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Show I 1 I 1 " 1 LEHI FREE PRESS, LEH1, UTAH I r Battling With New York's Unemployed Susie Balances the Budget " 1 1 'i i By MABEL L CLAPP in Denial New York Doctor Cites Medical Association of Belief That Many Diseases Were Traceahle to Their Use in the Diet. fc 1 hat thi family need vv hodceL said Sam oracularly.' 1 V"vV - R A-- f . The monthly batUe of tho bill wJ orer. and Susie In a tate of exnauatlon reclined on the couch with Sammy on the hearth rug. fTTi-- Meats of Value Emphasizes Inof or bladder, or even an Inflamed Anyone who has been a member accorn. a or growing toenail, a bunion thresher crew and who ha no pockets of The present belief of characteristic quired the appetite or gout rheumatism no exthe pus, a thresher can appreciate in chronic Inflammations of "Even E. mentioned by fad food of treme such as the various B. Hlnman of the New York state the kidneys of form brlght'a disease, moderate college of agriculture meat do no harm whatof amount she when The cook caused dismay cases on record In worst ever. The told the threshing crew that they of hardening and medical all history since they no would have potatoes the arteries all of lime to could get enough nourishment from turning in the kidney and over the body, each at five peanut nuts; she placed have been intestines Hlnand particularly, plate. It is possible, Professor and found in certain orders of oriental edible an to man admits, arrange who live almost exclusively complete meal of unusual foods, but monks, and seeds such as peas, starch upon normal perThe done. seldom it Is lentils. and They abstain enbeans, real son ia likely to get all of the necessities from a diet in which tirely from meat" With present knowledge of theral-u- e meat, milk, eggs, and the ordinary of meats disproving many past ilvegetables are included. famThe American Medical association, lusions, Professor Hlnman urges not he Bays, maintains that the talk ilies to restore meat in the diet; nuabout rheumatism, gout, lumbago, the finest cuts available, but the with varied and many similar diseases being tritious soups and stews, caused or even aggravated by meat boiling pieces. Jhen two pounds of Is not backed by known facts. "Red boiling meat can be bought for a meats." they say, "have nothing dime, the cheap cuts are too healthwhatever to do with uric acid. Nor ful and appetizing in the diet to be have they anything to do with caus- displaced by any other food. Farmers can have more meat and ing gout or rheumatism, because neifood avoid to the surplus at killing time by due is diseases of these ther or drinks of any sort, but solely to curing parts of the carcass that la focal Infections: small pockets of not sold. City residents who are can pus around the roots of the teeth, In able to buy a quantity of meat the tonsils, nasal passages and si- save money by buying enough to get home-cur-e a nuses, in ulcers of the stomach and a lower price and bowels, around an Inflamed appendix Everyone must choose nd Judge In money matter." be went value r on. "It teache discrimination, train one In a sense of value .and 1 good for mental development It would b good for you." t do it." aid Susie "Then I won-undertubbornly. "I'm not going to are good that more take any thing for me. because they Just lead to nothing but grief. When I did those I sprained my etting up exercise knee, and it was In that clasa in home economic that I met that horrid Mr. Budlong who bought thing on my charge account and never paid for them." "Now Sue, don't be a little fathead. You're not likely to sprain yourself putting figure down In a book, and if you developed the practical side of , ... i in. reels me ueiirnt aemousiraior .:.. ,nliuin , , your nature more you wouldn't be o w uiitr i.. nuuillllj 1. u I il IT l .no ' " ' ' of iim - .ih:mi b i,i,.i. bulb ...i,n.. lUUJiaurs, and endeavor to pull him out of darker. He was one of the 1,000 unemployed who staged a pitched likely to be gypped by your friends." mb , his ...coattails .) In .Ant !!,. tment of public welfare offices In New York City. WilD Itfftle "I don't like figures." Susie obpolice ui num ui uic jected. "Thi Isn't a geometrical theorem, Honey. You can add, can't you?" "Not long row," said Susie firmly. "They never come out twice alike." The battle of the budget was Joined, but In the end, Sammy, who was a diplomat as well as an orator, prevailed, for he had Susie persuaded that budgeting was one of life's rosi. est pastimes. "It really Isn't any trouble at all," said Susie, displaying the neat little leather covered book to her mother. 