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Show University of Vtah v 1 mm r: , t I ft ' In ? 1 V&3 iff VOL. II. NO. 21. 3HURK.VY, necessary to hold on inquet. The Doctor decided that he niufc have died about six. The fuuenl took of his place from tho residence brother Henry today. YT01121 and L0C EXTENDED WRITE - UPS Of Items Interesting to Our Readers. EDITORIAL MATTERS. Democrat i.: Goidbuge Fading-- Wm. 1). Bynum, tho-- political lightning change artist who on the G rover Cleveland of stage Democracy, was recognized on the floor of the J.ouse last Tueslook day. Bynura had a in his eyes: ho was evidently thinkdays; his face suging of e the thought of Tom Moore's gested linas, " 'Twas ever thu since in childhood's hours I've seen my fondest hopes decay." This is true the Gold Standard Democracy is fading fast; Cleveland, Byuum & Co., will soon" he asking each other, "where ar our men of might and grand in eoul," and the answer will reach back, "Gone glimmering through the mist of things that per-for- far-awa- y by-gon- were.'.' M MARIZE At about the same hour tnd as $1.50 A YEAR. ClTa qpDHCTS item Communications, Contributions t Etc. AMERI CA'S CORRESPONDENCE.' unexpected as the above case, the y leftitarth-lspirit of Jack Nyland Special Correspondence. tabernacle and wended is way and That Washington, July 27 Past river the of Incidents Styx. Xew Navy and Tts Equipments, across the mysterious was of mistaken judgecase a It 23 man only "Which is Coming. Xylund was a young as Written en ment tho Up by services funeral part of those Senators years of age. The who to fillibuster a vote out started Scandinwill take place from Uie on tho conference morrow, to report on the avian meeting house SOME HOMi MATTERS as tariff discovered aa bill, they THE EAGLES SPEOIAL. soon as teok to do a littime they Conference. The M. E. Quart-srltle quiet thinking. Rev. Mr. Ililf presided it the A Just Criticism of The Rapid Transit, The The parliamentary status of the m the little Correspondent at Washington. A Clear and Way They Treat Their Tairoas Alter Quarterly meeting bill after the conference report was New of Concise the It from Navy and listened llistory Having Made Them Pay Eshorbitatit Chapel last evening, mad tied its opponents hand and of Administration Uudcr the InMpicncy Rates. They Should Forfeit Their Fra- to the reports which showed only to the Tresent Time unless tkey could control foot, Chandler, Secretary nchiseTwo Very Sudden Deaths, $24.20 collected for the minister's The Great Their Armaments, Etc, votes to reject the conferShips, enough missions. salary and $17.25 for ence report, as a motion to aecept The Sunday School enrollment 75 Wiittun for the Eagi.k. the report was the only one in orwith an average attendance of 54 Open to Criticism. March 20th.) (Commenced der. Could separate votes have The Salt Lake Herald gave the and collections $7.30. The Day been taken a motion to reduce the n School enrollment 79 with average CONCLUSION'. C alder Park manageraeut a on white duty pine lumber to $1, roasting for,r poorly managing atteneance of 53. of the navy is of could easily have beeu carried, as The personnel Mr. Hill stated that Utal had affair at that rethe " Bryan-Dabo high a grade that dishonesty or could motions to replace cotton been The sort during the Jubilee week. receiving $9000 a year from the use of material not fit for ties, bagging, burlaps and other arsame scathing besom might be ap- the missionary fund, but row it its is almost among the ticles oa the f; je list, but when it purpose plied to tho Rapid Transit Co. The was cut down'to $2000 and ii con- impossibilities. The navy officer came to rejecting the conference repeople of Hurray and vicinity sequence the expenses at Murray is appointed for life, his home and port with all the uncertainty of have just cause for complaint must be eut dewn; that $500) had his work is tho sevicos of his coun- what would be the result of reopenagainst the street car company for been spent by the church hen and try and its Coverument; he takes ing the entire bill to amendment a the miserable service rendered on not $500 collected in the plow. He pride in every department in which was opposed to it. .The further stated that if the feopl he is engaged, and each has desire majority crowded occasions. trouble with, those who wished to When a car line is built the pub- raise $200 for tho schocfl Wuld to make lu3 work, (the finished of the bill was, that chang portions lic is made to believe that such a secure $200 from the funi ani1 the superior of any other they d not inoludo any of ihoso ship,) also do the same fir the company