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Show .. • THEJORDANJOURNAL,MIDVALE,UTAH Some of the 8,000 Armenians Expelled by Turks ta 8an aVId Jf7[;is _allln ___. • DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN .. Work Hard? IsL1 Your your work wearing you out? Are Aspirin Marked Witlt "Bayer Crosa'' Has Been Proved Safe by Millions. you torture'.l with throbbing backache -feel tired weak and worn out? Then Warning! Unless you see the name I look t"' yo~r kidneys! M:any occupato weaken the kidDE<vs. Con"Bayer" on package or on tablets you '1 tions tend back~he, headaches, dizziness stAnt are not getting the genuine Bayer a.nd rheumatic pains result. One suffers Asplt·in proved safe by millions and ann9ying kidney irregularities; feels nervou~. irritable and worn out. Don't prescribed by physicians for 25 years. wait! Use Doan's Pills-a stimulant Say "Bayer" when yon buy Aspirin. diuretic to the kidneys. \Vorkers everyImitations may prove dangerous.-Adv. where recommend Doan's. They •hould help you, too. Ask your neighbor/ Attention to Little M alters Brought Surprisir.'!] Results A Utah Case F. L. .Jensen, Eureka, U t a h, says: "Sharp, twinging pains caught me over my right hlp and the t h r o u g h small ot my ~~~~~~~";~ in ,. spotwas soreThere aback. my back and I had trouble with my kidneys actIng too freely. I got a box of Donn's Pill~ and they rid me of the backache. Doan's also put my kidneys In fine condition." Onee a story was widely clrC"nlatetl on how the United !::Hates government saYPd money hy eutling out the hlue st1·tpes on mail bags. :;\ o nne lmew just why they were ther·e ex<"ept that they alway,; hn<l bt·en. 'J'he su~geslion -~ontained iu thP "tory wa~ taken up by !';o:ne business tinn~. unrl wa~ actil·eJy ntlntnl'<'d by ·the Boston l'htunhl't' ol' t'otll>nen·e, which issued a hooltlet c·outainiu~ colnrmmi<·utions from intlu;;trial and c·ommPt-eial ('oneerm; tellinc: how tlw~- cut out t11e "hlue ,;tript•s" in their lint':>. One manufacturer :<a ved :);:>00 h;r re~rin1liug r ntl mixing of a ~-par's ac·c·umulation of inks of \ ariou:s r·olol"s and qunnti tie:; for m<e in printin~ oftic·e forms .•\notliPr contern ndcl••d u one-ton tnwl' to its 1 ·ger tonnage trul'k flePt anti >:rt VE'Il Sli,OtlO u ~-ear h_y t;~:ing the new atltlltion for ~mull city jobs. Still an Jtlier <"ompany found it c·ouill save $10,1)00 a ~-e: r hy ,pll'ug its uuto!llohilc• truc-k~ antl eon•rac·tmg fo1· haulln;.:. .A!>ntlwr (•oncrrn found that hy ;.:ivin;.: fonnt:tin pens to et liJI<>Yl'e>< it l'Oilld sa,·e i.1 ink alone ten tlmp,.; the annual im estment in foun am !JE'IlS. Commissioners appointed by the League of Nations have been In Zakhe and :\Iosul, Mesopotamia, a British mandate, investigating stories of the deportation by Turkish troops of 8,000 Christian Armenians. George Seldes, American journalist, told the league commission of the outrages and gave it the above photograph of some of the despoiled refugees which he made near Zakhe. Procession at Investiture of Rumanian Patriarch ¢ DO AN'S p~~~s STIMULANT DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS Foater-Milbum Co., Mfe. Chem., Buffalo, N.Y. Green's August Flower ~~.~:;;,::lfj) for Constipation, Indigestion and IJ Torpid Liver Relieves that feeling of having eaten unwisely. 30c and 90c bottles. AT ALL DRUGGrSfS. wasting money on big shoe No need for it. 'J..eli your rep"l-•r· man to put USKIDE Solt:S on your shoes. USKIDE-the Wonder Sole for Wear. 'Vears twice ns long as best leather. Made by the United Sta.tc•s H.ubber Company. U8KIDE is comfortable, healthful, waterpr:>of, good-looking. l'rote<'ls agalnsL slipping. !•'or hard workeu and hard wal ·ere. Notl•· ing can faze lJSKIDB. A YE rmont man wore a pair 25 months. Ask your shoe deat.lr fur new l'hoes with USKIDI': SolPJI!. He either has them or can get •bekl for you.