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Show JOURN AL THE JORDA N Yuletide Atmosph ere Was Enjoyed by Stranded Trio on Sandy Trail. BE WISE And Buy the FLOUR THAT SATISFIES West Jordan Milling Co. Phone Shop at ome for this Christmas! Mid. I 08 Midvale Chris tmas Greetings By ELEANOR E. KING TORRID sun shone down upon a automostranded bile. The car with seeming unconcern stood In the middle of the road. One hesitates in even applying the term road to this jumbled sandy, corduroy trail extending endless .mileB with nothing on either side of it to break the monotony of the sandless waste saYe here and there a spiky cactus. Two feet sUcking out from underneath the car showed the location of one of the occupants. Another member o.f the party was perched on the running board not far from the two feet, Mr. Graham, a man of perhaps forty-five years and father of the young man now on his back solving the mysteries of a balky car, was I studying tbe instruction book. "It looks to me like a burned-out I CHRISTl\'IAS goods from the great merchandis ing centres of the world have been brough t here for you. There are variety and quality -at right prices. Best of all, you can count on what you buy, because the men who sell it to you are your neighbo rs. They want and need your support . BUY NOW- AT HOME -and you will help yoursel f and the commun ity. bearing," came a voice from under the engine. "And if It Is, mother, you and I might just as well pitch camp and get settled for the next few days." Mr. Graham's perfect resignation was the product of the previous three week's Western auto trip experiences. "Mother" emerged from the back seat, and the couple set to work un· loading the car in the late afternoon Midvale State Bank Sl:E WHAT MIDVA LE. UTAH CO LE 'S the home of Mrs. Dora Webb on Sunclay, where they ~pent the da:,-. Mr. ami Mrs. Ezra L. Bill" and Mrs. Bert Bills visited at Dividend on Sunday. Mrs. F1·ank Peterson and !;mall daug-hter of Delta are \'isiting w.th 1 her parents, Mr. and Mr~. H. B. Jen-! ; sen, for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Otte,.en had 1 as their gtlests last Sunday, Mr,; .. P. W. Ma,lsen an<l Mr. and Mrs. 0, . R. Meredith of Salt Lake. Mr1 and MrE;. Rulon Dansie an-· nounce the birth of a baby girl on Sllfiday, November the 29th. MT. and Mrs. Elli · Allen entertain ed ~t dinner last Thursda~· in honor' of Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Egbert an!' son. After dinneJ.', they fo1·med a' pa1ty a:t the Wilkes theatre. Miss Vera Webb who is teaching school at Pe Tson spent the week-end 1 at home. in given be ~-,j)] A farewell party th~ ward house Sunday night in honor of Maurice Butterfield who will leave December the 9th for a mission' to Germany. Mr. and Mrs. John I. Wiberg entertained at dinner Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lester D. Pug,;ley and daughters of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. James Worsle'v of California visited with her pm:ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ogill la. t Thurs day where they enterbnined at a dinner in their honor. Mrs. Worsley was formerly Miss Genevieve Orgill. What'll I ive a Man for Xmas? HERE'S LIGHT ON THE DARK QUESTIO N: Many a holiday present might just as well bear the tag "Forget it!" Something to wear is the gift in 1925 that isn't forgotten in 1926. How can a man put out of his mind what he puts on his back, hands or feet? It unites the essential elemtnts of the perfect purchase. And there is unlimited usefulness to the one who receives and a limited price to the one who gives. The was~e that is shocking about the good old Christmas stocking is the cash squandere d on trash. 'l'his year, whether you be a man buying for a man, or whether you be the head of the head of the house--w oman-in quest of a remembra nce for the head of the house, choose Gifts To Wear. They will raise a man in his own respect and you in his, and will make him subscribe all the more resolutely to the creed- JORDAN NOTES ·.SA~TA TE'TCH "DRESS WELL AND SUCCEED " The Jordan High School Dramatic Club presented, "Penrod," Mondav at the Granite High School. The play was given an enthusiastic reception by the Granite students. 