has undertaken a public bovernmcnt, consequently, abso- who voted for the bill as a whole, duty the regular and convenient minister but that the chunk must, lute honesty is the universal rule. or who would have voted for it, transportation of passengers. And economize. The question vna left There are no tricks, no dishonest even if the changes they wanted when people pay the regulation open. contracts, no device resorted to had been made. That is why the fare they expect a seat, or at least a. whereby the Government can be effort was a failure. some standing room. The Mur- Take Away Their Frar.ehiso. defrauded in the construction of its WANTS NO HAKD IX IT. ray population have mada this The manner in which the people Xew Xavy. The ones who make road what it is, and it is acThat some people have queer along the Stale Road Hue of the the contract have nothing to do knowledged by the company to bo Kapid Transit have been treated with the construction and those ideas of the powers of the President the best paying road on the whole by that company, would justify the who construct have not the slight- is shown by the urgent written apline and it is certainly to their inCounty Commissioners in taking est interest in mo..ey consideration, peals which have come to President terest to accommodate the people away their franchise. The Ivh.lk except that the work in his depart- McKinley concerning the big coal here a littc more methodically, es asks the court to investigate this ment must be done at a reasonable strike. Without exception these pecially since this is the longest matter and see if anything can be compensation, and in tho best man- communications have come from distance road they operate. educated people, and without ex deno to remedy the evil. ner, and from perfect material. The blame for lack of accomoHie writer especially wishes to ception the winters ask the Presidation on distance travel, cammeud Commodore Tlichboru dent to stop the strike at ouce. such as from one point of the city IGKNOPEETTET! who has charge of the ship con- Doubtless tho writer of each of to the other, could never be so struction department. Tie has oc these appeals lias an idea that all Og anbefales som godt aorteret great, as people could possibly walk cupied his present portion for a the President would have to do to if le t, but when hundred."? and af prima kiod oz noise varer the strike would be to intisaavel Amerikansk, som bKandi- - number of years and deserves much stop hundreds of people gather to the strikers and their emmate fer he credit done. has work the navisk metode, lovende enhver expecting tho car line to transport reel-eo- d that he wished it stopped. To Com Charles ployers O'Neil, Captain Okurer- behnndlinz. them seven miles to their homes, As a of fact the President matter mander due Yard is of the Xavy and only one lona straggling car ende priser. Undcrteguetl;' iudve- - very much of the credit of has no more authority to stop the comes dragging along already filled terer epesielt Skandiuaver. in the coal strike, or any other strike, the finest Bestyrer, and still, after the manner of best than the humblest reader of this with the it world; furnishing JOIIX He might, of handling cattle, is made to diminis paragraph has. known from which machinery, Poisomagcr ish the waiting crowd by influence or both, sucnurse, out turned either, the acknowledged tho rest having to wait till the car Murray Meat and Live Ptck Marie t. or Bides, by Government of suggestions persuasion, perior guns any returns ficm Murray, a distance uf 0"Xeil has been in his pres- but he cannot press them. It is Cpt. fourteen miles, thero is some differ"They don't make ranch fr,?s ent position for many years and very well known that Major ence to complain of. One minus about it." We are snaaking of would like to seo the strike brings to his ripe experience a good such exs erience can only imagine Risers, the Little Early nusullied integrity, and satisfactorily ended. He is much tho chagrin of people subjected to famous little pills for constipation, judgement, interested in the political cam nign tireless industry. this tiring slow process and peo- billiouHuess. and all stomach and To give credit to individual of- in Ohio, and he knows that a' conple who, as during Jubilee week, livor trouble. Tlioy never gripe. ficers is almost invidious for the tinuance of the strike isn't going to had to wait util 1 and 2 o'clock Mur-rareason that the officers of the Xavy help Senator Ilanna, but he is too Pharmacy, W. E. in the morning before they could are gentlemen of rare qualifications shrewd a politician to take chances Trop. get