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Show f J LEH1 it jeuno FIELD CARTER i fe(jera, ta collection of the liquor exclusively Capital Monal I - w that Ameri- - . user or through the ""Jau commodity ai a result Tr.rffish restriction plan U fome alarm la tfKi nd other -- - W " entdaKj such moves DO as were i ?!!r madeofpiw the Stevenson Li 1 American rt tbe days th. roes --j rubber was nrice of m fL25 a pound In ISKSS. inZ. ho know the Industry f.- -. the gov r .., Mthtof todo with A,nartmenU say the only rL America's tire manufae- t .. thpr bis users of rubber U wa" TfrB i buying PL For cS -- each other .jjie bidding against 'aerfcu purchasers that sent the the formaUon of a buying I .hj, the fact that Dutch native encour-- y mIm o rubber wai 80 It flooded the that Sj the price If sr. shed the Stevenson emfl it. . k. eventually. Qtaw the plan Is to be tried with far & tMi time, obviously, Cwsnrance of success. Judging C, London cables. 'ywrer there is at least the sugges-ifti- t the British consumer la go-- f be protected In the expected Lrice period, but no assurance I tie consumers of other countries, ttflni the United States, will re-timilir protection. situation is Indicated by a few L from the debate on the floor of Ikoise of commons a few days kiMch went: U C h. Samuel Is the Interest of : . 5 t j J iiimera IISO consiuereu . d PnnllffB-r.lKtp- r fRPPretnr. i ftl I, VM""V Oh I yes, for the colonies) : L of sir This proposal contains '.Wire which I think Is unique in hitherto pro- regulation scheme Visiter). that rep introduced namely, of the consumers Vated with tbe council icheme. fed or shall be etitive admlnis-fcjfli- e . - repeal of by, he FREE PRESS. LEHI. UTAH Summer of Wide Brims Is Message Good Taste Today BY EMILY POST Realization ETC that MISCELLANEOUS "ru lue ess miners have and the m ' fore either E0 on augment the line waiting for Plojtnent in some already crowded Mrs, Post: My young aon with his knife and fork at table. This habit upset me terribly but I cant seem to break him of It Can you uggest any way? Answer: Would h mind If be saw yoo do t? If he would, you might copy him especially If a friend of hi 1 present If he doe not care, then you will either have to deprive him of some small privilege or (and ln my opinion better) let him earn a privilege or an award by marks of excellence: 100 meals without doing It once, for Instance, would earn something he TrZ l"c ZThe" first ew Lte,il has developed. thought wag that th power developed would merely save woman's loKr. u proviae UU1U cfcean power and euconrai. . uki Uia tabuing chines, electric pumps instead of s, electric heaters Instead of splitting woo,i tor cool mornings-t- hat sort of thing. Indeed there was no thought at all of anything beyond cheap power's taking some of the nrt drudgery out of life hard working people more leisure and less cnores. That part of It none den! hut th coal miners do not believe that Is all oi it icey believe that Industries will use water power current nrn. vlded cheaply by the government-subsidi- zed by governmental tax money as a matter of fact instead of steam power generated by the coal they are now making a living by digging. So the National Coal association has rushed Into the light against appropriation of another S50.000.0oo fn TVA "designed In part to Initiate further expansion of hydroelectric development in the Tennessee valley." or Itself this Is not very Important No one Is politically very much afraid of the National Coal association. Cer tainly not from a national standpoint But the New Dealers generally had thought of organized opposition to further governmental development of power only from the utilities, which, so far as the administration Is con cerned, have no friends. DEAR ... hand-pump- want. ,ii.. Social Legislation re-lip- LOT My dear Mrs. Post: Are cards removed from funeral flower before tha flowers are arranged? Or are tba name simply written down for a record to use ln writing thank you notes? Answer: They are token off and a description of the flower written on the back of each card, for future thanks. TTS breathtaking the way millinery has burst into a blaze of glory be fore our enchanted eyes this season. Everything from flowers to feathers, fruit trimmings, ribbons and brims of startling dimension seems to be conspiring to bring "real millinery" back into the picture once more. Now that brims have definitely "ar rived" you may wear them as huge as you care to wear them. Fashion places no limit to their dimensions. Not