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Show l.t-his gold convention, but be will fnl peaks id cool mountain Lre. z - hux he trot into wclU. make up fir this by the elongation e.s of Ui ig! m. They eprii.ccd yod his depth and not Win" a a snow fu l since going to their swimmer he sank in the of his resolutions. i Tw ice the summer ex age, two weeks agx boy sank out of jXht The IlaLc'ri fr.fcture will be. down a thirl time 5oh!g Vinder will continue, at platted in'o building lots and! Cbu1 who wuh the of tho rest Park t season, he , piaml on the mm kc t. iuiu me to I. be ter pond and expects tt mn. Several eaP3 of typhoid are re- mis lai it. I i il lias ueen uunn ported in Beigtrtown, among w hic h the summer. John Glilfi'1 if 'ntii-Jllii is Charles Lind.Mrjm. t'hirtv lived a Svs; for day John Wnrmmaktr mas ro into Wltlut Buflerin agony, Uu- Call on Studtbaker Brm for your t,,e new anti.0liav movement, but wagons and bicycles. See their ad- - l0 will h(i ure to r,.tain hi. pessi- - j V a ,,ox of I e Witt's Witch Hazel cured my piles." For vertiseinent in another column. m;Btic vif.ws anJ a Crm Iuj!(1 on h. piles n : ; lf Kit-har- 71 T "? ? ;; m-ine- L al rt It hi 7 .'hi ! t per lnfhr tents per Inch, fl crnts per Lueui.-s-S- Una each lo cei.N per line taeta Hue per iniinth. U'fiil ! RATES On in' e i t ion. DWpl - y Two ins" ri inn-.- . each in i ui'iiiUi issue. in- - i ' j t-- , j 3 Cents r -nt lin eacli issuo Whiii Co!" 16 per line per iiicfitu. on large spate or long liberal reduct.oi. nu-6c- ---- 1 rc-cue- i I ADVr.KTlSING Jrd, ss p-- MO fl- -ol the .n,y ,rrpaper tpeaka a country of the community it represents. Eirir.g, y j dCtUtr.7S jt no (1&ubt but some of the skin troubles Ue Wilt's Witch lime, restaurants iu Salt Lak served a Hazel Salve is miequalled-Mur- rav 1n he not Should wmi J errebee, ropy for advertisement Dr. Tucker, Superintendent of irui.Mneer meai on mo inuacyt m: w . liter than Wet1nrdaj- afleruoou to lDSur in laor ui inu mu- - 1 the Germania smelting works, re mo insane. n i next istuo. Absolutely Pure. meal. Celebrared for its great y ear-agturned to Murray last Saturday. leavening The service in some of the restauHud liealthfulnws. Assures tha SILVF.1L LEAD. The in rants the of in Ber Salt food Lake boys region collision between A h'ad-o; during Jubilee against alum and all forma of adulSilver .' Lead t-- 4r. common to the cheap brands. Jones (if Nevada, and Tom Reed gertown are acquainted with the week was wretched. A gentleman teration ko!tat. baking powder co., new who excellence U. was P. the the of served with a admisSaloon, small york. piece Editor. will be worth the price of M. A. WlU.l'MSEN, coolest and most refreshing drinks of meat, a few mashed potatoes and sion. a small piece of bread on a in that vicinity. i Don't nauseate your stomach "Eg'HTT- -f has been 6ubpoen-t'- d Maxfield Dan with teas and bitteherbs. but regsmall asked very the DIKECTORV. dish, waiter CHURCH The gospel tent pitched by the to in the sheep case witness a as ulate cut fine it to feed ''please to your liver and sick headach up Cottonwood Ward House. vs. Mackay at Brigham JOsepMtes li3 been raised and the baby." In another ease a of at School by those famous little pills Keysor in using Sunday Ward wetiuga p lady taken to Ogden. While hre the remarked known lo a . as City. DeWitt's Little Early has meat whisa in. got West al.leS.in.lnv School meetings have been fairly attended kers," while a near t tlio Scandinavian Risers, Tiifwlav t'veniiiL' reMurray Pharmacy, W. E. neighbor a number of the Southern county and quite interestit-g- . marked as Ferrebee, she extracted J. S. FolIlBH, ItlKtlOp several Prop. floats have passed through Murray I impel Suudity Tl oul - P m The "coal strike" makes no dif- hairs from her food, "They are red at . K on their return homo from the JuPreaching SuimbvA. ntKht W. Ila,:tahrn, Minister ference with the price of the article ones too." bilee. sold by the old reliable firm J. P. MURRAY TOST OFFICE. Japau P. Tapes of Murray has II. C. Gaboon & Bro. See their reduced Insurance Agent, ru. to t:00 a. Murray's 8:(X p. from in. OOltlcc hfiiirs almost recovered from a Sunday At wood, will list your property in scale of prices still in force. B. Y. RANDALL. Sunday from 9:00 to '0:0(1 a. in.m. to Saltair. There is everyProp trip Mail com'h every day at'.:00 