-Adv. ~ Stop bill~! • SKLr le~ ~~!~! 1r2~~d . healing doctors prescribe \ I Good Admixture of Blood in Rifli.ans The !tit'(~, ·t~ain.;t IdiOm 81Jaill are 'n 110\\. Table Rock's "Leg" Won't Last Long !BEAUTY WINS HONOR WOLk', ('0:\0TF., R.\T AXIJ !IIICE :t<:XTEit'II'SATOH Edward~' Forn1ulas, slmplo instructtons. ~(1 rl tor $50 Uot ~ c :1yores one night: furs $121.60. Also ~-ualt ImP!' n sntem. Trapped 3 coyotes one nJght. aatn i' . .:lee. Blrd ptool. F't.•rtnula!f, lnstructiwtsantl TIRP· ping ·ystem f2.50. Free Circular. UEOHUE f;J>WARDR. LIVI. ·as·ro;o.;, .lONT. Fr•tnl'C and brougllt \\H~lll~ \\'ar, "" are llOt l 'ltl \. lJ 1 "ll 11 11 me • ~~~ mar,y l<UjllJOSe, ' Ill l - ---- - -of the a little party to her liOn's friendR. It lmt Berbers, the descendantsruled Will Hay Your J:1orid!l A~rt·age and J.ot• If in \\'ho unee L~·hians tollnc-ient was done chiefly for Dorinda, so Sanpric :1 rtght. ""'rite tull tle'!lcrlpt···n, prica & ' dy's mother would have the opportu- north Africa, an<l of the .Nor;;e vik- terms. ~ ettler,l73 N.y.; lot St. M-1ml. Fla. nity of jnd~ing the girl's charms for 1 ingR, whose adH•11turous rni<ls extendherself.. Sandy was earnest and sol- r e<l to the Lyl,ian shores. l'rof. F. lleremn about all th_e ar-rangements, and lioux, o11e of the fort'lllU. ·t Fren('h hisEARN $10 DAILY torians ot' the day, has trueetl hac!' the She Decides to Reveal Mys- even WPnt to the point of asking his aneestry vre~ent-day adYersu- taking orders for oup~r..quality OVERCOAT. the of mother if she had du;;ted th-e back part TOPCOATS, SLICKERS. ALLWEATHER garterious Picture Back ries of France and ~pain, '.rhe an<'ie11t ments "Direet to Wearer.u Largest line at loweet of the plano-was she sure? Jrices. NO CAPITAL OR EXPERIENCE of Tiny Glass. "W"e'll probably sing, you know," he Lyl.lians, says Profes::;or Berlioux, onc:e -iEQUIRED. Write today for attractive ,utfit. and instructions. Harrisc-n Clo1hing said, "and I want everything to loo;t;: formed a powerful confederation in amples .. 803 K. C. Life Bid:•• Kansas Citv, Mo. high a attained and Afriea northern just right." "Yes, my son," answered his mother. degree of <"Uiture. It is tllought tlJUt Dor·intla floated in llke a bit of the early Greek~ olltaim•tl their ('Ult of for thistledown. She was the last to ar- Pallas AtliPne from the Afrif'ans, god<le>'s t.>e of statuette" ol<lest the I•Jm1e1liately ::;he became the riY<'. Beans shipped year 'round, net yield high as lively CPnter of a laughing group. But sllow hPl' with the ('])aracteristit• Br.r- $375 an acre. Ten million acres for culttvat10n, she l1ad not forgotten her manners: hel· pluitl of u:oatsl;in, "hi<.:h wax the $15 an acre up. Write for information, usunl dress of the nrH'ient Berl>t>r maidpushin~ the young people away, she DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE went up to Sandy's mother, and cap- 1 ens in the Atlas mountams. Tallehauee, Florida tn.-ed hPr in half a minute. 1\lrs. McFre:;hen a Heavy Skin Sandy :\rcQuinn ~aid, an!l he onght to Quinn dill not even know when sne nnti>·eptlc, fascinating Cutlthe With !mow, if any!Jody. f':andy had made surrende1·ed. "N" o won<ler," she mused Powder, un exquisitely Talcum cura a thorough stutl~· of Dorinun at all aloud, \l'hPn the lovely girl had refare, skin, baby eeonomiral seente1!, s0nsons when it w.ts po~.-. ·ihle. In turned to the others, "no wonder poor :m<l perfume. powt'er rtustin~ and fact his re~'<earch "1\ or]\ "ould hnv~ ~andy is temporarily out of his headsuperfi11ous. Jlerfmnes other nendPrs she is a witching lass." done credit to a scientist. T~io (Soup, Toilet Cutkura the of One 'There were times wllf'n f::andy felt Of conr,se there was dancing; of .