homo from tl)9 parades. ml virtues and each deserve the of injuring himself by being too Competition 13 all we need to in. In liavo as- commendation, respect and grati- forwsrd with suggestions. sure better accommodations audi McBsr. Diirand & Lyou while wants he the plain English, sumed the general and sole agency tude of our entire people. treatment. striko settled he doesn't wish lo for "Xew the live Utah the of Long Xavy." of half of the State have any hand in the settlement, . It is the r..vi. Acme Two DpRths at tim Sarsm Hour. if ho had the power. even on the principal of a tmall gasoliue THE I.OUSK ON Tor. Georgo Atwood, brother of tho and is a a heals It except lamber dealers, known in Cotton- stove, he secu atgreat everything Sc much has been eaid about Mr. Durand's One can broken heart, may be snid of wood cvtr since there was a Cottonwhether the berate or the Houne Witch Hazel Salve. Piles gained tho victory in tho conferwood, wa3 found dead vesterday shop. and rectal discasos, cuts, burns, ence on the tariff bill that a statemorning at 7 o'clock. He was accustomed during hot weather to Vim, vigor and victory: these bruises, tetter, eczema and all skiu ment of tho ollicial figures is heremake hi bed in 011 open shed, or. are t lie characteristics of P" Witt's troubles may be cured by it quickly with presented. . Li tile Early Itiscrs.the famous lit- and permanently. Murray a pile of lumber owned There were to start with S74 by his lulioss-nes- s "W. II. Fcrrcbee, Prop. Brother Henry with whom he tle pills for constipation, amendments to t lie bill when Senate and all stomach and liver stayed a good deal, and where he it went before the conference. Tim was discovered limp and cold. troubles. Murray conferees receded from 118 The butcher shop run by the Jacob Tipton, the local justice of E. Fcrrcbee, Prop. Co. and the House conferees them of Murray Meat and Live Stock the Peace, was summoned, but to let 511 f them stand, the of deserves the consideration agreed i buikl an addi-tio- n after Dr. Ferrebeo had made- an re145 while of them were eomprom-(Continue- d will nrd public. They really truly Bagley Brtw. 011 examination, it ??s thought uu- block. ale tail at their goods V!", age foar.) to their brick prices hot-ove- y - "' SU SALT LAKE COUNTY, UAH. JULY 31, 1S97 The refusal of President Mc-Kinl- to famish the Senate copies uf the BehringSea correspondence w ith England, which were asked lor by a Senate resolution adopted some weeks ago, although based upon the usual pround "incom-patabilit- y with, public iuierests" has resulted in starting a number of wild rumor9 concerning the bel ligerent tono of that correspondence that may result in doing much more harm than the publication of the correspondence would have done. Heretofore the present ad ministration has been conducting its foreign policy open to the inspection of Senators and Representatives, and this return to the secretive methods of the Cleveland regime is not fancied in Congress, nor,m fact,auywhere else; it breeds too many sensational rumors.which are not lessoned by the publication of Secretary Sherman's instructions to ambassador nay, which plainly pay that Lord Salisbury has not been acting in good faith. Ax order known, as the United Farmers of America is actively organizing in the "West, ar,d has for its avowed object the protection of agriculturists by influences and operations entirely outside of either political affiliation or judicial apTho politician has trifled peal. quite long enough with the farmer and h is tired of looking in that direction for relief. The ccftirts. cither by delay, ambiguity, or surrender to the influences of great combinations of capital, have forfeited his reaped; and there is uoihing left for him to do but to take his stand among the other aggressors, those who command respect by employing methods that will win; for when unitedly by a class that comprises one-ha- lf of the population of quite the country, th5 influence of the farmers can be so effectively used that this, the most 'helpless cla!3 now. will bo acknowledged the most powerful party in the nation. ap-plie- V a, Tni: controversy between the United States and Japan is one, of gravest interest nt this time. The Japanese having so recently (merged from a war with China, and obtained euch a magniGccnt war indemnity; ami were so universally and overwhelmingly suc- cessful that they have boeomo bued with the idea that their on page four.) im- he-woul- . on-ma- cou-.structi- gun-sho- p T3BKE1-LSEX- one-tent- h Mc-Kinl- IV-Wit- t's Ter-rebe- y Self-heatin- g c, Flat-iron- fud-nve- De-AVit- Phar-macv- I'h-.rma- cy - ey . |