p. in the best of somo the companies for register Fresh Muiiev OrJor hour and hour in Broad, Two small children, one the child thing Murray except a seashore, world. business from '.' a. m. to 4 p. in. of Royal Proctor of Salt Lake and and hence Mr. Tapes went to the Buns, Pie, Cake, Etc., Arrival and Departure of mails, arrive rt.l") a.m.. dciuuts 'X'Ml. STAND. Nothing has been heard of Mr. the other Neils Dalay's- - child of city on the lake on Sunday where Arrives 5.1" p.m., depurt 3.:i0. Olsen, the carpenter, who disap- Murray, were interred in the South he disported himself in the surf for Hot and Cold Lunches. five hours and a half, ne was de- Hot peared from Murray nearly two Cottowood Cemetery, Friday. Coffee with Cake ioct. prlntlnif of every duscrlpt'on scribed executed.. weeks and by a neighbor on Monday Lunches prumptiy ago. reatly, uccuraiely put up for travelers. People wonder why first-clas- s morning as having the "chromatic CongresstnanShaflroth's economy traveling men demand such high lineaments of a boiled lobster." Caters tn the Wants of tlie Tubllc for Parbill has dampened the ardor of salaries, it is ties. Weddings, liirthdays, Etc. eay understood when The comparison was not very wide some of Uncle Sam's would-b- e dis- it is knowb that only one man in of the Three doors South of Post Office. mark, but yesterday there looo is adaptod to the business. The email show ers arc pleasant. bursing agents. were returning traces of the fine normal of Mrs. on complexion of the Murray The Rev. Mr. McCord preached Henry Weiler, formerly Murray was almost deserted stalwart. was of k now Fat a splendid sermon at the little City, the 24th. Murray, and iuin iinp,irsia your airenui!!. i J the Elead am! Throa-- clear t'nJt healthy Keep here last Sunday. She had been to M. E. Chapel oa Sunday night, his is aiwa andbniln for them nt rest niwt enso. of ?rr jrV'w'i'lI.I Lots, lots, lot.! Lots see the Jubilee. text was from E. hesians and his F (VIULEll is the, UTAH COALS. ,nanki,'rt f el r.nl tMiildes. Bale cheap. STii'P.'.0. theme was the buildiDg up of charJrtiiK-'"!MJKE 'CHKOVr. ' nwini odor of 1,'ntorrSi In deciding to make his farewell acter. TV fvd Yard. Its by nip. Wonderful In Tbiv Fever and, 2fev hay, delivered cheap. Call campaign as the farmer's own, Mr. Castle Gate Lump, 4.50 Asllimn iontsTIUIVOXLV $4.00 ean'l gut il m llnwir'ws trnil r,r II. Ilr office. ni,i,l, ill rnl. Km fur Honk at this n ntl.nl. free. 83.75 S4.25 Opening fok Tex Agents. Pos- Cnstle Gate Nut, Quay pays a handsome compliment ICSIISiS OltUH CO., YIXCMSHS. C.8. to the itive 83.75 4.25 yeomanry. salary paid. Write or call n Wint'rQ'art'rsLump A lino new Bicycle for sale cheap Richardson Publishing Co., WinterQuarters Nut $3,75 for Fifty Cents. at this office. Whenever a Democratic politi- King Guaranteed tobacco Uaiiit curb, uiakes vealc James & P. Cahoon Sanders, J. Bro. beoffice he mcu strong, Wood pur 50c, $1. Alt it ugists. Senator Hideout was on our cian starts after an a,n Manager, of at claw to the memory gins streets this week. , Utah. Thomas Jefferson. Call at the Eaui.k office for your Mr. Harry naynes is reported Cards will soon be out for the as wedding stationary. feeling much better since his ar marriage of Miss Annie Gilbert and rival in Portland. His physician FROM ,J . r. Cahoon has not yet returned Orson Hanson which takes place he was just in time, that ansays Prox. on fr( tn Portland, Oregon. the 18th 11 H other day and he could have done A If Japan really wants an argu- nothing for Mm. sewing machine lor ment over the Hawaiian matter all sale cheap. This oflice. sp a a' Mr. aud Mrs. Martin Pearson of she has to do is to push a small left, for California Md. Copehmd has gone to Victor, 22 on the Sandy, ttack into the game. Inst, where they willt probably Colorado, for a short time. E. B. Soil1 will return to his make their home. Mrs. Pearson, Mr. DovvliiiL'. the chopper, will old stamping ground, Spanish who is a sister of Ohas. Thiede.is in organi.ti a Woodman's Circle. Fork, at least so say some of the a bad state of health. There is still somo talk of a citizens of that berg. Burning, itching, skin diseases 1 1 1 11 musicale. Let it materialize. 