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Show ' 4 ' V '.. OUR BUSINESS GUIDE. 4 ad-Ir- eas - C r. a. Decker A Co, Frnlt sad Produce, ....DR. - , By Beck, WitcbeaBd Jewelry) ..... "" ".' . Avtko t(f "JCatinjf for a Vurpo4.V, Groceries and Provisions Compel bid,i,toastedLwWteJrdViwJthouA Joeepb B. butter) being a common dlet for home.) yet jjtneaiXbread, whfch la abuost - pure proteld,- - is' easily digested. . X:v It is admitted that, from the scientific .jfjgwpojnt, the tJhlnese jsre Ihe best fed people in tie worldX, Only of tJi.eir dominating the'Wprld. . The, Japanese, living laigj ly. on a monodiet of rlcey with" better mejital condlrlpns, bid air to become a ruling race. The - Scotch, living largely on oatmeal, have won distinction hj science. Invention and philosophy ior centuries. Tile world's mas-- THE SIMPLE DIET . Avenne, Provo. Dooly Block, Salt Take City, To return to nature Is not always hen we know what nature would have us Ao. Habit, It has been said, is second " nature, nd .nowhere la this more true thaa-- la eating the oldest habit. But ir Improvement 1s desirable it must be most desirable in eating; which "nnderlies all life yet change- should be made only after carefui consideration, and then with all due deliberation. Beef is digested chiefly in the stom- the. gMtrtculdjt6116115 originate; never In the ban-When reduced" to a fine pulp by ma quethJl.f but ofteainTths garreC-ffiticatlon Jjefore entering the stomach by dry crusts. .l.X . it tends lo pass out before being prop-eriDuring the past 12 months ) have digested, for the pylorus tends to eaten almost exclusively but one armeal rtce7"who)e-wHealsiufflclenTljrre- - ticle duced by the jnovemefitcof. the atom-- breads peanuts,. bananasJieans. pota- ach and the action of the gastjriuidJ toes (baked), apples, and, as a rule, and'' fruit In the evening Hence many authorities gay that meat should be bolted as tbe 4og swallows ?rOTyjejBlalplttndJ-havenjoyed his meat In large lumps. This is perfect .health "and increased effscientifically. oiVect, but the very op- iciency. - The human posite is true of bread system has developed a wonderful 1b Flesh digests power of adaptation to from three to five. food Included. Evolution hours; rice remains in the stomach has produced in man an Inhabitant of about one hour; When fleeb jsnjijic are eaten" alOKe Same meal, there is ah climates, capaWf subsisting prir aconflict The meat aid rice are com- great variety of foods. The diet of the the movement of the averageAmerlcan tsnot a uniform pletely mixed stomach. If. now the homogeneous one, but a continually changing diet mass is retained four hours, the. rice This is true not of the traveler only undergoes fermentation. - If the meat-I- who may lunch In Chicago and dine in carried' Into 'tSe "intestines within 'Kalamazoo, but e(,aally of the society two hours its digestion inustbe impe- woman who may dine at home at the church, and of and rfect failing to receive the proper in error-; which the business tnan-o- r woman- who. eats cannot bej fully corrected by further at ai restaurant or hotel.'- The., only system the average person has in eatdigestion in tbe intestines. Much as this Important phase of die- ing Is that of having no system, comX," tetics has been neglected by"thermed-ica- l paratively speaking. If, however,' one has long been in profession Invalids are nevef much leas upoit a the habit of drinking a cup or two of put upon a mixture of several foods, however eas- coffee in the morning, for instance, Beef Is one of the com- the dropping of that stimulant .will ily digested. monest Invalid diets, bPeauee it is al- cause,, for awhile, ineaame . IncOn-- . of Inmost pure proteid,' digesting" easily in venlence that the habitual-use- r his the stomach. Rice, 85 per cent toxicants finds "bn discontinuing three glasses of beer, starch, is a common invalid's diet, but dally or whisky, or that the smoker meajwd jlce would not be prescribed, wine finds for a time after he stops ' smok--into be eaten together. 