'l:he Granite Thespiam will return the comp.Ument later in the year. The custom of changing plays between the two subm·ban schoob i;; an old one and forms one of the. pleasant features of the school year. • • Famous Clothirig C • • • • At an assembly in honor of th~ football team Monday, Principal Nielsen, Miss Candland, and Coaches Ballard and Gardner spoke in pl'aise of what had been acco.mplishe d during the year. A hart! fighting, clean playing, te'l.m was the greatest feature of the football season acc'brding to Mr. Nielsen. The fact that Granite failed to defeat the Beetdiggers was the other outstanding accomplLhm ent of the year. Alway s the Newes t Styles Midvale---Main St. WHY THE PILGRL'\IS CA::\'IE TO ner entertained at a turkey dinner for A.MERICA AND THEIR FIRST the following gue:>ts: Mr. and .1.\i[r.:;. THANKSGI VING Harold Egbert and Douglas Young of Mr. and l\Ir:;. Walter Healey and Magna, Norma Swapp of Logan, :VIr. Age 11 The Jordan Third team defeated the family of I\lagn:.., Mr. and Mr~. John and .Ir:>. George Cram, Bert Cra:m, Darrel Jensen Draper Junior High Shoo] team in the W. Garline and ~amily of Salt ~ake l!l's. Harold :Soultze and daughter ol Midvale School Seventh Grade ~ ,;easons closing game, Friday, by the and .Mrs. Annie U. Garline of Pleas- Vg!ten ami 1\lr. anu 11lrs. H. C. UanlMrs. Gregory, Teacher Cole's Cabinet Circular is . o designed that it will acscore of 30 to 0. These Freshmen and ant Grove were guel;ts of Mr. and 'Mrs. ner. Sophomore boys have made wondercomodate your own Cole's Hot Blast Heater in any of the in Webber Thursday of last progre!;s during the year and ful styles or Rizes listed. Por the dealer this will offer an opguests oi .Irs. Albert Oben, Thurs- b=use the King wouLd not let them .. should be a big asset· next year to wee · worship God in their own way. Some portunity to increase sales by selling the enamel casing only. In honor of the birthday anniver-~ uay. the football team. • * • 1Vlrs. l{ose b. How»ell and .on, Lo1·- of the;;e poople went to Holland, and ~aty of Mrs. Sarah Humphries of B<)nCole's Hot Blast Heaters, now in use in your territory, can Tests come at the end ' of the next nion ward, tile following guests, Mr. in, entertained the followmg g·uesis at they lived for several years but when be thus converted into Cole's Cabinet Circulator s. For the week for the second term of the fir:;t and Mrs. Charles Weooer, :.VIr. and dmner Thanksg1nn g: dr. and .Mr;;. their little boys and girls began fJ saving big a Heater, Blast Hot Cole's a owns who semester. Students are doing inten- )lr:;. Walter Healey, Mr. and Mr:;. M. B. Peterson anu fanuly of Rtver- talk Dutch instead of English they consumer Bive work in preparation for these John W. Garthencr, .Ir. and Mrs. ton, Eldo~·a Doman o1' :Salt Lake auu tleciued to go to America. over any other Cabinet Heater on the market will result, as T.ney went back to England to setIn the evemro;g tests. Joseph M. Garthiner anti !Ur:;. ::latah Theron Webber. the enameled casing alone need be purchased . No need to • • • Hunvphries motored to Satt Lake on Mb;; Evaline Tayler of Eureka, .llss tle in America aml then set sail in Registration s at Jordan conbinue Friday, .. "ovember 27th and attended Healey of Magna, .c;,·a and 'Iargat·et the Mayflower. After a rough voyage throw yom· old stove a way. to mount. The total for the year has the Wilkes 'I.neatre, after which a Webber joined. the party. A :;ocial lasting over nine weeks they finally A master furniture designer created the beautiful lines landed at what is now called Plyreached 650, a new record. late supper was served at the home and luncheon were enjoyed. • • mouth. Immediately after landing, the at met .Men M" the g of Twenty of .\1r. ;:md Mrs. John W. Garthener and symmetric al proportion s that make it an outstandin night Wednesday last closed School home of Vernal Jensen 'l'ue:;day even- the men and boys began to cut dowu at. Salt Lake. work of art. This, combined with the perfect workmans hip openit reces;;. g for the Thanksgivin 1\lrs. Charles Beck1itead, Miss Delila ing oi last week. They held their trees and clear the forests. They then exwalnut brown the coloring and ,graining in enameling ed again Monday, Nove.11.ber 30. Gardner and Edna Malstrom attended, class exercise.:; after which the even- built large forts in which all lived The class series in Basket Ball behome in l\lid-1 ing was :;pent 1n a social way. John together until the houses were ready terior, make it a delight to the eye and a real ornament in Miss Norma Webb entertained at gan Monday. Nearly two hund1·ed boy,; a party at the \Vhitmore , vale, given in honor of :\Irs. Emma Richards and Bert Gar liner were in for use. the home. a surprise party in honor of her sis- will take part in this series. were people these as Pilgrims, The @ck the on been has Vernal charge. Holt. tel·, Vera'li birthday anniversary at called, had a hard struggle during Mrs. Ellen