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Show THURSDAY THE LEHI FREE PRESS THURSDAY JUNE 7. 1934 THURSDAY. MAY 24, 1934 LEHI FREE PRESS Published by The Lehi Free Press Every Thursday Phone Lehi, Utah TILE 8-- W GeorfB P. Price, Manager Office. 32 West Main Street Residence, 2nd West and State Street, Lehi, Utah Mrs. Jennie Nostrum and so as, President A. C. Schow was a Provo Bruce and Keod, wer Sunday dinner visitor, Monday. guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Roberta. David firry of Cedar Fort was a M! Fay Fram of Sacramento, Cali Lehi visitor, Monday. fornia, is a gueet of Miss Leona Osterioh. Miss Fram and Miss Oster Mr. and Mrs. Edward South wick and ioh spent Monday in Bait Lake City. daughter, Emma, and Mrs. Inex Peterson were Salt Lake visitors, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arley Clark and Mr. and Mrs. E. H- - McAffea of Salt daughter. Karma, spent Saturday in Spanish Fork with Mrs Clark's parents. Lake City, spent Memorial Day with Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hardy. their relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Webb and family Entered at the postofflce at Monday In Salt Lake City. They spent Lehi, Utah, as second Cecil Webb who entered accompanied class matter the mission home. LOCAL ITEMS . w i i"n The water board of the hem visitors nation Company were business ft to Alpine, Wednesday. FriMrs. W. A Evans returned home Eureka day following a week's visit at with Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Evan. Pump and Half Horse Motor, pulleys and everything ready te go For Sale tf Cheap L. D. Backer. Mrs. May Bone of Salt Lake City, Keith Eddington is spending his is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. with his grandparents. Mr. vacation Ronald Zimmerman. and Mrs. N. H. Felt ax Onterfteld, Dr. W. L. Worlton attended a dental Utah. Clifton AIlsop of Murray, who is em convention In Salt Lake City. Friday ADVERTISING RATES Mrs. O. M. Adams and daughter, at the Dream Mine near and Saturday. Miss Nedra Lewis also ployed 30c inch Display per and son, Clark of Lay ton, were Mariam Mrs. on was of a guest Mr, and attended the convention Saturday. 10c per line Santaquin Headers W. S. Evans from Wednesof guests T. A. Taylor, Saturday. SUBSCRIPTION One year in advance i wmz&i-- . r 2 One of the Greatest Factors In Business Today REUASLE TRANSPORTATION -- u FAST Red Arrow" Fast Freight plos FREE PICK-U- P and is the answer to your ad Freight Problems DELIVERY Lees-Gario- Freight Service on Passenger TRAIN SCHEDULES was to meet YOUR needs tor Fast Service on Carload develop Freight. of last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Jones and Mr. day to Saturday Mrs. Dee Elder and little and Mrs. E. Clark Jones of Chlnoook, Mrs. C. A. Gaxler of Los Angeles, Dallas, of Los Angeles, California, are Montana, were Provo visitors Tuesday. the week with visiting Mrs. Elder's parents, Mr, and While there they attended a show California, is spending Mr. and and her daughter field. Mr. William Had at the Paramount. and family. Mrs. D. R. Mitchell Misses Alowene Rothe Miss Wanda Kirkham of Salt Lake Mrs. Howard Ricks and children and Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas and and acchildren and Holmstead Rex Mrs. Mrs. Walter Faber returned home sons Russell and Ivan of Blackfoot, wruunea me menben City, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. A. ""0'U on a Holmstead trip H. Fitsgerald. wic-i- r ounuay ocnool dg, Saturday following a week's visit with Idaho, returned home Friday following companied Mr. and through Evanston, Wyoming afternoon. The class was relatives in Emery and the Southern a short visit with Lehi relatives. takes Montana. They will be gone about Mrs. Celestia Schow, Mrs. Aschah wee up the creek where part of the state. Schow and Mrs. Christie Wllles spent luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Argyle of Black-foo- t, five weeks. Mr. and Mr. Arthur Paltrldge, home were the at callers Monday in Salt Lake City, guests of Idaho, Mrs. Jessie