'XXX easyeven PBOFESSIOxNAk PROVO. - ; D. D. HOUTZ ; tj iCopjrrlsaW 335 So. Academy " "Tht Atw cf HtallhSl. .... Etc. Architects. , J. T. ALLEN X.. lYttkins Q. BercK tl8 A; ,..":; "';'" John TTTylor, - Ar i toe question naturally-arises- : not most of our foods complex In them selves Including mi;k aird that near t est food, wheat? '"Necessarily the tnfant's food nlust contain all The elements essential to life and growtTTf but (has are harmoniously combined asjjjre all the elements of ' nutrition, xcept fat. Yet bkimmed milk" (from which the animal fat, not easily assimilated, has been extracted) is more than entire milk, .easily digested 'iWhlta bread, from which the proteld pas been. largely removed,, digests taore" easiTy than en"tfre wlieat flour T ATTORNEY-AT-LA- d- Nos7l,2 and Farrer Block 3 y Provo City, Ufah KAIGHN ara oi)etrhenth)oir 1 THVRMAN inits-ftt-apoh- -- . V X. . ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- e - D. F. WALKER BUILWN9 SALT LAKE CITY , A. L. BOOTH . , . , and-potat- HARVEY CLUFF BOOTH & CLUFF r-- - ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- tOOMJ 1 W wi I Provo, Utah BUILDIHC tATU-SNO- EGL E S TON . ...... ,i . r- - ' y sup-plyX- rastrteid PROVO'S LEADING SHOEMAKER 123 N. ACADEMY s , AVENVE : " , . t, twor Prove city, Utah. - Proteid foods meatseggs beans, etc.) digest rmclpally in thestom I often convinced , ' ':'--.'- . '.:,.'..'' 'i... -: v.. Hlttore . iiJ X recallsnhe J ' - Vioe-Presld- eat y ; JAMES FAGAN SELECTED TO TUBE AT HARVARD. often-quote- .. josslalje New Y6rk Out ofa algnalio,r ia one of th dirtiest ai'd most sordid of .the suburbs-- ot Boston James-Pagan has come to'ths Hsrvird university lectute platform." President Eliot has selected him, and President Roosevelt has called tim the White House,, fo, discuss railroad matters. The public Is hearing of him and beginning to ' wonder what kind of a man lie is. ' ' Mr, Fagan is tall and thin, loosely built, but not awkward. 'On first see-.Ing hi in "one Ts attracted by the. look of earnestness In his gray eyes, and one feels that this is who really ajuaa believes In big work. ' The Uttle tower in which'', he his been working and thinking these 22 years is as dingy and unattractive as its surroundings end. la not different front the hundreds" of other railroad signal towers scattered throughout tbe : r cad . n but-sid- e, ( ' ; -- ll. For-yea- whltoe f inraathafetnen te x. -- Do lt Now .. j him, forthe discovered himself. 'Some, time sg6 the "Atlantic Monthly devoted a" good. deal of spare to various articles on railroad prob-lemHe read these articles with . great Interest and he saw in tjiem many statements which did not aree with his own experience. He thought Jtover Jor a while, and one day he ; 1. . .. naturally ne jtne objective point of a Soon after with Presiniob incited to make a demonstration Eliot be was called to Washingdent authorities.'. the against' Nothing may ton for a conference with President s occur tJ.JllsUl. Ihfi fears of the ecn the in who are seekfu this form of Rpdseveir.WKfi:t passea Uet'w has not been revealed, but Fagan's but' it is isiRnlflcant highly protection, Wade. of conditions In the world'sTtietroponsH Imputation was .' The answers ef the railroads to the Electric Flafrrcns.' ..'S- -. . .: first series' of articles have been chiefElectric flatirons are becoming very, ly of the Whajt else caa we do" -sort, It will be Interesting1: to see popular In tentral Vermont especially and In the district which embracesMdnt' whether Mr. Fagan has gone deeply feller and " Barre. - There are Z8.000 enongh into the subject to tell tbem Inhabitants In this district and one what ttcy can do to improve things. Just. to' fill In his spare time he is out of every 27 uses an electric flat-. Jion. lertming .Indifferent parts of the Stt4PB--floin fhlrauo, now mer-chant- well-know- n .. -- t. i - - one-fift- BABY'S LIMBS TURN TO STONE ... wine, almoftt exclusively.. Several riioiiodiet test recently made under the writer'- s- "jirct ton showed, as wonlif naturaiiy ba expect-edU' 7 thiirinciplei