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Show • THE JORDAN .JOURNAL, MIDVALE. UTAH ---~- ~lii!ffil!iiD~mJ~ffilii£mimclmli~J~Ii~mmmmm~I~~ I w rt'aa Pu;; to Live in ~~ OL.-1 _ _ou_tto t_hem_ooas_hed_-.~10 IDAHO WE~LTH IS !GERMANY ACCEPTS ~News otes ~ ITALY "!SITED BY TEAR IBlE WINDS !l ~'I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mmm~l I AT TIMES Saunders Tells how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Relieved Troubles of Change JOEL L. PRIEST PLACES VALUE. OF STATE AT MORE THAN LOCARNO AGREEMENT APPROV· ED BY REICHSTAG; VOTE STAN OS 300 TO 174 HURRICANE, EARTHQUAKE, AND Salt Lal{e City.-Indicat!ons point 1 TIDAL WAVE REPORTED TO HAVE J:ONE DAMAGE 10 a remarkable attendance from tax· )ayers all over the state to the Utah l raxpayers Association convention to )e held at Salt Lake City on Decem- 1 Many Villages In Southern Italy Are ~er 7th. Governor Dern will give an In Ruins and Many People Are tddress of welcome and tax problems Missing; Land Flooded; Na· i\"ill be dU;cussed by leading taxpayers pies Suffers From Wind :rom different parts of Utah. NEARLY INSANE · ~ mw ON iNCREASE IMrs. fUll PE lGE PAGT I -~ $225,000,000 of Life Knoxville, Tenn.-''1 took Lydin ~ Pinkham's Vegetable Compound while going throug:h th ·. · . . Change of Life. was very nervous, could not sleep and I h·ad melanchol Price.-Greek residents of Carbon • spells. In fact, county have volunteered their finanwas nearly insane a Naples.-An untold number of lives Berlin.-The relchstag has accepted Salt Lake City.-The value of Ida· cial support in the equipping of the were lost and mapy villages in south- the Locarno peace pacts fully. times and my mem,. 1: ho's agricultural an•l horticultural ory was almost a operating room of the Price hospital. ern Italy were destroyed by the gi· On the third reading of the bi'1 percrops, livestock. wool, lumber and min· blank. I was so weak ._.~11 era! pro<lt1ction for 1~125 is placed at Provo.-The youngest bride during gantic storm which swept in from the mitting the government to sign the I could not do my treaties nf London, the parliament ' mor<> than $225,000.000 by Joel L. Wallace 1\L Hales' tenure as county 1 Tyrrhenian sea. housework half of the time and suf. { ~ !"t,n Prie>.t, general ag~::nt of the Union Pa· clerk of Utah county appeared to 1 The storm's force began below Na- passed the resolution. fereddreadfullywith pies, extended with fury against the This was the upshot of a fight, re, t·. \t1•' t +.: cific system in Idaho, in a special re· Mve the nuptial knot tied recently. \ port just announeed from the general my back. My doctor said I would have Bh!l was Myrie Bird, 14-year-old province of Calabria-the toe of the garded as sure to fail, engineered by to worry it out and I went through this iaughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bird Italian boot-and even crashed nationalists and communists against w~"~"='=========~============:=::::===~:., offices of the Union Pacific at Salt for three years before I began taking of Mapleton, who was married to the Vegetable Compound which I saw Richard Perry, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. advertised. I think 1t was eight bottles t p]Pte report by Mr. Priest, who con- that I took. It has been two years since Mark L. Peery, also of Mapleton. The stroyed by the gigantic earthquake reciprocity to Germany, while they al- I lE·gedly voluntarily c0afirmed Ger(,'udes that "the close of 1925 will see I took any and I haven't had a doctor bride's parents acquiesced in the mar· of December 28, 1908. This storm was a portion of the tre- many's previous acceptance of the the Htate as a whole on a sound, satis· since for that trouble, I do all my ~iage. washing and ironing and I have gained from 116 to 138 pounds. I feel so well Provo.