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Show AmsricV-- izagie. the Senate ttermiued not to push th nomination to a vote at this besstfion of Congress. Hi. t ML ' I 5 lenU cacti subsequent Inter All itdvi rUneincuU must lie eUled for at of every month. Any ptMtm wishing tbair advertisement discontinued miiol give notice to that effect, otherwise it will appear In the Auhepquent Issues of the paper, and be the end charged lor accordingly. Entered at the Murray Pont Olltce as Matter. MATTERS. (Continued from page one.) diers are the beit on tho face of the earth. It must bo confessed by all that tho Japanese make excellent soldiers, and favored as they are by v their peculiar religion those who die in battle take a front seat in Paradiso gives them a fanaticism which utterly disregards death. Then they ire equipped witU modern arms, modern ships, and a very good navy which can perform very eflective service, and it war should be declared by Japan upon the United States, there is no doubt but they would be very ugly customer to handle. There can be no question as to tho ability of the United Mates, with its money, an to what the result would be; but Japan is a much more formidable an tagonist than Spain. Hie President and his Cabinet have this matter under serious consideration. PHCE'NIX the liual sugar schedule of the tarWines,-v- j iff bill, or whether it is uowimpos-inon that portion of tho public which invests its money in stock speculations. If the present high price for the is maintained it trusL stock Sugar O. S. OLSEN, Proprietoi. will indicate that the first is true, but if the price of that stock takes State Street, - MURRAY, UTAH a tumble, as some are predicating, it will bo good evidence that the trust has worked tho speculators to make up what it failed to get from Congress. CASKETS, Wood a ndOioth covered Home k .Xi'COFEIXS, Importing and We find Col. John C. New and hia neighbors protesting against an increase in tho tax on playinj cards. Tho jack pot has some very warm and active friends. Work is resumed cu the Tana-m- a dnal. The canal may be built after all. Machinery has been ordered and paid for ami 3000 men are now on the regular pay roll. Mr, llanna has been compelled ti take refuge iu the White House to escape If the thing keeps up the President may have to put in a mo.tt and draw bridge. otlice-seeker- t. American butter, under the recent efforts of Secretary Wilson to make a tew market for it abroad, is 1'nding a ready sale iu London. A single firm in that city has just placed an order with the Iowa State Agricultural College for all its butter, which amounts to about S()0 pouuds a day. CORRESPONDENCE. f I Quotes prices equal to any iu SaltLakeCity tOne Block East from William's Corner, Murray Pharmacy Dr. Our Monetary Disease. To safely and permanently maintain the gold standard requires the remodeling of our fiuuncos. Tho disease is the character of tho money in the treasury and in the pockets of the people. It is in a banking Gystem which congests currency in commercial centers while cre ating a dearth in country districts, which issues a currency which cannot expand when it ought and can when there U no necessity. It is in compel ling tho maintenance of 100,000,000 gold reserve to float a vast volume of paper money by the government, whioh cannot regulate its issues to meet the needs of commerce. Tho disease cannot be curod by anv makeshift. Senator Donelson Caffery. W. Prop. Ferrebee, E. Inter-Mountai- 3IU1MIATR, UTJL n a Milling lomDany.- PHOPHIHTOKS OF lls Taylor svttle Holler Mills Mitts, Wasatch Roller Stills'. tojnr Pioneer Patent Roller 2&Uls and Salt Lake Mill and Elevator Roller ARB 2SBVBR UNDERSOLD. Drugs andj Medicines, Tcilet Articles, Etc. Grist work a Specialty. Highest Cash Price Paid ior w neax msrntm. St., Sato m SSsts W TELEPHONE 12S. Cuemicals, Toilet SOAI'S, AKTtci.Es,7j.FANCi Peufimkuv, CoMliS, Buuisncs, Sroxous, Etc. 4sPKE3C1UITION8 Br A "JLX CAKEFCLLV COMPOUNDED First-Clas- Pharmacist. s H. Atwood.i sfes?!" wo HOTEL BSE. ' HO HEAT. HO SCORCHING. iiiv.i us in r; wiy liiun i,y. niiuiu 111 six m y tijs uiiu .u ::: oia.r.p iui irew lltJW4l5U ... : UtttCliUjj THE RACIHS MANGLE CO., Coal, Lumber, Doors, Sash, Mould itigs, Lath, Shingles, Builder's Ilardware.Paints, . J7f Willi pritUS. Rasine, V.Ms. Saloon & Billiard Hall Oil,Vainish-es.Brushes.PlasterHai- r, Harness Shop CAKEFUIi 4 4 Careful Attention Our Many Accommodate SELBCTED - STOCK OF r i W n e & s, K Sr 4 4 Given to Family Trade Liquors, Cigars, on Hand.' E& Always Carlson & Birch. Is Still in Running Order, and Wo are doing our best to . Cus- tomers. A. i ttai Has Constats tly on Hand White Stage to Fresh and Cured WASATCH MEATS Of all kinds AND Dealer -- Company' s FAMILY 3 Waugle in nvtmty miuutos, without heut or fuel. " W FOR trXVil-VW- NO FUZL. Murray Meat & Live Stock MARK - Miller's Roller ao-tn- al 0, Ox g Pato back down, and we Hurmiao the will have a double standard make it 82 to 1, in order to be honest in the paydo will the kicking. Jap per, Etc., Combination Fence. ment of debts and to conform to the ratio in tho valne of the two met- Murray Salt Lake Co., By chasing himself around tho Utah Hook, and yelling "demagogue,", als in tho markets of the world, it be Hon. David P. Hill manages to ing, as Joffersou says, "a mercantile eotribut liberally to the mid- croblem altogether." Baltimoro Son. summer excitement. 