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Show THE JORDAN JOtJRNAL • THE ORIGIN OF GOVERNMENT ient movement toward human organiWe ar.e reprodulfng all article writ- zation. It has been the movement to by Soterios. Nich.ol15on, a well convert families, tribes, nations, spirWashingtoa Attorney, which itual and secular hierarclti.es, cities ·ce," a mag- ~nd states, aH fo~s.of. political gr.oup poolished in tbt "J published at Spriilkfield, Mas-1 mgs from an undisciplmed horde mto 'ach101;et1~ the article referred to we an efficient unity. Humanity early resure will prove of , J;e tllan or- cognized that in unity lies strength, liDiiry interest to our rea~,-Editor and towards t~t ~oal began .its efforts and set Its rum. The uruty has By Soterios Nicho~n ~U:theJ1r of "War or a United World," been and will be not of homogeneity, A World City of Civili•tion," etc. but unity in variety, cooperation and are few men more capable of harmony. Humanity consists of an infinite [11agnosi.ng the ills of the Government Mr~Nicbolson. ~y ~ time you multiplicity o.f individuals; scattered ...,.,,,... him through thil sene~ of art- and disjoined they can achieve no. . government 'fOU will know thing-united they will succeed. In more of the -world order that they may produce a uni- LAST CALL To Remind You Again that Now .is the Time to Select Your XI\1AS GREETING CARDS We are liVing ·ill the twentieth een- form type their existing differences should not be submerged but on the of civilizatio~ and as far as we- contrary by co-ordinating them in the United States--are concerned, terms of a common aim and a common under a Republican form of Gov- hope is success to be achieved. ExBut what is government; perienee is also teaching us that unity is. not to be secured in terms of domwl•PrPin has the progress of governconsisted; wherefrom derived; ination-the subjugation of all under where and when originated 'l We one; such a unity would be unstable inv.i.ted to formulate a strucbure and deceptive; true unity is realized the very foundation of man's ex· only through the co-operation in equal of his governmetal affairs, an{i degree of each constituent part in the whole. slaow humanity's best achievement:; The problem, therefore, has always the great forward step of regulaand order. Amidst all the horrors been, from ti.me immemorial, how to concentrate human forces as against 1Ja.rflLre and manifestations of mu- the forces of environment with specific Loserve International Golden Rule Sunday, emity among nations, amidst all view of multiplying man's quantum December 6th, for Near East Relief Orphans IJJA~istiinctio•ns of creed and languages of efficiency in the struggle, so as the division of States and raees, finally to secure complete ascendency fundamental fact of the spiritual over Nature, and to conserve and perof the human l'aee asserts it- feet the fabric of civilization. The among "one. our be attack should bas human Government prounvanquished. _ _,;;__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ri- _ _ _ _ _...__ _ _ _ _......_ _ _ _ _-..__ we can before ourselvesaim been an individualistic IJ1;o:riClill.Y enhanced by the rich marble decorsSTADIUM FOR UTAH among localities inhabited by val effectively." But although this race or creed, which extended its principle has been recognized since 1tions, which have been restored in T·he need of a stadium for the Uni- 1strict conformity with the extant anof rule either by force of sub- the foundation of government has on or by voluatary consent. The been laid, nevertheless, humanity is versity of Utah ,the city of Salt' cient remains through the generosity FIFTII' GRADE SCHOOL FAIR, A Mr. and Mrl'. Albert BIJack and estion at once presents itself, how tearing itself to pieces in bloodshed Lake and the commonwealth itself of M. Averof, a monument to whom baby of Afton, Wyoming and Mih SUCCESS and recrimination, obsessed by the fal- was painfully apparent to the thou: stands at the right of the entrance. Alloween Healey where has it originated 'l Sandy Mrs. Clyde Swenson was hostess Berth a S nu"th 0 f Draper were gues equipped with the simple rud- lacious conviction that man is his own sands who crowded Cummings field