By ' mean higher Venice and Florence. Mercy some" one who stood, behind day of lavish citizenship; better morals, better edu- - i display of jewelry, and of a very pret- "Do YeH Know How Samson The her, and listened hungrily to the sweet more and-less sation, pleasure dredg- - ' vq1cs- - pleadlngfoxJUa jnoJhfirleaLllfe ty If extraYSgSBt UstjBiarJumei. --Bible Samson Lett His LonHaJrfry. Nothing pays eor well; good tie boy Catherine tfe Medic! and Margaret of rOads;andthe best Is none toe good. Valois in all their splendor will serve "He has been so unhappy," she said, " Ha teemed glad ot the ehance; to Under the state-ai- d plan of road Mrs. was certainly "ia try- from a decision: It is a question of building, been wonder as patterns for the new modes. Nor leave his little Inquisitor, but that the "and forgive merr-I'v- e whereby towns, cities, ramwill the dandified dress of the men of esrapa was only temporary. Aunt Dee Ing if you nnderatand boys? They ing customer. She had .no sooner "were t' other dear, charmer away." ways and other contrlb- - ; said ahe liked "a Certain-- style When An inspection of the pile by a cool nte to lighten thecorporations burden-attheir time, worn by Charles IX:. and discovered at . bedtime. Dorothy, - a need " - one farmers' allooker-oHenri III., among others, fall to supply usual, made a confidant ot her;. displayed the fact that there or gravel roads can be built ?They need a mother's lote!" The another caught her eye and she with linen. An old pocked .handker object lessons for freaks and fancies "Oh, dear!" she sighed; altting down Voice came from behind her, tun and ways Insisted Upon seeing it' In this were in reality only two types of de-- upon the main highways throughout d from one to an signs, the shirtings themselves being Illinois at. an to modern feminine use. . on the , floor 0 take,; off. Ier shoes deep, ust..M David Whiting's "voice J way, she chief, In good condition, can be util adapted " . annual eost of ten to " T - -- The - eew : " ised to mm tha citstiton; "There ith a great deal of trouble in had sounded eight years before. She other " and, indeed, frequently left the same. - fifteen cents per acre. . theIj8jj?ersonneed Over this the little Pierrot coat BotticellL We shall bave Botticelli thlth world." ' turned and looked at him, the warm without buying at all. True, yet I dare ' Therefore should be slipped, made in white linen frocks and Botticelli jn'lllneryjur Thrown out a shlrtf'wlth.a say when ahe got heme she felt quite TOty-havl- ? Aunt Dee suppressed nmile. "What color floodiup" hp fftG.1 ROAD DRAGGING. "Florentine our be "1Hm"mSawnh TeweTi'y"'wiU sniair and' i)lacS he annoyed at not having anything to dark ground in blue for blue Is the mother's '"6Ts5,afid love," la troubling you now, dear?" she asked "They need a Relies show no the doubt ot cultivate She for air tnost commonly desired. The cusmay ppsslbly .ahopplng, pompoms, easily made out Snl said again. "Can my little lad have sympathetically. ' Weeda Along the Roadside Must First of wistful melancholy that is the great wished than that she had bought the tomer, then would have ' said: "1 -. her of lonpi of black silk thread, v "Deer He held out his arms that, Ith me Ith It troubling Nothing Be Cut or Burned.' - ," so admired had she much. . - Nine small ones are required for the charm ; of the Botticelli :. feminine wished a plaid or scissors the and colored lady lighter shirt," r: poor Thamthon!" .:. " '.: It to thai sleeves and the pointed bat, and three model. well be "Have lament Now, may . , you np other color in that same "'Samson!' "Is"" that the little boy walked into them. This has not been "what Truthful there are so many customers of this design? He has had so much blue." next door?" James would calt a whopper of a of but the the In type, this the sales dnty way very person Seek to Maintain Fresh j Air inJHouse year. You thee he had a mamma Imperfect immunity. is to accept this fact and see how to quickly might have found what would Tr