for season upon season have brims been so wide, so versatile, so everywhere present so chic and so picturesque. In the circle leghorn and roses tell a summery tale of such as will be worn with frocks of exotic print with gowns of lace, or of net pastel chiffons or organdies. In the other large circle is a huge black panama with the new fruit trimming which is considered quite the last word this season. You must have at least one hat trimmed with a wee apple or so, or a trio of plums and green leaves, or a cluster of cherries or berries of some sort anything Just so It Is tempting looking artiflqlal fruit. By the way, the fruit motif In dress prints Is also very good this seahats-beautif- son. The hat up ln the left corner of the group has one of those wee about v the front of Its crown which is decorative yet conservative enongh to permit this chapeau to be worn with simple daytime costumes. Just below, centered to the left, Is a hat of rough clre straw, for clre and seml-wreath- es wide-brimm- SHEER RAYON DOT Br CHERIE NICHOLAS nx-in- con-ere- ss u-h- k,.ii . Pin-chot- !n,1not .me British . , 1. U D" r in the future. e 8 Unless the i .,n srhsmo " nana, tucic la Prlce for rubber which experiments. F Rights Prob!lera nt .i. lUteS ' . - . ln nnQ" .tax revenue to finance aue fo the encroachment 7 reSar as their field by ''Wfation Efficient rw ti 2government rlPht. Is presenting . bL?hers of'the house and u 'eeen C ' y nmhv hitZ finding from tbe local protests athor't'es forcHly Pre- su wnen memDers -. Commsslon on Con-t? Tar D descen5ed in force , " lc" lne'r irouDics '! legislators. ThaTe come on seven types Was Into- ,7"al ' ft.. lTJTn' "t'tUUPri u On Jt iUi. o hap- - ..A. h f aU sovernmental aert . " ine dIrect property The, inV, mciude Income , and corpor- inheritance taxes, general f'Wner8 fhi tl i'ot it, . ft i. n t0baCC0 blllIon d0,,ar ,n l ,e conipetltiTe" fe(,Pral government aording to reports wiamlsslon. Real business They have noted that many of "malefactors manufacturers, men, had the have great wealth," etc., nerve to voice opposition since Reed's to beThey are beginning victory the between battle real the that lieve In come New may the Old Deal and as they November. Instead of In 19M. had been figuring. that The New Dealers are confident numa far larger suits their program But ber of voters than It displeases. benefit the whose In will the persons ltl battle is being waged appreciate The administhe Is question. That certain tration advisers are perfectly will know where Dealers Old the that day, and their interest lies on election is to arouse The point way. that vote for whose enthusiasm In the people Is benefit the Roosevelt programwill being also that so they through, November In come out to the polls of Rooseand vote their endorsement and his program. velt ,. : . f los nc" control of It is noi i" this activity. congress which Inspires concede that Republicans the Even con- no hope of winning they have u trol of the house, to lose soro seats In the senate, rather than gain any. seems to go very But if the battle the New Deal, what Btrongly against - .v, PrMlrtent'S mT oTconE in tbenext two yearst then, ThaHs what Is really bothering Copynem. cellulose black straws, you must know, k So, also, are fabrics of clred luster. A perky multicolored quill Imparts a dash and a go to this simple tailored hat which is Just what la needed ln a headpiece which Is to top one's cloth or linen are the rage. all-blac- suit Brims that turn the back are excellent style, and are a pleasing change from the conventional cartwheel of the merry widow type. The model shown ln the lower left corner Is indicative of this trend. Its simple ribbon trim tunes It to wear with the daytime tallleur. Transparent prims are Important millinery news. Huge capellnes sheer as can be add an exquisite touch to the summer picture. Illustrated at the top, to the right Is a charming transparent brim. The bouquet of flowers together with a simple ribbon band trim this chapeau effectively. ( Comes next below to the'1 right, a coolie beach hat.,, It has a cunning buckle fastening under the chin. Not only beach hats reflect the Chinese Influence, for.many of the smartest dress models carry pointed crowns which are so shallow they almost glide right Into their large drooping-all-arounbrims In true coolie fashlon.