The entire length of the course, from of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mattson the past Cabbage? Danish eat ever "Did you of knowledge and the most enemy! But even though ~e blood- Thursday to witness the annual foot-,1 the entrance to the semicircular space Yoh may have mine after the fair." to the N. B. Club at her home on week. col\ection of tools, has slow- shed between men has been going on ball game between the Unive:rsity was 670 feet and its breadth was 109 Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Grant were din'"We raised two crops of these rad- Pioneer Avenue Tuesday evening Propainfully started on his way, since creation, it must be insisted that and the Agricultural college elevens. 1feet. As for as can be now ascertain- ishes, so you take my exhibit home." gressive Rook furnished the evenings ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. mazes of perplexity, cQill/" man battles against Nature only, and The field was overcrowded and there led, there seems to have been accomo"My dog is a better one tharl entertainment. Mrs. G. L. Lat·son and Moss of Salt Lak.e Thanksgiving day. IM:in!l'?isu,-aJnst obstacles and failures, he fights not for ·the sake of fight- were hundreds, if not thousands, who, dation for 50,000 spectators. Mr. and Mrs. John Larson and Mrs. Mrs. J. H. Brown were awarded the yours." ~io'llliled by discouragement and coo- ing, as such, but that he fights to sub- were unable to witness the contest I 'l Mine's an Airdale. I guests prizes and Mrs. Henry Gos- John Mattson were dinner guests a! so that "Is A THANKSGIVlNG PARTY ronte4 with the ruthlessness and fre- due Nature and make her a ready because they could not obtain seats thing he's a thoroughbred too, because mMl and Mrs. L. L. Raddon t.he club Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Larson of Salt ' of the forces of human servant to the satisfaction of his in· or even standing room. Such a spec1prizes. Special guests were l\lrs. G. Lake Thanksgiving day. The lower grades of tlj.e Sandy we found him down by the river." Sinee the time when the first most and highest ideals. 'l'hus, war is tacle should not occur again and will Miss Lola Grant had as her guests -II My dog can lick any dog here at 1L. Larson, Mrs. J. H. Brown, Mrs. the public-spirite? citiz~n~ of~ school had a Thanksgiving party. The intellect illuminated that ves· not permanent and the hostility to not the pet show. I was offered twenty- Ardith Price, Mrs. C. E. Allsop Mrs. Sunday, Miss Bertha Barrett of MurNature is but an appearance. The the city, state and alumru assocmt10ns I teachers taught them poems and four dollars this morning for him." he has proceeded onward. of Niel Monaham and Miss Effie' Rob· ray, Miss Larene Barrett of Salt Lake But has the1·e been any objective to- battle is merely a. process whereby make an earnest effort to raise the stories for it. They served refresh"I wouldn't sell mine for that. be- inson. Supper was served to eighteen Mr. Kenneth Smith and Mr. George 1Vhich his movements were di- hindrances are removed and the way necessary funds k build a stadium. ments. Tourey o.f Centerville. cause he can smell up mice, shake g·uests. Salt Lake in the last few years, has .. · · h . o, armomzmg or precious prize for the at- is opened for a fmal Miss Mildred Lloyd and Mr. No enterLarson I.. G. Mrs. and Mr. hunts and paw, leo:ft his with hands were Green Mr. and Mrs. Alfred become the scenic cent~r of the counh . l hgence, one e t on of which he has been con· the aims"thofthinte Pugmire of Midvale were marr1 vel evenFriday party dinner a at tained hens." guinea and turkeys lost up z th b .. ~ try. It is also the center of the mi·"l· d1'nner guests Thur". day of Mr. and d" ti ,, •· Irec on <>> e ru.., of last week. Mrs. Effie mt1ratllng his efforts? Only the fruits h and , WI the ether Wednesday Miss of honor in home their at ing 1 one like you wouldn't H"Miss ing, agricultural, stock growing and Mrs. Sam Beckstead. f rc h' th · ,_ d 1 o ._ . Mamie Lloyd entertained the immediate famrM.iss p1ca.e a on.g e way are Is com- o e on The Primary officers presented the of these pups. I'll keep it for you til!IBeatrice Anderson, all the other