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Show THE JORDAN A HAPPY TRAMP A farewell party was given Wed· nesday evening in Grant w~rd chapel Clara Brown 8th Grade in honor of Merline Watts who will South Jordan School Age 15 leave won on a mission. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McMillian enCaroline Hay, Teacher tertained at a Thanksgiving dinner There once lived a happy farmer. Wednesday evening at their home on He and his family lived in a village Vine street, in honor of relatives. railed Golden Ridge. All the people Mr. and Mrs. Iner Johnson enterwere happy and contented and everyone was willing to help each other. tained Thursday afternoon at their One cold winter's night as the wind home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. was blowing, a knocK was heard on Charles White, Miss Helen White, the back door of the farmer's house, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Eyre and M. E. The farmer opened the door. An old Thornton. 1\Irs. Harry Howe wiJl entertain ragged tramp was standing there. He was bent with the cold and he shiver- the memibers of the S. S. Club Wednesday afternoon at her home on Vine ed as he asked for shelter. "Gladly, my friend, welcome into street. my house," said the fanner smiling Mr. and Mrs. Lee Madsen are re"Wln:re are you traveling this time of cei"-)ing congratulations on the . arnight?" l'ival of a son, during the week. Mrs. "Anyw.here, it doesn't matter," said Madsen was formerly Miss • Vivian the old tramp. Harmon. The kind farmer patted him on the Mrs. Heber block entertained at her home Thursday afternoon of back. I "Now my friend," said the farmer last week. The occasion being her "stand up and face the world like a birthday anniversary. Luncheon was man. I know you are no coward." served and the time was spent in The words of encouragement help- games and music. ed the old tramp. He left .the fannThe Woodcraft circle of this city er's home determined to make some- will hold a dancing party December thing useful of himself. He succeed- 8 at Fraternal hall. ed. He is no longer a tramp but is Mr. and Mrs. James E. Clay and one of the most successful farmers in family, Mr. and Mrs. George Watts the country. and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Cia} and family were dinner guests of Mr. MURRAY SOCIETY and Mrs. Clifford Watts ThanksgivMr. and Mrs. Edwin Eyre of this ing day. city announce the engagement of Mr. and Mrs. Lionard Mackay entheir daughter, Vesta, to Everett Ben- ter.tained a number of relatives at a nion, son of Mr. and Mrs. HynUn Thanksgiving dinner at their home. Benion, Jr., of Taylorsville. . Miss Lucetta Malstrom will enterMiss Violet Christenwn ententained 1 tain the "Star Six" club next Monthe members of the Star Six Club on day evening. Monday evening. The time was spent --------lin games and se·wing. Covers were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fordham and lalid for the following: Miss Grace Bateman, Miss Berniece Watts, Miss children spent Monday at Spanish Lucetta Malstrom, MUss Thelma Hunt, Fork. Miss Rachel Gibbs, Miss Violet Christenson and Mr. and Mrs. Belvin Christenson. , Waterr freezes every night In th• A farewell party was given Wednesday at the Taylorsville ward chap- year In Alto Crucero, In Bolivia, whl!<> el in h-onor of Everrett Bennion who at noonday the aun is almost bot enouib to bl!ater the tlMh. will leave soon on 2. mission. "Baby Pavlowa" JOURNAL officers are to be ·congratulated on the s~lendid program and the work done m general. I "HREE GREAT DAYS' -I SAYS L. J. COLMAN DRAPER DOINGS 'lhe Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith entertained at dinner Thanksgiving day in honor of their son, Heber J ., it being Northwest Chairman N. E. R. his birthday anniversary. Covers were FOR SA'L·E-Very good , Garland laid for twenty-seven. Out of town Urges Observance of "Gold· ~ditor and Qenerai.Mana tjel' range $30.00. Call E. R. Ben~on. guests were: Mr. and Mrs. H. H. WILL ROCERS (N-26) en Rule Sunday." Maxwell and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garside and children of, LOST-Sive:r and gold thimble. EnMagna, Mr. and Mrs. Alma F. Smith graved "V" on. Fined return to Laurence J. Colman, of Seattle, haa Mrs. Melvin Lind. Reward. (N-26) accepted the Chairmanship for the and children of Sandy and Miss Virginia Smith of ProV'O, FIR~ INSURANCE- Don't Delay. :>rear East Relief and Golden Rule Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stay entertainSunday for the Northwest Region, inSee H. C. Aylett, 320 N. Main. Tel. ed