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Show THURSDAY THE LEHI FREE PRESS .THURSDAY JUNE 7, 1954 Misses Garlick, Hart and Cramm of Sacraments, California, were visitors at the A. C. Schow home this week. FREE Peanut Bust! at Married Folks Dance at DansArt, Mon. Night Music By Carter s Orchestra The Most Popular Married Folk Dances RECEIVES MASTER OF ARTS DECREE Tuesday Mrs. B. Harold Menden-ha- ll (Florence Berery Jones) received her Master of Arts decree In zoology On at the University of Utah. Mrs. graduated at the Lehi High School In the class of 1918. and at the Men-denh- all In Utah County, University Hospital Notes SUNDAY SCHOOL GLASS ENJOY SCENIC TRIP The new testament class of the Lehi Second Ward were given a treat Tuesday by their teacher, Mrs. Elmo They were taken by bus to Bingham where they visited all points of Interest in and around Bingham. A special guide was secured and the girls were taken through the workings of the Utah Copper Co's mine. Enroute home they visited Camp Williams and viewed the flag lowering and review given for Secretary of War Dern and Governor Blood. Those who attended were Carina Evans, Virginia Meiling, Lucille and Merl Fagan, Arlene Allred. Darlene Marie Lott, Larsen, Larice Larsen, Martha Fitzgerald, Beth Thrasher, Kola Comer, Mae Street, Dorcus Richard. Madge Worlton, Maxlne Van Wagoner and Mrs. Laurene Goates were guests of the class. They were chaperoned by Mrs. Eddlngton. Visiting hours for the Lehi Hospital are from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p. m. People are requested to note the visiting hours and make their calls during that time. Mrs. W. L. Worlton and baby were taken home from the Lehi hosptal Earl Holmstead, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holmstead of American Fork, was operated upon for hernia at the locsu hospital, Thursday. Mrs. Ezra Clements of American Fork, underwent an appendicitis operation on Wednesday. Max Hunter of American Fork, was removed to his home Wednesday fol lowing a recent operation for a ruptured appendix at the Lehi Hospital. Bob Merriot of Amelcan Fork, received treatment for an infected finger at Lehi Hospital, this week. the Paul Freebairn, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Freebairn had his tonsils removed at the local hospital, Thursday. Glen Hadfleld received treatment for an ear Infection at the Lehi Hospital, Thursday. Benjamin Lewis had his tonsils removed at the Lehi Hospital, Thursday. Lois "Walker daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Walker of Orem was treated for lacerations of the forehead at the local hospital today, Maurlne Peterson was treated for a fracture of the right elbow at the Lehi Hosplal, Monday. Mrs. Mamie Thomas, daughter, Audery and sons Wayne and Howard, Mrs. Jay Smuln and sons. Jack and WALLACE BANKS Boyd left Wednesday for Moroni where GALLED Oil r.!ISS!G!l they will begin the summer season's roller skating. They will spend the en tire summer In the southern part of Wallace Banks, son of Mr. and Mrs. the state, operating roller skating Banks has accepted a call for Junius " rinks. a Canadian Mission this week. Mr. Banks is a graduate of the Lehi High School and a student of the B. T. U. SATURDAY FRIDAY at Provo. He has taken a very active part in the church activities In the Lehi First Ward. He will enter the Mission SUGGESTIONS Home in Salt Lake City on July 2nd THAT WILL 8AVE YOU MONEY and will leave or the mission field on $5.19 July 12. SUGAR, 100 Pounds (This is a buy. It will be more) c ....,-53Sugar, 10 Pound .. 17c Vanilla or Lemon, 8 oi . it. LEHI GAniiERY Certo, bottle Large Corn Flakes, Wesco or . 10c j. Kelloggs OPEN t'OIIDAY 15c Salmon, Tall Can, Happy vale 10c ... Peas, Can . .60 Milk (All Brands) Can Jell-we- ll 4S The Lehi Canning Plant will begin ..5c operations on Monday morning, June Jello (All Flavors) Package..., Jam, 2 pound Jars (assorted 11, accordnlg to Information given out ... 29c ..... flavors) .... Wednesday. The plant has had a ..S for 24c Vienna Sausage woodwork has Post Toastles, Large Sle, Package 10c thorough cleaning, the peeling and SSc been painted and new Rolled Oats, 9 pound bag 5c packing tables and new boiler install Del Mais Corn ' lOo ed. ,Coeoanut. half pound package.; 10c Jam,' 12 eg. can.., Lowell Brown will be In charge of 18c "(Crystal Wedding Oats, package .Carnation Oats or Wheat, Package 20c the plant this year, with able assist Pork and Beans, Pierces No. 2H ants. People will be allowed to peei Can ...2 for ISc their own tomatoes at the plant this 16 8o oz. I'ork and Beans, Can Towier Sugar, 3 pounds 25o year and arrangemens have been made Bob White Soap 10 for 25c to handle the plant In a very business 12 for 25c like and efficient manner. Special White .... , 15c Clorox, Quart The cannery will be open on Mon10c Clcrox, Pint 7c day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a. in. P'nrsnnle Tidbits, Cttn 4 pounds 24c 'Tice. Blue Rofe... People are requested to have their Maekern'. IS Oz. Can I0o at the cannery before 1 p. Tuna Flake", No. (t Can 15c vegetables each m. day. Vegetables will be No. Can 10c from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. Uroom 43c The Lehi cannery canned 65,000 Special, B Tie 10c cans Fancy Cups anil Saucers of vegetables last season and plan . ..10c Mop Heads .... a run again this year Cans can good 25c Flour Sifters .25c be secured at the plant the same as Ki?g Beaters, Double 6 for 1mm in the previous years. 