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Show A 9100,000 Telephone Ma. niesew telephone line between TOPICS. THKATJilCAL Ber-fc- a and Budapest row a certainty, for work upon H was begun oa April CURRENT NEWS AND GOSSIP X, "will be carried oa OF THE STAGE. sach a rate that the entire line will L ia cpcra- m tr the month of Kmtemi!, , If i Q Ibe Hull Season In l irst Ut I'rotlm wor ma'ttrs eipedita wai started llou Th nudeitlr Mio Improie simultaneously 6t thirteen points. The Wmthft In Cliarmter Iurinir the total lwigtb. cf the line will be about 620 mile, of which 273 are German I.'ik1t Itli'liariUou' CO in Austrian Bilesla territory and the remaining 297 miles in Hungary (!i:4kt tiuie (if year proper. The total cost of this telephone tine will not exceed $100,000. In amuaemetitiS, ho far as the puulie is vi- 1 V tt ra tako-oft- 's i -t .0.: V nearly for of nianasi-r-- l the the the- aters and traveling All the fomi-anies- tions for the summer have been launched, bo that tber is nothing new to enlist the attention of theater patrons. But the men who are put forward amusement enterprises their preparations at work upon fur next season, with the result that closethey are in reality nunli more be the after will ly occupied than they curtain lias rolled up disclosing the autumn show, writes Iander Richardson in the beautifully executed midsummer number of the Metropolitan rd DR. G. W. SHORES, Some of them are in Europe, searching: for material suitable to American taste. Others are in their offices along Broadway, earnestly applying themselves to the engaging of actors and actresses, the ordering of costumes and scenery, the making of contracts for elaborate posters for advertising purminor poses, and the thousaud-and-on- Wt OltlMt specialist lo lb NOT ONE DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL YOU e rd sAvT Ml, MAN ""Iff paused by catarrh, which is nothing "out an inllumed condition of the mucous surfaces. Y willt Rive one Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh! that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. V. J. ClIEXKY & CO., Toledo, (X Sold by druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. HOOD Beanlnat WetJtnemi, Variewrel, Uydrocal. tjonorrliuea. Stricture, ainail SypiiUi or shrunken organs, prematura old and alt other pnvat dlaeaae. whether xcea or ootiu. eauaMi by lKnoraj:e, no matter how saver, you eu oonatilt D7t. !. W. SHORKS. tha Jyvsl-cie- u aa l rii. who hi riven hla Ufa to curing chronic disease, and ba examined, treated and cured without paying him asie dollar until th core The doctor reserves th right, however, to refuse any Incurable case If h can ! cure you he dunt want your .ioney. n fcuch an offer never before mad by a responsible physician, end Pr. Q. W. Khort-in only able to mill it became h positively cuiee Oies lileeanea. Don't bl docwest on ion a rent waele another tors, but consult the "old Doctor" an4 cured. Hl'SLN'L.SU SACREDLY ' s Mi!w Wi - d, WILL HAY A 'MM XAV ' I 4 V $Vt 'PA&Jt t Dr. Q. W. SHORES, Lock Box I585, Salt Lake City, Utah. their tickets. 3. By inducing some friend. to trv the tea and frive her their tickets. One of her friends kept a' boarding house, and sent her lots of tickets. Haven't you some friend' who keeps a boarding house or a restaurant, or who ha3 in-- ; fluence in some hospital or other public institution ? They; need good tea there. Rules of contest in large advertisement about first and middle of the month. A 4 J J fI Vi i''C t Vj -- If you would Keep posted, write for information. I'rompt Replies. Ouick ltcturns. Filth That Commit Suicide. I DROPSY NF.W DISCOVERY: ti quick ri'lier'all't cures wornt. casfs. Semi tor dook ol lesomoniais mm j w nays Dr. H.imikkkVsmo.nn, iinm, treatment Free. v .. AT HOVE; fend stam George Everiit, of Teheran, Ind., "S f"? CUffEO i"' book. OR. J. B. HARRIS 4, CO. raiiSiB5 planted his potatoes in straw, where 4 i a Sai Pike tiuililing, Cnu iiinuu, Ohio, they grew nicely till a passing engine W.'n'. U.. Salt La'o No. 31, 1397 set the straw on fire and roasted all WLea Advertisements Kindly Aucritij another." Ex. yotttioa This Paper. tr ' Ti Live Stock Commission. aims - ilimin, tV WANTED Gentleman or Lady representative in each county in state. Small salary. Address, with references. 