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Show t I AMERICAN EAGLE. increasing:. ExciTEMfc't ROBERT SMITH'S DEATH. lur; A 1,1, -- ' ' An ,lUh f"r Al CASPER. EXCITEMENT ; iiftruti t lir Ma I Ma i OF PALMYRA. THE ISLAND l. Kccever lay- - j otrr hi IMrku. by er. at lirila'm IJpRanltd u oi Its Holiest Importance. WlM.IAMOS. Washington, July 23. official in Ju'y Cheyenne, (.. Port Town- . Casfrom t .here is vswho ton of the action of the Lritish Ihe body Thft M,..mt.p A, f T,,pcka arrivct f'heyerne, Wyo.. Ju!y Hole-ina that in the a received killed stating telegram MURRAY. she per government in taking possession ot UTAH, of Robert smith, ,,.,,m Alaska, t..(r,v hu luliV reare ru.V.lcrs ealCe gathburled band of r was Sunday fev. at, briugs new s t' i- he Kh.ndyke large Palmyra in the Pacific has been fight, The , . The Mory of the fiht as ., FufTalo. n Jim,..tlI n,.;.,ly cring at the K. '. ranch, at which ceive at the state department. dis,,T.l ,v lie friends of the rustlers! every ah!el.(n F. man there l.r.viti-- ' place t hampioii ami Lay were knled isf iraiation was embodied in a UTAH NKWS. for the patch from San Francisco, it having u of Is'.'V, daces the blame I')"'" 1ie cowboys. gone or go to the rich during the rustier ar pre) of burning and destroying all been wired from that point by the disfrom The rainy season Las commencd fu They kiv that P.b and Al Smith and fields. Aulh purpose direct reports cattle outfits on the ranges, ami to patch agent of the department station Fouthrrn Utah. Al Taylor had been rounding up hordes Pyea are that r re now as miu-inmake an attempt to rescue Lob 'lay- - there, who hail received it from Minthe country. freight piled it he cad of the John T. Meredith, it pioneer, resid- preparatory to leaving Devine anu ister Sewall at Honolulu. home Evidently The rustlers were on their way let as the I ml i can oack over th. lor, the riistiereapturcd by , , ing at Kaysville, died last week. . 1. ......i . 41..... a battle Mr. Sew all regarded the matter ot K im-his of band during months, cowboys to tlie iieil r ol rniicii divide At in the eighteen 11)0 Chloride Point mine at Mercnr with the rustlers, and who is now in great importance, for it is understood men of the Ogallalla UI'1 'J'his amount w ill be more twenty-fivjvight Is to have a mill to handle its output. t men tie of all it was the only subject received by C. Y. outfits. Nearly doub'ed w In n j r steamers Oiice-l- and jail al Casper. 0 and the Salt La he entertained perhaps at Dcvine, l'.d from the steamer which arrived wire Kxcitement T runs Casper his high passed them except Mexico, tiow route, arrive. to made visitors during' the Jubilee, the foreman, w ho w as coming up Francisco the latter part of last San are at give being condition of "airs practically pre prepiirations at fired if in her number friends a week. The message from Mr. Sewell warm Smith's the they assert, rustlers of reception largest history. Devine, of hundreds cludes the he bare fact of the heliable men circled contained rescue The round-uto re Larson was given fifteen years in the once. Taylor, merely attempt roldseekcrs rLhiiur the mining became the The action of that the island. general. and received of around information been the fight h;is a iciure on fur rape committed jwiiitcutiary this year. a hand but Al Taylor gion and Al in Smith lent toward Britain Great are Casper rustlers possession of near taking little riding Logan. girl Frank F. M f"S a Juneau newspafoolish oft" to one side and took no part. as it stood this is are island the at time, it following weeks just they thought Brig Stewart of Kane county passed Pob Smith fell from his horso with a per man, will h ave here in two recover of an submission annexation does to to the undertake Taylor the enough for Dawson ( X:. He will go by through Puiiguitch with 1,200 head of wound in his right lung and another route followed Lv Lieutenant Schwat-ka- , by a dash into the town under cover of treaty to the senate by the president, eattle, intending to ship them at is considered very significant by the in the abdomen, after he had emptied who conduced an evploring party darkness. who was authorities here. revolver. He was able to retreat into the his Al the rustler