( Last ln the picture Is an immense cartwheel which Is strictly tailored. Of course the new exceedingly shallow crowns, posed at so perilous an angle as most of them are, would never in the world stay on themselves and so now here is a final message new style, elastic or hatpins I up In old-styl- e, by Western Newspaper Union. PASTEL WOOL NOW POPULAR FAVORITE New evening tailleurs, combining a tailored Jacket and Instep-lengt- h skirt ready for restaurant dining, are fashioned of novel fabrics along striking lines. One suit of silver. lame with a trim tailored Jacket Is finished with a black satin blouse and a facing of the same sable fabric Inside the skirt bem. Black faille or taffeta suits cut on the same lines appear with either or sleeveless blouses of white organdie or flame red crepe. long-sleeve- d Uayon has won Its way to the top. Upon it leading designers have set their seal of approval. Dotted sheers In self color Is the last word ln summer materials. Raised rayon dots on n mousseline de rayon background defabric scribes the handsome which fashions the gown Illustrated. This model Is making a very pride-fil- l showing In the collection of roan made materials which the Fashion Group of America have been exhibit are smart for ing ln New York. They llnner and evening gowns hot the big news concerning them Is that the swankiest of daytime Jacket suits and enesembles are being made of them, the newest of ,i tallleur of net being new. the k worded? Answer: Sending announcements of a child' birth is entirely a matter of personal Inclination. In your case it would be best to telephone or write to your Intimate friends; they In turn tell others. I mean, of course, that a member of your family will do this for you. To send a baby card tied to your own black bordered one would emphasize the tragedy very painfully. I wouldn't If I were you. The announcement In the newspaper would read: "Daughter of Mrs. John Jonea and the late Mr. Jones." Dear Mrs. Post : When my husband and I happen to be ln the room, should we shake hands when a boy friend of my younger sister leaves after having spent the evening In our house? This sister lives with us. Answer: If your sister's friend Is a regular visitor, you would probably look up and, without paying particular attention, say, "Good night Tom I" If he is a stranger, or some one who does not come to the house often, your natural Impulse would be to shake hands with him when he leaves. DINING SERVICE . Evening Tailleurs Seen in Various Novel Fabric HI Dear Mrs. Post: I have a new daughter Just three day old. My husband was killed two months ago. Unshall der these tragic circumstance I announce my baby' birth by sending out cards as we would have done, or do I simply do nothing about It at all? If an announcement were sent to the newspaper, how would It be d Every season sees some new fashion development which springs up mushroom fashion, overnight This year It Is short, loose or belted swagger coats of white or pastel wool over town frocks of plain or printed crepe. These coats are sold separately. They are quite Inexpensive. And they give a decidedly fresh and summery air to a dark ensemble. They may take the place of the black or navy redingote with which you started out the spring season. String color Is very smart with black or navy. Other popular shades are a deep dusty yellow, linen blue, and a soft leaf green. In many Instances the color of the coat Is accented In the print of the frock, or ln some detail of belt scarf or other trimming. p tall COUntrv "ETIQUETTE," THE BOOK OF SOCIAL USAGE," BLUE Just Another Problem The nrocram of uncial 1ocrtHlHnn which President Roosevelt desires, and for which he will ask ln a mesfjeit Buyers' Pool sage, or messages, before the adlourn- assurances were given ment of the present session of conMi majesty's government has had gress, will in effect be not an appeal s(Dt interchanges with the Amer-- s for legislation but an appeal to the State department. But so far as country. Not that Its enactment is not iverage rubber buyer In this really desired. It is. But the Presi:g is concerned he has heard dent does not ask for action at this :j5bout all this. session and. unless there Is some seethe suggestion for a buyers' emergency which at the present mo .to be formed of the big tire corn ment Is utterly unsuspected, this con's nd other large rubber users, gress will never come back after it !i fill do all the buying, and en- - goes home next month. to circumvent the efforts of the The new congress, to convene in A rubber selling agency to boost will be elected in November. January, price beyond all reason. And nothing is surer than that there p chief trouble Is that the prob- - will