Pearson entertained at li;;t for several months. their first winter. It was bitterly Naomi Mrs. Alice O'Niel and Mr::;. the home of Vernal Webb on Satura family dinner Thursd.ay, November THE NEWS BOY ~ and food was so scarce that macold; Ag·e 12 26th. Covers were laid for 30 guests. Bergener of )lidvale wet·e week-end day. Games were played and Tefresh- Elva PeterRon • Mr. and ~Irs. Hyrwn Jen;;on enter- guests of Mrs. M. S. Newell. Mrs. ny became sick and died. Ml·. Reese, Teachet• ments were served to forty-five guests 7th Grade, conAt first the PilgTims lived in In the dusty city of New York Jived tained at a turkey dinner Thanksgiv- 0. W. Hendrickson of Salt Lake was Miss Velma Otteson who is attendfear of the Indians. But in stant on 'ev,;·e.ll 1 S. ~1. Mrs. of guest the Jenson Henry Mrs. and Mr. day. ing school at Provo, ~;pent four days a poor news b oy. H e sol d papers all ing l\Iarch, an Indian named Squanto came Saturday. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eph- day to earn a; living for he ami his were special guests. to the Pilgriml/S and said that his peowere Abbott .air. and :\Irs. George rndns were Mr. and .Mrs. Claud riam Otteson and had as her guest mother. ,His mother was a poor lady wished to be their friends. Later ple F<:lnsKnob who was crippJ.ed and could not work. dinner guests of l\Ir:;. Hyrum Beck- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Beth Hayes of l'l:ovo. the Chief Massasoit, who brought he worth of .Magna Thanksgivin g day. Miss Beth Webb entertained six- Dick's fathers had died years before stead, Thursday. and smoked the Peace treaty Mr. Joseph Mal.'tTom and family made a 1\lr. and lHr:;. Charles Beckstead teen of her little friends a11 -a birth- they moved to the city. Dick had alfor Pipe with them. Squanto remained day patty on Wednesday. Games ways been a help to his mother and were special tlinner guests of Mr. entertained at dinner Thursda'i with the Pilgrims and taught them were played and refreshment s served. father. Dick was twelve vears old and Mrs. Paul McCume of Salt Lake :VIr. and Mrs. Archie Gen-ard of. Murthe best way to fish and hunt, and ray. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Page en- when he first sold his pa~rs. It was fhanksgivin g Day. to plant Indian corn. how daughter, and Bennett Imy Mrs. Mr. and l\:lrs. Charles Beckstead tertained at dinner on Sunday, Mr. coming Thanksgivin g. He had worked grew so well the first Everything vi~iting week the spending are Dona and Mrs. George Whetman and sons hard but never had enough money to motored. to Lehi Sunday and visited Autumn came the when that :summer relatives at Santaquin. of Spanish Fork and Mr. and Mrs. buy a turkey .. As he was going along I\h·. and Mrs. Thomas Tayler. of food for the plenty had Pilgrin1s Mil)Ir. 2nd, Wedne.sdar, DecemberMr. and Mrs. Leland Richardson Z. T. Butterfield. Covers were laid the road, he picked up a purse with felt so grateful They winter. coming of Pearson money in it. He had alway5 wanted entertained for the following guel;ts ton Cundick and Florence ror ten. on whio to day a aside set they Salt Lake that Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Peterson en- to be honest so he gave the pur~e to: 'l'hursday: Mrs. Sarah Beckstead, Jos- ~andy were manied in the harv great their for . give thanks terta-ined at a dinner on Thanksgiv- the owner. The man was well pleas- · ie and Clara Brown and Mr. and :\Irs. Temple. Indians In honor of her son, Preston and and as they wished the ing day, the honored guests we1·e: ed with the boy .~o he said, "Well, my Antone Stocking of South Jordan. Sun Edna, M.rs. James A. Bate- share in theh· rejoicing, Squanto wa,; daughter, Beckstead Mr. and Mrs. James Pete1·son, Mr. and boy, since you have been so honest, clay, Mr. and M1·s. Martin at a dinner Wednes- sent to invite Massasoit and his own entertained man Jordan 1 and Sarah Beck:;tead of South Mrs. Renold Peterson and Mr. and take the purse and the money." Gives Bes-t occasion being their braves. Every one helped in the prepT.he evening. Dick was also well plea~ed. He got were dinner guests of .Mrs. Leland daY, Mrs. Garran Vanderveen of South amtion for the feast. -The men brot No Cooking Requi~cl birthday anniversary . a turkey for their ThankRgivin g. He Richardson. Jordan. deer from the hunt, tihe oys home birth56 husbands .Mr. and Mrs. Oddie Brady are re-I In honor of her Mr. and Mrs. Willard Terry and raised his hand to God and said, "I fish and clalrn.s, and the wombrought Gardner Leve ceiving congratulati ons upon the a.r- day anniversary , 