17,-500,0- A ! MURRAY" AT A.T TH1L Sllverltes Should Drop Jefferson. It is in vain to invoke the authority EDITOIUL XOTES. of Jefferson for the coinage of 50 cent dollars or other debasement of the In other words the Sultan would currency. any Our "neo - Democratic" havo .the powers to understand friends, if they wish to vindicate their that ho will not ride iu the hurry- - claim to the title of "old line Democrats," who have Jefferson for their up wagon. father, will have to abandon their idea The Hawaiian matter has reached of free coinage at the ratio of 16 to 1 that point where some on will Lav vr aay other erbifrary rate, but if they Spaiu has a population of of which number n,ooo,-00cannot read or write. Murray has a population of 3000 and everyone can read and write. i A Grr A DRINK BEFORE COIN' TO SALT LAKE. though it was getting m And is prepared to furnish a full line of Liquors & Cigers Bee otid-clM- ts ED1TORAL Congress 5 announce to the people of Salt Lake' j Pegs tocount v that he has opened an j Undertaking Parlors j TO It its somewhat uncertaia whether the sugir trust imposed on in S 0 CHANCE a-- !V 1 Last probability that the Houo will .1 iil upon this or any other Lot in liiiiiii'iB column. rents per line acti iiintTiion. la New column 15 tents Cuban resolution at this session. first Insertion, tlon. MA A THE is no HATES JS x The Senate adopted the resoluPublished every Saturday, by tion authorizing the Prebident to Tin Aim lie in Eajjle Tub. Co. take steps for the release of those Americans arrested by the Spanil IiSCKll'TIGN; ards on board the alleged fillibus-te- r One Yv,if, 1150; Six Months. fl.OO; Thre Competitor dud since kept in ' out lis, 75 cents. prison; also for the return of the A.l ulmerlptiuu utrktly iu Advance. Competitor to its owner, but there ADVERTISING KB 1 Sausage, Lard and Atwood & Grantor have estabEaeon, lished a Stasre Lino between, 5 ony CASH but all meats will bo 1,0 sold taken ttfr WHOLESALE TEICES. -- Wasatch Fare For Round Trip $1.50 t DULY SERVICE: Leaves Murray at S:30 a. iu. and arrives at destination 10:30 a. m. "Carries a full line of Leaves Wasatch 4:30 p. m, and arrives at Murray at G:C0 p. m. Cahoon A. E, TJ ' Murray and at Groceries, Provisions, Dry Goods. Miss Mks. Willako Jakhell Ann E. Boyce DUESS-MAKEU1 (Continued from lirst page.) ised. It is true that many of the Senate amendments were comparatively unimportant, but it is also true that many of them were Oil the whole, taking the importance of the amendments in-consideration, the House got a shade the best of the conference, but the victory was not pronounced enough to justify the hiring o( a brass ban and the holding of a It is probably be- jollification. ause of the surprise that the linage .should get en a little the best of the Senate that so much shouting has been done. not: s. The opposition to Mr. Powderly's eouiirmation as (Mi:inis.-.i,,ne(leti-er.of Immigrant is so nctivo hat it is undenttood his friend-- iu .t. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Etlumto Your r 1 il " Howl Cnndy Outhnrtto. UV.V.io If V. O. V fail. roil NOTICE No. L.nnl OlVice WUh ( nr;retw. I'tmstipntlon foreer. refund money. PUBLICATION. T. .1 s., ix. 1 1;. .s '""1-- ' Drss. '- neatly aud promptly done. First Door Store. State Street. Murray South of Sanger's lUlMAWVi"1" - aveais. ,n j Tr,(fM r hus.ncon,,,,,,, Ornct laoppc Oun f ar J alt l'at-eM00rATt FCt8. oM.,int.j &, 2 u.s.Patint Ornct RACINE CAS ESCmE t ses Gawllne. Natural Uas or Mannfact ured Ctm. A Paht,"IIw, ,olt.ii' rti-nts,- with Fittod with botli Mot Tubo ond Electric Oarcry. AreiiM'd for Tumplnc Water, ("irlndlne IVod t;!:it n arm I a!s. Grain Mm l ino uhjosw; ,o r.uM Sln;.lo. " Mv.p. et i I'd t'roMai- !"' 'n'Tl, ( ," 11,0 "larkft. M 11 d . cat lor catalocau aad prices to RACINE HARDWARE CO., . Racir.a, Wis. 1 L-w- ie Pyhon Ui;oo, lltHtor, THE mimms iwlfli 537Y& iACHKt nt ij ji.,ri.uii. pi'-v- CO15TRUCTI0l'"""ru,v The Latest Modes et our Parlors at Salt Lnk City, the following vvilneseeH to oont'Pii'iuH rfsidotiro u;ion mid culkivution df, haul hitid, vi.: P. S. Neew I'owley, John Thntr.j)on, ami ( !iri;e Tiiom nl of Granite, jon, S;tlt Lake County, Utiih. tiii.'iii.'H tlO HA zr,L June I'.Kh, 1SU7. Notice is ltreliy given thnt tho fallow, f.ijr lituued pottler I'lis tiled notice of Itin inte:t:on to miine tinul proof in 3upport of his claim and ilmt said proof will ho nindelmforo (lie Utviler Mid lieceiviir nt Salt Late CUy. I'tfln, August, ll.i V.. 1S.T, viz: Frank 11 Smith, f.ir th S. K. i4, Sec. 11 nn.i X. , X. R ., Sec. n, All Kinds nf Vk w- - MakW nnd Plain Sewinjr State Street, Murray. U 1 , C.A.SKQW&CO. Kell-.l.l- a-..u- |