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Show rdne J "is Proipectorc' Map of t'tak. Koilui' Trumpt-trr- . :s c.Hi;ea te o: tne 'Attention The Passenger Department of the Ria This Is a story Rossini liked to tell: Xotie H.nio uniAnnouncement Crande railway has just issued aa A performance of '"The Harber"' was the umn of this paper. another in versity all map showing :i c! miuing district of being given in my honor in the local iioted instiit: learning en. record, together with an outliue sketch of theater. While the overture was in This with the fifty-year Its ters upon the older districts, and calling special at- - full e wing I noticed a huge coiun icing Sept. 7, 1S37. trumpet session, nest taction to several partially developed le- in the orchestra, .lis eouumr-launmanifestly blown, Parents and guar, and boys youns men gions which recently have thowu importthtir with remarkable force and sending to sei.lu; would do home ant uncoverings of gold and winter, now by a member of the band; continuity from awav but not a attracting notice of prospecturs, in Waters sound in the least akin to the tone well'to write for partu ulars u, ihe Unof Notre Dame, Indiana, before fcnd others. of that instrument could I hear. At iversity arrangements for their educaFor copies of this valuable nap address making the close of the performance I inter- tion elsewhere. No here in this broac F. A. Wxdleigh, G. 1 A., Salt Lake City. viewed the conductor and anked him land are there to be found better Singular KtTauts ttt fold. to explain the purpose of the noiseless for cultivating the mind and heart A tar of lead cooled to a point about trumpet. He answered: ''.Maestro, in han are offered at Notre Dame Un00 degrees Fahrenheit below zero, acthis town there is not a living soul iversity. cording to the experiments of Mon-ilewho can play the trumpet; therefore, Kankst Enterprise. Plrtet, gives out, when struck, a I specially engaged an artist to hold have always bepi women Kans?pure musical tone. Solidified mercury, one up to his lips, binding him by an The Coolidge Eater tit the same temperature, it also reso- oath not to blow into it, for it looks tni3 Modern instance coil of a while wir a prise magnesium nant, well to have trumpet in an operatic "While going down to view the burn vibrate like a steel spring. Ing hay stacks Wednesday evening Miss Ida Boggs stepped on a Jock rab insmuuy, ana tne verj bit, killing at landed on a rattlesnake next step she out It. Her friends of life crushing the to her the house withto get managed WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE to tha catany damage her out doing EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD " CASTORIA," AND horses." e DR. E. C N J A I", IN ANDRI GREAT SCHOLAR. If Hefts i ruurf"i! Ice lor II ltt oil Mllijeels - l.i ho of the &.;&1t t'ui ( i. lu I'm 1; .eoumiue l'rfil "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR trade MARK. 1, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of, Xyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same " 0,1 cver'J tJbat has borne and does now - sy yZyjx- wrapper. bear the facsimile signature of This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the icrapper and see that it is 0,1 te the kind you, have always bought JfpA-- WujZw' 11. 1! e n j a ".i Andrews, 0fX4iS oet,p. Not Be Deceived. wrap- warned 7 xr SIGNATURE OF FAC-S1M1- COMPANY, WW sun of clercvniHii V 10 lived at Mms,s., but preached in the town of North Sunderland. "I believe I will take in some summer resort, just to stretch my legs a Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You? THE CCNTAUN TT MURRAY bit. Where oughtl to go, old mau?" "Urn how much stretching will youi legs 6tand?" Detroit Journal. i' a lh'pti'Si ttiHKet I Hwyer in America. Justice of the Iowa Supreme Court C. C. Cole, now dean of the Iowa Law College at Des Moines, writes to the San Francisco Examiner to say that that c illece has just turne t out the youngest, lawyer in the United Sir.tes. Homer Millsap, aged sixteen, a Californian, is the youth thus honored. Jud.ne Cole w riles: "His grandparents resided for many years in Iowa, and were among the most prominent, influential and Fiiccessful citizens of Jasper county. The death of his grandfather last year called Homer to low; and, being required to remain thr V Ex-Chi- WOODFORD. L. ' 'f , k"I - Vr ' " . - J ii STREET. Nf.W YORK CITY. C Use Giant Baking Powder, favor of free sih er and pro! ectlou. Is a niau of sreat learning. He is the Therull. aj - hiip- MCVS ill to hi IM'Cr.b t h by tiu.stf-e- s re-t- tf Head the Adiertisomcntn. You will enjoy this publicatiot much boiler if you will get into tin habit of reading' the advertisements they will afford a most interesting study and will putyou in the way o: Qui getting' some excellent bargains. advertisers are reliable, they send what they advertise. Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE self-in- pro'-ldc-n- STEWART Do not endanger the life of your child by 'accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the ingredients of which even he does not know. "The n rniver-.sn- , wiui has been of 1 i ca-re- w per. authority from vie to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. 