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Show ! 1 ic50AY JUNE 7, 1934 j THURSDAY JUNE 7, i iliu LLm i , ii" 4 ,.: liOTICESEGOHD Child Needs Milk, Diet Requrresot For Gro. ing Children tottta By r, n u. Jab. eoia 7 V... v ! i . L. Riot i. VRY ehiMTfrTm babyhood t. doleaeewe, should be reared Jjccordmg to tie cardinal rules of if that child would be Healthy, strong, vigorous and hap-- shridnw nd a "balanced There ft fnm ths towering crags of tha gockies anions which the Uvea at Colorado Springs, Colo, Christine yjiitsng Pannenter draws inspiratce ion for the Western tales of and adventure fcr which she so well known. It is la become pinst this same background that itn hu placed the action in her totorful and vigorous story, "Miss Aliddin." Her childhood, I in Colorado her husband and lived The Unknown Port," JOne Wids River to Cross" and "Silver Rib sons." is aa fine: that yon witf BOS juaaoia story ll vast te miss. Km J It as It upmts serUIIr la thi tuvcL C fcies' quart of milk daily, and dairy JJ DroducL in ail. flit ion to the or- staple Sleep, girlhood and early JJ K3sjfa3gsjsAt3asE and plenty of it, is absolutely necessary for the Dr. John I Rice growing child. Tests have rem onstrated that sleep actually is almost as important as food. In fact, it has been shown that animals and human beinjs may go longer without food than without sleep. Physicians agree that a bity should have twelve to fojrea hours sljp, every day, until he readies the age of six. From that year cn to tan his sleeping hours may be reduced to ten, and after that he should have at least eight hours, trJ if possible nine. Every growing child shwsld also have plenty of fresh air and sunshine. From his first month on up to five or six years he should be clothed as lightly as poGsib'e so that the sun will have an opportunity to reach every part of his body. This daily ur.bath is needed to tone up the tiiiid's system, but care must be tak.-;-. that he is cot sunburned. Ko t.ien be allowed to creep, xvu-.- or play ir. open, and evea in the vt.jl- - it may play in tiu stow; ;;.oj'."-.his wet eio thing is he enters trie home. Vita! Element The mir.ti ls in fresh ve'.-iitiert-, fruits, milk a ad dairy products assist the chi!d hi building up strong bones, and healthy teeth. Plenty of vegetables, particularly apples, ranges, bananas and grapefruit, not only furnish bulk to aid in daily elimination, but they give us important vitamins so necessary in maintaining health. -- sh-jul- :ined rauunEBr waves THAT SATISFY I merely plenty of: fresh vegeta- - foods. Springs, with daughter. She first won recognition with short stories and serials, published in leading magazines, but in recent years she has written a numnovels that have ber of full-leng- th liven her a high place among the authors of today. Among her best known stories, in addition to "Miss are "Shininr Palace," Aladdin," bum demands dinary Par-neut- bf mysterious Ulaoeed diet, for anen a Every wave supervised by H. Anderberg, who to date has supervised over 12,000 permanent waves. 1 Rhoda r mt favorites. Miss Bernlece Bradshaw, daugher of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bradshaw won DISABLED VETERANS TO the second place at the division finals FROLIC AT GENEVA and will enter the church finals In Salt Lake City, Friday afternoon. Delia The disabled veterans of Utah Roberts and Von Adamson won first County are sponsoring a day of en- place in the division for the original tertainment at Geneva, on Saturday, dance and will enter the church final June 16. They are arranging to Wel at Saltnir at 6 p. m. Friday. come people from all over the state at These young people are to be conthe outing. gratulated upon