industries of the interf · Lar- ily Wednesday evening in their daugh Arvid Anderson, Algot man o Adall'.s, en ~nebereasorung spring?" IIDlBt:ion; fruits th!rt could not be · T hish has bet• to evening Friday Festival" "Indian States. United the of section mountain th f · · had there been no rule by which smce is crea wn, "My rabbit weighs twelve pounds son and Ralph Farrer who were here ter's honor. Mr. and Mrs. Pugmi:re f f e Naturally it is also the sport center a large and appredative audience. . togmmng rom am· o a group from the U. A. C. to spend the Thanks , will make their home in Idaho. and he isn't half grown." K"'u" his path by a shining beacon- h ead of t h e f ami1y now for officers the due is credit Much in but country, the of part this of •to . ry, tern Mrs. Ella Brown left Tuesday ol of progress, security of right ilies to a vii.1age,WIoca1tty, giving hollidays. College colors of stateexact the of few a are These · t order to cinch our title to this distinct- the splendid program. d t t Ion. o m go no week for a four month's visit nee e last de· Lhe in used were wn,te and blue their at each individual on the one hand, st at e"l an d na graders fifth the of ments ha ive honor it will be necessary to built! . Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Giiffith and h 1 h" collectivelw to all embraced under deta1 s in t Is artie e of eac step t t a stadium with a seating capacity of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Olson were din- fair, held at the South Jordan school, coration. White chrysanthemums with to Wyoming. h h h . Mrs. Wednesday, November 4, 1924. The blue candles in silver holders formed Mrs. A.lmina Larson· spent the past regulation of mutual unde1·stand- the from 25,000 to 50,000, so as to pro- ner guests Thursday of Mr. and h 11 reac h went t roug h to · government ave vide for present needs and .i'uturc Gene Crocksford. Its present s ape, as we s a on the other. at Brigham City visiting relaweek for laid were Covers centerpiece. the two children worked diligently for d d more friends. and consume an tives (J'ne.rnust not look outside the march to evote more time Mrs. Sarah Forbush visited Thurs- weeks, to make their first fa.ir and pet twelve guests. •t 1 growth. h Mr. and Mrs. R. White, Mr. and The 1 Gleaner girls of the second B u t asi"de f rom t h e possi"bTt" · t permi canthat its history an say, to discover the answer to the space I 1 1es of day with Mr. and Mrs. Woalter Ber- ~how, the ~u~ess it was. They brought governhowever, sufficest to H. Gosman, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mrs. of men young the entertained ward exall labeled benches, exhibit ~he I~ llel!rtio•n as to the meaning and con- ment has its origin from the creation the use of well-built and commodious rett. and Mr. and Mrs. N. Larson Richards the in party dancing a at Mutual the their for v~ted and selected ~Ibits, Mr. Joseph Anderson and son, Guy of government. Man has at- of mankind, and we have stated in stadium for sporting events, it could were guests of Mr and Lake Salt of evening· Monday chapel, ward second wrote displays, ali grouped ~ud~es~ while striving for. The break- previous paragraphs a short resume and naturally would be used for many have returned from Tintic, where they Monday evening. M•itcheLI L. Mrs. sixty to served were Refreshments buildthe in .groups all to ~nvitabons gatherings of an entirely different have been emplo"ed. d ts f th · d f man , s mm , in charge of the committee Tohe e neceso ac , governing an some guests. tin group each e~tertamed and down of obstacles and the open- osity ~ng, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W .~rdle have a- ~Caturet~ s~ch as the rl endition of the in creating Seal campaign Cross Red Christmas of Hugthes Arvid Mrs. and Mr. prothe observe to rea Ion an annua summer event returned from Burley, Idaho where 1ts turn as 1t ~me up the way has contributed the gency as he went along the. way of and are material the received have Mr. of guests Bingham were dinner of the fa1r. i8KI,th•e justificattion, but the positive progress. He recognized that there in this city; innumerable other meet- they have spent a week with Mr. and ducts The Judges ,consisted of the prin- and Mrs. Wm. Hughes Thanksgiving prepared to help the great cause o1 his incessant march is strength in unity, and it goes with- ings and demonstrations to which Mrs. Arthur Smith . which is now on f()ot to fight the day. Mr. and Mrs. Raynold Brady and cipal, Mr. E. !'