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Show I THE JOURNAL JORDAN -. . as Stockings /1 {VAT/ON-WI D£ WORLD'S LARGEST CHAIN DEPAR'fMENT STORE ORGANIZATION Brimful o£ Gifts! INSTITUTION/NC. A unny Boot RELIABLE QUALITY GOODS ALWAYS AT LOW PRICES For Kiddies • DEP.l-\. TMENT STORE~ Main Street, Midvale, Utah · ' Here are Christmas stock~ ings all filkd with delightful surprises I And priced so low, tool Bright finish for children, with red rubber ] ersey cloth collar and rabbit design- · $1.98 33c; to89c Toy Wash Sets For Little Girls Velocipedes The Beat Ever! Let Christmas Bells ring out! if you do your Christmas Sllopping in this Store, each person whom you remember will be gladdened by a truly acceptable gift. Away he goes I The first real vehicle is the velocipede! And youngsters are happy with them. Velocipedes bought here last! It's because they're well made. Priced, SliOp H~ Onr assortment of gifts is complete and awaiting your approval. Many attractively boxed articles in all departments. Shop Now - .$5.50 I Rub a dub dub I Dolly's clothes need washing, too. A small girl will like this miniature tub and board. Fine for her doll house l Priced, 43c Those Popular Talking Dolls Give Mechanical Toys The Prime Present for Little Girls Toys which "go.. ! See our assortment of mechanical toys which will bring Christmas joy to many, many children. The way to a girl's heart is with a Doll! Especially' if it's a real mama doll--one which talks 1' Our assort~ ment is supreme--and let us help you make a merry Christmas by as~ sisting you in your doll selection. ur Xmas Gamesan dToys For Every Member of the Family Name the game, and we"tl most likely have it I .Anyway, we've many games for people of all ages l Games are the logical, inexpensive Christmas Gift. Shop here tand find the games you want. Ideal for Girls and Boys ,. they are priced splendidly, and tho assortment ,is wide. Don't miss these I Priced, Beautifully Dressed 29c to 89c These dolls are well dressed r ifhey're attractive themselves, with real children's faces. And, of course, they're priced lower at this store. See them! Priced Lower In This Store! Painting Sets Junior Chests l'he Child'• Fa.,.orite Made ef Cedar 98c 29c to $1.29 ,. to A Great Wagon! Blackboards $6.90 For a Merry Xmu Well Constructed ------------------.-------~1----------------~------------------- The fun of owning a wagon is known to every hoy when he proudly shows one bought here I See our Xmas displays. ,T his wagon, priced, This is a gift which will teach the child much as well as afford real enjoyThese are well ment. Giv e a constructed. blackboard l Our price5 please! From $1.19 Tinker Toys 1'be Cloadaeu'..a Favorit'e Tinker Tqra Phonograph s A Live Long Doll They Really Play! Walt's Sk~ zix I There are other character dolls, too I All are splendidly made and will last a long time. "Ske.ezix" is pric:ed at 98c-$1.23 different! them 10 wet1. I n dillerent numbers. ~h'-!..~-' ptked, DOLLS Assortment of German Doll~ Priced at- $3c • Don·· Buggies For Little Girla fo J1.19 A Fine Girls' Gift , This phonograph plays 7 and 1 0-inch records well! Can't you imagine how one of these woulu please a youngster? Finished in apple green and decorated. The price IS surprisingly low. ·$4.98 A set of aluminum-like mother's, only smaller, but so much fun to play with, Priced, 49c to $1.98 $3~4~, to $3.98 79c -- Boys Like Trains Best The All-Sufficient Gift! "Boob McNutt'' Mechanical Trains Mec:hanical Toy They We are showing a splendid as, sortment of Structo Toys this holiday season. They will appeal to boys who like all kinds of trucks, shovels, tractors, etc. 89c to2. • Every child loves to paint or color pictures ! Here is a gift which will appreciated- an d be which may dev.lop real In a artistic talent I variety of attractive sets, priced from Supreme Quality Ready Bui& and Well Built The ptices are low, cons ide ring the sple,did worth I For Wee Housewives Here are Cedar Chests which will keep all of d o 11 i e s' ward rob e I They're just like big sister's "hope chest,'' only they're small. A gift to delight a girl, indeed 1 Priced, Buddy"l}'To ys Stru.cto T G'YS Are Strong Sturdy, lasting toys are these Structo toys! are made of fine metals and finished beautifully. AI umin um Sets Imagine how a child will .love Skeezix! That's ...tJ:T chillken like $1.29 to $1.98 25c · Mle "Skeezix" • "Little Mothers" will enjoy this I It's a real buggy in which dolly may ride. It's thoroughly well )on:structed, too I Priced, "Buddy L • Toys are the best which can be They're gifts bought. which boys will remember all their lives. The trucks are remarkable I Priced, To make children laugh with pleasure, give them "B o o b M c N u.t t," a His mechanical toy I back is as funny as his front; he'.s a scream I Pricedp 3.49 to 3.98 98c to $2.98 59c Mechanical __ ----train I Our assortment contains one which will delight your boy. Buy it now for his Christmas, • Priced, The gift supreme for boyhoodt $1.39 to $4.98 ' |