01as Tumblers S!I0?PII!3 0T Kiddies White Shoes, sizes 6 3J4 98c - BROADBENTS Cover Buttons and Frame for Free tures, Just Ption 20-livery Anywhere. W PicDe- ii of Miss Lucille Hutching, daughter of and Fage Roy Mrs- - Alice Hutchings In Salt Pleasant Grove, were married Is bride Lake City, Friday. The taken having prominent Third Warder, A. and an active part In the M. L and has host of Primary organizations friends wishing the young couple haplife. piness and success through brother of Mr. John A. Hutchings, rea at wedding host be will the bride couple ception in honor of the young at the Memorial Building, Friday ""' JUNE? ssssspjsgn - I mmmm:. jlya her Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the university at that time, and for the last two years has bad a evening. home in teaching fellowship in the Department They will make their Mrs. of Zoology at the university. Pleasant Grove. Mendenhall is a member of the Chi enDelta Phi and Alpha Beta Theta Misses Vols and Rinda Anderson Fourth NationEnglish Sororities, Phi Sigma tertained the members of the al Biological Faternity and Phi Kappi Ward Primary class at a social In the afternoon. Phi National Scholastic Faternity, Wines Park, Tuesday Mrs. Mendenhall Is the daughter of Games and refreshments were enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Jones of this by the little tots. city. 4 Commercial banking Savings Department Safety Deposit Vault InsuranceBonds Capital $25 000 Surplus $20,000 CUARAirn-E- D r I, 1 I THEATRE Otitis 2. Goitre 1. Improved- - 1. . "' tte Hffiialk PROGRAM WEEKLY Friday and Saturday, June 8 and 9 Telephone 85 TAX MEETING The tax meeting for the people of Lehi held in the Memorial Hall, Friday evening was well attended. Tracy R. BIG DOUBLE SHOW "The Woman In His Life" "The Dude Bandit" ures--2 Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, June 10, 11, and 12 TWO SIMPLE SOULS IN A WORLD gn COCKEYED! is?? sXigl x also mm I0o& I5c Wed. and Thursday, June 13 and 14 BIG BARGAIN SHOW RICHARD ARLEN in "Come On Marines" Also The Third Big Week of "Tarzan The Fearless" ALL SEATS lOc-Le- t's Go! LEHL UTAH LEW FURNISHES CREATES INTEREST Welling speaker of the evening gave a very instructive talk on "Tax Problems of Utah." He stated that the value of farming land In class A in Utah County for tax purposes was Two Big Features for the Price of One valued at $200 per acre and that the OTTO KRUGER and BEN LYON in average mill levy of the state waa 28.35 mills. At that rate taxes on one acre of ground amounted to $5.67. Assuming $5.67 is the net profits on one acre of land; which seemed very but cupld and the devil Joined doubtful to be the case in Utah, this He thought he could cheat love of 100 per to never You'll hands outwit him! guess the end of this mystery romance. would be paying at the rate is cent in taxes, and It very doutful if Also the King of Western Stars HOOT GIBSON in make that profit. they Mines are taxed on the basis of net profit multiplied by I to arrive at the value for tax purposes. If land values A new and different Western Picture. were taxed or arrived at on the same principle, land instead of bringing $200 per acre would be valued at $17.01, ot AT REGULAR PRICES ONLY 10c and 15c $5.67 multiplied by S. He also stated that the program the Farm Bureau has in mind Is to repeal the property tax for school and state purposes, leaving the cities only, the right to tax the property for dty purposes, proposing that to get revenue for the state and schools to Increase the rates on personal incomes, and to do away with all offsets and exemptions. Hi stated that utilities companies could and should be able to help In this cause. Using the tax commission II: ,4 as authority he stated that there are in he state companies or a company that claims before the utility commission that their value for revenue purpose is $22,000,000 and that the value In the tax commissions office in listed as $8,000,000. Another company etsimated the value to the utilities commission as $7,000,000, goes to the tax commission as $2,0K),000. Another listed with the utilities as an $8,000,-00- 0 I V concern is listed at the tax commissioners office as $2,000,000, etc. If these concerns could be brought to proper values for tax purposes the could and should pay more taxes. This program's to put the tax obligation on those that are able to pay. It Is claimed by some who are opposed to this program that farms only pay 18 percent of the taxes but as has been explained It has a different aspect. In Utah