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Show us i.ju. - -'- ' - - - ,j,...aiJB,ju.--.- " aU- - s L - , - ezy--r- ;in English pwct eaB?-a- , ?isitof declare. In th Qieen. tb forsigaw rujpn out $0 tt jjatenietft Just to e msmm - r " m that fey Ubli Pt, rto-- ; wheeled tliJnf, white and. yallownlte and blue, or 'rrbHCcdLblu?, wit brftsi churn erect $t tl8 J float 0 4-- ' i i the-b!c!- ng : . to oc aoie c 10 ing 1-- X--T-V ... -i--. ' of life Axumraraeii at W ; to-d- ay . 1 ?urou na ' ; S 1 CKbcblate HAT Aft.- yp' THg BRQKi . A atory ha reached this cduptry of a, bat which spoiled an afternoon per-- ! formftnee at a-- small French play. house. It rapears Uiat In the .abaauca of an .orchestra s laffy iresided ever tha piano. She was neither young, pretty nor talented,1 and noi wishing to pasi unnoticed ooneevyed;. the idea of wearing a hat that would attract tha attention audience. In tk-t- she wa? snceessfttt Tbe hat looked like a umbrella covered with flowers, ribbons and birds. Ag the lady took her seat the. surprise It ..caused hushed the" audience Into silence; when, liowpver, the pianist struck th flnrt notes and the flowers, ribbon and birds began a mad dance, the' storm broke loose and the laughter at last grew so terrific ttat the curtain was lowered 4ogtve the spectators an opportunity bf regaining theif compos-ure.regained 1t, the They was spoiled and the authors I are suing the direotcr'for damages. Millinery Trade Review. of-th- e eOQd-sUe- -- . Made Carlyl "Shell Out." Children's Bad Teeth. Seagulls of Afehmith'e. Rev, --Thomaa Alejajidorj a Ooverninentl, the world "overt""r the .flshlns filiate of Auclimithle Jn resident 'in Chek you ricyfrequeiUy witness- - seasulls coming tq realise that it is their duty to loot arter school children's teeth, let and well known as a brother Scot, flying into the houses of tho fl3he ot anxious to kndw Carlyle. but men tad partaking of food tvem their The crushing, power of false teeth Is T to a half that of bad no opportunity of g;etting an In hands. - Oce cf these sea birdj was in only from the' thb babifTifTitaylng 1na fistsrriraa's natural ones, and- the moiith filled troduction to him.- - fnf4ay-4- B with false teeth tannot be quite King's road be saw Carlyle coming in nouss r.H the year round escrpt at healthy. But even 1y taking hold "of nil direction ana wo aavaniage OX i the LrcurJiie season when t.' h '1 the teeth in childhood It Is difficult the. opportunity by going "u to the ' a bow fa '..fniKht ago. while" theV .1! to make them hpmaa Carlyle, I was away 'he fisherman remoyrd Ms Out of sage and sayingr 100,000 children 8S per cent are found believe?" Carlyle'a reply was: "Tom home, somthrea aS a Aalf milos to have diseased teeth. This Is tao Alexander, I knowI" .They,. Jbecame froni thn fnnner i lsce. proportion in America, Germany.' Ena good, friends, ind later Mr. Alexander ;.. The fishermen eer expected to see land and Russia. Of 100 children fit a subscription tori hla old friend the gull again. It was 12 years, only IS have teeth that neeJ wara a acnooi Duiiamg nratt, and car- jhffiorV "J"ch to his aBtonlshmgiiti ' no attention. .. lyle wrote Baca a refueir In doggerel that tbenieayDlrd come "WEraiHjTJifoTitf whereupon WrrAlexanderH-eplieif he did not send"Wm 5 ($25) irei new residence with: Had Given It Away. stately . itepi "ta Lucille'a mother lad taken Her Tor would seir blfpoelry fo a collector of resume familiarities and bouse' hlajld -" " an outing. Now that the hour: for publish