Ballanger and children Mrs. Julia Childs. daughter, Olive, and son, Dan, and of President and Mrs. A. Oarlos Schow of Magna, spent Tuesday afternoon in Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beck of Salt Lake on Tuesday and Friday of last week. of Memorial were Mrs. Elworth Powell and children ! Lehi, guests of Mrs. Julia Curtis, Miss guests Day City, W re Lois Dlckerson accompanied her home and Mrs. Emerson Curtis and children Mrs. Nita Gaines and children Mr. William Price. Webb J. turned to Lehi, Monday evening, fol- for a short visit. of Salt Lake City; Mrs. Heber Mr. and Mrs. James H. Gray and lowing a visit with Mr. Gaines in New and son, Wayne, are spending the Lester Smuin of Salt Lake City was week in American Fork Canyon. daughters. Leona and Dorothy and Mexico. a guest of his father, James Smuln. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Swenson were and ami Mr. Timms of and Thomas Mrs. Mr, dinner guests Monday evening. Sunday Mrs. Grace Webb spent Thursday Mrs. Russell Worlton of Centervllle, Mrs. Samuel Crane of Draper. and Friday in Salt Lake City, she was were Memorial Day visitors of Mr. and Wm. Thayne of Salt Lake City was home by Mrs. Elworth accompanied a caller at the T. A. Taylor home, Miss Teresa Taylor returned home Mrs. R. B. Worlton. Many telephones are being Powell and children who visited at the Tuesday enroute to St. George. Friday evening and will remain for Webb home over the week-en- d. again each day h thj, MIbs Taylor has spent Mrs. Douglas Soalley of Salt Lake the summer. and others. community Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Thayne and the past school year teaching school City, was a guest of her mother, Mrs. Dolbert Thayne of Provo, were guests M. A. Taylor, Monday. in Ogden. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Back in touch with everyo of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Taylor, Monday Mrs. Heber J. Webb were Mr. and Mrs. these families one mora eaa Miss Maud Hackett underwent an Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Wardle and evening. Elworth Powell and children, Mr. and use the telephone as oft u operation for the removal of a growth family spent Memorial Day In South Mrs. Emerson Curtis end children of they like. No longer are the; ot the leg at the L. D. S. Hospital in Jordan, guests of Mr. Wardle's mother, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Jones and child Salt Lake City. on neighbors. dependent Salt Lake City, Saturday. From the Mrs. Emily Wardle. ren of Chinook. Montana, left Lehi as good latest reports, Miss Hackett Is Saturday for the return trip home, If yon are without a telephoM, Wayne Schow who has been atas can be expected. Mr. Jones Is a foreman of the Utah-Idahnot get In touch with why school at Omaha, Nebraska, tending Sugar Co. at Chinook. today? was a guest of his grandparents. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dasll A, Smith and Celestia Schow Mr. and and Mrs. Harriet Mrs. Wm. and children of Coalville Outstanding among the weeks social te events was the wedding reception Dorton, on Sunday and Monday, Smith of Salt Lake City, spent from to his home in Rupert. Idaho. the at week of last Mr. to Mrs. and Had William Friday given by Tuesday Any employes will ttkt field In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dale He Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd home of Bishop and Mrs. Joseph E. order or call our your Hadfield whose marrlge ws solmenlzed Schow. Smith. office. In the Salt Lake Temple, Friday. A rusorw?.wAiTt and Memorial day visitors of Bishop dance program and refreshments were Mrs. James M. Kirkham and eon, Mrs. Joseph E. Smith were Mr. and enjoyed by 250 relatives and friends of Elmoine, of Salt Lake Sunspent City, the young couple from Utah and Salt Mrs. Charles Fox and family, Mr. and The Mountain States In Lehi. They loft Monday mornday Mr. Mrs. Archie Burton and family, lack of interest on the part 01 Lake counties. The newlyweds weiv ing for the Southern States to Join The the recipients