Mr. Welling states, dry land, Irrigated lands, homes, livestock, poultry, hogs and farm machinery are all listed separately and while it is true that land pays only 18 per cent that all these others bear their share of the taxes. While the land machlner and every thing's listed in one group for other utilities groups. He pointed out that jWA Mltfcsy Roomy. Frtd.ricic Burton, Dorolpy CMswHimJi EnfUU. the farmer bears a big share of the taxes. A UNIVERSAL PICTURE. Another meeting is scheduled for next week, date not set as yet. Every SHORTS OliLY citizen of Lehi is urged to be present if possibe and hear Senator Maw discuss other important fases of the tax situation. The ladies are invited to be present as well as the men folk. 2-Feat- f Lehi MAIN STREET WHERE THE BIG PICTURES PLAY AT PRICES WITHIN THE REACH OF EVERYONE to CUtUG REPORT Ladies' and Misses White Slippers $2 17c yd Broadcloth, all shades At the regular monthly baby clinic Ankle Sox. all slees.. 15c 19c Yard held Friday in the- Memorial Building, Chiffon Voile at Only nineteen children were examined, IT PAYS TO SHOP WHERE THE the follwolng: showing PRICE IS THE RIGHT PRICE , Normal 9. Tonsils 8. . Enemlo 1. W receiving MARQIAGES Esther Hutchings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchings was removed to her home, Monday following a recent mastoid operation. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs, " 1932 jMgjjjjjsls" Thursday. NOTICED. U. P. The Daughters of the Utah Pioneers of Utah County will hold their annual summer outing at Springvllle on Thursday, June 14. It is desired that the Lehi Camps have all members who can attend the outing. All those who plan on going should get in touch with their camp captains before Sunday, June 10, so that transportation can be arranged for. It is planned to charter a bus and the fare to the outing and return will cost about 25o each. Not Only camp members but the public is invited to Join the D. 17. P. on that date. Those desiring transportation please notify one of the following ladles before Sunday, June 10; Mrs Gladys Trane, Mrs. Maud Adams, Mrs. Victoria Stewart, Mrs. Laura Evans, Mrs. Dora Zimmerman, There will b a meeting at 10 a. m, and lunch at 12 Each person arranges for their own lunch. of Utah in "" THREE CARLOADS OF COCKERELS SHIPPED PROGRAM AT CAMP WILLIJffi The Lehi Battery of the 222nd nlshed the program at Camp wili Monday evening. Miss Beth Jaov gave tap dancing, Blllie Smith a roca solo, Misses Vera Anderson and Evel' Peterson a vocal duet, Max Smith J vocal solo. An accordian and ruitfc duet and a quartet was given by M other battery. A band concert uil boxing exhibitions finished out the! evening. POULTRY TO BE VAINATEO A vacdnation program for bronchitM among poultry is being carried on b the poultry association. The averarf loss from bronchitis is etsimated at to 20 percent but in many cara If runs as high as 50 percent. Loss fro: the disease after vacination is ett mated at 1 or 2 percent II FLOYD WHITE BUILDS c MR. MODEL COACj lithe :jit: Twenty-tw- o Utah youths, lncludii!f iineer one from Lehi, have been recommend prim recogni or school authorities by IK boys' activity leaders, and are buildlii HI model Napoleonic coaches tot entry 1 Since the 1934 Fisher Body CrafUmaa' Id butt Build competition. Floyd White, 19 years old, Is theloca Jataa entrant. He is being sponsored b 5 the his manual arts teacher at the W 1. school. As a consequence, the yon ii has the opportunity of winning a con plete college education. Unlversltv scholarships valued 4 y $51,000 are being offered this There are six $5,000, six $2,000, H $1'000 and six $500 awards. Twl each classification will go to the r4 ners in the senior dvison of the ooacfa to ttj bulding competition and two winners in the junior division in W CZ itJ Umlted States. MK White Is the only boy who tm ed In Lehi to complete his coach. G: Shit 411 CLUB ORGANIZED tt... io,w icauvi a . vveDD, . . Pkr--i Mrs. afternoon F0 vinresident it.. i . met at H Stitchers ThA ZfidrM uUUIIIO Ulm 111711 feel W surer, secretary a""j -- VoK Webb; song and cheer leader, Ford; reporter, Dora Adams. The club Is a first year sewln? Club and will meet at the J home Thursday atfernoon at .il t wJ f SCOTCH JOKE yuu ve (jut i"i- a POr oafotv razof' m That's MacDonald .m Ttrii it father and for my enough was I enough for me. EIOTICE Rirls will be received P . J 11 for cnre,akfjri The poultry association of the north eluding June The city count Wines Park. end of the county report a shipment - ell 1 any and last week of three carloads of cockerels' me rigni to reject Co Lehi City or an estimate of about 18,000 cock erels. Another car to be loaded this ..... week. The cockerels were from Lehi. Am erican Fork, Pleasant Grove and surrounding territory. COTICE The taxpayers meeting this week has been potP" Statistical Steve estimates that neo- week due to the speaker ple never buy from an agent until after . tn this V tney nave said "no" 14 times. for the date and te p" . V .J SI aim |