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Show i r" liie em Jrre o LEHI CITY'S ' Utffl , y EDWARD TURNER the MiU Pond by the,' t 7 n. m. Tuesdav. I J ira blowing been near i n rat". npiiiiiAu. ncuniuri SATURDAY and the Poni herding sheep with nnmn ThA the Mill Pond and with 10 - i son of Mr. and Mrs. got into a row Doai ana out onto the pond v, ...in i stmi. w . VtDCU reun,on c. . a - ROAD TO SARATOGA - wlI ""la a family j the Fourth i - -- PviUe out-of-to- son-m-ia- f vice-preside- : ' I. Three brothers death. be held in Lehl m. Saturday. of Lehl. pwded him in Pi services will M at i 2 p. CONTRACT LET Oil IRRIGATIOti WELL Pnd Mrs. S. I. Goodwin re The contract for the new well for the Sunday from a visit at Lehi ft, Irrigation Company was signed California, with their daughby the Ferris and Gardner Co. Monday route, me; s. Dr. and Mrs. Mark Ferris left by bus Immediately They visited points and Mr. for casing and tools. He California for in California and points enjpt will return with the materials in a Key report a very enjoyable truck and work will begin as soon as he arrives. He is expected to do in Lehi this week ready to begun work In earnest. The contract calls for the well to be in operation twenty dayb efter the signing of the contract. off ud family. foiif resiJf - . Mr. and Mrs. Junuis Banks enter- tained at a family dinner at their home Wrednesday in honor of Mr. Bank celemother, Mrs. Eliza Banks, who brated her 83rd birthday anniversary on that day. Her friends wish her with many more happy anniversaries her family. The road running south from the Jordan ver bridge to Saratoga resort will be oiled Immediately by the Utah county commission, it was decided Monday, following a meeting of a Lehi delegation with the n. The project Is estimated to cost approximate t00. The road, which is In an dangerous condition due to dust caused by heavy traffic, explained the delegation headed by Mayor Stanley Taylor of Lehl; Frank Eastmond. manager of the resort; Ernest Webb, president of the Lehi Lions Club; A. Carlos Schow and Morrel Evans. Gra veling the road was discussed by the group, but it was decided oiling would be less expensive and give quicker relief. Work will start as soon as state equipment can be secured. Hilton H. Robertson, chairman of the county commission, said. four-mi- le - com-missao- I plan, with the explanation has far more accidents happen along Provo Bench where the traffic Is heavy, than at the Point of the Mountain. Work Nedeed Here The committee stressed the fact that Utah county Is a hotbed of unemployment problems and that work on the highway at this time would go far toward alleviating the unemployment conditions. Further, they stated, it is one of the most populous counties in the state, and that the addition would be permanent. Three miles of road will be built between Thistle and Birdseye to complete Highway No. 89, Mr. Peterson pointed out. He also explained a plan whereby the commission proposed to begin at Price and oil the highway to the Colorado line within two years. It Is the opinion of the commissioners that roads planned and built in the future will be from property line to property line to improve the factor of safety. Those present at the meetng Monday included W. R. Buter, John O. Beesley, o Charles Hopkins, O. S. Olsen, Wilford BUILDING OF 40-FOO- T Gray, W. K. Spafford, George Ruff and Clayton Jenkins, Provo; William Chip-ma- n, Amrlcan Fork; I. J. Burr, Orem; ROAD URGED Mendenhall, Seymour Springville; Henry A. Gardner and John E. Booth PETERSON REVEALS PLANS FOR of Spanish Fork. NEW ALIGNMENT OF HIGHWAY Efforts to have the state highway commission go forward with a road widening project through Utah county on highway 91, were pushed Monday in a meeting at the Provo Chamber of Commerce rooms, when a committee discussed the proposed addition with Preston G. Peterson, acting chairman of the commission. To Present Request A committee from the county headed by John O. Beesley of Provo, will meet with the road commission in Salt Lake Friday to discuss the project further. A motion made by John E. Booth ot Spanish