of a large number of Mr. Kirkham and Mrs. Victor Smith and family, all many citizens holds back the Telephone & Telegraph ft developat the mission beautiful and useful gftst to grace the of Salt Lake City. ment of many cities. Whether or not this lack of Interest new home. R. J. Wilson of Inglewood, Cali- is to continue is up to them. fornia, Mrs. George Myers of Highland, Where a portion of the business men Mrs. Sarah Pregland, Mrs. Genleve show a lack of aggressiveness, a tendFergerson and Mr. and Mrs. Albert ency to stay in the same old rut, and Peterson, all of Salt Lake City and an dea in their heads that business will Alfalfa Hay For Sale From the Earl Wilson and L. O. Wilson of Lehi be good without effort on their stack or field Call any ltp were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. part, just helps to kill all business of A FAMILY PASS TO ROYAL WITH EACH 50c PAD Ellsha Peck on Memorial Day. YOUNG PIGS FOR RALE CHEAP the home city. ON SUBSCRIPTION See Chester Smith, 2nd W. 6th N. They will find many of their fellow Mum Louise Nesbltt, formerly a citizens, getting the habit of going to FIRST CLASS CHERRIES Order pupil in the Lehi schools,, will receive some other city to trade. Now. Prices right. W. A. Martindale. a degree of Bachelor of Arts at the Most of this trading ls commencement exercises of the college done because of lack of effort on the Salt Lake the of St. part of the home merchants. CHERRIES taken in exchange for City. Miss Nesbltt will also receive The cities who sit tight and take subscription. adv a state high school teachers certificate. only what business that is coming to MSss Nesbitt is a granddaughter of them usually haven't much coming to FOR SALE Young Pigs 11.75, Sheets' Mrs, C. Leiter. 12.50. Also good alfalfa hay. Joseph them and don't get touch. The cities that succeed are the ones Nelson, Durrant Farm, West of river, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. that are up and doing all the time-reacFreeman, Mr. and Mrs. James Schow, out after business and buildMr. and Mrs. W. A, Martlndale, Miss GRINDING Scissors, saw sharpen' ing for the future. Leona Osterloh, Mrs. E. J. Roberts and IN THESE MODERN DATS TOU ea. hewing Machines Repaired. Seei Mr. ' Herman Osterloh, Miss Fay CAN'T WAIT FOR BUSINESS. TOU William Osborne. tf. Frumb of Sacramento, California, MUST GO AFTER IT! For Madsen Cleaners Call attended the wedding reception of Miss TmwninffmHiiiiiuiimit In Lehi Tuesdays and Thursdays. Best Vivian Austin of this city and Mr. And still the and in the clearners Utah County. Why not Earl Doutre of Salt Lake City at go merrily on raising takes. the best? home of Mrs. Lela Johnson on Garfield I note the a(jv folloing article in a Colo, Drive in Salt Lake City, Saturday of which will be much Interest paper, PAPER HANGING, Paper Cleaning. evening. to those who have Invested their life's The Only Paper That Sets and Prints All Local News and Caslomining, etc. Prices reasonabl savings In securities, especially those Ralph Hutchlngs, 2nd West and State. TRIAL IS SET who do not get dividends, as this Ads in Lehi. article gives a big reason why: class film First developing, Trial for James Allen of Draper, "We are most ot us taxpayers and and copy work of all kinds. printing WHY NOT BUILD LEHI FIRST! Prices who is accused of striking Vera are In recent months reasonable. prone, especially I. Bone, Phone! George of with a of Fairfield piece Thompson since the assessment of taxes has be 171-- J. tf rope and shaking her by the shoulders, come a paramount factor in the funcwas set for June 28 by Judge D. R. tioning of the New Deal, to Join eagerEllertson Saturday. Allen pleaded not ly In a discussion on who pays the PUREBRED JACK guilty to the battery charge. taxes for the twon, city, school district, Like the county, state and nation. FOR SERVICE AMERICANISM fisherman's yarns the stories of the Intricacy of the tax system are such The law assuming you are innocent he who tells best. that until proved guilty; the public assum"However, It Is easily probable that