-Advertisement. cnm) '.raJ Ointment, ""I:Uiwrnnt, nnu there \\"Pre otlwr times cour~c there were good thln~s to eat, he call"cl himselt a comiJlete and or cnurl'e !here was a bit of mistleMillions lor Sugar This simple barometer of emo- t(•e cleverly concealed in an obscure of to moods seen PXtPut of £10,000,000 the Free various ti1P the privately To It tends to promote a-ood health,•trength~n had indicate•l corner. Sandy thadi;testive organa and to keep the stom.at'h of g-rowth ~cintillate the coul1 sullsi<lizingDorinda is Dorinda. this. In fact the whole party revolved Statp i.D good conrlitioo. At All Drugglou. .vlth wit :m<l mis<"hief; Dorinda conld pround this particular hit of mi.stletoe. sugar hPPts in h <>Inn<!. 'rhe tir,;t facmE llO~"TETrlU CO., l'ITn>BUIUJU, PA. rlroop in lovely wistfulues;,; Dorinda Ju>it ,!H~fore the la~t dunce Sandy tory for the production of heet ~ugnr is could be severe, and Dorinda could be lured Dorinda into that corner hy :>ay- to be Prec-IPd br n Belg-ian linn which • :ng he had sonwthing very important ohtain •d t hr concession. There" wns to tell her. When she stood directly lh ely <'OlllpPtition among- Irish town-:, nndeJ.> the tiny hough, looking up at l"P<-'Idn" to he f-ldl'<'tl'd ns the plare for • W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 43--1925. Sandy with her dark, laughing eyes, the fac·tor·y. C'arlow was <:hof.len. and ====-=-=--=-=-=--=-:----:-:----=-=:: Sandy opened his l'ampai::m. He put ,,-hPn t1 e cleC'i~ion wa,.; announi'Pd the Cup Makers Profit his al'ms around her and kissed her 011 tc>wn hntlfl turne1l out anrl ><erPn:Hle<l nauio shows are p,ood thin~s for the the rPpn•"t'ntatives of thp BPip-ian firm. silver- loving- C',!p n•ak<•r>;. :Kl'at·ly 300 her !Ooft, fluf'hPll cheek. She was furious. In ('-he resulting Bonlin•s wPre li~htell nnd therl' wa> a cup~ were award~tl by tl·e two -tows :>crumble, the silver locket snapped '(P'leJ·aJ t•elt hration. l·eld r<>nntly in • ·,w Yo•·k <'ty. A Its ring- antl dro]lped to the floor. Here cup \l"ent to the radio mt>n'lf.t<.'t 1rer was opportunity! Sandy ducked, em d11·ho reeeivetl the hl~;::e,;t nrc'e" , nd a Ducks Have Air Routes ing the swift reach of the girl's hand. 'ril1l clu ks follow' ]lHs!:es" the ~arne c-m1solntion c·u'l to the 1.1nn who relie hn<l the locket in his grasp. It ~~~ a train fpllows tl P rnilro:Hl. Up in CPived the smnlle~t or-del'. '£here was open! and . "orth n:1kota the w<>re c·up,.; fot· ><in,;ers. rtnnt.l o ·gan~Iinne·ota "You sna'n't look at It!" cried Do- <;pnrtx nPn ll :t'<C' 11p all tl e JWints ou ish, rel'itationis•s a'ld the mn. ~.pop rinila, looking .>:tormy hut ad0rable. thC' lal\ps coverrtl hy tiH• <lnck "pa~!Ws." ulur pe>·formPrs. En•n th<' i • <:h "I've got It!" announcPd Sandy, "and TI•C'\" know the duc•lts will flv r~lon~ eounter eonf'PssionnirP rerl'i\"( 'l u eup it you (on't let me look at it I shall sut·l·> pas~PS. Of the 10,000 1~1-es in heeau;;e his l'hlr·l·en r.andwl<' J<>s were probahly kiss you again!" :\linnesota there are JlC'"haps fl,OOO in genuine nntl not bootie~. Dorinda stamped her little satin whfrh a willl du~k i,; ne1·er se>en. Capslipper. "Oh, well, I don't care!" she per's "·rckly. Jlp !'Onquers t Wi<'P \YliO conq11ers Strodo About th-e Room Like a s. id and shrug-ged her shoulders. himself in victory.-Cyrus. Sandy looked down at the open Pirate. T.overl'1 mny rrfnse to say goo<l-hy locltrt. It was perfectly empty. A fool at forty ls a fool inlleed.forPY<'r and yet put In two or three "There!" triumphed I)()rinda. "See hour::; at it. melting. One never knew which DoYoung. rin•la, of her many selves, one would what you have for your pains. Nothing hut a locket to let." lind. Sa11d~' drew her farch~r Into the cor"And," declared Sandy to his mother, '.Yho had gently lnqulrt>d ul,out his rest- ner. "Why not put ma 1n as tenant?" IP~sne,;s, "Hill' keeps wearing that si!