at a family dinner Thanksgiving cluding Utah, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Midvale 36. day. Out of town guests were, Mrs. tf Washington, British Columbia and Alaska, of which J. J. Handsaker, ot George White and Mrs. W. B. HumFOR SALE-Chester White brood phries of Salt Lake. Portland, is the Regional Director. sow, also Leghorn Roosters for Miss Berniece Green of Magna visColman is well known through the breeding purposes. Thoroughbred ited relatives here during the week. Tancret. I mi.le Soubh Union . chool Northwest. on account of his interest .Miss Gerlee Frisbee of Salt Lake in religious and philanthropic institu· Nephi Gregory, Phone Mid. 170-J. the week-end with her mother, Mrs. t!ons, among them being the Seabeck, J. R. Rawlins. LOST-Between Social A venue and Wash., conference grounds, which he Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Nli.chols and 56 South, one folder containing has donated for the use of various children of Holliday and Mrs. Agnes Wee little lt'rances Wright, not quite Watkin's accounts. Notify W. T. summer groups. four years old, is the "Baby Pavlown" Fitzgerad and children were guests Spealdng of Golden Rule Sunday, he Lovindge, Lehi, Utah. $5.00 reward. of Baltimore, where she dances In the of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Amdus Thurslays, "There are three great days in 12-3-25 npen parks dally despite the wellther. day at T.hanksgiv:ing dinner. Kovember and December. The first, This graceful pose was made on one FOR RENT OR SALE-Unfurni Miss Jean Brown of Salt Lake shed Thanksgiving Day, the third, Christ· of the chll1iest autumn days Maryland spent the week-end here visiting her 4-room terrace. Call Was. 2793 rna~. and midway between comes Goldhas enjoyed for some time, but llttle friends. 203 1st Ave., off Locust St., Mid- en Rule Sunday. Frances didn't minrl ! , Mr. W. D. Fitzgerald of Richfield vale. "On Thanksgiving Day we count 12-3-25 visited during the week-end with his our blessings. \Ve count our enormous parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. W. Fitzwealth of more than three billion dol· Another"Bull" Durham advertisegerald. ment by Will Rogers, Ziegfeld FolIars. We think of our · vast farms. lies and screen star~ Jlnd leading Mr. and Mrs. R. Rasmussen and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett mo.oorgreat universities and colleges, factbrAmerican humorist. MOre coming. Watch for them. ies and other evidences of material son, Grant and Mr. and 1\Irs. Lon Rased to Provo and spent Thursday of mussen and children of Magna were prosperity. \Ve are, or· should be, last week with relatives. thankful for a government under gue::rts of Hr. and l\lrs. Anton RasMr. Edward Gresser has returned which both property and llfe are safe. muf'sen Sunday. home after filling a mission in GerMrs. Lavern Smith of Provo spent "Christmas is agaiu a day of feasting the Thanksgiving holidays with his many. He with his family are makand mirth, to which we invite our friends and with whom, too often, our parents, ~1r. and Mrs. J. E. SmiLth. ing their home with Mr. Charles DenMr. J. W. W. E1itzgerald s~nt sev"gifts" become merely exchanges. uey of Union Avenue. eral days of last ·week at Richfield "On Golden Rule Sunday, December Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Sharp spent the guest of his son, Mr. W. D. Fitz6th, we can remember the word, Thursday of last week with Mr. and You are going to be disappointed gerald. 'When thou makest a feast, call the Mrs. P. A. Swenson. when you look at the face in this Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rideout of poor, the halt, the maimed and the Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Thornton enAdvertisement. It will be such blind.' \Ve can practice that pure re- Salt Lake were guests of Mr. and tertained at dinner Thanksgiving day a shock from the type of Faces ligion which visits the fatherless and Mrs. J. R. Rideout, Sunday. for Mr. and Mrs. Neils Lelson :\-Jrs. you always see in Advertisements. widow in their affliction. Surely there Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Andrus were M. J. T.hornton, Miss Annie Sn1ith, They generally get some Guys guests • was of !llr. and Mrs. Jas. Gilbert never a greater contrast in all Miss Leona Nelson and Jack Rozelle face to use in a Collar or U nhistory than the one between our of Murray, two days of last week. of Salt Lake. derwear Ad that looks like he A 'I farewell wealth, prosperity tesitmonial and was security and given Mr. and .Mrs. Ralph Robbins were