-Probably the largest check 1 mendons atmospheric disturbance Versailles treaty. factOry financlal basis." The vote was 300 to 174. i Idaho's estimated productivity val- I think I do not need any medicine now, received by Utah county for taxes of which during twenty-four hoursl hadt I uation is divided as follows: but I advise all women who suffer phy0 one concern reached the treasurer's \ sically and mentally as I did to give the j Wheat, 27,975,000 bushels; $35,000,· llffiCe from the Tlntic Standard MinVegetabie. Compound a fair trial. _I 000 Germany's entry into the league of I · Ing company in the sum of $238,340.· t.he coast of Brittany. hope it will do as much for them as 1t 1 Fragamentary reports received in nations. The application for admis- MARTIAL LAW.S NOW PREVAILS WITNESS PANiiL IS EXHAUSTED Hay, 3,148,000 tonR; $31,480,000. n. did for me. ·'-Mrs. T. A. SAUNDERS. 11 this city reveal that the number of sion is scheduled to be made soon. IN CHINESE CITY AS FAC· AND SHENANDOAH HEARING Pctatoes 12,25·1,000 bushels; $14,- 711 E. Depot Street, Knoxville, Tenn. Fort Duchesne.-Three representa· dead may not be known for days as END 500,000. BLOWS COMES To TIONS COME To The vote on tho lea;;ue question t!ves of Indian tribes here, accom- countless fishing vessels had gone to was 278 to 183. Beans, 1,512,000 bushels; $3,000,000. panied by Superintendent F. A. Gross Sea before the Storm brol'e. Some --Beets, 433,000 tons, $"1,380,000. , After the votes on article 1 and 2, $ of the Uinta and Ouray agency, have may have outridden the waves' fury. authorizing signing and league entry, Word Coming From Mukden Indicates Col. Mitchell May Be Recalled After Fruits, 12 •000 ·000 · left for Washington, D. C., where a • . A Oats, 9,751,000 bushels; $5,000,000. Th ere was no floo d h ere at N apes, 1 . •~ ~oo the reichstag accepted the entire Lo· Once Strong Power Of Leader Courtmart1al Proceedings re B 1 n?S b ,. ~onference is said to be planned to 11 I . w·1tnesses ar ey, 4,iJw ' 000 U>J 1le1s, 'J'U,t> I 000 ' . d b u t t h e force of the storm tle up a carno bill, 201 to 174. Is Rapidly Crumbling Closed; All Onions, , bushels, $SSO,OOO. ~~l!r.::M: 568 000 eonsider grazing fees and lands In shipping, no vessels daring either to I Away Are Used Dairy products, $ !'!,000,000. 1 which the Indiana are interested. enter or depart from the harbor durBerlin.-Char~res made in French w 1 $8 000 OOO . ht " 00 ' ' ' . Logan.-More than 160 farmers, i ng til e mg · newspapers that lack of interest in I Lambs, $15,000,000. business men, manufacturers, cattl<• To the southward a gigantic tidal the Locarno pact was evidenced bt Peking.-Although the resumption Washington.-With the possible exCattle and hogs, $G,OOO,OOO. men and special guests representi11g wave, followed by a hurricane, beat the United States in Its abstention of telegraphic communicatioa "with a~pti6n of Colonel William Mitchell, Bees, $2,000,000. all of C~che Valley's industries, gath· against the shores of Calabria, wreck· from participation in the Locarno con· f' · the panel of w1'tnesses in the navy's ul·nes, .... ,~ '0,000,000. m ered at t.he Hotel Eccles here for the ing numerous small crafts caught in- 1 ference are combatted by the Diplo- Mukden failed to bring con 1rmat10n long investigation into the wreck of ' Lumb:>r, $35,000,000. · r·IS h'mg VI'l· matisch Politisch Korr<>spondenz, of reports of the overthrow and im· the airship Shenandoah has been ex· becond annual harvest dinner given sh ore an d d es t roy 1ng tmy ''Total deposits of the 106 state by the local chamber of commerce. lages The hurrl ~~ne even extended f prinsonment of Marshall Chang Tso· · ~ which sometimes reflects the view o hausted and the court adjourned, sub· banks in Icla~1o were $~.779,729.17 VernaL-Following an agreement 'as far inland as the city of Monte · the German foreign office. The news- Lin, the Manchurian dictator, it ap- ject to the call of i1 s president. higher at the close of business