Smith, This in YokoiUa'iley A prisoner named 'Willis who esto a knoll, where he tried to load his route starts f ,. ;, Takou inlet, "0 miles wounded in the recent battle, went to Whether it is intended to complicate while Luke from the Salt jail caped revolver and rifie, but was to weak to south of J iinejii. from Takou to Lake Kuffalo and had his wounds dressed. matters so as to stave off annexation employttd as a trusty some few weeks use them. Al Smith fired right and w ho w as killed or whether Great Pritain desires to Teslin, a di.s'iaee of !:: miles over; The body of Lob Smith, hi nee, has been apprehended at llufl'alo for left with his revolver until it w as shot level to place a naval station upon the island, irairies, laid the country from by Devine, was taken from his hand. His right hand and Lake Teslin hWi burial. her action is regarded as of the highopen valley, through It has her n decided to keep the "hall left arm were wounded but not seri- to the Yukon river rumors and More is est importance, and further developtrouble expected by way of the of relies open. This building', filled ously. About a hundred shots were at for w ill be awaited with keen interlooked of ments are any depredations With the aid of with articles entitled to veneration, evchanged before the firing ceased. Hootingua at or on est. the plains pack horses the Takou route U by far moment, either almost, is one of the lasting benefits The cowboys then captured Taylor the most Should Hawaii's right to the terriIt is probable Casper. preferable. of the jubilee. and disarmed George Comstock, John that a tory be established, it is proposed to stage line " ill soon be operated PREMIER CANOVAS" IDEA. The Brigham Young monument was Jones and Sam Terril, whom they on this route. Parties vv'l liave ln vn send instructions to Minister Sewell not finished wlien un vailed, but work found near the liar C ranch. Hob over both route-- say that the walk of The directing him to urge the Dole authorSpanish I'rcin'K'i- l'imiares .McKinley will not cease until it is. It will have Smith lived until 'J o'clock the next 130 miles over the level country is ities to protest to Great Pritain against eland. il lid ti heveral figures grouped around the morning, his wife and relatives being more her action. The United States will, of of 27. Oil Snn Sebastian. Snain. Jnlv easily accomplished than that with him when he died. base, when it is finished. consummit. course, uphold such a protest, and the the 15 miles over the Chilcat learning that the United States reofficials believe that it will result in lias of G. new John Urady lias taken his oath Larsen, the Logan rapist, gress adjourned without adopting THE PRESIDENT'S VACATION. Three the removal of the Ilritish flag. Alasceived swift punishment. of ollice and is now the governor resolutions in favor of granting belligweeks after commission of the crime Cone to erent rights to the Cuban insurgents, Cliaiiibln Huxinras at the ka. MOVEMENT OF GRAIN. lie is undergoing a sentence of fifteen Capitol will he l'n-- polled. l'reinier Ca novas .said he inferred that A BIG MINING DEAL. President McKinley was as little dis- Atchison Oflicinlx Hopeful of Receiving a Washington, July vs. The presiyears in in the penitentiary. vacafor have l arife Hauling Contract. left their IJrudeii JSros. tofnnil'irt Kriiitction VTorka posed as was his predecessor to the Nicholas Pern, aged about f.0, was dential party r It. week-neaat I'ilot their ('. in on of shores tion the Hay, lake "Yankee campaign Chainplain. drowned in Ogden river' last jingoes; Chicago, July :.'S. The officials of tho minA as 27. desires as executive chief and far The with Helena, Mont., July Atchison road are hopeful that the big Spain. against Weyler Ogden, while in bathing Senor Canovas a ided that the Span- movemen ts of the season's crop of grain Ho was attacked with possible to obtain complete rest from ing deal has been consummated by homo boys. his official duties during his absence, which Uraden bios, of this city have ish government v ill give due atten- in the west will give the road the largcramps. for in- est earnings it has ever had. If the The committee of the school superin- and for this reason it, is probable that come