winning the division Committees are working to have and the entire stake wish them success something going all the time. There at the finals. will be a eports program and a special dance in the evening. Mrs. Verno E. Larson and children next Details will be announced of Moroni, are guests of Mrs. Larson's week. mother, Mrs. Rachel Anderson. The The Sharon Stake Outing will be Larson family are moving to Ogden to held at Geneva on Tuesday, June 12. make their home. Th Tate family will hold their annual reunion at Geneva on Sunday, June 10. Everyone connected with or iterested with the Tate family are In- 1 143 Phone 889 PROVO, UTAH i 8 truly 0 9 i killed by Cheap 8 the life of sad epitaph for a good servant. Don't gamble loose. your car on a penny saved here and there; you'll always use best and It here for dependable service. We do right Stop times the difference in quality materials. It's worth many A price. SERVICE i"BUCK" - Tl 004 1VO ctatr Hw,.WjiyM Salt Lake Arcadians county's most popular dancing resort STATI0I1 PETERSON. Manager STREET. LEHI, UTAH Sat, June 9 Utah a., m Saturday Ward workers meet at Barrat Hall. 8 a. m. Stake workers meet at 17th Mm SI The Primary organizations of the L. church will hold their sessions as follows: 8, a, m. Friday, June 8, meeting In Assembly Hall. at Taber 9 a. m. General session nacle. 10:30 a. m. Ward workers at Barrat Hall. 2 p. m. Departmental sessions in 17 Ward Chapel. 4 p. m. Special session at Barrat Hall. D. S. "Ward Chapel. CENTRAL 1st place, Keith The Primary play leaders near Salt Lake City to be prepared to give demonstration to all the stakes of the church Saurday. The convention was held in Cocoanut Grove. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Ivory of Salt Lake City were guests of Mayor and The Mrs. tSanley Taylor, Tuesday. visit was in honor of the birthday anni versary of the two ladles who are twin daughters of Mrs. Rachel Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. WteSb and daugh ter, Dorothy, who have been visiting Lehl reltalves for a short time, returned to their home in Idaho Falls, Idaho, Sunday, Miss Cleorsv Lewis accom panied them home for a visit. Mrs. Glenn Potter and baby accom panied by Miss Erma Schow returned to their home in Bancroft, Idaho, Fri a visit at the home of President and Mrs. A. Carlos Schow. day, folloying Smtth, Arva Wing. George Bone, 5; 2nd place Wiesley Schow, 4 YU CP LIEABM TBDE SIECIlIETr Lovely Mail the coupon below, with only 10c to cover postage and handling cost. You will receive a Beauty Kit contain-in- g generous trial sizes of five of the famous $1 Outdoor Girl Beauty Products, with complete directions for their use. We are making this offer because we want you to know you can have lively skin; a fresh; beautiful A complexion that stays fresh ali day long! SIMM J We want you to know how olht oil, the most valuable skin beautifier experts know of, has been combined with the finest creams, powders and rouges to achieve these amazing aids to loveliness! Send this coupon -- and you'll wish you"d discovered Outdoor Girl Beauty Products long ago! OUTDOOR GIRL aiivs, ait BEAUTY PRODUCTS mij-R- t M. I. A. SESSIONS OF CONFERENCE " M. I A, workers from all stakes and wards of the church will convene In Salt Lake City on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of this week. Meetin.es are scheduled as follows: )ance-(- br LaVerl Allred and Alan Wells attended the B. U. commencement exercises In Flremaking 1st place, Russell Bone, Troop No. 8; 2nd place, Dick Mitchell, Prpvo, Sunday evening. Virgil Smith formelry of Lehl is one of the gradu Troop No. 3. Russell 1st ates of the B. T. U. this year. place, Rope Splnlng Schow, Troop No. 