the condition Sunday of the night in the Draper wardhouse people of the Near was just born for that Ad. You dinner guests last week of Mrs. Vera East, exiled from inhonor their of home Mr. lands Revell Smith who wiLl never see him in real life or anyWagstaff of Salt Lake. without employment, homes leave or soon food, on a mission to the Souththing that ever looked like him. Mrs. Sarah Parker of Salt Lake visexcept as the Golden Rule operates in ern states. These ''Bull" Durham people ited Monday with Mrs. Erma Cook. our hearts to make us do to others Mrs. May Y. Lambert entertained conceived the idea of something Mrs. Nephi Gregory, visited Wedwhat we would have others do for us at dinner on Thanksgiving day. Those nesday with Mr. and .Mrs. Louis Westnew. They felt that you were "In more than fifty nations on Gold- present were: Mr. and Mrs. Craig brook of Salt Lake. tired looking at such handsome en Rule Sunday. December 6th, many Lambert of East Mill Creek, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jacobsen were faces in Ads, it was so discourpersons will provide for their Sunday Mrs. Rulon A. Casper and Mr. and guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. aging to men who looked at them dinner approximately the menu that Mrs. Clyde Triptoe of Salt Lake and Peterson of South Jordan. because they knew they could is provided when funds permit by the Mr. and Mrs. Bert L. Smith and childMr. Sam Jenkins of Idaho was a never look like these fellows Near East Relief for the tens of thous- ren. guest Wednesday at the home of Mr. ands of orphan children in its care, themselves. So they wanted a .Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Heward announce and Mrs. S. W. Sharp. most of whom are under twelve years the marriage of their daughter, Ruth homely face that would be an Mrs. Eddie Olson was a guest of of age. inspiration to other homely men, to ·wallace Tucker, Saturday, Novemthe Naughty "2" club Monday even"When this simple meal has been ber 29.- The couple will make their (because there is a terrible lot of Clothes Tailored ing at the home of Mrs. Swan Olson eaten and the plight of the unfortu- home here. hard looking Birds among you of Yale Avenue, Salt Lake City. nate children of the Near East has to Mec1sure by Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dow had as readers). So after looking the Mrs. Albert Glover, Sr., and Mrs. been thoughtfully considered. then their guests Thursday, Mr. and !Ill's. M. Bom & Com\Y orld over they picked on me. Mary Graham of Union were dinner give, give ns you would have some one Thomas Sadler of Bingham. I dont guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. smoke "Bull" Durham, give if your children were in the Near pany are backed Mr. and Mrs. David Smith bad al' James Glover. so the Moral is IF YOU WILL East orphanage, were amongst the their guest Friday, their daughter by 50 years of - Mrs. Adolphson entetained at dinSMOKE IT, YOU WILL 4000 about to be turned out for lack Leda of Salt Lake. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lli ner last week for Mr. and Mrs. C. NEVER LOOK LIKE ME. of funds, or among those asking and clothes making Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lewis and H. Soderberg and Mrs. Deliah Soderbeing refused one I am the horrible example of a meal a day. WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 5th }!iss Lucy Peterson of Salt Lake experience and a berg and children of Salt Lake. "Full particulars of the day may were man not using it. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. RUG DEPARTMEN T Mrs. Alice Bateman and children, be secured from the Near East Reguarantee t h a t Heward Sunday. lief, 613 Stock Exchange Bldg., Port~ Miss Dean and Laura and Mr. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Day are receivm e an s exactly Bateman of .Midvale were the dinner land; 339 Burke Bldg., Seattle; and Linoleum at $1.75. This is the REAL Burlap Back Lining congratulations over the arrival guests la~t week of Mr. and Mrs. Allor the Golden Rule Campaign tempor~ what it says of oleum-not felt back as some are selling. Reduced a son, born, November 29. 