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Show LEH1 FREE PRESS. LEHI. UTAH INHERITED qJL Feu? OUR COMIC SECTION M Little w Simles Events in the Lives of Little Men HM uv STOMAS j ip-Trr- 1 r don't like the way Sliss Ball alU o teron her mounL She bounces 1 ribly." see ner "Tea, I'Tt noticed that you business" rubber U in the father I WW PATTERN I77 There's nothing like a print to suggest spring to brighten our wardrobe nd our spirits ' w love the model sketched here ha of the colorful desi-popular this season, u haj flattering, feminine lines the en all-ove- r a, Z FIFTY-FIFT- 5HCES ANP PRINT FROCK Thai. IS WORTHY PLACE IN ANY WARDROEE THE GAME'S UP mmmm fully flared sleeves, the sum belted waistline and mh-skirt panel. With the neckline open, artificial flowers posed at Y ' 2 th mora-Ing-li- d "The letter I gave you this Mrs. asked you post it?" Browa Inquiringly. Brown put his hand in his Jacket pocket and drew out the letter. said I n, afraid not, my dear," he coolly enough. "Of course you didn't!" she was snapped. "And I told you that it very Important" "Tes. I remember, dear," he returned. 'How like a man that Is !" she continued. "But dear " he stammered. "Don t 'but me. Tm angry," she snapped. "But, dear, be reasonable. Look at the letter; you forgot to address It," he explained. Stray Stories. I "So he no longer argues that women of men?" "No; that argument won't hold since so many women he meets make a monkey of him at bridge." havent the mentality V?t GENEROSITY Cfrllr, W. K. - tf. r WELL. THEY DOrtT YES INPEED THESE FlSM ARB LOOK VERY MS: TO Yes FRESH raw vJHAT -- If.-- I IS ir Yez ?USIMESS. SHOULP TkY ask always THE FISH a -- LL IOIME-TEFRESH AMP WHENl i SAY Yes AJM't SO PRESrt YHEY ran am"? They A INPEEP 0ELIEVE "I wish you'd quit dunning me tor Do you object to giving me time?" "No, I don't, but I do object to giving you the suit" IHtN THEYLL ."(INK AN po'i M5 THEY He's the Teacher Fond Mother David, I'm shocked to hear you use such language. Did you learn It at school? David Learn It at school? No. Why, it's me that teaches the other boys, mother. Pathfinder Magazine. One on Bridget Mistress (in late afternoon) Good gracious, cook, I've forgotten to order anything for dinner. I must have senile decay. Cook Never heard of It, mum. Does it take long to cook? A Fish Line FINNEY OF THE FORCE Too Slow for Him The real estate agent, having shown the prospective customer around j11 Inday until well into the evening, do what yon quired: "Well, now, think of our little city?" "I'll tell you, brother," replied the tough westerner. "This Is the first cemetery I've ever seen with lights." Exchange. that suit Vt OVERESTIMATED An Ad "What do you have there, Johnny?" asked the mother of her boy as he came home from Sunday school with a Bible text card. "Just an advertisement about heaven," Johnny replied. Exchange. neckline add a chic note. For added interest, tiny buttons trim the bick bodice. Sleeves may be omitted or may be made of contrast. Pattern 1776 Is available in sizes 12, 14, 16, 13, 20, 3032, 34, 36, 38 and 40. Size 10 takes 4 yards 39 Inch sewfabric. Illustrated Included. Instructions ing Send FIFTEEN CENTS (ISc) In coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Write plainly name, address and style number. BE SURE TO STATE SIZE. Had a Small Mouth Address orders to Sewing Circle "Why Is that lady lawyer so IndigPattern Department,, 243 West nant?" "Somebody alluded to her as the Seventeenth Street, New York City. big mouthpiece." step-by-ste- p FOOTSTEPS r ii it I They ainY so i i ii ill The ipearI f ish tor saw. IMPEEP "THEY WAS CAUGHT Yoa should sacH HAVE" DANGER . in V blasting ASAlM Suitor 1 came to ask for your daughter's hand. Fond Dad Do you realize she's all I have. Suitor Gosh! I thought you had a million. j YeSTEfcPAY 5J Jump." - 2 BITING WAS GOOD f ; .w.w., Wn, wsy W W t,l I V I WAY OP AMMniUl-ik.- THAT I'M TAKING -- Y . UP HORSEBACK RIDINGT ALLOW MB TO DISPLAY MY KEvy HABIT LOOK'S LIKE A BAP HABIT To ME- THE PUM PUNS nJ A- -T ADC VWi STiPSRUP AM ARS"awEr4T I f Vi "How did you catch cold?" "Weil, I went fishing and 1 had to bring back something." DANCER 8LAST1 KC NO MORE LEFT Subtle Tact tn Hicks So you got the best of argument with your wife? ner Dicks Sure, by agreeing with ner doubt In everything I made her own facts. Brooklyn Daily Eag"& V YbU NICE GET A GEtfTtE HORSE llB" THAT ARE? "tou TRYMO- - lO I l I itc HAT 'A SEMSATlON A RUMAVAY HORSE MADfc VJH&N l WAS Men Are Like That Wife My husband . awake so much at night. Mine taW Second Dltto-H-uh! In his sleep and lies even then. First J nope ' TUM II Preparing; for the Rush Film Star What will you charge to conduct my divorce? Lawyer If you'll give me tJJ nopoly of your future divorces, do this one for nothing. - TO wgL-L- It Wa Plenty "What did tlje wife say when yon came rolling in at 2 a. m.?" "Maybe you have time to spend three hours listening, but I havenl that long to waste repeating what she said, and she talks a heap faster than I do." Cincinnati Enquirer. Let Off Lightly Walter Would you mind settling your bill, sir? We're closing now. Irate Patron But, hang it alL haven't been served yet Waiter Well, in that case, thereH only be the cover charge. i fc V DANGER Going for a Ride THE FEATHERHEADS l'RiS' Sr "Are you going to teach your small boy to follow In your footsteps?" ' "No," said Senator Sorghum. "Of course, he'll go into politics. Everon ybody has to. But 'nobody can go are Emergencies following footsteps. bound to arise which compel each person of voting age to decide for himself which way he Is going to SY; MJ IM THIS PaY A$E, A RUHAAY HORSE. WOULP auiuv BE A SENSMIIUN AS He You admit you allowed Mr Freshly to kiss you? Why he's kissed every girl In town. She-- Oh well, this Is a small town. MADE TO FIT The diamond fn this K1"1"' ring la awfully small." "I told the Jeweler it waa for th. smallest hand In town." . PUKg JM ifV If A-- jV? Won Her Stripei "Tho dlnnor was delicioUS. must have an old family cook- wiw "Yes, Indeed ; she's been ten or twelve meals." |