1 . O. Mux 418, Salt Luke City. Utah. Starfish commit suicide. When one is caught with a net it dissolves itself FRED A. SEARS, which into many pieces, escapo SALT I..VKK CITT In time each JleCornick Clock. through the meshes. a becomes animal. To perfect piece THOU! Witt) IIWK preserve a starfish it must he plunged auuinst the Ooveriiiiii'iit write to Viilinu fresh of water before It, into a bucket lvnsum ami patent. An'y, HI 4 F has had time to take the alarm. Fresh 9t., Washington, D.O., licy ill receive a prompt reply. water is instant death to it. Haloing linked l'ololoe. nan. $100 To Any V? iiN 7 it b 1 WRITE of one of those $100 prizes got her yellow tickets in this way: 1. By using the tea herself. 2. By asking some frienda who use the tea to give her nei-ia- ening-tDK. (i. W BHOKKK, alwsy trjrm hedp uttrlrs mankind, alwajrvalua to convince peopl that ha ifivt for every dollar paid him, riaa decidad to i!v quackery, fraud and lot death blow, and protect th from tlia deanloail auff1iiK cJa of quack ami oharltana- - KviT method from ljys as 'l'n- - u dimensions to make it worth while to Special Announcement The average person Cut thin out and Bend with tl.2o to Salt I.ak Miss Leasing, the leading actress of manufacture. Stauiu Co.. ft) W. Heeond SouiU St., Salt Lako titr, the cast, is a young woman who has would object to wearing them, con- aud gt rubber turnip of your iKuatura. with ink., and wood cut, in box complete THIS WlkS made quite unusual progress in her sequently the average annual output pud o.Nl.v regular price t.'.uu. GOO to amounts et many pairs only two years. profession during the past When "In Gay New York" was put them being sent abroad. Philadelphia UNIVERSITY op NOTRE DAME, forward upon the Casino stage she was Record. Notre Dame, Indiana. one of four actresses who were just DeafncHs t annul Ife Cured Classics, l.ctlers. Science, l aw. Civil, Mechanical and hloctrlcul iMitfineerlliK. by local applications, as they cannot reacVf anil Commercial ThoroughKoelexUHtieal 1'reparaiory the diseased portion of the" ear. There, is Course. raton. stutbMiU at or to K00111H Senior one cure Junior Year, Colleyial way only deafness, and that free, is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is Cmirse. St. Kilward's Hall, fur boya Uniterm. The 107th Term will open September 7th, caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of trie Eustachian Tube. 1817. Catalogue, si'nt f ree nu application t Kcv. A. Alorrisbey, C. S. C, i'resideut. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbiins sound, or imperfect hearing-- and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can lie taken out and this tube resvred to its normal condition, hearing1 will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are iCURED ufr4r vvita amui- f and perfection found ia machinery we shall exhibit daily on our lluafc in Jubilee l'arade, and we take prida in referring- to this machinery as being' amongst the best and from tho best manufacturers in America. Great credit is due tho Walter A. Wood Harvester Company, Bain "Wag-oCompany, Champion Machine Company, Weber Wagon Company, J. I. Case T. M. Coin pany and many others for their contributions of money, etc., to the jubilee fund. We shall distribute from our lluat (in procession daily:) 000 fans for the ladies, LTi.OoO memorandum books for all classes, 1,01x1 linen caps, bal-ance- d, Magazine. Tk a series of j)0 The Winner b; feb- - 1 anil cor c '!'Dfl, i' rup-v..- ing ret Service, tier the Resl Rol of the D'L'i '.?. villes," and other works which have been viewtd with interest by the inet'pol.tan community (luring the pean of 1S00 and 1S97. h the songs and The music with of the Town" choruses of "The yi-lf- l have been supplied was composed for the occasion by Gt?tave Kerker, who the scores for alt the lias furnish? most successful of tiie.