SapJud!;e Advocate Leonard will exam· tember 28 than they were on June 30, bet"·een the city of Denver and the leone-far back from tho Gulf of San paper says the United States, by a pears definitely established that the Northwestern Terminal Railway com- Eufemia-where roofs were wrenched deliberate, definite plan is combatting power of the Manchurian chieftain ine the testimony given by Colonel and approximately $4,500,000 higher Mitchell before the army court mar- 1.,.than they were on September 28, pany, a subsidiary of the Moffat rail- from half a hundreJ. houses while Balkanization .of the European conti· is crumbling. Removes Corns, Cal· Martial laws prevails in Mukden tial trying him here and will then de· 1 1924," the report continues. "Assets HINDERCORNS ll'tly, In regard to the settlement of the populace of 12000 persons sought nent and attempting to strengthen louses, ete.. stops all pa10. ensnrea comfort. to the the principle that international con- and, while Chang appears to be still cide whether it is likely that Colonel of the 106 banks showed a total of r~et., DJ.akes walkinw ea.sy. 15c by rn:1H or at DI"UMunpaid taxes aggregating $260,000, safety in the neighboring hills. The little city of Bagnara, on Cal- flict must be avoided as ruinous, not in commend of events in the city, his Mitchell can give testimony germane $40,428,366.54, an increase of $2,364,- O!ista. lllsoox Cllemical Workll, P&tcbo&ue, N.Y. negotiations are now under way in 152.Q5 over June ~0. and ~4,408,517.01 New York to secure the underwriting abmia's coast as the head of the only to the combatants, but to the chief lieutenant, General Yang Yu- to the Shenandoah inquiry. Strait of Messina, was virtually whole continent of l!:urope. While the Tin~. former governor of Kiangsu, is Colonel Mitchell was called before over assets listed a year ago. Since of the reorganization plan of the Denver & Salt Lake railway (Moffat wiped out by the tidal wave and thou- United States did not openly partici· repored to have fled to Dairen, having the naval tribunal last month, but af- September 28 there has been, of sands of acres of vintage land were pate at Locarno, the paper says, that been held responsible for the driving ter he had been denied the privilege course, an enormous increase due to road), it has been learned here. flooded. It is not known how many country undoubtedly influenced the of the Manchurian forces back from to make a statement before the oath returns from abundant high priced Salt Lake City.-Before the great· of the 7600 population survived, but deliberatir:ms along those lines. 1 Shanghai and tho Yangtse river. had been administered, he refus.;d to crops and the clcse of 1925 will see ( .. est crowd ever assembled to see a it is believed most of them found After the Locarno question, the ThA crumbling of the Mukden lend· take the oath necessary to qualify the state as a whgle on a sound, !h.mple Soap. nint".lrnt. T:n.lC!Um: free. Addreaa: scholastic football game in Utah, the safety in time. Bagnara is especially rcichstag will be confronted with live- or's authority is said to be due to dis- him as a witness. At the sitting the I satlsfactory financial basis." Cu~cura I.abora.tort~, Dept. M, ,_,.aJ.~e.n, Mall, Red and Black elevens of the East n_oted among British and English ar- !y debate over the claims or the, approYal by various factiorts among naval court heard a dE'nial frorn Conditlous in lda'to's lumber inuus· and West hi~;h schools battled sixty tl_sts, who have pamtecl th?usands of 1 Hohenzollerns for hunctreds of mil- , his followers of the _Chang Tso-Li~'s Jarees H. Collier, chid aviation rig:.;n try re nuch impl'O\'ed over thuse of minutes to a 0-0 tie on Cummings VIews of Slc!Iy from the lulls. 