above etateaXarj MT. YOU HAVE A COCO - A 3 IF GOT true, remarkable results. Edgar Brobst, a foundryman, eating ony beans for days, gained eight pounds In weight, working Sundays, two nights knd several evenings extra, during tbe period. On a 40 days' diet of oatmeal thererwas a gsln of three pounds and better general conditions of health. Dr. Landone of Los Angeles, Cal reported a gain in" weight Dvlng on cactus for ten days. On returning, to his former mixed diet Brobst lost .four pounds in ten days. (An exclusive dh 60 case Is a one-side- d diet of beans, pea- - Ins a change which thev know would greatly improve t&lr health fend success generally,, although "food cranks" .are now happily becoming so numer ous,, that there Is ample company. A radical change In" diet, even for the betteris naturally followed by un pleasant feelings and worse looks, for know awhile; and often one does not " how to" adapt' the "hew diet until he learns by experleneeX Il ls therefore better, as a rule, to beaway from home while making a radical change, orwhlle-fastln- g, aadr-- if -- twsslble, among people who fan give trustworthy advice and encouragement Xs--. Tt should be borne In mind that the amount and kind of food required tor a given individual depend largely upon age. work, "temperament and other i4Ui h . shualdalweys be considered in determlninK a diet. . which the limbs of a naby six wet ks old bave tnrned to atone, was reported at tbe meeting of rie Jludson County' Medical aoclely, In Jersey City, by Dr. Karl H. Goldstone Of Jersey City,, who bas charge of Hie children's clinic at Mount Sinai hospital in this city. . The child so appalling afflicted is Benjamin Gordon. Dr. Goldstone ree ported teJ"Hlscolleagnes-trtat-.tbchild's limbs bad now become almost entirely as hard as stone, after grad. ..ally solidifying since Its birth. The disease which Is Bringing about this la known, to science as sclerema neonatorum, a very rare aUmeut The 'child has been removed to the chil dren's clinic at Mount Sinai hospital, wher It Is under "close observation X by physicians. The reading of the report created a men. as ttere atlr anions the piiJl . v- -- It Went to Asia ct Beginning of Period. , Gla-Cia- f' t 4 Camels, hump Included, originated In America, and not In Asia or Africa, according to, Prof. V. B. Loomls, who has made a stndy of prebistoiic. animals, . In an address before, the. Amherst as'joclaflon " he sal that about - 3,Mdnn0-yea- rs "age tha C4mel roamed. ebout .North Amerl ica. When tbe btgtnntag of the period brought its covering of Ice to this continent, be continuedjLfew camels went to Asia;;, others -- went south, passing the isthmus of Panama and starting the IIma faintly of South America. Prof. Ixiomis Showed a series of pictures of skeletons which he and his party bad discovered In Wyoming, IrScnnr TfiaTtcrelopnitiit'OTthB Caliiel." -- gra-cla- - : Gerriln Goose's Gizzard. riololt, Wu "Tills la H! pioose thaT luid thp grldnrf cw," said Mrs. I)i ward Cornelius. S"2 HljWand averjue, to her. Utile daughter, Thereaa, On Saturday- - Bfu'ruocri, a sftts-wpie-("r H"aila'" V.nnvrr ,Bf. as . New York. nature articles which .tends to increase our national London. A genuine novelty In th systemfor-they"- " pride in way of insurance has" just been are In effect a rathef severe arraignin London, called "mob Insuf ment of the management of all rail- ance." It is taken out by merchants 'roads tn.generai,1ahd pf bis own, the against possible losses througn rioting Postna Malne-mB- ra. particularly- 'X. or looj.lng iy mobs. X"X but none of the railro&ds ha sutd mean that merchants the Atlantic This,4oes not Monthly tor libel. - fear the suffragettes are abontto bursj. This series of articles brought him . all bounds and Inaugdratea reign of terror. Protection Is lather fought to the attention of the public, and It was not long before President Eliot unemagainst the violence of the called him to Cambridge . to confer ployed, who are unusually-numero- us With blm. President Eliot saw that he in I.ndnn tlila