-- e reviews, and who is perhaps the most prominent and tuhnted of the composers of light melodic music now before the American public. His work in Ibe present inl,0o0 vvhist".-.sstance is, w ithout doubt, the best be 1,000 Columbia buttons, has ever contributed, and it indicates l.'iO.ooo pieces useful advertising' that lie lias by no means reached the matter of story books, etc. consisting comhighest point in his career. The & Machink Co., Wagon' pany of merry-maker- s engaged to Gko. T. Odkm., Gen. Mgr. the different characters 'n t'1' A bale of Bed Taj Rinding Twine show-ph-c- e ir. chides Louis llarrrison, contains from 3,000 to 5.000 feet more Daniel Daly, Henry MeDonough, Lee than is found in bales of other brands, Harrison. Madge Lessing, Paula Ed- it is even and and will not strony; wards and a large a'lniber of performkink. Try it. ers who, although of lesser noie individually, are of the inmost importance t.iovei of 1 roKikin, to the success ot th-- play i" hand. The Th latest in the realm of glore organization is exceptionally well and the talents of the players making is gloves of frog skin. This are in such sharp eon'rast that an Bkin is said to be the finest and toughagreeably varied performance is pre- est leather in the world. The demand for them is not great, but of sufficient sented. ie. a tung ut s Artists lo- - Worked months to obtain the finish -- Teh-s llt i; 1 a ; :i in plot : ;r.;o;-tac- fa J of in nts it.t si i -- : lis intricacy u A mere lb and upon 1 ''I 1!) $100 FOR ANY CASE Li Treat and In Men They Of Weuknes lull to Cure. An Oinnlm Cimiimnv plnee fur the first Hih iui 'in n Maoicai. Tiikat-mis- t tor the vin e of Lost Vitniity, Nrvuui ami Sexual V.'e.iktuv-- , ami Kiluialio!i of Life l'uiie in uM nml youiK men. No iirn out Krviich vvmivi'Iv; v.iiilnins i.o It is riHiNilKifHH (r oIliiT li it r ml' ill (I n a Wisir.ti!'i ri;iiATVLNr nniieiil in its All rvailera, m in from a wenUnt'ss thnt who ni'K hiifli"-ii- i . Mights their .d, eauin? that nuMital end peculiar to Lost pliVMeal fiiiTcnii have several times as many vacancies as members. Send for list of 1.103 vacancies-- we JTtist have more members, several plans; two plans rive free registration: one plan GUAK positions. 10 cenis pays for hook, conia nmsr plans ami a $.0O.U love story of Coilt'tfS cavs lllanlis and circulars tree. No i tiarce to employers for recrnnmernlimr teachers SCUTHEKN TEACHERS' BUREAU. (REV. DR 0. M. SUTTOM. A. M ) SUf fON TEACHERS' BUREAU, Pre.-hti-Hem-boratut JUnawr. l Ill S.W .1 or.Main.t :lil sl9..1.ouisvilip.K'y. t St., Cbb-ago. o.fli-fe'e jtt regisien in both ofic. Xorlhtrti rocancli'D t.'ft'C o.ir, Smitntm vaatneit .Loai time Elias Morris ana Sons Company,. Ueio;!i('Sl'ATHMK!)lCAL Ni.!i., ami they will mill you uli'otuh'ly Kl!!'.l'i, a vulimbi proofs paper mi these .liheaes, anil juiit ivo Tliims-ainl-s of their truly M tiiK'Ai.THh.i i'mkn r. of men, who have lost all hope of a cure, lire I einj; lestoiotl by them to a per-feeoi. lition. This Maoii u.TiiF.tTMF.vr may bo taken at home under their diieetioiis, or tliev will pav railroml (are ami hotel hiils to nil who prefer to k ttmre for treniiueiit, If they fail to cure. They are perfectly reliable have no I'Vee Prescriptions, Free- I'ure, Fro Sample, or C, t. 1. luku. They have lo cur iTi0,(itl0 capital, mid Kiiuiaulco ense they treat or refund every dob vry Mr ; or their chai v may ho deposited in I.Hiik to be paid to them wlitu a um it !Vected. Write them today v,i I'dMl'ANY, liiuh!, MADGE LESSING. Les-sing- 1 FREE to MEN! Michlgnn Man Discovct WONDERFUL REMEDY for LOST VIGOR! Samples tent frca to til ftno nrue. After fufTeiiiiff for yenr.i with phsieid ami in'l nmntiil lost inaiiliooil lia found Ihurem-tdthat OMien tlio roulile. hd keepiint the cis ret cuiefully. am will-inenil H minplej of t he inmlicino to all who ' iif!r