OCR Text |
Show T a! Artist. T0n.:jC F. DURAND '. t i" tmd at his Old Stand, Is still i . use IJlock, Murray, il' OptT. i; superfluous aair ill i the faces of men. i Call and See Him o EAG cwi Tiie (VIorailo Midland R.R. I E". S I I Through Trains Daily. r!.atford or The Home of Utah. sional elections; while a s, Hue joints c"t. On'.y felee imtb onU.th Morn. Cur. Tnroogh n ir and euiug tiaiuf. 'llii b'e, in with the Ri.iGrauJe Wo'lern, n adus Thi-oii-- II CSiuir v. line via C'lo-rsdOenwr earlier tliau any other of elisor delayed No ctmngre Springs. trains- - Take tlie Co'orudo Midland and save time and enrv tho tinot ride aid trrsmUst full particular tcvuery In Colorado. Toror call em any H. U. W. Att. (i A Brown, lien At, Sat Lake City W. F. LaiU y, (i. 1'. A., Denver, t dorado. o bimetallic commission has just teen appointed to IL C. AT WOOD, between Salt Lake City.Oirdenand Ltadvilli! t'rippli! t rvik, Coiniiiilo rrri!is, runui n The lrift Toward Gold. While Mr. Bryan and his associates, refusing to accept the verdict of last November, are looking forward hopefully to renewing what they call the "buttle for at the ucxt congres- rr S. L. & Ogden visit the European governments in the interest of international bimetallism, there may be peiceived all over the world an unmistakable drift toward the single standard of gold. Since the apDaily Timo Table in Effect Muy3oth,l: 07; pointment of the United States comI,v. Farm- - Arrive Leave At. Fwrm-missioners the dispatches from Europe S. L. ini:toii. L. ineton. indicate that their mission will be fruit- T.oO a. m. 7.4(1 a. n. R.Oo h. in. 8.411 a. m m. n 4o a.m less, and that there is no more probabil- W.ilo a. m. 9 4on, m. ln.ooa l2.4o p. in sk IL'.oi i" a.m. 11.4oan. ll.no of those 4o 3 p.m. ;(Sop m governments returning to ity p in. 2.2e p.m. This is tho handsomest 5. u. in. m A) 4.4o p, 3.4o r. u:. p. in. bimetallism than there is of their ren. li 7.20 4o in p. most complete opera 5 4 p. m. p. aud p. in, lo.oo p m 10.40 p. m turning to flintlock muskets for their 7.40 p. in 8.'o p. m. in the State, outside house armies. The latest announcement is LAGOCN of Ogden & Salt Lake and from Russia, which is to the effect that The ideal resort and plenic triounts. to none is point second is sets, admission is she irrevocably committed to the gold Round trip inc. diutr of convenience & comfort. standard. Special rates to Societies, Suneley Sehcols, . , But it is not in Europe alone that Etc. Hot spriura, includ Round irln to Roek this tendency is observable. The wis- ing baib25cvnt.g. Steam Heat and Electric s. ISAMBEUUfcK. eien. Msrr. dom and apparent ease with which the w. l'as8. Aki IT. Lights. Early Japanese government has planned the From Osrelen to Lan on and return on Sun& of is of one the standard gold adoption days viae), s. I.. H R. To togrotn.Us. the marvels of modern statesmanship ceiits ineliidiiilf adinifsion and marks that people as among the most sagacious nations of the earth. rvENYER and RiOGiiHDE RY. Laggard China also seems to be awaking from her silver dream of isolation and is anxious to have the customs du' ties at the treaty ports placed on the --wacas were -ta gold basi3, they substantially 3 of the j when the treaties were made. The depreciation of silver has greatly crippled her revenues, and now that she is coming into closer financial connection with Tho Only Line Runnins Two Eist Trains Daily to Russia it may be assumed that her finances will be conformed to the gedd LEADV1LLE, ASPEN, standard. l'UEBLO. If