5; 2nd place, Howe I A J Rvnna. TTAhAP J Wrtorthntinn Troon No. E. Whh nA Knot Tyng 1st place, Val Watklns, I Isaac Yates went to Salt Lake City, . a Pf rr. a .it a. - m Un. aj n rA fMarlr I m ...... tj. Troop No. 2 family of Peru Illinois. The Gilbert nnnVlnff lat nlaca. Retd Hutchhurs. famllv will arson A f Via inmmnp with Troop No. 8; 2nd place, Billy Glover, Mrs. Katherlne Tates and family. Troop No. 5. Mrs. Victoria Stewart and Mrs. First Aid 1st place, Clyde Morgan, Troop No. 5; 2nd place, Cecil Zimmer Randal Schow attended the funeral mtmm mr.arfUM ant.lAA WaAla a man Troop No. S Swimming 1st place, Clyde Morgan, pia8ant Grove, Tuesday. Mrs. Wooley was a cousin of Mrs. Stewart. 6. com-plexio- n. Stake and ward play leaders will meet at Cocoanut Grove on Saturday morning. 10 a. m. General session. General session Assembly 2 p. m. Hall. , Sunday 8:30 a. m. Barrat Hall. 11 a. m. Meet at Tabernacle. 2 p m. General session Tabernacle. Friday, June 8. 9 a. m. general session of the Lehl wards were invited to attend ft convention of play leaders of stakes) i PRIMARY COnFEBEHOE LEUI 0-1-7, i Here lies 5. O LEHI STAKE PLAY LEADERS ATTEND CONVENTION SCHEDULE FCIt m 1 SO. 3 E. Troop No. Bugling Troop No. Troop No. at p. by Cartes Bchow. It has been reported that the comInpetition was much more keen and that and last than teresting this year the boys were much more anxious to participate. All who attended the outing and aW the events declared' It a big success and something to look forward to for another year. JF0D1B vited to Geneva, Sunday. I rld. if Experience Guarantees ! UrOERBERQ BEAUTY AND OM CAMPING AND SCOUT FIELDBOREE A BIG SUCCESS Stake and ward Era o vectors "slU at the Hanger Auxiliary Bail Room (116 So. Main). , T. W. presidents and 12 to 2 p. m The Uehi Second Ward will hold M. M. I. A. summer of T. the directors their Mutual Dell Outinr on ThursLion House, day, Friday and Saturday. Juno 14, 1 camps at 12 to 12:20 Safety demonstrations and 16. All Second Ward members contests. and who are planning on going- should set Drama finals will be held In the In touch with, the M.LA. officers this Theatre the doors to be Paramount week. Those who are ars re noon. 12 at quested to meet at the Second Ward open 2 p. m. Retold Story Board room of Chape! on Monday, June 11 at 8 P. m. 60 North Main St. The families of the Second Ward T. M. M. L A. at final. 1 dl m. Public Speaking who wish to patrieipate tn the outing Hall. Assembly troops, which wast Hstsrestlni; d will find comfortable cabns surrounddaae t p. ai. Dancing and original tertaJnlng to ail present. ing the Dell for their accomodation. contest SaJtatr. at Saturday morning at S o'clock found Those wishing cabins should notify Saturday everybody awake and anxious to start their ward officers as soon as possible. session at Assembly the days program. 8 a. nv General Hall. After flag ceremony and Umbering 10 m. Extra session at Barrat ud exercises everybody cooked their hu.wf.it itvr the camDflre. The Hall. at meet Secretaries m. a. 10:15 boys greatly enjoying this affair with SANDS OF THE DESERT Building. their fathers, and the father undoubt Bishops CALL. SLIM AND LASU 10 to 12 Community activity leaders edly developing a greater appreciation The limitless expanse of the Great at Deseret Gym. for their wives and their cooking. American Desert forms the setting for 10 to 12 Adult leaders meet (place Promptly at 8 o'clock the Fieldboree the greater part of '"Love Birds" the not designated). proper started in which some 60 scouts Roof division 10 'a. m. Senior Universal comedy which comes to the participated and were kept fcusy and Memorial Building. of Smith enthused for over four hours. Royal Theatre on Sunday. Monday and Garden 10 a, m. Vanguard leaders Room Troon No. 5 again own the Lion's Tuesday with Slim Summervllle and 34 Young Memorial Building. of the events gaining 70 points share ZaSu Pitts in starring roles. teacuand 10 a. m. Junior directors Troop No. t came In the competlon. Much of the action takes place la School. 