winter, and are likely to become mors so as the Season ad- - knew, what be was talking about, and appointed Mm to btium hpforr ttia . ,: .: " ha' vanccg. new School of Business Ad'nlnirra- 'T)ie most active demand for this tion. He will give a series of lectures queer ..insurance Is In the vicinity of ad deter-raine- d , Intro-educe- d SfMrBankjrPfOYO years by restricting his diet tq rnnl form quantity, of eggs and unfeinent-e- . '' TO - In-th- e WiMB: i ft l a fors-weat- .xx.;. ' ., k ftcademy A venue. . .J.. three-fourth- be-ga- Fagan at Work. hallucinations prior to bis the editor what be thought about it, leath and Uiat-h- a rama knder tha .un answer wal. In effect, due Influence of persons who' told him tndthe" editor's be did not like the way the X false and malicious stories about bis, that it articles were written he could try to Wife. - .. .' ; doJSetterX He . Immediately started to write. INSURE AGAINST THE MOB., The result of his efforts is the series London .Merchants Fear Outbreak "of which appeared under the title of "The Confessions of a Railroad Signalman." Unemployed, These one-fourt- h 37-2R- -- Covered ject to Jli -- Hyw;fc - Forbade Widow to Wed -i- x - rttr -- one-haj- -- g u T -- Electric Go. .U.A.Ir.rt 1.A - f SeeThe 1. itr v . . . 1 ". ., f . stat. . up and down the tracks the average student of economics would not consider these the most advantageous surroundings for mental effort, but here Fagan has learned enough about railroad problems to qualify hlms a lecturer in .Harvard university. .Eight hours a day of work in the tower and almost ss much again of study in his little home In Waltham have made hint one ot the most remarkable men in this" country He is now 00 years old. The first 2S eark of tils life were years of wander-.-inand adventure; the last 85 have been years of observation and study. No one' can'Justly claim to bave die- - ' -- -- IZZICZ nnimrr. Til, 'X hava-eYegl- g : -- "Coitfttsiont1 Attracted Attention H University Head and President Reesevelt Still Works In Towtr, : : t d e jed Pf -- V remark- - that had Lord Chatham not been lying ill there, but la health and at hl the Boston tea aged TOup4e imsygo-opothe home duty would aever post, have beeen imposed property and live providing they erect Inl ihtiJnUm ack U11, the floating Wash. It develops a: cot tage; : whips sBaD become Delllngham, .pe-ttneyernlhe ' NorThitffl-icjpon their ; j Xthat the will of Miller Q. Scouten. who propwtrof therhome ""?.f"- -' killed himself by sendU s, Uulliaantolj4eltil U waa-t- a thUN Mldencthat Pitt, To the aged mother Scouten left during W his brain as be stood In the presence frequent fits of melancholia remainder and tn spite of the fact that Tie was at and crlpple4otheTrpfo-ldp- s sufficient iMtrtj-for-tBofjbia of and her life, to his 4rother, "Theo the time prime minister and was-be- for the establishment ofjL home tor aged women after the death of dore Scouten of Chicago, is given ISOWag urgently trpon by thanking Mrs. couten(iwho is bequeathed the a month aftet tbe mother's death, lit and his colleagues, shut himself off the' event that the of Not tinlx remainder, .the from, all communication with the out property untU her death. is the v?ilf made three years ago, In- estate is not sufficient to establish the side world eyeMfoni his own family f teresting "because of its- - provieltms, home the funds are to be invested and servants,'- but.it is the more so on account of until they shall have: reached such The: small room In which h the causes that-.lefor days together," seelngnff up to its making. proportions as are required. one, si ill rf maiEK.. and contains: the One of the requirements for admisPRISONERS BOSS JA4LER. curious box cupboard In1 the wall, sion to the proposed home t that the -woman must deposit Jaer funeral Send Him to Town1 for Tobacee and trough which the patient received and anything conveyed to r. the board of trustees be' Escaprhfra-AttencIt Is aa opening about two feet fore enteringratrd thereMs the further squhre, having a door an aeh sidenl