1\Irs. family of Salt Lake were guests 311: am thankful I was honest." were busy cooking. girls and en Saturrival of a daughter, born Saturday, entertained at a family dinner g Day the Indians Thanksgivin On November 28th. Mrs. Brady was for- day. W aateti Jlnxiely breakfast the After sunrise. at In honor of his aunt's l\ITs. Ella came Vera Bateman of this ' Nothing In life is more remarkable merly Miss and when church, to Gardner, Rachel Irving and Della Gar- Pilgrims went th11.n the unnecessary anxiety which ward. ready were all Remember the Merry l\lakers will dner, :VIr. and Mrs. Dave Hauu enter- the sermon was over, "'·e endure and generally occasion our· for the feast. The afternoon wa.; play for the big dance Saturday ev- tained at dinner Thursday. • f:lves.-Benco nsfield. Vern Gardner arrived hom:e Wed- spent in games. The celebration lastening in the amusement hall. cooking~a (Chiropracto r) of last week after a busine;;s ed for three days, ending with a great nesday Miss Veloy Irving, Maree_ and Lelia Abbott, and Vila Jensen are staying trip of over a week in Knab. He dinneT. Since that time we have always had in Salt Lake. The are attending the says everything look;- fine there. g Day. Thanksgivin a GenMrs. John Day and daughter, L. D. S. School.Sarah Haun of the St. Marks hos- eva, Mrs. Alice Miller of Hen,iman pita! is home visiting her parents for spent Friday visiting Mrs. Henry als, money and glory to her crew and co~nmander. a week. 1Egbert. Once before, "Old Ironsides'' was hemt, the On account of leakage of are being quickly sold to manufactcrers to destruction but because of doomed • Gilbert and O'Brien, Props. month a capitalists. and Georgie Hibbard is home for If you have an Invention,'" send us a lyt·ic entitled "Old Ironsides" Holmes' THE CONSTITC 'fiON Midvale, Utah before finishing her course in nursmodel or sketches for sonrch aml report public interest to such aroused which on patentability. Opens New Offices in Midvale Age 13 Duane Ballard ing. Our book on patents and trade-marks saved. Twice si .e was she extent, an Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Goates attend8th Grade 7 at Main and Center Streets, School Pat·k Draper eventhen she has been rebuilt. ed a party at Midvale Saturday Miss Shepherd, Teacher The fate of the "Constituti on"ing at the home of Allen Bateman. over Corner Meat and Grocery "Old Ironside.," (if we do not sup- the gallant remainder of old AmeriFive hundred was played. Washington, D. C. Sts., E. & 7th Over Corner Meat and In honor of Ed Orbo1·n's 23rd birth- port the campaign for re toration can seamanship -lies today in the Established In 1889. day anniversary and l\Ir. George Good- funds, now going on) will soon be a hands of the American people. Grocery Store. One Word rich's 51st birth(lay anniversary , Mrs. thing of the past, only a memor·y. ------)II' 1 The· United States frigate "ConstiGeorge Goodrich ente1·tained at a • 9 to remember "SERVICE" IS OUR MOTTO family dinner Tuesday evening. Two tution" was launched into actual serRed Sea Unchange d TEXACO is a Combined large cakes with 23 and 51 candles vice in 1798. She became destinguishacquainted. get The Red sea at the present time Is Come in and Gasnine Treatment, both I fo.rmed the CE'nterpiece. Covers were ~d during the na:·al attack on Tripo~i approximate ly the same width as lt 1n 1804, but durmg the war of 1812 local and Internal, and has been success· Jrud for 12 guests. Office haurs daily 2 to ·i p. m. ITEXACO was at the time of the Israelites' crossBeatrice Bateman daughter of Mr. she gained undying fame. The defeat Ing. The breadth of the sea rane-e• over for Catarrh of treatment the in ful Motor Oils and 5 to 7 p. m. D. LeRoy Bateman i;; very ill with of the Guerriere, an English vessel, in I forty years. Sold by all druggists. from 100 to 200 miles. medbrought battle half-hour fierce a heart. the of leakage Ohio Toledo, CO., &. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · · - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . : : . F. J. CHENEY Cabinet Circulator West Jordan • • • "The Hot Blast Heater De-Luxe'' Cha~les • cll~~:~-e~~!~:~~l;.a~~ug~le~;~a~;s~~ ~~~ I Rivetton r West Jordan Lumber Co. Midvale , Utah Bohemia n Hop-Ravored I Results I A RARE TREAT (or "Welldo ne" if you prefer it that way) A Broiled Steak is one of the most temptin g piece of and healthfu l ways of meat. Try one for dinner some day soonthe whole family will enjoy it. . Dr. C. K. Berg Comer Meat &Grocery -1 I . 1 o:tosnWfFT 1£ co. B 8 11 S C 8 t arrb Me dl e I ne I II ~~~:n~o ~~~r~;;:r~~~m~n~=;~~~ |