into possession of the reduction tion to the American demands of threatened rush of the grain shippers those be like made cases will few work on Kootenai I'ilot at in but Lake, demnity appointments Hay, special tendents having in charge the work of 15. and is has the time. at It Widow stated the Kootuai and owned that Ruiz, the in the direction of Galveston can he Mining Delgado C, by preparing a course of study for the during & House to American that citizens White sent to all coio'iauv. averted by the railroads, it is thought papers Smelting granted liberty bohools of the state are hard at work. the. president to his summer home will The work-- have been idle about a arrested in Cuba. that the Atchison will move at least Lee Cochran, a barber, well known bo mailed to Washington unopened. 3'ear, but will bo operated, at once. The The premier has frequent confer40. 000,(100 bushels of grain out of Kanin Salt Lake, J 'ark City and Provo died It is intended that all concentrator, ences with the Duke of Tetuan, Spain's sas and Texas before the close of the papers intended plant includes a fifty-to.it- s:.,n nlm slnn.1;i' hist, of n. couinli- for him shall go through the channels w hich w ill also be operated. The com foreign minister, and Calderon Car- year. This will be much more s cation of ailments,-Hibody wa taken have heret d'ore followed. The pany o'.vninjtbe property spent about lisle, the American counsel for the they ever road has but than the done, to I'rovo for burial. president., it, is said, will look over no $1,0(10,000 in re liieliori works and vsiri-o- n Spanish legation in Washington, who the oilieials of the line say that they The remains of Joseph I'.urton, who paoers w hue he is away, and whatever s iinprovi.'!.ieii!s, but was unable to drew up a long memorial on the sub- have most exellent reasons to think-thabe ..was killed by a shock from tin eleetrio appointim-umade will a suwss-.make flic venture. ,,iv this will le the outcome. At ject of filibustering expeditions and m ;i halve during the Jubilee, !lliuni.t., The ded inchi es the Line P.ell, the similarity of feuch cases to prece- present the shops at Topeka cannot have been shipped to Ihe homo of hisj of one of tie largest lead mines in tho dents the United States put on record turn out the dnands made- upon the ',eu jamiii Montgomery, mothi t in thth mi, III, executive clerks, has charge of world, which will be worked by Ilra- - in tho Alabama affair. roiling stock of the road by the grain 'alrs daring MeKinley's den b'ros. That mine and the propeThere were but four accidents' of White llou-- e Other western roads report shippers. Tried to Seize :i I'reiirlit Train. much impiirtauee during the jubilee, absence. rties of the same firm in the Slocan conditions and ail fire hopeful similar 27. One hundred of St. which is a very ereiiilable record. of a largely increased business as soon 'country aa.i oilier points in Lritisli the Poms, July A DOUBLE MURDER marching strikers, who are oper-- ! as the Columbia, will furnish tho reduction Two people were .struck by streetcars grain begins to arrive. deworks with iis chief supply of ores, ating under the leadership of Pradley, and two were run into by the, lire r :nt Child klllt'il 11 r 1! oi" itnil im Mary a Coxeyite. tried to seize an Illinois 13 IT ANDRE'S? although .some custom work will be W Uli a li.itchel, partment. None were' fatal. at Ills Ccntrarfreight train Pelleville, clone. William Lipman.u vender of Pioneer A Sea Captain Krporls That He Saw a Sprlngliehl, 111., July "s'. A double a Tho of work in the smel- They were driven oft by sheriff's posse. Mil in week himself killed hist )oii. badges, murder was committed hen.1. James ter wil'resumption tin; cllVel. of opening up When the 9:1" fast freight steamed up 2S. A letter from Salt Lake city, by taking a dose of Minole, a hof-- trader, is accused of a numberhave Rotterdam. July of nines in that M'ction. at Pelleville the band of strikers boardin a was from the dutch steamer stranger htrychnine. Lipman the crime. The victims are Mary ed it and declared their intention of Capt. lichmann I'l'M'tr in Mexico. (iolil Mining Salt Lake and it is said lie came, from r.ndher infant child. They were to the Lcnzbung & Marissa "Dordrecht'' appears in one of the pariding of 27. is Colorado. Mexico, t It of this city, in which he says he City killed by chopping heir heads oil! with pre mines, where July they wished to inaugurate pers here dieted that when the saw a A. curious C. Gunnison a Miidsen of gold placer a strike. The crew refused to hatchet, The woman did not die floating in the Lishop carry White sea on object is .state of in the 17th. which was neisome of hours after the deed was mining developed is talking to the citizens July Sanpete until the strikers and halted the train at the w more out a ill be dead nor taken Guerraro, a ther the committed. The baby was dead when gold and Sevier counties about whale, but which ship depot. a balloon. and Capt. Lehmann resembled of a sugar factory in the near found. Minglu has been living w ith than in the Klondyke region. Some Master of Transportation Gaccn, at future and the advantages to be de- the woman for some. time. It is said placer mining is being done w ith ex- Pickneyvllle, was communicated with-H- suggests that it may have been Andre's that the cause of f he trouble was her cellent results, and labor is cheap and rived therefrom. sent a telegraphic demand to Shcrilt balloon. water seain even the to live abundant, him refusal with dry any longer. Gothenburg.July 23 Lieut. Svenden-burg- , Several head of cattle belonging to Rhein of Pelleville for the protection of son. Cue an old miner, of Dr. Otto iordensk-jald- , Californian, has been arrested. Oscar Anderson and John Cnrtcr of Mingie the. train. The sheriff, accompanied w as found on his clothes, and reports taking out $2.".000 gold in May, PiooJ Artie the explorer, reports from Mount I'leasant have been found dead byhisdeputiesand the Pelleville police Ascension his and is month. 15,000 w out was he if nothingisheardfrom of hen the that average per capgoing city s in St might fork and I'leasant creek, force, went to the scene, lie read a The Indians in who in work w w I'.i Herr six in Sonora, oman The Andre as old. weeks it is not likely tured. and the carcasses indicate that the aniyears message to the strikers and' they crude local in the way be heard from him will that placers, gold mals had met bruin. Sheep losses anything at oneo abandoned the train. There in need when only this operating pressing year. from this cause have been numerous, was no disturbance. Why Tliry Close. of money large returns for very but this is their first attack upon the Hon. T. Jefferson little labor,get, Posfon, July '.'s and an explorer who has Dr. Glvons Cordially Welcomed. Tim I nion I'ncilic in Kansas. cattle. Coolidge, treasurer of the Pig Auios-kea- recently been through the. remotest Shar-ri27. Plaekfoot, Ida., July 2s. Dr. John George Topeka, Kan., July cotton mills of Manchester. X, P., regions states that Sonora. will equal The Jubilee flyer was wrecked on W. (livens has arrived from Los AnSanfrom a read California a in as Judge telegram niest its gold days pal the V.'dh just outside the city limits of says regarding the shutting down of born at St Paul, directing him as geles. Oil., and also, the directors of producer. did not The the mills: leave engine Lphraini. clerk of the federal court here, to go the State asylum. Upoi their arrival The A'Jeu I.sivr at Kloml.' kP. 1 he rails, but the tender and six ears "We have l. aee up our accounts for to Leavenworth on Friday next to they were at once driven to the asyOttawa, (int., July 7. The cabinet Mere piled up at the side of the grade. t'.e first si months of the year and make record of proceedings by which lum, where Dr. Givcns was once more Fortunately nobody was injured, as find that we have made no money, and has decided not to enforce the alien Sanborn w ill appoint a special installed as medical superintendent. the train had discharged all its reinuin- - have not moved our r oods, so I have law in the KUmdyke. The subject of Judge to Previous to Dr. Moore's appointment take charge of the foreclosmaster ing passengers at Manti, and was re - ordered the mills dosed for the month royalty on the gold output was dis- ure under tho McConncll administration, the Union proceedings against cussed, but was left over until anothei turning to Thistle. The