provision that thfs body, of each in- . Bentpnvtlle,'- - Arki4-Whethree the1 wallow thaf articles Muld be cremated Upon her mate must-b- e b b of the jail here rok out they the from plaeedu tne cupboard ueain. abused the of Sher-if- f and withdrawn from the Inside X When IS! tiler Scouten wasa child Russell. Without It being necessary . for the his fathirTosTTiTsllfewfaile serving "Go aptownand get" us ome to ;;' his country as a soldier. , Since then was the request sent to the sernntbrrngfnghem the boy, had .been all......Ihl all to the accommodating 'sheriff by liis .restless -a glimpse of the Invalid. The Chatham correspondence shows ward's. X instance after instance of the urgent years Scoutair had been almost 'eon was the sheriff's comment as appeals feit by the king, the duke it im- he"Sure," stantly with his parent,-findinreached for his hat of Grafton and other ministers, all of leave to of many possible the; days - And ahen he came" back there was which failed to Induce' Pitt to teayf her side long enough to walk ito the ' in ipe wife cage and there North Eijd. ole big f '. post office for his malL raa only one man tn the-ceHe exrs the'wSman has been aa plained that .he had decided to valt was for the invalid, and her temperament tobacco. As a rewArd of merit CUMM 8 WON DERFULD I SCOVE R Y such that she would. have7no ;one he got tbe entire supply, about her outner son. He did toe, berlfl a horse- - and set outl.Sutler, Pa Pastor' Says He Has Plarr ' ihm worrsooHnnelrarav"! inawil nriarmBrt, 4anta in a eussjid ways ihd was ; Ae,cently dlscOiargsd prisoner" had out of her sight hardly minute du cut the bas nearly throughsTrom the , Butler Pa: RevXphmip fehredano vlchr pastor of the 6reek jOrthodoi ing the day.oriilghk Thii pf outside and-t- he affairs bad exlated for soma time, Bird Waited for an opportunity to break out Shurch . here' and editor ; of Justnesa, bas announced a discovery which, if It of late there, hadBenXconsiderable the seyeredseeflon of cage. comment on the fact that Scouten works ut, will put Newton. Franklin f was no more to be" seen about the AARON BURR RELIC LOST. and Edlsonjarjn therear, The X" city.- x; declares he has invented a He was formerly a man about town, Reward Offered for WatcrCharirf meana7byrwhrch the rotation of the earth on axis may be taken ad-- ' buoyant restless and ond of a good . .. Whittlsd by Stattsmari. time and pleasant associates, hut vantage of in travel, and that by standwhen . his mother "became utiable to Denver, Col. The price of pork has ing still one; may go round the world care for herseirand..refused. to nermit soaifldaway up Inihts- cltyphlgher in 84 hours? s - , any person other than her son to care than ever before known, being boosted ,: He has faunl a way, pev. Mr. for her Scouten gave by W. W. Obert, who lives at 1435 says5 by .whicj' men may lift lse to be wttb herf'AIShough she had Champa street, and who sella meats themselves above thefeartj tp afjotiit been ft :eare for yeaira, it was only for a local market. He offera l(i0 for where they will aland still Wfill.e the within the last few nio'nths that her a pig lost by him the other day. The earth rotating fromvwetl0.east,rwllr condition became such that he was pig is made of 4vorjr, weighs less than do thelj traveling for them. unable to leave her for more than a oneTOflce, and Was fhittJed- - out byrf -- The set-re-t Is jealously guarded by few minutes at a time. Aaron Burr while that statesman was tbe pastor and his wife, whom - be with suggesting tbe Idea. He This condition of affairs caused him in jail awaiting trial on a eharge of to prepare the will that will be filed treason. .., :. asks 1100.000 for lheinvenUon.