Fork, at the meeting Monday, was as follows: "That a committee be appointed to wait on the commission next Friday and propose a cement road to be built through Utah county on Highway 91, to be started where the commission deems best, and to be included in the Immediate program of the state roads, to begun, if possibe, under the 1934 budget." The motion carried. William Chipman of American Fork, I. J. Burr of Orem, .Seymour Mendeu Booth of Mr. hall of Springville, one each member and Fork, Spanish from Lehi, Pleasant Grove and Payson, will make up the committee to meet Friday with the state road commission. Change I Suggested The motion carried in the meeting road" inMonday sete forth a "40-fostead of two six-fostrips which ot road, accordwould make up a ing to the original set of petitions which were signed on a large scale through the county. This change was due to a suggestion of Mr. Peterson, who explained that from now on highways are contemplated, and strip on eacu that building of six-foside of the road would simply mean a 40-fo- ot ot F0RUER LEHI WOLIAN PASSES AWAY Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, 74, widow of Henry T. Davis, died at the family residence. 466 North Second West street, early Tuesday morning of in flrmities incident to age. Mrs. Davis waa born in South Wales, October 22, 1859, a daughter of John, B. and Margaret Harris Evans. She came to Utah in 1877, making her home in Lehl Third Ward until 1911. She has resided in Salt Lake City since 1911 Mrs. Davis was an active member of the L. D. S. church. Surviving are 11 sons and daughters, John H. Davis, Charles D. Davis, Mrs. Lucy McHugh, Mrs. Hazel Ersklne, Mrs. Rosa May and Mrs. Winifred Sorensen of Salt Lake City; William P. Davis of Oil City, Pa.; Edwin Davis of Los Angeles, California; Mrs. Margaret Jane Trinnaman and Mrs. Elizabeth Carter of Lehi, and Mrs. Ethel Doummond of Bakersfleld, California; two brothers, John H. Evans of Salt Lake City and Barney Evans of Boise, Idaho; two sisters, Mrs. Mrgaaret McElvoy of Oakland, Cali fornia, and Mrs. Mary Catmull of Blackfoot, Idaho, and 30 grandchild ren. 30-fo- f i1 J i accept book? broad cast comes over at 9:J5 p. m. each Snt- - JG!bOM on h.John.-Manvil,'P'ogfam, with $1,000,000 to ls t W hem Ri rH f ma ) J i. ! in'"9 thing your hom mor 40-fo- ot ot patch-wor- k The regular Priesthood-Primar- y and Relief Society Union meeting has been postponed one week due to the Primary and M. I. A, conventions at Salt Lake City. The meeting will be held on June 17. Job. Mrs. W. C. Holmes is reported ill at The petition called for two six-foher home this week. strips, which, added to the present ..... road road, would make a in all. FEED STOBE Little assurance was given by Mr. THE CO-O- P. Peterson that the addition could be made according to the petition presentAdvanc-lngBu- y The Prices On All Grains Are improvement him. The highway ed Now and Save. work which the commission planned All recently must be done in 75 percent of We Are Headquarters For the counties in the state, Mr. Peterson said, which means that it Is impossible MOWING MACHINE to spend a great amount in any one 5 ft. Cut McCormlck Deerlng county. Heavy Frame Plans Revealed HAY RAKE the favors commission The hgihway 9 ft. McCormlck Deerlng Rake, favor but of a strip building Co-o- p, .00 Heavy Mountain Wheels building it as they can, starting in 30 Teeth off at left Salt Lake county where they SIDE DELIVERY RAKE Mid vale Junction. They aso contemMcCormlck road at the new Deerlng Side Delivery point a Hundred Per plate beginning Double Castor Wheel, Rake, south, and coming mountain the of Only Saturday Heavy Reinforcement for Q I 9R-0making a new alignment and cutting FOR WE ARE IN THE MARKET Irrigation Section..- out many of the curves Just below the GRAIN OR HAY point. Remember We Pay More. The committee voiced an objection to such a plan. If only part of the work is to be done, they said, it should be THE PEOPLE S CO-O- P. done in the sections such as along or from Provo south LEHI. UTAH Provo Bench 1ST EAST, MAIN STREET, LEHI STATE STREET where the traffic Is heaviest. They a of such printed out the afety factor lf, j"1,:." 