It- The- 5 waa at once; hold ways, luncheon bad arrived, shecalled to the torthcoming. Preservina Flour, . little girl: Vtar'a fniporta and export. Much interest hue baen shown of "Lucille, we will new have a little The combined Imports and export! late by the nii?'aud navy authorities toil and some Chocolate, and you shall pay with the two sous gave you but for the It months ending June 10, in a new method of preserving 'flour 1908, wers $3,055,000,000. It compares by means of compression, -- With by a short time since." "Oh, mamma," cried Lucille; "I have favorably with the total for the pre. draullc pressure apparatus the flour already given 'the two sous away.to an ceding year, in -- which our foreign la squeezed into the form of bricks, trade was 13,315,000,0007 and"t2,5lt,. and experiments are reported to have old woman!'" e"I am so glad you liave" disposed' of 000,000" two years ago.Thla contrast shown" ibarthB-pres-gordestroys all shows larval of forma in that llfo, rthtii preserving the latest years our 'the money hi tucil a Charitable" Way. 'How did you happen to present it to volume of foreign trade has fallen off the Cour from the ravages of luijects, somewhat less than 10 per cent,i due while it is equally secure from the old woman?" asked the mother. hundred pounds of compressed "Veil, you see, I save It to her in wholly: 4o a decrease lu imports of about'ia' per Cent from the prefedjnj flour occupy the same space as 100 payment for two nice apples," year.- - Wall Street Journal 4 , Lucille. pounds ol 1oji!ir ordinary "stale. ; , one-fift- h . mold-Thre- r o r r n r n o v. A; c A: v cp o-- cAj ? tAxp ! wonderfully POtw force,. New Tear ', f FTvp-- 1 mysterious " l!t . '. Special Malacca Wildcats. .. of Malacca and other islands in the Indian ocean may still be found the animal known, as a I WeCntry tbe.cfUbrdcd Florsheim and DeWltt's KWnty npd U'aitder f'i; ire uneoualeU in ca(js of weak oack ache, inllarr.iotttion oftheb'ad jer, rheuuiatic iaips, .and ail urirary Usorders. Thoy are antUenllc anj ac? Lprompliy. Kvery- case of kidney oi bladder trouble should be attended t. at once, and the ashes' in the baek, rheumatic puins, urinary ditibrders, rtc,.are warning sIkus. Don't delayt for delays are dangerous. Get pWeili' Kidney and Bladder Pills... Kesulai sie ooo, r Bold by Palace Drug Oo Kfilh Kccqurrer . Shoes, and lw-.-- - MiLVr lines for heavy Joe Jhe hoe?, ' Roycroft clothing. K Sietsdn" hots. ..:. , LXjyt'H W he -- Popular Prlcer - 4 When in need of moment h.ber- ;d ashen vhats, shoes and clothing, come here nery ar,d .ch;!ieA.f bill eab tiight. -- I . ' .... up-io-t- ' , of ths demonstration f The In the forests .i . . . ' Also an Elegant line of v $250 &nd $3po Shoes - RUOM KakL J. , Thomsbs, opposite Hu Grande derxit. Lunches served ijii.-ty. Meal 26 ceuts, TM&twj rs HARD WORLD'S CITIES TOKJUL, ally of a clear yellow color, with.' black lx Tl.mes Burned, spots; the lowef parts are white with Rom:Tvvle e Paris' Eight Sieses. Starved black 'spots also.- back the spots lengthen "almost into line or Few of thSTvorld'a groat cities have rings, black on yellow. toThe average length of theanimal, not faced, at one time or anothpr. But a city ts hard to excluding the tail is almost two feet; tal destruction. , 4be..alln averages nine inches. ' Its kill: She Jrtis Take Rome, for instance. height-wheerect is. about steading , hfilt SWPpt by fiatlllfnffr twice lta;tem-pe- r than ten times. . She has been lnehe8aLjtbiadauartsr5. to submit "burned, and six tims-drlYe- n is mild- - and gentle; it plays - a - domestic - cat.