11. Fletcher is ? President. st J March 8, 1897: Q Do - Montague, adjoining The father's salary was $20 a year. The son aided in the support of the family by wo.king Saturday and holidays in a tle or mill. He also bent his energies and Nih buck to the cafe of a garden patch near the family residence. Up had a great fondnchs for reading from his earliest youth, lie was sent to the Zion'ft Saving: Bunk mid Trust Couipmn Powers Institute at Harnardston in Tmis. 1, 3 and 5 Main Street, Salt La! liiS4 and remained two terms. He conCity, Utah, pays 5 pr cent interest pei tinued his education at the Wosleyau annum on any amount von wish to deposit Academy at Wilbraham, Mass., and from tl up. Call or write, for particulars laid tli foundation for a notable WlLrOHD Woodkufk, Presideut. leading up to his present position. George M. Cannon, Cashier. Ilia rebuke by the trustees is a result 4 r u- n. H. - Trii.-- I - Hi- I l tw and has the signature No one has c.ird'-nM'e- r.'-ow- il a. To MOTHERS. :t l'VC: U. ur OPEN LETTER ?t io nn the president tA sup--s In the futur. la his 1.1S baccalaureate sermon i.t this U Dili v cf Chicagj Harper In t ie trustees of Brown. cr. eu.sing the right to think he sai l t'.io University incident: red circle of the univer"Cviii the t sity, whtre, 'f anywhere, tiiere hhoul 1)0 opnortun'.iy to think and express one's thoughts, not infrequently Is felt the iron hand of authority, moved by . ar.-In free suspicion and fair New England, the ground on the struggle for freedom of opinion was fought out. an old a ad si.iiilished institution only yesterday c.'iisioe.l its n au iiecause, luituuui, he had the courage io think for himself, and, still worse, to speak what he thost.uht. This censure, ordered to be administered by a committee of trustees, is a blot upon the history of that honored ODllcge which a century of prospeniy will not wipe out." r PRESIDENT. iliUOW.YS . 4? ISglv Best on Earth for the Monsy. ounces for 25 Cents. Twenty-fiv- e , J N v i. I . R T T? i u . V) t.i v c2 i--; v! 5- - O U u 1 t) H a ! t 3 O u r, D O u i o o u ua ft !i v n u o I! n o a j CO CO u mm gq : St 3 ! it o uo h o o o !i u H 3CU o a o ft ! -n o C3 1 tz; i ow o un v ou p I o -w in t o un u 3 oCU . m - IIIII BIH f W, I r I II l f A !? the late presidential campaign. Dr. Andrews wrote a book on the financial Df 3 I n f miii i t ii ii Use Three Crcwn Baking Powder, h i Mi i i y tt' r. New Pepsin Chewing Gum. i j Salt It " V 'V.'--ii'v...- - . .C-- DTI. E. B. ANDREWS, It It is neiicious, try it " x . Lake City S70. 1.S72 was he wa's also on recount of settling up the estate in which he was interested, he entered the Iowa College of Law at Dea Moines. He has pursued a full course in that institution, and on May 20 was graduated along with a large number of others, standing well nigh nt the head of his class, and being the youngest Ho graduate in the United States. will return to California." Angered the Hour. An aesthetic bear that dances for ci living in England was trudging along i t the -- . i? ii HEWLETT BROS CO,, Sole Manufacturers, Chew Tulu Lulu, Vi'.'. V .ftfa. ITTTT I 1 try-lu- cr i In and congress in al :l I TTT oc H i Y ti T o O I elected to presidential elector. From 1877 until 1SSI1 he filled the office of United States attorney for the southern district of New York. Since leaving that office he has been engaged in the ractice of law, in which he has become rich. Mr. Woodford is an old friend of Senator Piatt, and the two have been on intimate terms since they were colleagues in cougress a score of years ago. The incident in th- early eighties, when Mr. Woodford refused to support for governor Judge Folger, late secretary of the treasury, saying he would not support a Republican nominated on a "forged teb'gram," put him at cxlds with tne Republicans of the state for some years, but he finally went back into the fold. Senator I'latt vigorously or urged him for a cabinet position, g Iietitenant-Koverno- r 1SCS he wa, He was to have him made secretary of tho New York as a republican. Jftfeatcd as a candidate for governor interior. Stewart Lyndon Woodford vn3 born in New York city September 2, VsX. He studied at Yale and Columbian Universities and in 1S57 began Hie practice of law in his native city. In I860 he ws chosen messenger of tho electoral eollee of his state, to convey to Y'?shington its vote in favor of Abraham Lincoln. of the In 1 S 0 1 1; was appointed assistant United States district attorney for the district of JTew York, holding the position for oightecn months, when he entered flu? Union army as a volunteer. He served until Wm, becoming in succession chief of stall of (Jen. Quincy A. Gillmore in the Department of the South, and military commander of Charleston and Savannah, and attained by brevet tne rank of brigadier-generof volunteers. From 18(G to pre.'-'.ilenc- X o u ; i? o t 3 m c O il n 5 CO G t U Tl 3o ara o & t o cu o i OI 5 s the road behind its master near Kensington, and had paid no attention to the men and women in skirts that v heeled by. When a fat woman in bloomers, however, appeared riding a bicycle, the bear broko away from its masterond made a rush for her, smashing tha wheel, but being caught befora U hart the rider. of "An HoneRt question under the title A I'inldln. rxillar." The sllverites used Bome of French embassy In London, Thi an and got impression his arguments, whone yearly salary is 12,000, is the out that he was a IS to 1 free silver id ambassador In the world. tn8t coma una. The trustees apuolnted |