-The Ivory pig ijfaa worn as watch , - Rev. Mr Shredanovlch said "We for probate. The two executors are Instructed to secure a site for a place charm by Obert, who received It as an will hoist ewseives above the earth to be known 4tsJ'The Marlon Scouten heirloom from his father.' The pig has and await the coming of the desired Home," near Uelllngham, for the bene- been owned by the Obert family ever place, then we.: will Jow.er. ourselves wnere fit pf t women over ; the- - age- - of - 63 since one or tne to be. in- this way from America to Europe Sp'onT qualntance pf Aaron Bu Tr when, he years: This it Is believed, because It represents was visiting Blennerhssset on his In less than 12 hours. My secret is how to Btand saper- earth - and not motSertor whonr he island tn the Ohio-- tlvei was giving up everything at that time. earthT ltifacon. Before his triar.-Bu- rr amnsed Wnvf bealed--br"tfi- e Ho says his Invention makes. It pos Scouteo'j laa, as expressed in. the self by whittling and filing on a piece will, is that his body be cremated, and of ivory, and one of these pieces was sible to get away from gravitation and he seems to bave had the idea that fashioned into the shape of a pig and still not be lost In space. He does this Is something that.ls more than a given Obert'e ancestor. It hag been not say how one. may get away from e the swirling earth and take bis stand whim, for he insists on thbi provision carried as a watch charm until 4t as smooth as a piece of glass, In the ethereal void, but' any one of the will in regard to thej lnmates-- of with 1100,000 may find out. : f tbe home. The home Is to be open to and la now y(ellow: with age-.-.- . hear . people say they are that Coffee, for Instance, vprtjaaejheac but Jf hen .lhejrtried ilJl?jJlrJ09 ,Ti -- in the Intestine. When thesis classes to Jeave off . using It, they su Jie.aa DIREGTQBS of foods are, mixedrthere it f001 thege w hleh-t- n u8tJhavea dt squtetlngrreff ecf that they were obliged to resume its Condition be fit for .'to use. their Itt Reed Sffloot.l... .....President ppon the nervoua system. : workX Persons who have tried to do C. E, Loose. ........... r It is natural "to suppose that a without meat often include that they .. L. Holbrook,J. Wn. Knight, hungry. ajjimal under natural condi- are the better for eating It, because tions would confine itself to oue kind do not feel so well when they, they tnnA Twelves.' B. nt Is ' nor the pig Johq Hpithm X"; discontinue it for a few days. - . JOS. T. FARJIER Cashier. naturally omnivorous' Acorna are'the or Eating drinking any particular natural food of the" pig, which, like or drink becomes In time a habit, .i General banking business transacted man, becomes a prey to ah almost In- - food - Bate deposit boxes for rent.-- " be- - and even though it may be' injurious, finite varlety-o- f diseases-vhea-J- i NO 8POONINQ IN CHURCH. comes by force of circumstances' om- It Is hard to discontinue it. Even the a of Is better habit substitution nivorous. - A high authority on the dis' X Pastor and Leaders Take .' Action ' '. XXi": eases of the pig says that they are .due Against Members Who Kiss. Nature's Is to"change way gradually, iqJt8b.elBg d mcrrTarfforpTanTHftnrr see we in of as the the young, weaning man foods from our tables. ':. -e; WhHe-the- y Court as Result. we a Pittsburg; food: times at the pay-BBwher belbjfJt diIt is a peculiar fact that the should be sol domestic our that animals is proper martlages changed,s4 pf gestive organs of the pig ery closely San Francisco. In church the pastor and Whether or not Suppose, for instance, that you de- - emnized resemble those of man. Acorns and leaders In the Fred Methodisthnrch Mrs. Edle W. Gonzalear wldownjf the ise of ooffoe, arer-the natural- - food-- of fed cereal at Stauffer, .Westmoreland county, wealthy Monterey rancher, Mariano In his natural state mix with the coffee the, wild pig. E. Gonzalez, may remarry" and' .still week for or coffee the first two, next bave taken a stand against courtship there is no healthier animal; and in her then and finally Inside the church Qioors, especially retain her share of the estate-O- f his domesticated state none more pitilate husband, will be decided by a jury services. religious during cereal which use be coffee, man. pure may except, perhaps, fully diseased, ' continued aa a subfltltu Recently the pastor has bcpn annoy- in Judg Grahara'sourt