'hen alc ut for FREEmQlina your Wt Lumber Co. PHONE 15 t i "'I LEHI, UTAH Real Bargains in Farm Machinery Sperry Farm Tested Feeds Our Laying Mash is $1.55 2:30 P. .SI. to 6:00 P. M Business session of the M. Men Convention SOFT BALL TEAM (Hotel Utah Ball Room). 8:00 P. M. Music Festival in the Will Tabernacle Dance to be given by the Girls-Pio-neer M. Men in honor of the Gleaner Stake Hall (immediately Lehl Third Ward Softball team won Festival) the Division Championship when they Sunday, June 10 piled up a score of 19 to 3 over SpringM. P. 7:30 Program given by th Stake. Kolob ville Third Ward of the M Men in th and Girls This victory gives the Lehi stake Gleaner Tabernacle. champions the privilege of entering (It Is desired that every M. Man the church tourney n Salt Lake City Should the on Friday of this week. attending the convention be provided will with a white shirt.) win the they game Friday, boys enter the finals on Saturday. A special effort is being made .The Third Ward group have led the all M. Men supervisors and Jr. stake throughout the entire season, Men presidents present at the Saturhaving lost but one game of the series. day sessions. It is desired that each: They have a storng team and will give ward be represented. a good account of themselves at the meet in Salt Lake. Members of the team who will play OLD FOLKS' E Russel Jackson, In Salt Lake are: Bert Beck. Norvel Carter, Charlie Elmer Manning, Wesley Roberts, Catrer James Edwards, Heber Homer Trinnaman, Ronald The Old Folks of the Lehl, .Alpin Price and Orren Bone. Utility men and Tlmpanogos Stakes will be guests Harry Manning, Vern Moncur, Howard of the Old Folks Committees of the Gray and Alfred Grundvig. three stake at Pioneer Grove in PleasThe M. Men teams were directed by ant Grove on Wednesday, June 10. Dean Prior who has worked untiringly Plans are underway to make the mid to bring the M, Men of the Lehl Stake summer of this year the best outing up to the standard set by the M. I. A. that has ever been arranged tor the General board members. Much of the old people. Pleasant Grove band will success of the Lehi Soft Ball season be in attendance and furnish music for is due to Mr. Prior's efforts. the day. There will be a luncheon fallowed by a splendid program games THIRD ANNUAL CHURCH-WID- E and other entertaining features. M. MEN CONVENTION AND Lehi stake will furnish three proFINALS IN ACTIVTIES gram numbers, two from Lehi and Ofi from Cedar Valley. Convention Hotel Utah Ball Room. Headquarters 50 North Main St. Thursday, June 7 C0LU1TY CARAGE 9:00 A. M. Tennis Finals will be started on the Victory and University ENTERED UOIIDAY of Utah courts. Friday, June 8' 9:00 A. M. Continuation of Tennis Between S o'clock and daylight Monand beginning of Soft Ball Contests. morning someone broke into thf day 6:00 P. M. Dance Contest Finals at county equipment shed on the state Saltair. Entrance was gained by highway. Saturday, June 9 bars apart on the east the 8:30 A. M. Executive Council Meet- prying window. A length of hose that had ing 50 North Main Street. been cut from the City Park waa 10:00 A. M. to 12:00 Noon Program found at the garage. A man had M. ConvenMen Session of the Annual broken window entered the through tion (Hotel Utah Ball Room). to a failed show but careful check any 11:30 A. M. to 1:00 P. M. Tennis, is the It that missing. thing thought and Soft Ball Championship finals on were frightened away before offenders field courts Deeeret the and the Gym they had accomplished their purpose. back of the L. D. S. College. officers and county deputy John City 12:30 P. M. to 1:30 P. M. Luncheon Evans S. Investigated. Supervisors and Stake Officers. Division fol-loi- Mowef.. $75 40-fo- ot $50 " 0 PAGE CASH MARKET ng e TRI-STAK- ounno juriEso Had-fiel- d, J fr limnniimunuii mm mi i mijiiu mm iiji iiijmi.miij.i.iiiiiiiii.ii mum minium iimjuujiiiiu.nmi ,.w iiujummi POSTPONED 18-fo- ot 4ils FREE FROM 1(0 LAB STAKE UniOII UEETHIB 30-fo- ot you TAKES GAME ot ot M I HU LEHI THIRD WARD COUNTY TO OIL J B NUMBER 43 LOCAL ROAD WORK RUSSON FAMILY Ward Chapel na evening. w,.w,i mm, will start at 2 p. m. Satur- Tted day June 9, where th flimi-?a- . V ntr wii j,, w. JTAH tried to naddle the s,1,u WUI De carried out: 2 to 4 p. m. snorts and oar- When Hth their hands. 