1 lions of marks for their estates, art desire to extend his mfluence outs1de on the Sh"nall(Joah, that he had told a ) l·•r ago, wi h hte Bo,se-Payett • field. The result finds the Salt Lake Messina, the Sicilian city of 150,000 treasures, crown silver an~! other ob· of ~'ilanchuria and to fight for the re· Major Frank 11'!. Kt.nnedy of the army L.1mbcr company est!:nat ng its 19 5 hc•tt1e for$2.00 for ~0 <''l:V"· A Uot'TH-WASH division without a champion, as both totnlly wrecked by the earthquake of jects of value seized when rn: many tentioa of Shantung province at;'ainst air service that four tuh~s connect- IJJ.r.'nc ~ • t 1000 r::. ·s large · til n in l5.<XJ Gu,RA~TI::.EU to draw ou-r 'l ·KoTrNB $1il ur tn~g 6 1 elevens have won all other games: mouths e:C tobacco usc )' tht: nccu:-tuln,tlcn of 1908, again experieuced a series of became a republic. In political cir- the invaders pressing hint from the iug the ~as cells had been c!o 8 ed up 19.! l. according to the report. Th~ v ~8. Rell10Vf><j an Cl·AVI~G, a<l ~ tol a .. C() rrice.-Discont.inuance of the nintb tremors, followed by a stifling whirl- cles it is ass~:rted the one time rdgu- 1 south and west, those of the Chekiang before the ship was wrecked. He also J<:c .. J€., Lt mi:Jer comr.r.ny expects to Q r I·NSJVE AND 0 JFeTI<JNABLE. ~' >r Sfl daya on -. $2.00 postpaid. and tenth grades of the Wattis school wind. Great dn_ma.ge to propert~ was in;; famiJ~· is evincing a d ·sposition to governor, Sun Chaun-Fang: and the denied that he had told the army offi- ~hip a minimum of 100 cars pn menA. B. OLIPHINT bas been ordered by the Carbon coun- done by the wmd s force. It 15 be- demand 1ts pound of fl ~h. notw1th- Ilonan !;overno.-, Yut;:h \Vel-Shun, re- cer that others in the crew would not til a-:; soor as the company's Cascade 53!2 South V~rmont Loa Aas:eoles, Calit. spc:ctivcl~·. His determination to malre admit the gas cells had been ruptured m.ll Is al.He to operate on a normal ty board of education. The reason lieved little•loss to life resulted there. standing the country's poverty. The tidal wa,·e swept with great The Hohenzollerns thus far have this stand threatened to embroil him before the wTeck. Major Kenne6y has!s. • for the action is that the enrollment power into the Strait of Messina, but won every C'ase they have hrought in with the "Christian general," Fang was a witness before both the Mitch· j The ~pertacular advance in the of the two grades has been reduced SCHOOL Of ti'FICIINCY I Pfl~l of po u.toes 's pointed to as the to nine students. The order for the practically all fishing vessels in it tlw courts for the return of disputed Yu-IJsiang, who from his headquar· ell court and the na;·al tribunal. All commercial branches. Catalog free SAlT L.tKE CiTY. UT4H Upoa tho <"omparison of Collier's out tanding feature of Idaho's a; ·i· 60 N, Main Sf. dropping of the two grades will not were able to reach harbor before the I:.. nds or art objects. Ancient docu· ters ::>.t Kalgin, has been watching the ments purporting- to show personal development of the situation. testimony befor0 the army ana navy cult·u·nl ituation in October by Mr. l"ortltmd E ..'ln.m.nt•r (,neM \\'eekly t•rugre~ .h.& become effective until the close of the blow fell. \\ orld • "ws ....~. o e pr Wl .. 01 pt1on, Reports receiveD. in Naples indicat- ownership by the Hohenzollerns were At this stage two of Chang's most tribunals, • the court hdd that thrre Priest, who s ys: first semester next month. or l··~e press, sr C I'C ~. er r: C! t .... , chlng, ed that the greate&t financial loss introduced. influential followers, Genera-l Kuo had been <minor differeu~s in the rig"\t tre ue~innim: of the m >nth $1 yrly. Zt2 \\ Fl r. P t n t (JrP Anrq:u. Ncphi.--Thirty-four thousand finwould not result from property de· The forraer holdings of the Hoben· Sung-L!an, commander of 1he Tenth ger's a(,count of the accidrnt to the farnEr..; wore getti r: an <Wcrr -;ll or gerling rainbow trout were planted In UAI~BER ( 0 I I t:(.If!'i stroyed, but from hundreds of thou· zollerns, according to the contention division, and GenPral Li Ching Ling, airship, bat after examination of fur- $1 25 r Jr hundredweight, but <!.Iring Burraston pond under the direction bHrber trs_, P ('a n ·;ue free. r s: lu ..