· he suggested coaxingly. And do you know what happened? ver locket. She won't say who gave it to her and she won•t lei me peek in- After five ruinutes of battle, of Doside. If she's got sorue other rhap In rinda growing prettier el"ery minute, there I'll just drop her! She need not 1 of Sandy's profound ar~:uments, the •!ijnk she can lend me around by the girl took the Jocltet from him, and after prying up the tiny glass from one secrw,e !" Sandy struck an attitude of great tjon, and removing a blnnk paper, saJd !;uperiority and strode ahout the room shrly: "Look, Sanrty l\1cQuinu !" And Sandy found his own grin beam[ike n pirate. Ills mothet· smiled a ing up :tt him out of the silver squm·e lttie, but ~;aid nothing. After a ft~w dark mutterinr;s and of the locket. It was a snapshot !inal gestures, Sundy said he was "go- taken in the summer when Dorinda lng out" hut would be 'in. early. He and he had been on a picnic. • • • "' • ~ • lifted his hat from a book In the hall "\Vas the p~rty a success?" asked and went straight ns his feet could carry him, to the l10nse of Dorinda Sandy's mother as they were parting for the night. Kent. MOTHER:- Fletcher's CasSandy was Inarticulate. He waved fall. nil hu;te<l Thlf; ~;ort 01' thingtoria is a pleasant, harmless SubBy Christmas time Sandy had worked his arms about in excited circles. He stitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, himself up to n ~n'at :state of nerve~ mnd~ funny little noises in his throat. over the lockP.t. Dorinda was <JUite At last he was able to speak. Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared fol" ''I guess she Uke-s me, a!l right!" he sw<>r.t ahout it. but nlso quite firm. Infants in anns and Children all ages. Rile would never let Sanely see the con- said. "I found ow what's 1n that lock~t !" tents. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of r'ltri;;tr"!!" {•ve Sandy's mother gave (@, 1925, Western Newoo&Der Ulllon.' !:!~ directions .2E ~ package. Physicians everywhere re·~,.,'ll~d it. 1 11 Rumania has a new patriarch, and this photograph shows the dignitaries of the church In proce-ssion in Bucharest at his Investiture. • !- Dorinda and Her Christmas Locket EN-WO EN 0 Miss Dorothy Revier of Oakland, Cal., has been selected as the first of 25 movie stars to pose for portraits of beautiful women in the Salon d'Art at the Philadelphia exposition next year. Miss Revier, one of the Wampns "baby stars'' of 1925, was educated at Oakland under the name of Dorothy Valerga, and became well known in amateur theatricals. TO DIE FOR MURDER I I Lake Erie's· famous tahle rock on the north snore of Kelley's Island, noted as the fueling place of Walk In the Water, the first steamboat, soon will be a thing of th& past. The winds and waves of many centuries have so weak· ened Its "leg" tnat It Is expected to topple most any aay. Showy Stunt of an Aviator .. '· ' ... .- . . . . ;>. hi I Mrs. Fannie Soper of Elizabethtown, N. J., who has been •convicted ot the 1 murder of her third husband, Henry Soper, and sentenced to death in the electric chair. Power of Light It has been pointed out that not onlr the direction and Intensity of light but Its color must be considered tn estimating Its power to reveal fine detalls. Nxperlment shows that most person~;~ are shortsighted for blue and viol-et light. When patterns are !lluminated alternately with red, green and blue light 1t is found that for ease of seeing minute details blue and green light are preferable to red for short distances, but that at greater One of the stu11ts of an adventurous airman, who Is changing from n dlstaD(!ea red light gives the best re- boat to an airplane over the Mississippi river. Both boat nd plane W1WI moving at a speM of forty miles an hv.uo. sults. - ~ |