vegetab'e growths, but the growth instance-ti- f An immunity diplomatic! a of bit a ahe then while, only teeny of weeaa and It. not almi .meet, grass along" the grades best wltflout confusing the cust the bubrie eited In the wash-- ' hick." ' ' - ' doiiMy necpt&flf gnntilif There be died, an' hith- -; :. '. .' tomer and making her forget what she of the public highways has not been smokers in tha family. - : She ith only a great aunt, an she ington correspondence of the Chicago Too Frequently Neglected, When you engage yourself to this had in mind when she approached the stunted. There are Each bedroom should have the win- don't 'prove of boyth; she.wanth them Tribune. A Washington policeman " kind of service yon really engage to counter. and Clr-?!-e few other club breakwas This dows wide Dupont until after lj be to swinging She open little houses flung girlth.' all wanted During cold weather, when deal with, human nature ready-madchoice varieties to-- be found on most desirable is sense to what The, thing a not If noticed dona sake when la he this for the fast. him named ThamthQt.'cauth he had must necessarily be kept closed most Human nature unmakes Itself only as the customer thinks she wants.: If grades that do credit to the soil that of the" time,, extra precautions should of daintiness, it should' never be for- long hair; like the Thamthon in the breaking branches from a small bush. you meet it with a rlghf understand-Ing- . something that yon believe produced them. Bible. Hith papa ith away tho much, ... "Stop that," he'wdd to the young-stetgotten in the Interest of health. be taken to keep the air pure, of its style. wlll'satlsf fn her run y bttr the long In a family sitting-room- , there should, n'.-hath- AaygraeRhaFiBlngto he" touching him -- aNo matter how low tbe temperature, apron th an' Take the case of Mrs. show It Intelligently and with effect dragged this winter must have these -- She gased pensively at the "I may have to arrest you for that," the windows and doors on the. first fee some krittngementa made by which Her need la tbe need of many people If you hive not, keep her to what she weeds and the grass mowed and The child looked at him unafraid. floor should be opened tor at least 15 there Ik a constant change of air with- little stocking ia liar, aant-iito have some one bolstet-tt- c a vob had In mind by T;atttIous Qdt"55feTut: burnedr-o- r the road" irag might" as i'l-l- a that," h.r6baerTed, minutes the first thing tn the morning. out draft. It jcan be managed In no 4oe ad!Uunt.i)et said in: to catch her up quickly when display of the goods audi finally help well be left off the road. blywlll It takes a gravely. "I am entitled ' to diplomatic she has Jf the cook or maid pe Instructed tol btheF way' the' window ? should f be dignantly. "Poor little fellow t " actually reached the point of to a decision with jourjow-- decisive very little time tc mow, rake and do this as soon as she arises, the raised a few inches and" a screen placed! but the curlth are the hard-et- immunity." "Yeth, . decision. vv J; r burn the trash on a ,: V ?i'"'"' y.': nesc . '. grade " K r- The officer's mouth opened In bouse will be nicely warmed again by In front of It. to bear! Hith papa wanted them Ton must take tome distinct action When the customer as.ks for some- and the time It will take to keep it in There Is ilo surer kTgfl of bad house- cut off, but hith Aunt Mertby wanted amazement: then he said: "Young the time the family is down. to, accomplish this. You most say in thing and you hesitate and finger your, fine shape this winter with' a road After each meal there should be an- keeping than It house which has an him to wait 'til be came home again. man; I anfan officer of the law.