13:1 len Bateman. ary offices have been opened at 301 Miss Ana Orgill of Salt Lake spent P. S. There is going to be another Mrs. M. J. Thornton, Mrs. Mirna complete s a t i &Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City; Prices on all RUGS and on Inlaid LINOLEUM the week-end with her parents, Mr. piece in this paper soon. Look for it. Nelson and Mrs. Grace Thornton were 627 Peyton Bldg., Spokane; Bristol faction. and Mrs. Wm. C. Orgill. TOY DEPARTMEN T Salt Lake visitors Friday, guests of Hotel, Bqise, ;tnd Y. M. C. A., Tacoma. .Miss Bertha M. Smith t·eturned Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wilson. Bring the kiddies. An entire store given to TOYS. ~ home Saturday from a month's stay Mr. Leland Gofi" and :\liss Sarah in Logan, the guest of her sister, We have also a large line of useful PRESENTS ~ Solis of Clark, Idaho were married Mrs. Esther Anderson. 19 in the Logan Temple. HARDWARE DEPARTMEN T ~ November Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Brown spent Mrs. Margaret Householder, Miss the last week-end at Spring City as Discount of 10 per cent on all HATS and CAPS Alma Warnock of Midvale, 1\lr. Clarthe guest of their dafghter, . Mrs. ence Sharp and Mr. Harold Bishop GROCERY DEPARTMEN T ~ of Munay were dinner guests of Mr. l1ay Olsen. Miss Afton Fitzgerald of Salt Lake 4 lb. RAISINS, ........................... ........... _..................... -· .................... 39c ~ and l\lrs. Lester Forbush Thursday of spent the week-end at the home of last week. DRY GOODS DEPARTMEN T ~ Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Cros.grove. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bateman enMr. and Mrs. 0. D. Ballard and tertained at dinner Saturday evening ~ Gingham, About 25 pieces at, per yard ·····-····-········ ..- 17 Yz c children were dinner guests of .Mr. for Mr. and M1·s. E. R. Blomquist and Mrs. Harry Heward last Thur::;and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beckstead of day. Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Goats :Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lubeck .and of South Jordan, Mr. and ~h·s J. L. R. GYGI, Prop. children and Mr. and Mrs. Dryle Myers and Mr. and Mrs. K. A. CarlLewis of Salt Lake were guests of son of Midvale. Progressive games RIVERTON UTAH THE CO~STlTUTION Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Bailey Thankswere played. Prizes were awarded ~o Mildred Hardcastle .-.·' Draper School . ' ·< giving day. ~Hm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lli Mr. Carlson and Mrs. Goats. Mrs. Edgar Morgan and children 8th Grade Mr. Charles Sharp and daughter, Age 13 ~-.: l of Riverton were the dinner guests Blanche and Mr. Andrew Bradford of Miss Shepherd, Teacher "=}i: of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Smith on Murray were dinner guests last week The "Constitution" is the most fanl·•.· Thanksgiving. of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hanson of ous vessel in the hi!itory of the Ameri-' Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hogan of West Salt Lake can Navy. The battles.hip was launchJordan spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McDonald ed, October 20, 1797, but was not put Hogan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hyand children were Salt Lake visitors into u:;e until the following year. rum Brown. One of America's 35,000 Near East last week, guests of Mrs. J. N. Rock. I thing most every one has heard Orphans, exiled from his ancestral Mr. D. T. Allen and Miss Rose Allen about the "Constitution" and about Guaranteed by spent Thanksgiving day at Bingham. the many different ways it has help- home, but happy because he is confi· dent that America, which rescued Mr. Orland Wright of Bingham and ed the Nation. THE PILGRIMS Mrs. Dudley of Murray were guests In 1882, the "Constitution" was con- him from death, will stay with him tNCCRPORATaO Thursday of last week o.f Mr. and demned as unseaworthy and was or- until he is sixteen, when he will be Alma Gygi 8th Grade Via Mrs. Henry Fillers. dered to be destroyed, but Holmes' ready to go out and make his own Teacher, Miss Peterson nm· Nl:'w York City Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Hawley of Og- poem, "Old Ironsides." aroused the way. The Pilgrims believed in purity, den were dinner guests Thursday of people's interest. Instead of being deWhile their king was noted for DENVER and RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD ~CHOOL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fordham. stroyed, the s.hip was rebuilt. New Refugee Problem In Syria. cruelty. Mrs. Hazel Hanson and Mrs. Agness The "Constitution" was again put The Pilgrims were punished in every Beirut, Syria.