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Show THE - HUB THEATRE JOURNAL --- ---·----- ----:.---.·--..-- ·-or • The Spirit of Christmas At Wells & Co. "The Center of Amusement" FRIDAY and SATURDAY JORDAN ''The Greater Value Store'' You Always .Find ''The Outlaw's D"aughter" The Fighting Ranger Comedy HERE IT IS FOLKS The Gang In Lol The Iron Horse "EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF" S"LNDAY and MONDAY exclaimed DON'T FORGET WE ARE GIVING AWAY A JUNIOR AUTO ROADSTER. THE SUPREME PRIZE FOR ANY B OY OR GIRL. FREE TICKET WITH EVERY 25c PURCHASE. Sitting cnull . Mechanical Toys, Trains, THE FAMOUS . WAR CHIEF OF THE SIOU~ INDIANS WHEH HE FIRST SAW THE WHITE MAN'S ENGINE STEAMING ACROSS THE PLAINS. THE PHRASE COINtO 8Y THE INDIAN CHIEF IS NOW USED BY ALL WRITERS THE AS A. SYNONYM FOR THE LOCOMOTIVE - AUTHORITY FOR THIS HISTORICAL FACT IS THE FAMOUS BILL. SCOUT- BUFF A.LO ~IR 'William Fox pYesents N HO cA JOHN FORD production Direct From One Year'S Run in JJcw 'Yorlt. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday FREE For Kiddies Under 12 years FREE Special Matinee Sunday at Fom· o'clock all Children under 12 years will be admitted FREE with Five (5) Iron Horse Candy Bar Wrappers. This applies only to the four o'clock Show on Sunday ONLY. Save your WRAPPERS, KIDS! Adults 35c Prices, Children 15c A few seats at 50 cents • Velocipedes, Zev Flyer Sleds Dolls, AU Kind of TOYSThe Better Kind < ' . Biggest Line of Christmas Candies in South Salt Lake County. Two solid TONS. NUTS, Best Available. Christmas Tree Decorations ANOTHER BATCH -:>00 LB. WELLS DELICIOUS MINCE MEAT NOW • READY per lb..-... 17 Y2 c VACUUM CLEANERS GLASSWARE, DISHES ~\.LUMINUM WARE, and HAND PAINTED CHINA ---MENDEL TRUNX -=--·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Pallanch ner Thanksgiving day. Covers were Chew is a sister of Mrs. O'Brien and ";:Mr. and Mrs. Rollin- -------- -and just for fun- ---~ ::r A. and baby daughter, Mary, were the laid f~r 16. Out of town guests were Mr. Lynch is her father. Friday evening of last week Mrs. guests Thanksgiving Day at the home Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wilden and childCurtis Booth entertained at dinner on of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Pigott, of ren of Salt Lake. Wednesday of last week :\-Irs. AI- the occasion of her husband's birthMurray. Mrs. L. A. Porter entertlll.ned the berto Bateman and Mrs. Fred Wells. day anniversary. Covers were laid of Salt Lake entertained at the Bate- ior six. members of her club Monday. Mrs Amanda Smith, Mr. and Mr.>. Mrs. Reese Jones of Magna, spent man home on First Avenue. Honoring Mt·s. Glen Egbert, of Magna, the C. W. Peek, Mr. and Mrs. Don Pecic Monday in Midvale. of Salt Lake, Mrs. Chas. Caldwell and Mrs. Wm. Aylett was the guest of· guests numbered twenty five. Mrs. H. P. Miller was hoste;;s at a daughters, Margaret and Fanny, of honor Thanksgiving Day at the home Murray, and Mrs. Ree.se Jones, of family dinner Thanksgiving Day. of Mrs. Chas. J. Peckham Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Cpew and :'lfr. Magna, were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Schmale, of Salt Lake were dinner guest..<> Sunday M. Lynch left Sunday to return to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. A. Smith. Mr. and 1\hs. Lynn Booth, of Salt at the home of Mrs. William Nelson. their home in Casper, Wyollling, after spent Thanksgiving at the home Lake, of home the at fortnight a spending by Mrs. Bern Rasmussen, assisted and Mrs. Jesse Booth. Mr. 'of 1\'Irs. D. J. Searle entertained at din- Mr. and Mrs. E. C. O'Brien Mrr-. l I THURSDAY, DECEMBER lOth, One (1) Day ONLY • BUSTER KEATON In ~ !;' :; = g & "' I~ o .. I...... ~, e~ ;:s 'f !Jl ~ ----------------------J TUESDAY,WEDNESDAY,THURSDA Y !t" , = = .:_I E: E: ~ ---- ~ Yi .. ~ !:fi Yi !:fi At the • .\ i !fi It's Simply Beautiful Not in any past ages was the Highway of Life •· opened up; for in all past ages men have continued to die. \ I They are still talking about it in Salt Lake CiiY • At the --------- !fi millions now living will never die Coming Events ~ I THE HIGHWAY TO LIFE This is Buster's Latest Picture 10 I :: : ::: 'GO WEST' ....-. The Highway of Life means what the v>ords im-. ply; namely, a waY by which the people ean gE:'t life here, now . eternal • Yi The casting up of this highway and the gathering out of its stones is in progress before our • ey~. THEATRE DECEMBER 13, 14, 15 ''Phanton1 of the· Opera" The way of the people, a way they have pever hitherto had, is being made l'eady for themthe way by which they will gain everlasting life on earth. l\Ir. J. A. Bohnet;, of Brooklyn, N. Y., will lecture on "The Highway of Life" Friday At The I. 0. 0. F. HALL in MIDVALE BETI'ER AND GREATER PICTURES WERE WHY GO TO THE CITY AND PAY DOUBLE THE PRICE No Collection Seats Free INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION And these pictures will be shown at popular prices. WAIT FOR THEM! WATCH FOR THEM! ... ·' HUB THEATRE "The Centre Of Amusement" Of Course . • "The House oi Quality" DECEMBER 11 at 8 o'clock Lon Chaney, Man Phildin, Norman Kerry, Gibson Gow land, Arthur Edmund Carewe and a Cast of 5000. NEVER SHOWN. associated with the organized Bible Study Class of the I. B. B. A. He brings a view of world events as discussed by associates in the work, one that reflects the moderation that . counsel offers. The lecturer uses specific events of our day that fulfill propheey. The general theme is covered in the book "Harp of God" 48c postpaid. Address I. B. S. A. Attention All PHOTOGRAPHS taken on or before SUNDAY DECEMBER 20th, will be finished by Xmas eve. However, we ask if you possibly can, to come in earlier. We like about a week's time. We will RUSH orders if necessary. ,.,~.+t.n~J;f\iRtl$irs 0 * ,. ·.1 ... ',; ,,.,,l£Rs S't\J~~ PRoP. f' UTAH ~F~~~~ . ~~~-~~ "The Best Gift Is Your Photograph" Sunday, December 6th, is the last day of the SPECIAL OFFER ******~~~~~~B~~~~~~~~~~~~ffi |