45 La ers with second Fayette points, Troop No. 2 was and around a dilapidated ranch house, T. M. M. I. Srd with. 13 points, Troop No. 1 came leaders a. m. Scout 10 El Mirage Rancho which was con4 th with 11 points and Troop No. 4 structed by studio technical depart- A.L Board Room. and 12:15 Joint superintendents was last only getting 3 points. ments a few miles outside of the desert House. Lion at luncheon The penants were won as follows: town of Indio, California, and here the presidents 2 to 4 p. m. Executive committee No. S recleved 7 blue penants Troon company spent three weeks in filming Barrat Hall. leaders and first activity for places, 8 red penants for 2nd exscenes. In many scenes the vista 17th Ward 2 p. m. Beekeepers the large blue penants for and places tends for miles, with a desolate floor of In the Fieldboree. Chapel. first place sand stretching away to the horizon, 2 D. m. M. Men Hotel Utah. 3 took 5 blue penants for No. Troop end not a habitation in sight. 2 p. m. Gleaners Bishop Building. 1st places. 2 red penants for 2nd places When a subsequent gold rush brings 8 p. m. Music Festival Tabernacle and the large red penant for 2nd place hundreds of eager prospectors flock doors open at 7. In the Fieldboree. ing to the ranch house, a tent city Sunday Troop No. 2 received 4 red pennants springs up overnight, with a makeshift M. M. I. A, Earratt Hall for 2nd places. 8 a. m T. tented saloons and even a burlesque 10:30 a. m. T. W. M. I. A. AssemTroop No. 1 received 2 blue penants show to provide entertainment for the Hall. 1st place. bly for miners. 2 p. m. General session No. 4 did not place In the Troop Wm. directed was "Love Birds" by medals. or penants Setter, and the cast appearing In supwere won by the follow metals The Inport of Summervllle and Miss Pitts M. I. A. MEMBERS OF THE LEHI scouts: Buring cudes Mickey Rooney, Frederick STAKE TO ENTER Handicraft 1st place, Joe Lambert, ton, Dorothy Christy, Hugh Enfield, CHURCH FINALS Troop No. 3; 2nd place, Val Watklns, Maude Eburne and many other screen TATE REUNION Satisfaction. MJtcfcalL Troop No. 5; 2nd place, Dick 2. No. Troop Diving 1st place, Howard Thomas, Troop No. 1; 2nd place, Joe Lambert, No. 5. The Fathers and Sons- Camping Troop 1st place. Merlin Love--. Khmalin which was held In connection with the . . p Jroop Scout Fieldboree and the Annual Stake Loveridge, 5. No. Satur Outing, last Friday night and The judgest representing the troop who attenaea, all declared was by day were as follows: am a biz success. Troop No. 1 Mayor Stanley Taylor. Many cars of Lehl people attended Troop No. 2 Clifford Austin. as program, as well the bisr camp-fir- e Troop No. 3 James Zimmerman. the scouts and their fathers who stayTroop No. 4 Floyd White. ed for the night. Troop No. 6 William Loveridge. A very splendid program was given t The pertain and medals were awardby the members ef the various A. Stake Pre-ido- tit 3 m. ed 'H M-- to. lovebirds: of Dies i. noth.cg rfklh- parried life were spent in Massa- er cbasetts, but since 1917 Mrs. has EBt,Vu . si-ou- f"th ,7 JJUJiC 1934 -. sembly Hall, WARD MEMBERS Fruits, Vegetables! ii.i-.i- ' Ufi V Two More Big Dances l- S3RBP0RATI0N- - 130 Wi!l!' '.. N. York D.pt. H-- NAME y Tabernacle. el- 3 hi J CITY. Uance Music Unexcelled STATE Wed., June 13 a s i c- - Brox Band Adolph UTAH COUNTY'S MOST POPULAR DANCING RESORT S II |