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Show p JORDAN THE Shop EarlyShop No ! JOURNAL ,4 (VAT/ON-WIDE "Peace on Earth Good Will to Men!" INSTITUTION- .Let~ urge that you tsh~_Eping now! ao your holiday ~aiting until a few days before Chnstmas to make your selections of gifts is liable to be attended with disappointment. Stocks are then reduced and choice Is limited. Right now our ·collection of goods for gift purposes is complete and ineresting. And this is the time to enjoy the flreatest satisfaction from the pleas~ wes of Christmas buying. t:ft:.r:-;2 -. 0 1' Co. mas Caps J For Men and Boys' 5 /NC. DEPARTMENT STORES Christmas Day-the laughter of little children-snowy hills-the tinkling of meri'y sleigh bells-and the dancing lights of the Christmas Tree! Christmas-when the world rests from its labors and expresses love for friends and families. Cht·istmas-the Day of Days, since that first Christmas in the humble manger of Bethlehem"Peace on Earth Good Will to Man" illuminated the world. 'What shall I give} Does that confront you? You want presents to make your friends and family happy! That is just what we offer at this store f Presents which will be appreciated on Christmas-and every day after I Select yours heref Christmas Handkerc • I fs We wish for you the t:rue and lasting joy of Christmastide! Our Christmas Silk Hose. Unequaled Aa Gifta Select Your Gift Supply Here The Gift of Gifts is the Handker-chief I One can never receive too many. There's great individuality in the new handkerchiefs, too I In white and every imaginable color. Newest Shapes and Shades Men~s verly Caps New models, new fabrics, especially attractive as Christmas gifts. Light and dark cassimeres, cheviots and sweater fabrics; also genuine Shaw cassimeres in ne·w topcoatings. Exceptional values at- $ 1. g~,., f! "" Boys' Christmas Caps Snappy new colorings and shapes. Cheviots and cassimeres silk lined to match fabrics. Just the sort of cap that any regular boy likes to get Christmas morning. And unusually good values at- 59c to $1.29 "His" Christmas Ties In Attractive Gift Boxea In Silk, Linen and Novelty Fabrics Made of soft silk, of fine linen, or from some of the popular novelty · fabrics. Trimmed with laces, stencil d e s i g n s, embroideries, colored corners, etc. A great value awaits you at each price! Sc to 59c Attractive boxes of handkerchiefs! Three in each. Prict>d, lSc to $1.49 · QualitY -Sox Stationery Beauty Boxes New Fancies Christmas Boxes For Fastidious Misaea Mola7 tlea! Quiet tiea I u ..uaual fiaured a11.d atriped deaigna 1 Beautifw, quality ailka, well made a..d nicely ~9c to 98c Warm House Slippers The Cheery Gift of Comfort .. If you want big nlue, here it is. These extra fine socks are well made of silk and mercerized mixed; extra heavy and double heel and toe. All colors in newest plaid and c:ross-bac dects Pair- 59c Leather Belts For Men and Boya One always needs writina paper! It is a must desired Christmas Gift 1 You will find the most attractive stationery at this store 1 Prettily boxed, ribbon tied. Priced, ·1Sc-$1 .49 ayon Scarfs For "Hia" Gift In these spacious and yet graceful B e a u t y Bctxes, all of the feminine requisites may be carried -powder, rouge, hankies, a coin purse, etc. Priced, $2.19 to $5.49 HcmCDes &Way! Priced::at, . ~ I \ . ;$590 Our Attractive New Robes Of Rubber l"he Essence of Comfort, Too The bathrobe or tho lounging robe is one of the delightful necessities of life I We are showing practical and beautiful styles. 1 l In Winsome Styles and Colors :All the •' 89c $1.98 Novelty Tea Aprons Sizes for Family :With ~Wall Wear! 1bey ·a.re made of good s:iik with s u b.s t a:~ t i a l frames. The r:adimn and amber handles and tips will fascin.a.ue y.ou .. right Warm and serviceable house slippers are liked by all, and make popular Christmas gifts. Our displays will prove especially interesting to you both because of the variety of the styles and the prices which afford impor• tant aavings. .. Xmas Umbrellas of Silk Bas sbe a ~ ~ly .. SilK Umbrena.? If:not. here's just theright.g:ift I 'These U m b.r•e ll a S•cotne in a range of ~ calors. , liniabed. Every tie in an attractive holiday gift box; greeting card attached. We have gone the limit in assembling these ties and at the price they represent n unusually goo d Anotl1er sugg~estion is our famous fullfashioned silk hose, !lumber 449. In all colors. Do your Christmas sh.opping to-dayand do it in ottr Hosiery Department. The beautiful, appropriate, and useful Christmas gift is found in silk hose I Number 445 is something which you can afford to give -and which any woman will be happy to recei'H. The favored wide belts in genuine leather-Pig- skin and Mottled Grain Leather. Cut-out designs, striped perforations in blue, grey and natural ; also plain belts in black, brown and tan. Extra good values at Wide stripes, narrow stripes, checks and plaids, in the s i 1k y R a y o n weaves. \Varmth without weig-Pt or bulkiness. Cut wide ong and fringed. All low priced at- This Rubber Tea Apron fs a friendly gift for a Neighbor or some other friend. In Pretty colors with winsome trimmings. Priced, Some are lined. All are made of worthy materials such as soft, warm corduroy. And our prices command your admiration -they're so low I 4.49-6. 90, j 39c-$1.19 \ $1.69 98c ~======~========~========================~~==============- |