- u sands of acres 'l'lhich were flooded. of the Prussian state, came to them civil governor of Shihli province, are !her testimony by Collier before it, th(;' e1o inr;- days of October they wer:.l Learn lS{>Ued. Mol r Barber t'oll -e, 114 R(•g nt ..it. of the Nephi Fish and Game club. The The pro\·ince of Calabria especially by virtue of their bei~ kiu~s and understoocl to have telc.graphed Chang the court changed its mind. rerciving fr '11 $3 to $3.50. 'While. at fish were received from the state hatdepends upon its exports of wheat. therefore with the abolition of the Tso-Un that if he and Yang Yu-Ting ocurrr>, a con"iderablc amount of th l Generous Christmas Gift chery at Springville and is the fil st oil and wine, and it is believed the mon:"rchy reverted to tile state. The would retire from le~.~lership there Utalr. Aggi~s Defeat University J c 'OP nad been ui~posed of p;·eviou< consignment to these waters for a t .d 1 · Salt Lai•e City.-A Blue tornado, • to t'1e price advance, there yet rc:Offer - Only $3 • 00 1 a wave cause d damage t o th e vmjudgcB, before whom the cases have would be a chance for prestrving the number of years, due to the fact that t l · h t b I d f1'rccl ~-~·th but one idea, swer1t to its • •t tlj," ~,;~,rt~~ht 021>r g~i 11:r"kre~la. tt 11 t · 11 age reg1cn~ W C eanno e P ace been heard, have rejected this con- unity of the :i\Ianchuriau part r. Oiher" . , . i ma'rAd a goodly portion to be sold 10';".;,~1t/f:~ , 0d· .: 1 0 no ecreens were at the outlet t•) hold in producing shape for months. tontr.:Jn. wise, they said, the respon.;ibility for 1 greatest tnumph C'< the nar when It 1 at thE r"l':U!ar fi,~ures. Idn.hc. 'l pro- J'>uqnll 'l'ol1et Warer, 1 rake our Cornplell'lon Soap, 1 th t d th eff ts of a ... Mil' lt(IX f)1•l!<:ia Facf4 PoWdPT, ana beau!t:!OJ.l ()olll'ia the !lsh from going into the Mona It is said to be the purpose of the developments must regt with Chang :Yar 0 e supreme ur duct!on this year is estimated at 12,- Kon•e CoU>pa.ct. Maku Chrtstones oh·o,•Pin~: ~••:r h:r reservoir. . . . . . . l "'.T I Cl'lmsun avalanche and achieved a Or<lor•na•o>'<raloflhesoerceptional~rltts. We will Would Restrict Radio Stations Prussllln mm1ster of fmance to m· anc ~ u. . . ' h tl t 2., i,OOO bnsnels. '""'' "-""h '-<> "'dltrerem ••I dress If you sa..r so. Ac' deserved VICtory Ill per aps 1e grea · r.ow ~ Supply lioo!t.eU.. \Vrtto tor free booklet. Richfield.-A festival was huld in Washington.-A bill proposing to troduce in the Prussian diet a bill ac· This is interpreted as a threat that, . d . h J "I do not recall any former years c.n.nerryco.,lll) 75 ~ 11 chlganAve.,Ch!cago 1 the Anona to celebrate the end .of the gtve the secretary of commer<:e wirier knowledginr;- the claims of the Hoben- Kuo and .Li would form an alliance est football game ever { aye m b ad when the IJrice has been so high EO _ . _ " - - harvest season. The crops in t\lis lo- p ower in regulating radio broadcast· rollerns. Enraged, the Democrats, witlo! one of Chang Tso-Lin's oppon- E~even thousanld spec! atotrs, 1111t ue1'1 I ~ a.lv in he season. Fortunes are be- W.-\ '-1 U>-I•'LOJaJ>A J A.SD A;o;o LOTS. . . . . . . w th an enthus asm a mos uncon ro . 1 Wll, buy your Flor!1!e ·'"I anrt lots. any cality have all been harvestei.! and ing stations and m carrying out other Commumsts and Soc1ahsts threaten ents, e1ther Marshal Wu Pe~-Fu, head 111 1 k d t ..,., . f' ld in.s I'1ade by many grrn'IETS. A case , nee 1n stale. A 1,1, • ., T. E SMITH, the profits therefrom represent the recommendations of the recent radio to fight and to place the entire ques- of the Yangtse alliance, or Feng Yu- a' e;'l 0 ~ ~ odn -a ·~m~~gls Ale . in po.nt. is that of the St. Anthony 1' N. E Recnn<l Atre.