-The Near East Relief Mr. Wallace Soffe returned home on Kite of Salt Lake, Mr. Charles Sharp _out of commission and was partri.ally way will distribute 50,000 pounds of refuOne and one-third Fares For The VVednesday fron1 Logan to sp~nd the and daughter, Blanche, attPnded the rebuilt and was stored at the Boston gee clothing here, to assist in caring And were unhappy day after day. funeral service Monday of r~rrs. Min~ Navy Yard in 1897 and remained there for 20,000 Christian vlllagers rendered holidays with h"s parents, Mr. and ROUND TRIP Hartvidsen of Sandy. until 1905. At last they set out to sea. Mrs. W. R. Soffe. homeless by the rebellion of the MosSundav of last week, Mr. and Mrs. When she was considered unsuit- lem Druses against the French govern· And said good bye to their olde A Farewell Patty was ~iven Mon·Tickets on sale DECEMBER 18 to 25, inclusive, 30, 31, Otto Schradler and child!'en of Salt able for any naval service repair, it ment. All Americans have been orday evening at South Jordan warn countree. . Lake were dinner guests of Mrs. was recommended she be used as a dered to leave Damascus, where 2,500 Over to America they came house for Theodore Hutching:;, who 1925, and January 1, 1926, between all stations on DenHenry Schrader of State Street. target for some of the ships of the persona were killed in the fighting of To begin a land of wondrous fame. will leave soon for the British M.sver and Rio Grande Western, in Utah: also to points on Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett were North Atlantic fleet and in that way the past fortnight. Thousands of ref· sion. dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. be sunk by gun fires. This aroused ugees are pouring into Beirut. They built their The Misses Ann and Essie Holt I"ehomes and tilled Western Pacific, Southern Pacific and Los Angeles and A. N. Johnson of Salt Lake. such a storm of p1·otest throughout October 311t there were 30,000 the soil. turned home from Provo to spenu. the Salt Lake railroads, where one-way fare from starting Mrs. Walter Wright entertained on the nation, th~t Congress in 1906 ap· Armenian refugees in Beirut, crowded And day af.ter day the people would holidays with then· parents, Mr. ami Tuesday of last week in honor of the propriated $100,000 for her rebuild- into a.n "unspeakable" camp, and refuMrs. Wim. Holt. toil. point to destination does not exceed $30.00, adding suf· birthday anniversary of her !i.ttle ing. I ·~"" gees were arriving from Damascus at And then after harvesting wa!; Mr. Marlin Newbold who is attendficient to make fares end in multiples of "25". Minidaughter Ruth. Sixth litt1e guests enAgain the world famed vessel is the rate of 4000 dally. The refugees begun ing tbe B. Y. U. spent the Hol days joyed games and refreshments. condemned to destruction. In tbe were sheltered in houses constructed All the Indians joined in Thanks- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newmum round trip fare $0.50. Original starting point Mr. E. A. Melton and son, Junior twenty years or so that have inter- of oil tins and "the crowding was tergiving fun. bold. and Mrs. W. H. Perkins will leave on vened, the timbers of the hull have rible," as many as nine people living must be reached by midnight January 4, 1926. Mrs. Printha Han,cn left Wedne Thursday for Covina, California, for been so eaten away with dryrot and in a single small room, cook!:ag, eatEach rejoiced because of this good day for Ric!Jfield to spend the holithe winter. Mr. Perkins will leave in other decay that only complete re- In,; and sleeping in this tiny quarter. Call on nearesfRio Grande Agent for detailed fares and days with her parents, Mr. anu Mrs. crop. the near future overland by auto. The sanitary arrangements were building can save the ship. And elected for governor, John Ford. train service. ''The Inrlian Festival" a Primary Are the people now as patriotic as totally inadequate and water scarce. Winthrope Mr. and Mrs. Crawford and l\flss program given by the East Midvale they were in 1833, 1871 and 1906, and Many of the refugees were ill, with no The Pilgrims lived a happy life Dora Hansen of Lark left WednP.sday Primary, Wednesday evening, was con wilLing to appropriate $500,000 for medicine and the children were pale Thou~h going through much toil evening for Richfield to sp~nd the sidered a good success. The Primary its upbuilding? and sickly. and strife. holidays with relatives. WANT ADS EAST MIDVALE I If You Want to Look Like This -Don't Smoke Ove r All LEVI JRAUSS 'Rem. ember Wai st Ove rall s for en a.nd Yo'tttlts A new pair FREE it They Rip Look for the Two Horses Hm ffiB ffiB Hill lim lim ~ ffiB Ia~ ?tiL xd/~ KHOREN KULUJIAN * Ia ~ '1*1 ffiB Hm ' L if§ Page-Hansen Co. I Midvale Tailor Shop ~ HOLIDAY Excursion Fares ::L.JI~~~: |