at nnearly drink, or Lucretius, the Latin poet,says: . r-ed ...X young date. Mrs. Gonzalez Is contesting the by the.actlons of love-sicAnd get them to figure on Soft acorna were man's first and chlefeet not who have been carrying on will, which seeks to keep; her" in a ' people, on In one evea article ot X.food, diet -living .' state' of perpetual widowhood. And thoee red apples IHat adoyi tb wing your hwise for eleo-- mux, or wneai, or iruns, wnicn may courtships during the services, Open " about of an estate wood. itJonxalea of affection left; trio lights.. It is the only nuexpressions osculatory The nerves that Joined their limbs were supply every element of material v making provision for trition heeded by the system, there is have been witnessed in the church. $300,000. After Arm and stronn; clean, safe and reliable ht I the daughter of the testator7Anita C. il: wa healthy, and their age wa4 of method of lighting... ; long. The pastor had before warned the Gonsales, the will createa a trust Intime. It does not necessarily follow j of the the the remainder estate, must order better that that something else Is really needed, young people come Returning yars still aaw them in their Office, 55 N. Academy A vena jnto three but only that the habit of eadng more ' prevail. That nfghf Aar0n Gadd. a ,. prime; parts one part going to the -in Both fhoMS church, arose and ex equal They wearied e'en, the wings of measurthan one thing 4s calling for satisfac leader widow, one, part, to 4 the daughter, ing Time: tion. It is well known that there Is a pressed the Idea that, while marriages Nor cold, nor heats, nor strong diseases AnlW, part to be dichurch are " courtship vided and the other perfectly proper, crying demand for food during the Walt,- !' 20 or 30 grandchll- between the later Is not and insisted that the And tell sad news of coming fyiitty late; first few days of a fast, but that after 4 drea .of Francisco -- &Mco,half brother n Katura-a- ot be no rail cease; yet grew weak, the fourth" day there-ma- y of Gonzalez. In the event of the 30 .he more. for for op that food announced Gadd hai days toabrlnk Into aneKnianSrBs.-s- l ip567L or Mrs. 'Gonzalez, 'the "will In adopting a complete new diet, the secured the names Of several offenders provides that her, third shall go to ' physiological Pavlov, the Russian law of gradual change applies as in andtbat if tbe love making did not the Rico heirs.' . ; chemist, has shown that the system would be taken to see that dealing with a single article, like cof- ceased steps of the Is another clause 'l'thewlU There adapts Itself to; the digestion '" W. II. Brereton, Pres., XX ' X" fee. The manner of effecting, the It did. ' food while it Is in the nmuth, the providing" in set terms' thariny .per--, Johd Marwick, Cashier, d sou contesting the will shall take fluids se- change, in detail should be of character digestive the, ; Alva kelson, Aas't Cashieii creted byge, temperament, and other Measure Mars' Water Vapor. nothing from the estate. Mrs. Gonvarying with the food. How particulars. The longer the habit has - Boston. Pret Psrcivai fcpweil, the zalez, In endeavoring to3reak the ewtldrad itjnuat.be by a been, established the more gradual dinner offering perhaps 50 dlffurent arastronomer, has made an husband's prohibiting will, is thereInterest Paid on Tim A person should be the change. of food! statement with reference fore taking a chance of losing .everj of ticles Dra.ff on Important Deposits. -- tern -an nervous t should ch peramen ge to the "water vapor onrtoars.; His as- thing: r'-rrfi ' 'r-p-- -' Considering these, facts, we .must more tJl Parts ol the World," slowly than a phelgmatic person Gonzalez died in December, 1903. sistants at his observatory ah Flag-stafconclude that serious Injury Is done of iron will; Aria., have been able to deter- Tbe widow's name had been, mento the system by eating : variety of Opposite the, P. 0. on . Occasionally after oneTias become mine that the water vapor on I. the tioned several limes In connection foods t the same meal.. Perhaps we established in the belter way .and be-- , planet is present and measurable. It with a. possible second visit to tbe may find here the hltbstfo unaccountconvinced that the change betrays' itself in lines of tbe spectrum, hymeneal alta.'