-t, MIA 1\!T, FLOHif•A. best obtained since the war. The conference held here will be intro- [ tion of a settlement with tho Hoben- Hsiang. Th~n rslt;'lYI~f ayf as. 1 e 1 t~ 1 gn~ rarmer who is reported to have har· Electr!city in Andes most bountPnns crops in years were duced by Representative v;'hite, Re· 1 zollerns in the reichstag by introducKuo's plan is reported to have been en 1_1ra cdo efet ufntlhls 10I~ k e ~rmos vested an average of :100 sac1's p·•r j 1 e ,ocd ·y ·t" oun · acre from 180 acres, for which he will American tourists in South America grown in Sevier county this year. publican, of Maine. Mr. White. who . in~ a bill re-gulating settlement both to replace Chang 'l'so-Lin by the !at- unexpecte .· f upse o 11 Y tam con erence season. an ac ua . . f $ H' IYill tra1·e1 in the fntm·e by ele<"tt·lc . d h . , . t, l'E c,'ive a mmunum o 100 •000 . 1-'l Salt Lake City.-A state wide con- was a member of the conference, saul w1tn the Hohenzollerns and ocher de· tar's son, Chang Hsueh·Liang. Re- "'h•PP" 1even w 111c11 un 11 110 t e e trainR acroi"~ the .\11<le~ mouutaim; beceiving orde ·s from Chang Tso-Lin to " ~ ". tl p ·odt:ction and marketin' eoot is fig. . · ' vention of the Utah Taxpayers ILSSO· that he proposed to give the secretary posed German rulers. 11 1 1 uame's cone U 10n was IC ' 10r le (\\'PCil At·!!ellt'na :l'Hl Chile, I•Jectritl.the I There is considerable speculation return with his command to Mukden. :' t-r· t . ., b ' . • 1 : ' 'th th ured not to exceed $:!5,000, which Will ~ eiation will be held on December 7th unquestionable power · to restrict · m ermoun Aam . c ampwnr, up w1 e 1Rave 111m a n'lt re t ur1. o f a t 1cas t cation of the Chilean sertion of the number of broadcastmg statwns, to whether if an agreement was reached Irao appears to have become doubtful C' .h at the ''ewhouse Hotel, Salt Lake 1 1 11 1 e 1 1 Tl1e 1no. 1a t ure au tlwr· railwn~· :1'1 fnr as \'aracole>l, on~the · · . . gl'lcu hcenscs for radw to settle With the one-t1me emperor of his chief's intentions concerning• ,o , .orut o. f tura Ut 1 co ege. _,_,, 1"!':lS City. The taxpayers committee from issue. and revoke 1y .'75.COO. U t t . d f' 't b . . d b 'bl d mverstty o a 1, courageous d h f . 11 1 1 · 1 of Ar;.;entinP hor•ler, I~ already u e poss1 e 111m an c1ecided to revo 1t. It is not r· ·h . . t of 1ze pur' ase o a quar 1 •r 8 e ct'c• all counties of the state will join with statwns ant1 o es a 1 ~~ 1 a e m1 e on a cash aP.ul 1t woul 11rouPe h ou t rycry mmu •g tmu t e • likely that he is anywhere near Muk· ' .~ "' f h farm lr>ncl for the industrial school w&,Y. Tt is under;;tood wot·Jc on 1 1. the General committee to discuss the radio policy in accordance with "the to pay in gold without endangering ' t]l" blttel·est ganle 0 t e year u•as .\l'!:"~ntinn SI'CfilHl Will he ~tartc(] next the stability of Germany's exchange. den, ~inc·e it is believed that Man- . " 1 t b ·t f 11 t't " 1 n.~ St. An•h 1ny for $15 000. Tl•is year · _,. ' . n l'ltl~ .. 11, ,._WISS " . ,, problems which confront the taxpay- public interest." 1 1 -orce( 0 SliCClllll • I e a )<t e>rec yeru·. AtnPl'll':\ll, nnu 1 1 ' cllurian troops loyal to Chang have the school r~•sed on twen•v "i 1t ----- ---· ers of Utah. The sessions will be ' but dauntless opponent by the score I Jklgh1n interE'Ml'l will suppl:r tl•e Impeachment Money Is Raised cut the Peking-Mukden railwav.· abo\' acres st.fficicnL potatoes to pay for Briand Forms French Cabinet hPld at 10 and 2 o'clock with a big of 10 to 6 <''llfpn Pll t. Tlw total cost ls e~timnted · , th entirr> qu~rter s •etion. The forAustin, Texas.-A fund of $300,000 dinner meeting at 6:30 p. m. Paris-Arist.ide Briand has announ· reitaiho. 