we turn from the far orient to our OLORADO SPRINGS own hemisphere, we will perceive a And DENVER. article of Merchandise for sale Train No. 2. Leaveg Ogden 6:45e. in. Salt Go for Your Supplies where You Any stirring in the Central and South Amer- Lake. 7;50 a. in. Arrive at I'uebloSO a.m. in are sure to find Them in Stock Murray, can be found in Great ican states to reform their monetary sys Colorado Springs, 7;W a.m. Denv8;Wa.m tem and escape the losses entailed by Train No Onden 6.35 in. Salt ami where You Can Have a Quantity, and of the JLighest fake7;40p. m. Arrive at Pueblci;15 p in. an inferior and depreciated currency. A Colorado I arge Variety to Select From and Grade Quality at our store. Springs, li;49 p. . Denver D;2dp in dispatch a few days since from Lima Connections are made at Pueblo Coloi udo R. P. DAYTON, Manager. "Willi Prices Filial to Any. informed ns that Peru had not only sus Primers t.i d Denver with all lines fast conches. I'hair ears anc Pullmiin day a had but silver passed coinage pended " on i.U trxins 'l ake the I. & R. G. law against the importation of silver. sleepers a comfoi'aijle t rip and enjoy the and continent. Columbia has adopted the gold stand finest scenery on Shortest line t: cripple Creek, foiorarto's ard, while Chili, Uruguay and Brazil (treat (rold I'Hinp. Train No. 3. Jeara? Oiedeu make gold unlimited legal tender and at 7 a.m.. arrives nt Cripple CrtekOTt morning ar S):50 silver in but limited sums. In Hondu- 8. K. n ooper. A. S. H uirhes. ras, San Salvador, Costa Rica and Santo G. P, & T. A TrufficManager Domingo the gold standard has been es H. M. Oushinir.Denver, Colorado B.F. Kevins. tablished by law, though a depreciated T. P. Aitent. Gen.AgeDt LUit bait iiuke City, paper currency prevents the circulation of gold at present These movements go to show that those nations who are in touch with European trade and com merce feel the necessity of having the to same monetary system and that their DRUGGISTS SO 25 at a disadvantage because of people are SRAT TTTJ7T V rniPHlPTIi'E'ri t cm snycaseof constipation. Castarots are the IiVii their fluctuating and depreciated home UUrinMlJ.DL tire, nevrr rrio or rrine.liot rme caiTnnluralrciiBHa. Sam currencies. ple and booklet free. id. STERLING KE.tlEIlT TO.. Chlraso. Montreal, ('sn.. or New York. tl. And yet while these nations, admittedly our inferiors in wealth and in physical and intellectual progress, are struggling out of the bonds that hold Time Card No. them back there are those among us IN EFFEC1 JAN. 17tb, 1897 who would imperil our vast wealth and . commerce by plunging us down to the - J XLEAVE MCRKAY: eilver standard. What must the nations 5 U p m of the world think of such leadership No. Sat Lake City.... Salt Lake City.Ojieit and statesmanship? Chicago Times No 7For and intermediate points.. 9 43 a in Herald. No. C For Sanpete, Sevier and all 12 43 p m intermediate points ;:::Rock & Ryen .""MBBRT,:::::: For Provo, Payson, Eureka, Thomat Jefferson Hot a Democrat. Agent. Railway at my Look Utaim Two Yji.;: in The "v? S. 1.4-- 4.-- '0 fi.'-i- GRAND -- . . B The bumps are signs of a better quality of beef. See my eyes, nose 4iud ear, then blow my born for cents-thild- Butcher khop, yQ . J. C. WEST, Mgr GRANTER E. B. SOULS?, Mgr. u AT WOOD. & ieu ((fCEilJ - AL XJ ERCHAftjDISE- - Liyery and Feeds table. Accomodations unsurpassed. Pub-li- e Service at all hours, night and day. rriccs to suit the People and the Times. 