be a vast number of changes. A not Immediate enough. If It lot has been printed about the probaf icned doubling the price of auto- - bility that the Republicans would gain t tires next month, the whole at least 70 seats, and perhaps more, would be excited, and some- In the election, whereas the Demok would be done. The threat Is crats might gain a few senators. But in off than that. But It Is very that Is only part of It. Many Demoe4 is the kind of thing that crats will be denied renominatlons by atbe dealt with their ungrateful constituents. Many very successfully f Jtheon. strangle hold has been others will retire. The same is true of Republicans. Scrubber takes But the President is not considering time to come Into an, and so far, while success that ln sending to congress thl3 pro 's laboratory standpoint, the gram of social reforms old age pennts of the late Thomas A. sions, unemployment insurance, sick f. ffl nrnrillitinor nihUa thin ness insurance, permanent public dis Industrial for nlans f"7 from goldenrod settling and other tare not nrnvert n sertnna putes, provisions for taking the actuale to the rnhher tree of cost of living Into consideration in regular topics. minimum wages, etc. They will back in slightly changed verbibe all tally it was as a result of no change ln meaning next wenson scheme of the but age early ln Edison messages to the new Interested himself January "Jkr. But meantime their effect Is To aonreelntn thnt to be political. f 8.25 a pound means, It must intended nn answer is that some of the "wrea that during the depres-reached a low of 2 cents New Deal advisers to the President fa4 and that the perturbed over the price now is were considerably 1 where David "ttle over 12 Pennsylvania, in result cents. It has the Presiattacking rapid rise nlmnri c- A. Reed, bitterly ' Me with rises In most com- - dent and all his works, won renom-inatio- n 'i Prices. over Gifford Tlnchot No one IJff Pord was a great personal In the New Deal really had any enbut they do uarvey Firestone, the big thusiasm about Plnchot, which 's SaD- not relish the heartening Both Wpnt Komnliu, .ItH defeat has given the Old N Hoover, who fought the Dealers. ecneme when he was secre- " commerce. Edison set out to Battle Ahead 8 Author of Bj CHERIE NICHOLAS U0f Refreshing; Color Now Feature Newest Fashion Colors this season are amazingly refreshing. There's a "Flagship" blue with all of the light ln It of a sky from a sailing vessel. Russet Is swappnd from fall shndes for spring and competes with the new clay some people object to. Pale blue with a lavender tinge it lovely In knitted wear and for evening, with deeper blue trim. And brown comes In more different tinges than ever before. Back Fullneti Black fullness In evening dresses continues to be their most noteworthy feature. It Is achieved by ruffles, cascades of flounces, bustles and other device, Mrs. Post DEAR house of a While dining in stranger the other noticed that her waitress night-brought In a dessert plate with a fine lace doily on It and on top of that a finger bowL The silver for dessert was already at the places. I had never had a finger bowl brought this way. My hostess removed it and the doily from the dessert plate and put the bowl down on the dolly at the left to the back of the dessert ylate. The dessert was a rich fudge cake, which would have Boiled the aouy miserably, is It correct to let a doily take the place of a plate which matches the finger bowl and which stands on top of the dessert plate usually without any dolly between 1 In-jus- Answer: I don't think I understand your question. I don't see how the cake could possibly come In contact with the doily. Doilies are not often used, but when they are, you pick yours up with tbe finger bowl and put both down together on the tablecloth wherever there Is space. Then you put whatever it may be on the plate. You certainly would not put food on the doily, ever! My dear Mrs. Post: (1) How doe remove watermelon seeds from the mouth at table? (2) A friend told me that tablespoons are not the real serving spoons. I hae always used them as such, which must be wrong. (3) Is It ever all right to eat peas with a spoon, ln ease, or must they be Juggled with a fork? (4) Are little side dishes always tabu? (5) In a restaurant when foods are sometimes served in separate dishes, Is It correct to eat them directly from, the serving dish or should all food be put from there over on the dinner plate? Answer: (1) Remove all that you can with the fruit knife and fork before