- It a, decided tone, as If yon were speak- own goods, looking about a if you did "drag would not be missed. The main custom of and of the odor kind, any Anyother thorough airing of the lower He wath to- come home but is unlawful to break shrubbery. for think have - picked not even, know its alphabet, ahe be- thing about winter road dragging la you ing women some Jo.burn scented wafers they got a letter that maybe he body doing so must be arrested.""" out floor. No matter how perfect the gya or something gins to catch the trouble and gets Into to get the work done just before a what want," you just ' tern of ventilation, it is impossible to in their rooms in lie q of fresh air Is couldn't" C6tne'"tH .Julv.'" an Tham- "But you dont know who I am," similar. This wjJJ prop np her de- a hesitating frame of mind. freeze, then the amoothnMi to be not ; am is treble. "I came copied. i& cblldish This In ihmlta--hearairing back, "breaklngliJIe hath' prevent cooking odorsf cision. But you must remember this .' But on m- for week,r - baad,'U you go at tbeit)4 M inu to do patchwork, and hith Aunt Mer the son of an envoy extraordinary and is iSerely a prop else you Trill be uuuu once to " if icuoiuBjiTjzen, your u,not dragged stuffs, a ai you minister to Bible Diplomats him." already th readth plenipotentiary. thy she will susallow for to the:rbughess-woulit laBt Rail as long as knew exactly and precisely what was The PropeV Pla " "Doesn't he like that?" Aunt Dee and theit families cannot be punished tain Beroaly the'moffieHtrr-" good for her, her mind begins to settle rroaen, or until hard travel smoothed for breaking the laws. If you don't ' '""r said. the of down.- - Then; if your tones themselves it. off tbe hard way.Recognizing go and ask my your That Is down and bave, moreover, become Ciomg Room Decoration "Yeth, everything but the angelth; believe it, you may. prop, pulling out your sales-boo- are confident In sound, she is still fur' ' " " missed of decoration Are the and part of Some In Ila." Thought. Worthy he ithn't lnt'rethed with decision, you follow it up ther angelth!" A Hast Call. . , reassured. You watcluow her when removed,-'- ' "I'll tell you what Til do, young briskly with a closing remark: The ;'Wby Isn't he Interested in the all of Get the tools facial will "I dining-rooA plate rail officer the In grimly. the said, man," exprwsIojmdauUuis aneela. Dorothy?" V! hsA name, Beforah Mada Easy. please ... moTgTOiftwaked up'look that she ia put away In the shed for tnf; : si ..be. about ven feet t'o-- tbe " The Darning taWfoTltS'JbUf'TaTjRefaScriMif'you'"' again to. be distracted the matter Is hptrinninp- tn flnrt tha thine ,ha oil or axle grease on plow sliares and busy housemothcr-way'joSpfnhis from ;"m"j It "'should iuatch the woodwork ,..i. punishhave any immunity he don't never cllnchad After It Is overV.h ap- even more than formerly on her sew- 1th thorry for them, - but tfWrter ;A ' can be Wider or narrower as it Is ment,";. .". part cultivator shovels to keep them b'ri-- ht r;.';":,r' prove, of cyou. But f for there has been In-- ' want 1o be one!" machine, ing gheSD4aPS and prevent a lot of extra work when where t0 her was Mngt and wailed: it 'd for holding plates or pitchers "What is Samson's last name?" .The youngster is to let her wander at her (two sweet se'.f Vented a darner to use on a double-threathen Jt Js time for jfou taken uut for use next aprlag. On the to favorably; offlcer ' the .' ; : some satisfaction" iitini Js. :to D e asked. ,.will she continues to be discontented to make Aunt TnacUines ; And it does good "your decisive move, you fold first rainy or stormy day go Into the a louder after with (!, iis.il Is safer "VSTiiting only "Whlilng; It ithn't know that he walled still what ahe has done and you are pp the article anij dariiin!;, too. There are no loose firm-- 3 more the to told at them accept her attitude tool and Implement Vhed and give all tioht been had tale legation. made a part of her 'discontent. ledge" like Thamthon. What the threads to be la the way, there are no but of as final. It wljr be final, if you do not the machinery a good coat of of jarring. - Aunt -- 4 ea the A ith matter,will not rests that actualwhen It edges where the darning thread with plenty of Ml In it, A day's paint distract her agaia,- fiiilM