9H house instantly relieved by De Witt's Hoiisr': ion hot. (tea Ous Jlogliind got both of his with all modern improvements for Witch Hazel Salve, unequalled for rent. Call on Mrs K. L. Davis on cuts, hi ' L'S, hums. It heals hands badly burnt atthe smelter. HI without leaving a scar. Murray Andrew Galloon's Avenue. rubPhar-iuaestill are and The buys Dr. V E. Ferrebee. girls F t: so. July 20th, on State and Prop. bing their eyes too much Jubilee. d !Hh South Streets a lady's A fine pewing machine left at There are some of the Murray tau cloth jacket. Can be this office, can be cheaply. very had by calling at this office. girls who object to the proposed (t3 1 new road from Taylorsvillo. they a bo ph aa Rfcst g i Kiehard Maxfield is building a Mr. Hazelton, assistant superin'Tt would be too handy tor Q aiw mill in Big Cottonwood can-yo- tendent of the Germani;, isetuis to say: the boys, now they have to go way have given entire satisfaction dur- round on the old road, they appreMr. Tucker. ciate us more when they get here.' Two fine homes for .sale in the ing the absence of heart of Murray. Call or write A Texan murderer is to have a P. P. Christensen. former school til is office. brass band at his execution. He teacher iu Murray, appeared sudDr. lliff held the regular quar- should go the whole length and denly on our streets Wednesday, have fireworks in the evening. lie has been studying law in New terly conference e.t the M.E.Chaoel York and comes home a last Friday. One of the gentlemen reprcscting The gentleman lawyer. Kx - Comuiisssoner I'oberts of CV.iLrnia in the called on the came down to see MurEagle while in Bingham was a visitor in Murray Congress ray's smelting industry last week. Murray. last Tuesday. "I crave but One Minute," said A petition has been sent to Hart John Dully leaves for a two the public speaker in a husky voice; him move the to asking Me-ry Ilnynes on months visit to Baltimore, old adobe house that obstructs the and then ho took a dose of One the r.Oth inst. rtreet just north of the post oflice. Minute Cough Cure, and proceeded with his oratory. One Minute she not careful is If Japa! may The Murray Sunday School will Cough cure is unequalled for throat and little nice her navy have an excursion to Garfield Beach pet army and lung troubles. Murray Pharall mussed up. i about the loth prox. Look for fur- - macy, i:. Ferrebee, Prop. It is said Uu discovery of gold jt her announcement at an early Ayounghdv and gentleman of in Alaska, win make better times date. "Wood-Workin- g the West ide'have been engaged for the States. A right tine. tip top delivery wag quite recently and now Maria has The gold Democrats are being on, with horso and harncfs, dirt no further nso for Cupid, she sent g vigorously coached by the Republi- cbeap. Call at this othco or at the artful litilo god of love after 470 South. West Temple St., Salt mighty Leld to can newspapers. present to hor fuLake Git v. ture Sarah, for she The dogs killed four head of "I don't him now, Ben's i;nt That Tennessee girl wno jilted a saye sheen in Roland's slaughter yard for me.'' Scroll sawing. poet and married a butcher didn't enough last Monday night. to chances. run any propose There is a time for everything; Poetry Building Prof. Lyon will not return to is cheap aud choice cuts of meat and the time to attend to a cold is w n n in ho school comes this El when it Mary. prefers tl year, hijh. Ogden Don't wait 'till ii 1i m 3. K r 'l sash, to be r. rarer home. 3 V, B you have consumption but prevent Canvassing agents wanted.Steady it by DOORS, using Out Minute Gondii Cure .: r the San Francisco guaranteed. Very the great employment coughs, colds, MOULDINGS, ETC. remedy a::d the Amkkicax I'aolk liberal terms ottered. Call at this all throat bronohifis and Toup, is 10 office hours the Now ri between of a. the m. and op-pf.r k'J..r)0. COXJITTY" O'r; iung Murray to subscribe. and 4 p. in. ,n. tj, W. E nVrebee, Prop. Mrs. Statcn and her sister Mim, Col. Waitersou is finding seme West Devot The other day Bouis Powell aged :tv iu securing delegates for ; tpeut J ubilce week among the crags sixteen was bathing in the Germu g I I ', - j. i o n i Murray Bakery, . Dcily-LUNC- r-.I- ACLETS, E '"-u- n ar , RE first-clas- "T s Shoes James Gilbert's in A IS -- y, Blcvck js and b double-breaste- hd It 10 rs n. J full-fledg- Tras-Mississip- ed Contractors and pi Builders. , A spas i A. Full Line of Machines idiiisl . Turning Slair . ( i ? i ir -r Phnr-M;W- ana 2J Tho Just BOiiD, of 1 |