1. , Elf-pa- WANTED Sevtral Faithful Men orVome to travel for responsible establithed liouueiu UtHh. SaltiryJM), payable )5 tfoek-I- v a, id expenses. Position poruniuent. Ktic.ose stamped The National. Star Muildiii?. i liiCKgo iiiimM-wraw-mw-fi-TirT- rANDY CATHARTIC Uf-Tfni- :p. COURTC0MlEnkiAlV No. 8124. THE ANCIENT ORDER OF and FRIENDLY FORESTERS SOCIETY, meets every Wednesday night in Foresters Hal), State Street. Murray Utah. B. Y. Randall, Chief Ranger. All James Arnold, Financial Secretary. EARNEST ROGNON. Attorney-at- - Rooms 305-- Salt Lake City, urray Pf Exchange 28 Law. Atlas Block. 6 j Ota ii. B- -for . Corner BarberShop. and all intermediate pointa 5 13 p m Cream Pure Rye, LEAVE SALT LAKE CITY, Denrer .Tnncelnn. 2 V.i For nranii the exponent of Democratic doctrine, 7 50 a in 3Tative Pride,;; and all poitseast but a stern sense of duty to the free sil No. For Grand Junction' Denver and all Intermediate points T 4ri p m ver and spoils Democracy of the present No. 1 For -Otrdeuandallpwwe't"1 '5p m ' 11 45 " us to 3him true his in No. compels p in portray ,' - " colors. It is not right that he should re Palace Fremont&3utter Only running through Pnl'Jnan ceive the enthusiastic laudations of Sleepintrcars to Denver ami t'sn Francisco cnane. anu ruun on hhhj Chicago platform Democrats when he Denver. .;;;ifMsiies;;;;;; Francisco. Los Angw was falso to nearly every one of the Chicago, New York and Boston. Free reelln-inwith 11 Pinisch ciiair cars. A ears liglitud and Vic. Johnson , Prop. It is painful to be forced to unmask a man who has been so long held up as Ffrst Class Work, Givk me a Call fine wines, "" Dr. A. Bjronson, glorious principles which they formulated in 1896. What right had Jefferson to pose as a Democrat, anyhow? What pretensions to Democracy had a man who actually believed in applying business principles and common sense to national affairs, who had old fashioned ideas about the of obligations, who demonetized silverwbeu he saw it was necessary for the public good and who was a civil service reformer. Logically the otily thing for the free silver Democrats to do is to denounce Mr Jefferson instead of praisiug him and to adopt resolutions reciting his various glaring heresies and formally reading him out of the party, for it is absolutely certain that if the Chicago platform is to be taken as the expression of truo Democratic doctrine Thomas Jefferson wus not a Democrat and must descend from his pedestal as the father o Democracy. Baltimore Sun. Physician & cfSurgeon Office and Residence at Harry Haynes Residence. Night Calls promptly answered. T0B8CC0KaBiT2:?JeV.5rV: ImlM I i nlv ;,o( t!". Anh, Inli- - will iloil. A Uiy lluxwU AlldnieL'Wts. oi l.v limit A it'tn wanted. leiwUn Kwa. Zili. JI ATClllIT'i J . t'nii a(,u III. Krerybody Fayt So. GwnreMs Catnly Cathart ic, the most won uerf ill mi.dical discovery of tins tege, pleasant and rofivslunir to the tasic. act pently ami positively em kidneys, liver nnd bowels, 'laniiiir tlt entire system, dispel cold, cur" licaduelio, fever, lnilntmil constipation 8'"i biliousness. Please bnv nml try a box r L C. C. 10, Z Ml rent. Sold and Guaranteed to cure bv all drut!"ists. to-da- y; Government Currency. lUll of lifr l' nn.! vl.rnr the wonder-worker- , that makes weak men strnnp. All rlmnplsts, !Wc or II. Cure sruanin-- ! """ktet and sample free. Address "teriinR Hemody Co., Chicago or New York. bir-:- e lc!.'" Your l;owclUlllli CniciirpU. 