· Crawford, ~he janitoT, '""''"-n'Q progress of good government out saying that each unity was ac- thousands of people are attracted but disease of tuberculosis• and dreaded Mr. Swenson, Clyde Mrs. and Mr. grade SIXJt.h the Wmward, C. P. Mr. the flowers. pluckeu by the road- complished through some agreed rule, cannot attend at present owing to Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Erickson were teacher, Miss Pl:intha Hansen, the and Mrs. George Jenkins, Mr. and trust all will liberally assist. lack of seating capacity in the build- dinner guests Thursday of Mr. and the drinking of water from the which we call government. 1 Mrs. Wm. Steadman of South Jor- fourth grade teacher, Miss Alene Tut- Mrs. A. Swenson, Mr. and Mrs. NelThe word "government" is derived ings now used for such purposes. springs and the visions obtle and the third grade teacher, Miss son, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Nelson and The stadium should be built in the dan at the mountain to,Ps .. Here he from the Greek word "Kyvernan" and Soffe, certainly did a commen- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jensen attended U. S. MINE SCHOOL NOTES IDC1ent;ra1~es the will to live. His de- is not a tenm of ·art, but in ordinary shadows of the beautiful' Wasatch Mr. and Mrs. David Smart enter- Leah recogn~- a party given by Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Spec.ial work. of piece_ d_able to ascertain what lies beyond the signification as a noun is the act of mountains, or any of the numerous tained at dinner Thursday for 'Mr. tJon was g1ven Mr. Crawford for hls Swenson at their home Saturday evthat his vision permits him to governing, control, direction, the ex- points of beauty convenient to the and Mrs. Reid Thdmp;;on of Provo, unusual ability of judging good dogs. ening. Age 13 Fay Brown baa made him think of a way to ercise of authority in regulating the city. It would be the best kind of Mr. Pete Dow and Mr. Theron Smart. A number of friends surprised Mrs. U. S. Mine School, Mrs. Elsie Nelson, Blue ribbons awarded for first prize Mrs. Pete Van, Sr., entertained at the land beyond. He first action of something, guidance, man- an advertisment for Sal~ Lake and Teacher Brown at her home on Main Jane for red and second for pink material, unto himself t}le animal and agement, regulation, rule. In a po- U~h, for the fact that It had been Thanksgiving dinner Thursday. The his foot Friday, froze Mott, Nesse evening. Monday street, fifth th in worn being still ~ third, it to carry him and his good;, litical sense it is divided, in general, bwlt would .soon become k~own all covers were laid for 24. Mrs. C. C. Crapo, Mrs. Olive Boberg and will ·be out of school for two Mrs. Charl'es Wengren entertained grade class room. the proposed destination. Then into two distinct meanings. (1) ,tJhe ?ver the Umted States and It .w.ould T·h ose receiving wards were as fol- and Mrs. L. E. Peterson were guests weeks, as blood poison has developed. the way and builds the roads State itself the ligament that holds mstantly. attract thousands of VISitors at a quilting Tuesday. Seven guests The U. S. Mine school childen are at a shower given in honor of Mrs. lows: fashions wheels where the pull- the political society together through ~ spol'bng and othe~ ~ve~ts adver-~ were present. Christmas seals, to help the selling Miss formerly Draper, of Day W<illard firs't; Sabas, Work-Anna Fancy Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Gregory spent of the load by the draught will a social compact by which tlle whole tised to t;ake plac~ with~n Its waTis. people. sick evening. Monday Allen, ManViola second; McMullin, Barta The Tnbune beheves m the future Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. ani, third. the burden of the animal thus people convenant that they shall be --' Memb ers of the Pyth-Ian T.LIUUige ~ School closes today for Thanksgivengreatness of