2 f "You Just keep track of what you spend." "But what forr Insisted Mrs. Jar-vis- . "Why bother?" "Well," said Susie doubtfully, "Sam. of Combinations my says then you know where your Variety money goes." That Are Designed to "You know where it goes anyway, Mrs. said count if you your change." Complement. 1VV Jarvls Impatiently. To enjoy the "edible good things It was with some pride that Susie ,7.'.' the to at book her life is one of the prerogatives of of Sammy displayed X 0 1 end of the first month. . "Great work, the epicure. What comprises these old girl," was his comment as he sur- good things depends upon the taste veyed the neat work and added to- of the person or of the family, and tals with what seemed to Susie light- preferences. The real epicure is the ning speed. "You see, you're begin- person whose taste has had a high ning to get results already. Most of degree of education in foods. He the time before your allowance ha knows how to discriminate in ediThis MhdtoL'rnnh shows the nroirress that is belnz made on Norris dam on the Clinch river 25 miles from Knoxvlile, been gone at the end of the month, bles, both a to quality and to combinations. I well remember hearing Tenn. Excavation work in the first coffer dam, plainly visible, is nearly finished. Preparations were being made and now you have $22.70 left over." "Oh, but I haven't," objected Susie. a Chinese gentleman of discernment to pour the concrete which will be carried to its proper place In dump buckets attached to the cableway pulleys "I've spent It all and had to borrow say of one vegetable that "it flatters s&own in the foreground. flO from my personal allowance." the meat" The bomemaker who and girded up sets a good table learns what to sighed heavily Sammy WINS BRITISH TITLE his loin for the battle of endeavoring serve so that one dish may "flatter" to demonstrate statistically that Suanother. Let us mention, today, sie had failed to keep track of all her some dishes which . "flatter" each expenditures and that it was absoother. lutely necessary to do so. Cranberry sauce flatters chicken, caper sauce does the same to mut"I'm celebrating,? announced Mrs. ton, and apple sauce does to roast Jarvls one sunny morning two month pork, duck and goose. Cabbage flatlater as she dropped In on her daugh- ters boiled corn beef, baked macater. "I got my dividend check from roni and cheese do the same to the Dome mines and we could do a roast beef, and in England Yorkshire little shopping, have lunch at Bul- pudding is the accepted accompaniit ment to beef. In Europe a salad Is lock's and go to the matinee." Susie raised a somewhat tense face correct with chicken, goose, and from a page of figures. . "I don't other roast birds. To Europeans a salad signifies know," she said slowly. "I wanted to get this thing done today and off my dressed lettuce or other salad greens mind." with, possibly, the addition of a little chopped beet root or tomato "Good heavens," said her mother. "Are you Btill struggling with that slices. Other salads they have, but these have especial descriptive desbudget?" "I'm not going to give it up till I ignations. Salad, as an accompaniget It," said Susie stubbornly. "Last ment to flatter roast birds, is plain month I spent too much and made it unless otherwise specified. The salad up out of my own allowance, and this is served with the birds as naturally month I've spent $12.43 more than I and regularly as are potatoes or had to begin with and I have $1.55 other vegetables. left" Turnip is a recognized accompani"Well, my goodness," said her moth- ment of corned beef. It is also exer. "I don't see how anyone can ex- cellent with lamb. Sweet potatoes I f v s , , J pect to do better than that' are preferable to white with ham. "It ought to be even," said Susie Pineapple flatters hami In India wearily. "It should balance. This," ripe pineapple slices are put on top ! 1 Susie Indicated a column, "Is the food of a slice of ham which is then f 1 -allowance. We set aside 30 per cent baked, or cooked In a Bimilar . way. for that and it comes to $45.00 a The Juice extracted by the heat permonth." c 1 m ' colates through the meat, It "That's a dollar and a half a day, a delicious flavor. Ham sogiving cooked isn't It?" said her mother. 