lifting a piece to the mouth, and any seeds left In the fruit are removed between thumb and finger, or dropped Into the cupped hand. They are in either case dried, as as possible with tongue andcompletely between lips. (2) There are slightly larger spoons used for serving, but tablespoons answer perfectly. (3) Spoon absolutely tabu. Mash them slightly with the fork. If you must But I enn't see that there Is any difflcu'ty, ever. (4) should put there Is no side dishes Correctly, yes. 5) You them on your plate, but rule because conventionally are not used. br Emlljr Post. WNU THAT HAVE GONE INTO OBLIVION iVhat vanished Bounds, ghost of the ear. rise known years I Screaming axles, in a storm of dust what fine from tha npon their and hoof, over the chariot war charge the Biblical plain; the measured plash of oar ln bank rise from eom galley bound for Ostia, the heavy wooden pound of the quartermaster'f betiming mace heard muffled from low deck ; behind Pentelie colonnade, the stringed music of lost Instruments mingle with a vast chanting; before the gods. One hear the his of streams of Greek Are from Byzantine citadels, bell ringing against thunderstorm In Gothic cities; the popgun Bound of Renaissance artillery, the rumble of the first coache on the first good roads, and the howl of wind ln the rigging of an Eighteenth century ln fool weather at anchor ln the downs. They are all gone; men will hear them no more; and In our own day the last sounds of the handicraft! descend, fighting gallantly, toward the same oblivion. It may be that they will hold their ultimate own, and presently mount, passing on their upward way the whole huge childishness of modern noise man-of-w- ar down-tumblin- g. What contemporary sound, one pauses to ask, will summon up our own strange years? The universal grind of gears when traffic start again at a light the demoniac tattoo of a riveter? In my own mind, It U something more subtle, more like the dry, merciless, electrical tick one hears in the pressured silence of a power room, a small sound, obedient, without life, and astronomically alien to the bones of man Henry Beston in the Atlantic Monthly. 'Tums" Builds a Home St Louis, Mo. The palatial nevf building being erected by A. EL Lewis Medicine Co., Is a fitting exemplification of the enthusiastic sentiment of millions of users of Turns. It will present a striking appearance In its contrast of blue-blac-k tei" ra cotta base with mottled cream.' above the second floor and guttering; gold finish on high vertical mnlllons Upper windows, fifty feet high, will have gold effect strips between them and furnish abundant light, while lower portion will have etched windows and stainless steel decorations. The building, machinery and equipment will cost between $100,000 and SlfSO.OOO nnd in to be URad exclusively for the manufacture of Turns. Adv. Studying li'.t Fub'ic "Do you feel able ti answer all the questions jour const: tnenfs ask?" ."Xo," answered Senator Sorghum. "That's why I sometimes resort to threats of personal violence; A time always comes when people get tired of trying to referee arguments and would rather see a real fight" Snimtit CleWi Skitp Don't endure pimples and blotches. Allay them quickly with pure Rc::ndl J"l!a Soap and safe, efficacious w t them? one ERAS OF SOUIID. Srvlc. Damp Air Weight Lett The weather bureau says damp air weighs less than dry air, as the damn, ness Is due to the vapor of water in the air, and vapor of water Is lighter than most of the other gases of the atmosphere, NOW SHE LOST 14 PODBDS OF FAT FOB 85 CEOTS I used one jar of Krnschen and re14 lbs. and just feel fine Was bothered before with gas pains but after taking ftjuschm tliey never bothered me. duced Mrs. R , Desr Eiver, Minn. Don't stay fat and unattractive not when it's so easy and sr.fe to get rid of doub! chins, and unbeugly hip-fa- t coming plumpners on linnn. artnat cf K. same time build up strength w& increase vitality feel younger and lteep free from headaches, indigestion, acidity, fatigue and shortness of breath. Just take a half teaspocroful of Krnschen Salts first thing every morning in a glass of hot water. If not joyfully satisfied With results of one 85 cent jar (lasts 4 weeks) money back from any drugstore the world over. But make sure you get Kruschen the SATE way to reduce. Salt Lake City's "Jewest Hotel HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE 200 Room 200 Tile Bath Radio connection in tvery room. RATES FROM flSO Jut eppoiitt Mormon TabtncU ERNEST C ROSSITER, Jlf. |