- L'cder an order of able reason for the shortness of , hu: ing fully, lines that show that the atmosphere the probate court she Is how receiving llfev-A- nd If this be the cause, we has proved beneficial," an ' overwhelm man 1 ing desire will take possession of Mars affects the spectrum in the a family allowance of T50 a' month. lonus.. must find all the noted ( cases of . ooe.tO return, - temporarily, - to same way, though 'only as Tbe grounds upon' which she bases gevity among those people whose diet theold 'way. I believe it Is best, much, as does tbe earth's envelope. her contest are that Gonzalez was sub Metchniitoff has is to jrleld. for. one meal, found the largest or even for day or two. Coffee does -- necome a nrtaBriaonrtM'.llnnaj3tt""P; deadly poison the day an S,JU vfriargiTy onT6Iic"iX breain not one ; One must be careit, . Irteh living AmongXthe-peasantry lest ful, however, "the last state be? chiefly onpotatoes, dentenariaus..Are.. come worse than the first"'" ,..- Doctor Reports" Strange Disease ' at are only lonnumerous. .The noted cases of eight known cases, according Medical Society Meeting. Our friends, the enemy, are the C. to Dr. Gladstone, on record. IS gevity in England were all among the to Improvement in ) . . 4)easanlryilisl5g jutiuffiryjtmpleillfiO greatest hindrance " The tear- or beiag - called rtfie"most re--i CAM ECIS "NATIVE OF AMERICA; New torkOne The most noted of centenarians, Cor-- diet acn; carbonaceous iooaa tjruits,. po IEOHIGIIl Home of Earl of Chatham Is ' to Bs Auctioned. Nsl-dence- 1 Lattsr's Crippled and Helpless Condition Leads to Makrn a Inmates of ". "" Place Mut:"gret toJHava X Body Cremated.. f ; London. North End Place, Hamp stead Heath, which was once the WUliam;Pltt,earf of ChaV ham, is shortly to ba pot, up a1 all women over the age mentioned who agree to comply with the provisions of the will. None is barred because of nationality or religious belief, and It is. orderwWhat no rellgloua ceremonies or services' shall be held on the ground'orln'the bulldog. Any PROVI0E8 HOME FOR OLfj WOMEN AFTERiJEATH bF MOTHER. ' : . - ; - P1TT'8 XOU8EffOIC;ALX QDDIVILI OMSUICIDE - ... AM Directory for those wisbTof to of toy of lb following boslaeea t PrOTO. S08Q t - gtxiirB-- th. to look for gold,"- - plvadeC Utile girl. She.diestcted the poitlou er have ner, and, to cveionos t found two diamonds worth about 112 each, and a piece of gold, . evidently from a settlnal. t'sion-Ishine'n- Fins a Pon,.- h XCiay City, Ind. Mrs. Lena Wilson living near Brazil, has performed the remarkable feat of writing a sentence ef eight. words. L"16 lliuea. on a pos tal card, one side only. The sentence contains 39 letters, seven of which are capitals. ' The number ol words on the card Is 13,7i8, and tbe n amber of Jotter 66,624. . Ths writing was doue with the ordinary steel pen. Under a lens of strong magnifying power every Work-wit- eudullle? . . r; , before the convention of .rainwad sur geons in New York, or before the City Club of Boston, and he Is beginning lo maW people believe" that he Is pot" " "working for hl:sself all the time," L of ths time for his but at leaBti-traideals of what the American railroflj"" -- -- oufBT-"t- TT oe. XX xnafriially. tliis altosether remark- - ' able man works eight hours a day in- the" little dingy tower In North Can brldgewhtn , be Is not. speaking In "some oilier ait of the country, because "it keeps him In touch with bis subject," . . . .' His .Schcttude. The Dominie Why are you auxlous fur-to diue- wfth you oa Thanks giving, my young friend? 'Cause dad said he would T -- Freddie not go to the expense of a turkey tin less some ontfhould come to rimix Puck.' me , Ons ef r'i TroiB. Yeast Do jou be;:, va lu ii rlauf's? Crimsonbcak Well, ruti r i a ojii ex al r i ' y man.' ' J lt , |