'Well, why is reputed to be especially digestible. yv ten, v r don't you Just put down a dollar and 1 in FT"to Whipped cream flatters many hi te amlly flrst o the a for and each half daughter Juuet Magoon. llonoluiu neiress day. That would make which are complete without and V. Lawson LiUle of California that column come out right" Btle In Honolulu, is the bride of Joseph L. Fainer Los Angeles attorney this addition. It goes with etaborate dainty an o a ol the honeymooners are pictured here on the liner Ma the British amateur golf title In Susie raised rather startled eyes to cold desserts cra.er est.net especially, even topthe Scotland. Diamond Head, at Prestwlck, tournament the her mother. "I wonder if It would," ping some Ice creams. Adding at "Magoon Castle" on the slopes of Meringue be In the final round he defeated Jimmy she muttered. that overlooks Honolulu. a of Scotland display of by Wallace "Of course it would," said Mrs. Jare astonishing golf. He Is only twenty-threvls Impatiently. "And if you figure THE years old and Is a student In out what the right amount should be Stanford university. for all the other Items and put It down It couldn't help but be right And that would save all this bother PREMIER OF POLAND of trying to remember and keeping track." Susie excitedly seized a sheet of paper and began copying figures. "Why didn't I think of that," she cried. A "Mother you're a wonder." It was the work of a short half Sa hour to copy a new budget with It preordained figures. "And how much better it looks, too," said her mother with satisfaction, "with the rows all alike." if: ' t J ftfr a- :)) f& WY -- .. It: I :'( Work on Norris Dam Is Progressing Well 4 Ur J Dishes That "Go" With Each Other it UWV . i: longs In the same class with whipped cream. It can be used Interchangeably. In many Instances, although since it is more tasty when delicately browned. It belongs peculiarly to baked and even hot dishes. When on frozen desserts a hot Iron is held above tie piled meringue so that it, alone,' gets the force of the Intense heat Ices with browned meringue tops are epicurean dishes. A food which flatters another must be something apart from the dish itself. That is, it may be a separate food served as a complement to It, or It may be an addition to a dish Itself which, however, could be served without It C Bell Syndicate. WNU Servlo. That Ought to Help Banker Do you know anything about checks and drafts? Applicant Yes, air, I've run our furnace for years. Hawaiian Heiress Weds a Lawyer KEEP COOL SAVE TIME SAVE WORK tiAWiru XJf 9HTB MWDCI piur Si 1 i li r 1 11 mil in des-Ber- ts cap-uire- Coleman Iran will you mora time end work than $100.00 washing machinel It will aave rout trength . . . help you do better Ironing easier and quicker at lesa cost. no heating Inatanc EJgbtlntf with matchel or torch ... no waiting. The evenly-heate- d double pointed base irons garments with fewer strokes. Large glass smooth base slide easier. Ironing tima ia Heats itself... use It reduced one-thir- d. anywhere. Economical, too . . .costs only an hour to operate. See your hardware or house furnishing dealer. If local dealer doesn't handle, write us. THE COI.KMAN LAMP AND STOVE CO. Pent. WU306, Wichita, Kans.s Chicairo. U1.J Vhttadelphla. Pa.; toe. Amrelea. Calif.; M30O Toronto, Ontario, Canada PflS ... yi Cufkora Se up' scientific that Jl soap solves skin problems If you are troubled with pimples, rashes, rough or blotchy skin you owe it to yourself to try Cntlcara Soap. Delicately medicated and gently emollient,it actoag a protection to the skin and as a preventive of akin troubles, Start using Soap nowandseehowmuchitherjtt. Write for tpedal folder on J a. thtcmofthetkim Va7 Address: "CuUcura," Dept. 16S, Maiden, Mass. Cutleara WNU W 23-- 84 Coast Guard Is Getting Planes HIOTIEE, Distinctive Residence hi':: . u Honr, Alorgenthau, Jr, secretary of tb Uammond. rommnndnnt of the coast gun, "sPe" Chance v.n,M . r.lt-tTD- e Planes destined ror - r?nnr Arlmlraf Harry first of a fleet .. n . uard. ue u, Prof. Leon Kozlowski, who has btK?i serving as vice minister of finance has been appointed premier of Toland "What did Sammy have to say about the budget?" asked her mother a few days later. "Well, to tell the truth, he didn't have hardly anything to say. He Just seemed at a loss for words," said Susie. "You know, Mother, I think Sammy Just wanted to see if I could figure that out for myself. We aren't going to bother with a budget any more," she went on, "and I'm glad of it, for it's a kind of nuisance. But there's no point, really, In keeping on with a thing once you've mastered It" An Abode ...renowned Mrs. J. H. Waters, President Throughout the West Salt Lake's Most Hospitable IIOTEL Invites You RATES SINGLE )2.00to$4.00 DOUBLE $2.50to$4.50 400 Rooms 400 Baths TOE Motel Me wliouse W. E. SUTTON, General Manager CIUUNCEY W. WEST Assitt, Cen Manager rssr: |