'y f',?bartic. win cot.nlrati'-.forever. s. II U. C. C.fail, eln.ptfiMM-- i fund money. AGCQ HABIT PH?.t?. I n.l I'l'. Mntchottc' in n 'Inhnioii h.Tiu- E 6 ''CitidotC, Uicorikiinai, ''bicrii iUbit Cure. Ali!!ioxoiilriiOr..llniro ?f or hv mail. A.i".is Wamth HUUIS uriunt, CO.. Cbtcara, IllinoLi - MATv-IItTTIi No. Office i , La'se Citv. June 17. 1897. Bnp-po- ..B.B.Brandles ;; R. H, Winder,Prop. 9T C Fcture Comfcrt for present seeming Cconomy, but BUY the Sewing Machine with an established reputation that gudrar.tces you !og o:id satisfactcry service: rt The V. lie names the following witnesses to nrovn his continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of said land, viz: .lames (Jlaoey. Peter Gunderson, fctnley Wells and Ltenia Jesperson.all 01 nuuier preLuke County, Utahcinct - b:-!- t EI3 DCA'JTiriLLY riClRED WOODWORK, DURABLE CONSTRUCTION, ifeKtep 1 Hvkon Gueo. KegiBter, B. A. M. FroiBeth.Atty. forclaimant. The reason bank circulation has been decreasing through a term of years, and TT ?A A A A A T nvELTtuHE why it is inelastic, remaining almost r n d 1 n n n u D Tposi without change from season to season, 1 USMbUUnMBII IN7i:nuH! is that the security for it is a deposit of ....l...... nr. jiau nrii- - i.ii.. nn" T,.i,irro inliiluii, bonds. i;h,n:iKiralGuar.ntdHarmA. The bank is government capital in the treasury instead of in husiuess. nuamt entire, n eart mail. Cirrn" cr rte. The profits on circulation decline as the 1 bonds increase- in value or the rate of interest declines, nnd the redemption process is slow and ineffective. The ,5d INVENTORS ASSISTA dangers of the government currency j and the deficiencies of tho bank curren- ss:?t fsse to m on wtt. Wcttl bit U rfV .w.ll yoa . cy are now pretty well recognized, and lics Cia ret ti'.r-UHrit wr.tt m every day shows increased earnestness trhirl in tho demands of business men for a . "ro jontipntlnn n""-rT I"C or SSc. complete and permanent euro. Iron Vulliurt C ets Giulv ii I .0 It ej. C . fail to euro, Urui-st- s ivfjna muriL.,. covpled with t?to Hocst Set of Steel Attach- nicntSt ir.atics it tha KSlfttaiE MACHINE IN THE MARKET, White Sewing Machine Co., $ Send for our beautiful cetaJcgue. half-ton- e FO F? SALE BY l. t MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT, Dealers Wanted evlicre we ere not rcpresecleJ. Ult u VI MOST f Jj CUUUN'D, OHIO. E. HALL, SALT LAKE School Furniture CASH Ase- - ;;:;cogiac,;::: 33(37. at Salt Notice is hereby eiven that the follow ing nnmed settlor has tiled notice of his intention to make hntel prooi iq of his claim, and tbt eaicl. proof will be made bef.ire the Raster and Receiver at Lalt Lake City, on July 31, ISi7, viz: John H. Vaughn, !vHomestead H N. W. 3, Entry No. 9050 for the lotSec 3, P. 2. S., W. N. nnd E. S. H, 4 i Ii: 2 ;;;;;.grape,;::;; Specialty. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land cigars ::::::P0RTi&;;;;.;: "PeicheSHoDey.; !fe J K'n.Tn. FA Wadletgh, Gen. P. & T. A Welhy, Gen. Supt. Gen. Mgr. AlVTTy l"ii't Tot.are-- Spit and Smoke loar Life Anny. To quit toliacco easily and forever, be mag CtltV U; D.iiDodtre. A.E. & 7 K great HHkk "ANGELICA"" - T Cure Coutiputlon Forever. Tal;e Casearets Candy Cathartic 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cu-- e, druggists refund money. POOLS billiard liquors ! CITY. Supplies Tho "VnTiMi" I'lililliii: lli'slvs tiff i sppclul'v heliipte-i- l fov eisf ta i. hl!il Si'hiKilK. elm line is 'hm pluti-- , Inrltidinj IHstrli'l unit Stationary Pe'sLs, I'nuliiv IH'.sI.k, AelJeiM.ililee Iieks ct". Get oure Cat.mocu and PkiCi 3 rteoRC Pukcmasinq. l';i-i- J f "'!''! Wonted tvorywhere. THOMAS & CO., Racine, Wis. |