4 to 5 p. m. Social hour. - enable to make much head5 to 6:30 p. m. Luncheon. overboard and started ai leaped 7 p. m. Program and business meeta good a rfiore. Although ing. sanK oeneaui J.? ),6 iw 9 to 12 p. m. dancing. noked on helpless. j fai, Verp Taylor of Maena is chairman; was washed onto a small Lott and Thomas Russon are in charge am its cocupant, John Hansen, of the recreational and welcoming 1; for help. He attracted the at committees. American of Hunter i Walter George Russon is chairman of the to was fishing near by. Hunter luncheon arrangements; Reuben Rust, the island and in the boat son is in charge of the sports. A large aftliy attempted to reach the number of relatives and fan Turner sank family members will be present. Htfshal Albert B!rk of Ameri- After ob- ras summoned. his the marshal, imotorboat, LION CLUB NOTES isoraton. ana Angus to reach the wen, attempted tt failed. The Lehi Lions will meet at their p E. 0. Durnell was called regular luncheon in the Lehl First pre, bringing draghooks with Ward tonight, an installation of officers will take place. Special Xarahai Fowler Joined the musical numbers will be given. officers and a large group ot The committee in charge will be smi were at the scene of the Lions Larsen, Lott and Mitchell. ComlajL iiith offers of assistance. The mittee for the next meeting will be In recovered fully clothed about Lions Nielsen, Powers and Price. urrom snore, at :ot p. m. it The new officers to be Installed are: Inght up by a dragnet, operated Joseph Coulasn, President; A. H. Wing, Ii Carpenter and George Madsen A. H. Fitzgerald, Dr. E. Edding- second C. E. Jnmer stated that the boys had ton, third fain? around the pond all day, Fickes, secretary and treasurer; i( herded the sheep and that Hoard Ricks, Lion tamer; Frank Sharp, left the pond and started for tail twister; Ross Nielsen, fib with the sheep, the boyst director; Emmett Chipman and D. R. Into the boat. Mitchell were tied for 1 year director boy was born in Lent on May when the votes were counted. The apand was the youngest living pointment will be made at the Install ; the J. N. Smith, family of eight. He Is ation of this office; fi by his parents, seven brothers chorister; Booth Sorenson, accompan ten: Mrs. Arthur Cook, Salt ist Sty, Mrs. Edward Nelson ot The prize will be furnished by Lion at&we; Orvin. Lloyd Robert Powers. Kri. Irene Zierold nd Clyde - THURSDAY JUNE 7, 1934 - lard Turner. I UTAH COUfJTY AUTHORIZES BOWHS IN MILL POND ad cTy D - flE r 7",. LEH, NEWSPAPER H03IE-0WNE- Let JohtiS'Manville finance your home improvements! lack of ready IFyou postpone cash is making necessary improvements to your home, while prices are going up, here's good news! Johns-Ma- n ville, nationally-know- n building materials manufacturer, will lend you the money! A small down payment secures the work at once and you have a full year to pay the balance. Make these important improvements now, while prices are still . down: with fireproof, permanent Shingles the last roof you'll ever have to buy. Put J-- Shingles right over those old outside walls.' TBe your kitchen and bathroom Re-ro- of J-- Asbestos with colorful Asbestos Wainscoting s lasting sheet material J-- that nails on right over the old dingy walls. Make your home easy to heat with Rook Wool Home Insulation a permanent, fireproof, odorless material, 3 times as thick and efficient as ordinary materials, yet costing no more. Finish off your attic or basement witk J-Insulating Board and enjoy your home all over again. J-- The quality of these materials is assured by the name e, and we stand back of our workmanship. Give us the opporJoims-Man-vill- tunity to quote on your work. Let us show you what wonders you can do for your home with a few dollars a month under this convenient Deferred Payment Plan. There's no obligation! Jolins-Manvil- le Lehi Lumber Co. Phone 15 State St., Lehi, Utah |