150 miles northeast of Tient at aho11t ~!1 000.000. . has been pledgec1 by Texans to de- ced that he had formetl a cabinet. M. tsin, to prevent the northward move· Negro Porter Served Five Presidents I mer C\''~tEl' of t 1e tract Pl an t '" d r1x Y -Salt Lake City.-Automobile mile- fray the cost of a special session ment of hostile forces. There apWashington.- SpenC"er Murray, ne· 1 aeres of potatoe~ on oth€.r ground and nri:mcl holds the portfolio of foreign age for employes of tho state h:As of the legiclature to investigate ofHis Conscience Appeased pears to have b8eu fightin;; in that gro Pullman porter, who died here at frcm th€ P"O<'f ~ Is of his crop he been fixed at 7% cents to 13 cents a f.icial acts of Gov.ernor Miriam A. Fer• ~f airs in add it ion to that of premier, region between various factions of the the age of G'7, served five Ameriean wrnt.s to huy the 11i0 acres b<..ck fron .T K Lnng, a hanker of C•trtha~c. mile, the latter figure when more guson's administration, with a view the semi-official Havas Agency states. Chang armie::;. e presid.:;nts on th<)ir journeys over t.: the state and pay a bon11s of $5000. ~to., rerelved :» cpnts ns parment for 1 than 45 cent:> is charged for gasoline toward possible impeachment pro· According to the same authority Two hundred tourists, mostly Amercontinent. 1\Iurray was a particuhcr With a heavy acre yield and high 1 rn npple ~tolen 1~ Y<'flrs ago, The per gallon. When no receipts are ceedings, it was reported here. Speak- Louis Loucheur will be mini~ter of icans, who were landed fro:f!l the favorite of President Rosevelt's and I r,ric<>s, the Idaho potat'l growu is «Pn<Jnl·, who sip:~w(l hll:l 11:111e, wrnt<> turned in with the statement of the er Lee Satterwhite, leader of the finance; Paul Painleve minister of round-the-world liner Carinthia at nL5 o tm~de numerous journeys with sitting ot 'the ton of the world,' and Lan~ that tbe lur(> of thP hr',r:ht red mil< age, the lowest schedule will be movement to convene the special ses- wa~ and M. Chautemps minister of Chinawangtao, arri'<ed here on a Presidents Harriuon, Cleveland, Me- I aho F~ns. fnmil'arily known as appiP li:ul JJrOYNl too much for hl•n applied and this means no receipts sion, has declared that the expenses ju~tlce. special train, their journey from Kinley and Taft in his thirty-eight 'Spud Allcv.' hrs be '1 dubbed the In Ills hoyhood, that rl'l'ently he had arc required when the price of gas- would be cared fro. Chinwantgao on the coast northeast y.:Jars of service. He was assigned to Fanr 'rs' Klondike. Si1ipments for been eonYertl•<l ltrlll llt«,lred to mnkr, U. S. Shows Exports On Increase oline is 25 cents a gallon or less. The of Tientsin having been without in· President Md{in!Qy's party at the 'he month totallNI 23~6 carloa•ls.'' l'f.'Stitutlon nnd, therefm·e, lndosNl 5 Washington.-During the l<Jst year cident. new schedule mE:ans a reduction in Former Nevada Governor IJead time of his assasHinalion. II's friends I ''I'Hts in onl~r to <>rrse> the blot from 1 his reeord nnd hl'ing him r>enrc of Chambe•la:n Decc;·ated the amount which ~a~ b~en _allowed Reno, Nevada.-Denver s. Nicker- foreign trade of the United States rec.all, too, that he served the !Jri<lal three of the main lines running' All heret~fore ~nd no f1gure 1s g1ven for son, warden of the Nevada state prl- with all continents except Asia show- out of Peking, the Peking-Mukden party of Gro,·er Clevclr..nd and nepre- 1 Lonc1on- The l,ri'ish fon•i •n seer~:: mind. ed a decided increase, Dr. Julius Klein tf~l e high pdnced hears, hthled. director of I son, former governor of Nevada and sentative Nicholas Longworth nncl r1ry, Aust.Pn Cl! t'lll:><>rlain, has been direlltor of the Bureau of Foreign and railway to the north, the Tientsin· Don't pampPr ~-our petulance. nance an pure ase o mg that tl .e diroctor of federal prisons during the Pukow rallroad to the southeast, and had charge of the ears in which Ad· avnrded .the Or·!