effect of a plale rull in lorn work . .. t cf Matter, has at arrived the jumped!" of best not there Rigidity stepplng-ofand, all, ly did place j dear; 1 knew some one'of To the average mind the conception Is and two dollars'. Worth of paint wMl 13 Riftd! f.'JS2 S who tends to become con ,,f (Jrrfttl-y!There is only one no lumps, All that is necessary ."Nothing, be can ' ' fused in maklug a choice of one among I save $25 worth of machinery. t WliHt it iS tO hold. Is to put the frame under the presser tbat.iiame several years ugo. Now of Ihe atom; or elertron. as a sort of thing for the seller to do with the or courses and of iiiibic ovtrcolors i action and who v and let hliTtool.la the ether,, renders It dif- buyer In this casef diai ls for hiiusejf many u uoes atoiikiBfr4Mf-raa fnfrfrarwM-l)Treatment of Com Ground. this treat- me put out the light. :Mamma is com- ficult to understand how matter cfltt to um,lv a. far . rkhL lh. done. work Is the and practically -The is ground for corn ahmii,t t colore ts mo'fit There, this ent', always be proviso. kiss be rigid. Rigidity is explained as due greaient or aecisveness iu manner, you good night" ing up to in m fall, for it' Is. easier to thht plowed are however, or ecru wall, dark you for Net Jabots. ia square your re-fSpotted of these Dse to Aunt ; Alone .In her enormous J the tone, statement, further velocity "eliminating ,roomf v " If a Is Urt deollnfs and sett yotmiistonjer what wort; m tne spnr..?. In the spri- lored pirl is making Jabots at home ll;JJtlie.. pst, tnrt-hpnst lnep-arnbl- ethetlul vuriicet, - it has bea shown every circumstance thnt'mlsht disturb -i-i ) slie would 16 you btljeve is the right thing for him work it up with a disk. A disk plow rof;nr.Tf:?" nf a;ff-- wiw with' sufTiclent with water David or couhected turn the trend of thought! Whiting. that moving , to buy, Thia i 4 ft'ory by itself. no furpulls,easicr than the moidboard well to use the potted, ringed net In- "Sow me of (hat name" bad loved velocity through a tub Cannot bo A lady asks to see dollar shirts for .J- ? .1 l,.lit Thewn shauld aot Tje'planted plow yello-.(Copyright, stead of the iUiu rjicili, The effect h"C C'ilbt. Jon?, hrJwrp!r ft. tJOWl- - j.) ' The un .t 1 1 e blow broken violent an a had from .Slut. into, eldr ssles by aito, bey. peraou year ymii the ground la warmed up. it si,oi;'JI - f!i;l ;' is r.itii-- p:vt!irr. il.e Jabot at' oiito1 1 few centi- throws out cn tha comi&r one- shirt 'J- him, and foolishly (?) refused sal f... "A lajer Of water Mart, -- v not bepknted too deeply,. The u ter aaifs ii) liim fur auoiher woman's sake. Had meters thick," says il. Is lion, "anl c.in Rfter another until there are eight or men not being satislod itlt crop should be cultivated To its i".!s;e is nt:ai!ied an Inch, or Grace Thornby three ti,-- s. happy with the mated by a suSkii-nT"!oolty; 'which tea different ones lying there. Tbe their naturally unly fies tipon irsjt fii of dimy lace, a!ti,iMi-- h valencit-unc'maw she lovrd?'. Happy' as Deborah would be as lmt'nl,tral!e to shrllj 'BJL .Customer Jooka roiif used Bh-.wliieil-nh'i-ou p Er n5"Wa"iiu orn"tTtne. but for'o 1 tin THo " Hmt ; ; W&X. U e siiiuT uiut'-a-o- f t'KitsaT' Tiave let h i iioucliid," '. them all snd gets futther and further Globe. dav. Punch.' -- r - - tz - that-so4o!- agr - -- -- h ved -- t .i for . e. . -- -- ' Dee-looke- " .bar-le-du- o ; . g, flrst-of-th- -.- Hand-Mad- . . one-eight- h The-rolle- -. ya - - the-lead- er . , "-- ,, : ' - 0 ! : r, K.. ROAD-BOUN- '- audden-resoiutl- High-Way- Xtor-oth- '. ' ;" f ..'. '.. -- S " have-prepar- ed ping-pon- e - Sam-eon.- -- pen-wipe- r, . y. - ---- , Good-roads- - , Bolstering Ufji'Wobbly Will Fly-Awa- y T - n -- see-sawe- egtieiiCTJ-irtlgTBlleg' -- : . - - ; n sales-perso- : , . oyer-much- ly d . r. -- he - yon-hav- e y Fly-Awa- y. n . half-mil- her'l ; in t -- - a : k . , d yophod ' : - the-Bib- le, ,..'.'.."' . ' . t ,J PS pf-tu- ii.-- ; JWtT-rlik- ea ' y a -'iidsr : d'tifng-toonis- . - ln L'i-ii- v So-.n- e t fl -ft- e |