ing you are guilty and will be proven Southern Colorado Power Company Innocent. will outdo the best of them for, "believe it or not, this company pays A sharp note Indicates curiosity," LOWEST PRICES ON PUMPS AND POWER A flattened fifteen separate and distinct kind ot says" a Provo writer. nose often indicates too much curiosity. taxes. They pay a tax on the real estate that they own. f? EQUIPMENT They pay T franchise taxes. They pay perspecial For the Shelton declares Jim Artesian and Surface Wells only bright In sonal taxes. addition property there spots In the life a bookkeeper are on is a paving tax to pay and a ConserAny Kind! Any Price! the Beat of his trousers. vancy District tax and a schooi tax. Pump Ground Water and Save Your Crops. also pay taxes on checks, taxes A Lehi beauty expert advises that They on their gross earnings taxes on exswimming Is the best exercise for de cess dividends. They pay on gross Bred your mares to a good Jack and veloping a graceful walk. raise high priced mules. They pay on Income. They receipts. look a duck. at Yeah, Prices Reasonable pay a capital stock tax and, commenc1 1933. they started payMules In good dumand for are September ing high And summer Is here when you find a three per cent electric sales tax. PLUMBING and HEATING ing prices. See some had money yourself wishing you a gasoline tsx and there Is pay They to buy a new auto Instead of wishing ROBERT BEVERiDGE also a processing tax to pay on cerPHONE 23 you had some money to pay your bills. tain classes of invoices," STATE STREET LEHI, UTAH son. $1 00 j..... Salt Lake & Utah Railroad son-in-la- Per Line for first Want ads insertion and 5c per line for each additional insertion. 10c LOCAL' ITEMS Rex Dennis of California, is a guest of Lehi friends this week. Hackett was a Salt Lake C. C. visit- or, Saturday. Mr . and Mrs. Ferd Evans of Eureka, in Lehi. epent the week-en- d Mrs. George G. Robinson and daughter, Marie, and Mrs. Beulah Lltson motored to Salt Lake City, Friday. John Russon and son and dauirhter of Hollywood, California, are guest of Mr. Russon's father, Thomas Russon, Mrs. R. J. Hutchlngs spent Saturday in American Fork with her mother, Mrs. Louise McCandlass. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Reynolds and son, Junior of Provo, were visitors at the W. A. Evans home, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hutchlngs and at the R. family spent the week-en- d home. J, Hutchlngs Local mail carrier, Wm. Kirkham, has a braised face this week, but did not report how it happened. Mrs Elisabeth Bolln of Salt Lake City, was a Sunday guest of Mrs. Ellsha Peck. Mrs. A. E. Cobbley of Lindon, was a guest of Mrs. Eliza Banks at the Junius Banks home, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Junius Banks and Mrs. EUsa Banks spent Saturday In Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hutchlngs and Miss Verla Thayne spent Friday In Salt Lake City. Mrs. Agnes McKee, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Taylor of Sprlngville, spent Memorial Day In Lehi with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Prior and child ren are spending the week at Spanish Fork. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Winn,, Mrs. A. E. Adams and daughter, Dora, were Salt Lake visitors, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Beck and son, Salt Lake City, spent Wednes day at the Robert Allred home. Bob. of i3 "We're Glad Have Our Telephone Again o ZJl to t WANT ADS FREE! out-of-to- Send In Your Subscription Today hing One Year for $1.00 Six Months for 50c tax-raise- rs Mrs. Herman Allred and Mrs. Harry Stoker were Salt Lake visitors. Satur day. 7 -- , PHONE If , mi In- terest, any advertising, any Job printing or want anything in the printing line. $2.75 FOR Si For Two Weeks Only OUTDOOR GIRL Large Box Face Powder Lipstick Dry Rouge 1 year to Lehi Free Press Total $1.C0 35 .40 1.00 $2.75 ALL FOR fl.00 Our Motto: A Free Press In Every Lehi Home. DON'T TAKE CHANCES K 8-- W you have any news of LEHI FREE PRESS ML S. ILflDTTT LEEL mm TXSf ' 3851 I |