-r of the Garter in Uomestic Commerce, told Secretary big cars are not necessary for the world war is dead at his home at Car· mira! Dewey travele<l across the con· recogn 1Uon of his rnrt in neg;otiatin? of Commerce Hoover in his annual re- the Peking-Hankow railway to the son City. s<:rvice of thf' state. tinent on his return from Manila. the Loca ·no sertP'ity pact. southwest appear to have been cut. port. Provo.-The 1925 school census of Trapper Kills and Buries Pardner Pope May Lo:-ave v;tican On Mission Provo has ju3t been completed, showFlight Plane Goes To Mus~um Nevada Governor Calls Meeting Germany Swept By Blizzard Ing a total of 3911 boys and girls or ' Washington.-The Chicago, one of Williams Lake, H. C. -An aller,ed Rome.-The Tribunn s:.>ys it is probLos Angeles.-Following the anDerlin.-Ileavy blizzards, accomsr.hool age in ProYo, a gain of twenty- the planes which completed the nouncement that California and Nevaplished by high winds have swept murder in one of the wildest spcts a!J'e that the pope will go to Assisi, one over the census of 192·1, which army's round the world flight has ar- da have reached a provisional agreeof the Chllcotin district In central the birthplace of St. FrDncis of Assisi, showed a school population of 3890. rivec! in the capital to be preserved ment on the Colorado river propos!· many parts of Germany, seriously In· British Cobmbia was revealed here founder of the Franciscan order, to The census s:wws a total of 1975 as an historic relic in the Smithsonian tion. Governor James G. Scbrugham terfering with wire communications when Fret! Cyr is said to have con- attc·nd the cel<>bration to be held thl)re boys and 1036 girls of school a1;e. institution. Disemble~ anrl crated, of Nevada has called a meeting of throughout the country. At Nord· fessed to police at Hanceville that he next year of the seven hundr<>dth anOgden.-Bnilding of extensive ad with SOJ?e of the frailer partA wrap-~ representatives of California, Nevada de!ch, Russia, the three newly con- had killed Alex Ducharme, a pioneer ditions to the Ogden Union stock ped in cotton, the pl~ne ~ow re<poses and Arizona to assemble at the ear· structed main masts of the radio sta· British Columbia trapp0r, as the re· niversary of St. Francis' deeth. The yards to meet the demands of in· on a box car a~ Bollmg flel~, ~nd a~ ' liest possible date. Governot· Hunt tion, each 160 meters high, vrere sult of a quarrel over a trap line. Cyr paper says his holiness m~ y ina ugurcreaoing growth, will begin early in soon as space. 1s made for It m th€: I of Arizona has expressed willin~ness blown down by the storm. Heavy said he buried Ducharme's body, rat the restoration of the and'lnt the spring of 1926, Lester F. Whlt· musenm, it will be caref~lly . reas- to join such a conferem·e, but stipu- falls of snow are reported from the wrapped in a canvass, in a gravo he Franciscan monastry at Assisi, being lock, general ruaneger of the stock· _sembled there under the d1recbon ot , tes that it must be held at Phoenix Bavarian highlands and tbo Black for- had dug in the frozen earth near Chil· undertaken jointly by the Italian gov' As. Sold Everywhere ernmant and the holy see. ko lake, November 5th. Professor Carl N. Mitman. trizona. ' est regions. )'ards, announced. Many Commodities Go To Make Up Enor"lous Wealth Of Gem State; :..ast Year W ill Be The Ban· ner Year Question of Joining World Alliance of Nations Carries by Large Major· ity; Entry to League of Na· tions Is Approved I I ., ·' ,, I uJl NAVAL INij uIHd~ ~gha~~:t t~hee :i~~th~;nl\::so~~~ o~;;c~~: g:~t ~~~:s;~·~ts o~idt~:t g;~~:n~ui~~~~~ lMANG I H Q~~ GHI [•f 1eJ 1 :~~e~::~~=~ :a:yp~:~~~l 6~a~~~u~~f co~~:m~~~~~s~!a:~~~ ~~;;,~~~~ ~~~ lOSE lNG PO'f1NER l ;~~~:~lte~~~e~:~l:uiti~;;·;~:~~ec~~~i~~~~ fINISHES woRK •! I I I I Let Cuticura Soap Keep Your Skin Fresh and Youthful I ·1-Tobac- I L. • §. usiness College I I - . Ut · I .. , 0 I -~--- -------- I • |