-rather sluu by starvation. Perbafiit amtwiBg-itsel- f jeeount of her. great.sltaHty ..tbaSh.e kitten... chasing its .. with anything that it can roll la called the Sternal city. - Paris nas eight with Its paw, t ten famines, two plagues. and one lire '' which devastated Delay Are Oai.gereus. Const am tcopl has been burned out Ills years exceeded the allotted three core and tentvbut Jhe was nine times and has' suffer6d.frorii four five sieges. ? In aiditfon,' capitalist with more dollars than plagues and she has been ruled by monarchs r;ho sense. "Ah, my dear," be" murmured to were worse than a' plague. TrefCoathe fair Blrt bis ?tde. ' i could die 6tantinople atilt flaurishes .Xondon-- ' has. rbeen decimated ftv times by plagues, in addition to visitar' '.'Then let, mlnia-tcto the hurry at once," repPed , the practical tions of typhus. 'cholera and other She has been burned moie maid. , "I don't want you to give the ,: several times. Stray ftjdertaker a Job until I have the right Stories.severely ' - . . J . ; to On-th- m IF. i - . . S 6- - ftcMdemyvenu J JThe "No Monkey Business -- Store" Qua'-t- y jt - .nn-fga- ar s-an of tall--an- d ses, gone-throug- - br u. -- -- s inherjt." r o r o o n f ft f t ft ft t n hi' GpnpaDf H Y PJN OT I ST T CONCERT; " - and TVoiKl'a Remarkable Headgear Responsible' for IpoUing Performanet food drink braces up the system strengthens the body and enthused it-- brain into perfect "activity8- besides it pleases the palate 1 too. . . ;;:theperf -- -,. braas-boMi- ook - atandtng at tba bacH like Bn Hur tod driving m mucb Ul tbat hero aa in a modera tcwn wbere ew motor cart aro unkaownT-'J- f practica-bio- . :. Then the Engllab' jnllsman who cornea on foot, with a modern yoke on "BHrabouldera, and awlnglcg at each llde a tn all, la which a qneef Tlttiem?Jiarlirg n'ipper. Who eoulJTwtiih tn hv milk delivered in glagj botiWa, wH- - a raper sealed 'PP. when he can hve it toeasvefrai hla door into bU own 4ug Inthia imaiptly eurioua f9htoar "What d,o mlotobea amount tor whenotnpared. lt tbe joy of the medieval', - Look at healthy child ren-rlat the healthy man or won: an and you see th& pleasures that comer rom tcl alth the protection - tha't - wards otl-t- r . . 7 braBrftiiip fron, be flit!rnv-eaInaerted tfTW feaFrsB tftfl cBa -- ft ft ... fk ft r : fi --0- k - v ft ft - 0 If k J t II B I Ir .... r 1 -- c c -- Mr- c Oldest Established Lurgcst Handlers SpecioLltie s J Alfalfaie ed, Potatoesi'ruits, . Honey, and Grain, in carload lots Hajt 4 . . Cartoons by Lovey. A handsoioely roun4 vokiroe containing the best work of thedead artist make Rn iueul pi'eMjUt. Copies may rc secured at the Dbmocbat 'offloe or i mm lor'lbe Utah ?wm fo. Th-- f popular edition. All the proceeds rom tiie.sa'.e of the buok vv ill le devoted the support of Lovey's mother, vr ' f . t J ,J Xtf7, ..I., -- r'ee ...l., 'r . . . . . '' y. . snmisvmui.fupira v - - m U3 - n s .' "A Sunslime, Fruit mil Flowers J t :onrs tf your very tlHr. It's the TInce for ret-- t nnJ Itealtii ewtrlpTea'.m-e.F3u7g,' .(olfinp, Xutomcl.itii jT Yat litinjrurid )Iier,tit dwr f pcrta may te indulged in every duy in the wLter,. i ITifiy within 2 ' it-- -- 31 Vfl w ' v 'J J lUp f.irp nr-- t Dollars R.ovind Trip iiti t V,' iur-retmi- A.--k ltw-yfHt-(- 't- - r" 1. ui' t.il prv at o ( 't1 . nr LAKKJ.UlUTi:iwn ta tell yon S'ithrru V. 1rriiM jnd retiiia mj, Fsn FnTci.-rinl tt tt j .vr bj 8i!Vtverp. . a fcjil.t ' . I: to ad-!i- iii |