accident is of August at least." Dr. Givcns filled the position of superin Kansas. lines additional mounted The dividends of the Amoskeag session. A'ipposcd to have been caused by u intendent for some six years, giving is the It that understanding Judge mills have been reduced during the police will lie sent on, however, tc broken rail. satisfaction. William P. who The people of was made Cornish, general The closing of maintain law and order, and the United The Pinglmm Placer company of Salt past twelve mouths. decree entered at Plaekfoot cordially welcome the doca master bpeeial by Lake City, which is w ashing gravel nt these mills will ufVect about O.OiK) oper- Mates attorneys fit Washington will Omaha on last Saturday, will be tor and his family back again, and aro l'e. asked to give the right of way uamed. Gibbor.svilie, Ida., has been the vhtim atives. much to see him reinstated in pleased through disputed territory. Two cusof a dastardly piece of business, as two his old position. toms I'liko to officers will bo sent A ( en oil's Mi'clm. Terrific Hailstone i in rlirisk!. weeks ago two lengths of its flume was on the Pritish frontier, to collect '.'7. United States MYlbnrn Said to be Inne. Washington. July Omaha, July 27.- - Specials from inblown up w ith giant powder. This is customs duties. deMinister has cabled the Paker state terior points give accounts of terrific San Francisco, July 2s. Friends of the second attempt to destroy the works Shot Ta,, Cl"e Their llradv hailstones in various sections of Ne'f the company during the past six partment that United States Consul of Internal Revenue n As Madrid, 27. San Otto at Ilegenl Queen .MM) July A braska. Salvador, Munchmycr, reward of has been ofweeks. declare that he is insane, and inMr. Christiana and King Alfonso were At Franklin the wind blew a hurri- tend to have the question of his insanfered for the arrest and conviction of committed suicide last night. Sebastian St. in at he a will woods that Paker the walking cane. Several houses were unroofed, ity inquired into by the appoint hays the perpetrators of the outrage. lunacy to of the office. a heavy load of shot discharged by a and a grain elevator was destroyed. take charge The matter w ill probably bo Senator Cannon nrrivrd home from was appointed from West yctitli, who was out bird shooting and At Kearney much minor damage was brought before Judge Hubbard by Washington Monday night. He will Munchmycr who had not noticed their presence, done in the city. in first to tho IS'.iS, Virginia petition for an order of inquirj'. pail for Japan on August 2, in company at Acajutla, and later in the passed dose to their heads. Wclburn's bail at the present time i Fred Dubois, of Idaho, with Alonzo Rohbins of Keokuk, Ia.,qunr A dispatch San Lnndei to San Salvador, to fill the Arenas Kitne from year tw o charges of embezzlement Senator Pettigrew of South Dakota, rclcd with his wife and then killed her $10,000 on cnn-ethe death province of his cartridge a by vacancy which dynamite says corns mid two other silver leaders. up for hearing as soon as They A few days ago Mr. Jenkin of v's exploded here in front of the resi- by hooting her with a pistol. one of tho principal will htudy financial conditions there. father. Loupe, While on the voyage from Guaymu was nominated fof the place dence of the Alcalde. Considerable witnesses for Mr. Gnu non expresses the belief that an Nebraska the defense, recover damage was done. The police have to Ensenada. a passenger Darned from his illness. international conference will be held held by Muuchniycr. made sevomi arrest. It is believed Reed committed suicide by hangthe outrage was politically inspired. but doubts that the full restoration of ing himself in his birth, w kilvcr ill be brought about by it. Story of the 1 ig' 1 y ri kIs of I tie '" 'h I Kr M. A. hr iiil r ( Wy, ,., ., W:.-h- I ; j iw-n- 7. A the-- promi- - for-m- btcx-kma- - i j j the-Wa- at ll I j 1 ; j i 1 j . - i . m-i- j j e j l 100,-00- ( ; poi-Llit.- 1 p Mil-for- d. 1 Lls-iuor- e. ri-4- -r. ! j j 1 s j n 1 bnssi-ne.s.- s l j un-wir- e 1 I j I i 1 P.ris-co- e estab-lUhme- a son-in-la- (lav-en'- , g tt -- j l'a-cil- ic Kl-i- itv Ta-gis- Wel-bur- coin-missio- n. vice-cons- d F,d-wa- rd 1 |