from any form of sesnal enknes lo--reeult s of nut from onthfiil Ikruornnee. premnlmti memory and f'n'iistli, weak I'liel., i nriem le Hinl nets iliiecily, Hiving nmrint ion. The tenieilv heie iieeiled. ane leit St reuitlh anil A renin's! to Mr. Lewi J. HoiiUnia. l!oT Nl. M ieli u would bk Hal m tliHt tula ma ?,oo, i for men, will Ik H oampl" of this rennilv with promptly ami no rluiiire wilt boanked ty him. lie is nine li Hit' rented la spreading Ui nun of this treat reincly, andu in ra refill to fend th emple oeruiely scaled in plnin wrapper so that it recipieul need feac no publicity eiuc Lai a3incut WklTE WITHOIT DTLAY. c com-plim- tt 1 m h luietr. jrntuii toiM'. Pi YWJRSEin U ffT iiuimtiirt dtthAtffi, tunmnjtiiut, trritftliwut ur nlri ntu,na ir uincuut mnilroMi. 1'kiolcM, kii4 net ulna PHu. kr iewoiiin.o.rl er to int rrf lta Tpir. h for rid, IhiIIIx, I. ur Mat tlJiwuUr a rHljCHllliOAlC. "' " 1 . S Marble and Grranito, Mantles, Grates, etc. Meanways together throughout the piece, give their serious attention. while the theaters which remain open and were callad "The Vaseline Sisters" 's must rely for their patronage largely or something 0f the sort. Miss inasmuch was than more no part important upon the floating population, as all New Yorkers who can leave town those played by her three associates, for tho heated term are now away at but she made so much of it that the the seaside ami mountain resorts. 'iit. re! To best satisfy the summer patronage, manacPM l ave learned to provide llp.ht and frothy entertainments agreeable to eye and ear. and not making too strong a draught upon the intellect. music, farcical librettos. Jingling t comedians, handsome and shapely girls, brilliant tcrnery, and costly if not too voluminous costumes are the leading ingredients of the joc und show of summer time in what the last legislature dominated Borough of Manhattan. It is but natural to refer lirst to the fasino in this field of enThe establishment in tertainment. question has long been the leader In p rforinai res of the type indicated. three or four, perhaps St me years ag f'.eorte V. I.ederer adopted the Parisian Idea of getting up a spring travesty performance relieving the theat-riiseason jest past. The novelty was eagerly accepted by the publi", an has in course of time come to be re garded as a reguhuly fl.ud item of the year. This season Mr. Lederer's Is called "The Whirl of th Town," and It rompaies very favorably with its predecessors. "The Passing Show" and "In (kiy New York." al 1 of-firi- The story It tells in uot perplexing W2 Salt Lake CiK WRITE GEO. knock-abou- - and HEADSTOSBS .IN. the directors of impo- above the chorus and just below tha rtant amusement undertakings must leading rrincipals. They appeared alto which et CUr.E KOSCVENTS M. FOR V? m 'l -tr- -fl . PRICES AND DESIGNS. JAS. SCOTT, l'rcsident. IL GLKNDlNXIN'e;, and Trea S. Vice-rrcside- nt KCMtTELO, Secretary Geo M. Scott (INCORPORATED.) T.WIX EDWARDS. Mtention of the management was at-- ti acted to her. and at the end of the season slip Wa3 chosen by Klaw & Erlanger to pl,.y the titular role in their new extravaganza called "Jack and the beanstalk." This piece was exceedingly sn.cessful from the outset, and Miss Leasing was one of its most attractive foattues. She now finds herself in riVmanj for all such productions, and in the new Casino review has added materially to her already quite enviable as a dainty and reputation gifted comedienne. Importers Dealers In nnci Bar and Sheet Iron, Steel Pipe aukxts roil r.uffalo Scale Company, Atlas Engine AYorks, Dmlpe W ooden Pulleys, California Powder Works, Celebrated Anchor Brand Cylinder anil Engine Oil, Howe, Urowu Co., Drill & Tool Steel, Detroit Stove Co., eel Ranges, lohn Van , Home Coles' Air Tipht HeaU-rs- , Worthinglon Steam Pumps, Revere Rubber Co., A-- Dodtre. Injectors, Leviathan P.eltinf. Miners' Tools, Stoyes. Tinware, etc And a General Assortment of Mill Findings. mi a m a : warehouse 125 secohd soma y snu mi cut. hub |