Salt Lake , and 1Jta!h Sam Mackay of Tavlorsv.ille. ~leSlsed to help him save time and governed by laws and fundamental and · it has no hesitancy in calling upFarm Products, Green Cabbage- joyed a luncheon at the home of Mrs. ing vacabion and the school children there bef()re his fellow-man. rules, as in the United States; and on the members of the Chamber of J. H. Brown Monday evening. Out of are plannin'g a good time. Ellen Szylbrowsky, first. he builds a shelter to house him- (2) the governing body of persons in Commerce and public organizations Plain Cabbage-Veri Holt, first-, to wn memb ers were: Mrs. I ra Beck Mrs. Nelson leaves tonight for Payand family; toils on the soil to a nation, who are actually ruling over, of all kinds and upon the citizenry of to spend Thanksgiving vacation. son Mrs. and Johnson Bruce Mrs. stead, Ellen ~zybrowsky, second; Virginia food grow; harnesses the wind guiding and governing its people, in· the city and state to get behind the The peopJ.e of the U. S. Mi" are Jack Larson of Midvale. H<'>Lt, third. eluding its legislative and executive movement to build a stadium which water to mill his grain. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hendrickson giving a dance at the a.IJliU8emen ba.ll Danish Squash-Ellen Szybrowsky, will reflect the greatest possible aBut whatever has been achieved by authorities. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. tonight. There will be radio musiJC. first; Arland Manard, second. The influence of good morals, gov· mount of credit upon not only the in process of centuries need not Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown, ne!Wiy Swnmer Squash-Rex Peterson, Lovesy of Salt Lake Thanksgiving minutely repeated in t.his article. ernment, rule, regulation, or any other state university, the commonwealth weds expect to make their eome at first; Anna Saban, second and third. day. fundamental fact is that man bas name that one may call it, is derived and municipality, but upon themselves Mrs. W. L. Bateman had as her the U. S. Mine soon. Field Squash-Phil Nielsen, first; to live and has recognized from the parents of a family. There as well. 1 can be done. Do it Mw! Mr. and Mrs. P. Christensen.oof tbie Monday, Mrs. L. Sherwood and guests Nielsen, Phil second; Holt, Virginia -Salt Lake Tribune his progress could no.t be success- it 'has originated from the very founS. Mine are going to have a U. Mrs. S. L. Brady of Salt Lake. third. in advancement without rule, re- dation of humanity. The child of the reunion Thanksgiving day. The family as had Mr. and Mrs. M. Allsop Banana Squash-DeLbert Naylor, and authority. Religion, primitive man, from whatever tribe, first; Roland Welsh, second; Viola their guests the past week, Mr. and following childen from Salt Lake will That fo~mer athletes of the univerQlllllce, invention, art, music, the dra- race, or color, did exactly what the sity of Utah will indorse a movement be present: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blain Mrs. W. Ynung of Tooele. Manard, third. architecture, literature and the parents directed, advised, guided, or which will replace historic Cummings The Sandy Firemen entertained at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glt:a~~on, Mr. and Wheat-Clayde Beckstead, first. of physical and mental taught him to do. What has been is field with a modern stadium is the Barley-Warner Oakeson, first; an Old time dance in the Amusement Mrs. Roy Brown, Miss Myrle and :lucati,Dn, have been by-products of now and will always be. The home in- opinion of many prominent business Golda Christensen also Beth and Howhall Wednesday evening. Wayne Beckstead, second. instinctive and intelligent re- fluence 'has shaped the destiny of men. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pierson en- ard of the U. S. Mine. Pears--Barta McMullin, first. to his environment. Progress cities, countries, .states, and nations. Monday morning the plumbers put Tomatoes--Hazel ChriS:W~~n, first. tertained at a wedding reception on Last night, a petition was filed wi_th civilization are nothing but the It orginated at home and will con- the city commission by Charles E. . A:pples (Jonathan)-V.Jrgima Holt, Wednesday evening in the second ward the steam heat in the school house up of these innovations, tinue to remain at home. The envir- Norton and others, petitioning that fi·rst; EJ.len Sz.y.browslcy, second; Ro-,chapel, honoring their daughter, Flo- so we expect to keep warm this winter conservation, and their applica- onment of home is the teacher of good the site for a stadium for Utah be I ranee and Mr. Mdlton Cundick of as the radiator is a large one. . land Welch, third. in the satisfaction of ever-ex- or bad. The child's mind is likened that which is east of the state capitol Alooording to the nu.rse's report/. App!es . (Ben DaVIs)-Lawrence West Jordan. The hall was beautifully needs; they have been but to a garden, which may be inteligently in the park in City Creek canyon. It . decorated. Dancing a.nd music were many of the children of the U. S. . Sheppi~k, first. cultivated or neglected. If no useful is an ideal location and suitable for recorAs of the terrific struggle. Turmps--Ferrel Beckstead, fm;t; enjoyed. Supper was served to a large Mine School have bad tonsils. SevWhen aD earthquake or a pestilence seeds are sown, then an abundance of all of the purposes of a stadium. eral of them are going to have their number of guests. Helen Mortensen, second. . •ne,a.r.!L man cowers before Nature's useless seeds will grow. On the other removed during Thanksaiving tonsils enterRaddon L. L. Mrs. and Mr. Potatoes--Joe Peterson, first; ClayMayor Neslen, feeling that the mat- I ~Wlnin~r mien and attempts to soothe hand, if, as a gardner cultivates his THERE ARE CAPITALIST de. Beckstead, seeond; Alma Holt, tained the M. M. S. Club at their vacation. ter is one in which the city is keenly with sacrifices and win her favor ground, keeping it free from weeds, interested, is on the verge of taking GROUPS and LABOR GIJOUPS tl:rird Mr.s. Hatch and daughter went to home on Main street Friday evening. prayers. There religion has tak- and grows his flowers, veget&~bles, the initiative in the projected cam- The Rest of us are the GOOPS. Ca-i-rots-Lawrence Shep~ick, first; Progressive games were played and Provo Sunday. While away, Mrs. man into its fold. When warfare and fruits the way he wants, so may paign by calling a meeting of busreadings were given by Mrs. Jack Hatch expects to have her tonsils reAlma .Holt, second and third: conflagation is instigated, man the parents cultivate the mind of their iness men and others for the purpose EXIDE-THE MOST ECONOM,;. Radishes-Rola~d Welch, ftrst.. . Woods of Murray. Vocal solos by Mr. llliOved. for assistance to other men children, removing all wrong, useless, of consiooring the feasibility of such are Mine S. U. the of women The evening. the durin~ Raddon Eddie first, Beckstead, Corn-Lowse Pop ICAL BATI'ERY 1 material with which to combat and impure weeds of thought and an enterprise.. It is possible t~at, in The ]!riCe of the EXIDE BAT- Ena; Sund, secon.d. . ·The prizes were won by Mrs. Jack taking advantage of .the good weather . . action, and cultivating therein the behalf of the city, he may deCide to TERY is extremely low, considnbdue these forees. Field Corn-Phd Neilsen, fJrst, War Woods of Murray and Mr. W. Hughes. and are going to Salt Lake to do either task the will to regulate perfect flowers and fruits of right, Supper was served to twenty-four! their shopping before the roads are f" st. erin~ the time that it stays on ren <?akesoli secc;;~· • do so to-day. a leadership and confront the hos- useful, and pure thoughts. 0 guests. Special guests were Dr. and· blocked with snow. Ir . t, rna Ontons-tissa absolute gives and ob The ancient Greek stadium was 1the 1 Thus we may continue step by step laid external forces has made man turn . Cucumbers -:-Maurtee Beckstead Mrs. J. H. Brown, Mrs. T. E. Marriott Mr. B. Grant of Stoc~ ir visitout by the statesman and orator faction. eyes inward and take stock of his to better and still better ourselves, Lykourgoes about B. C. 330. It was Come in and let us install an fnst; Ida Stockmg, s~nd. Mrs. A. Stuart Mrs. D. Richards, ing Superintendent Walbr and his resources. ln order to fight the our govemmm1t, and humanity at formed, as is still clearly apparent, . Sugar Beets-Maurice B~kstead, Mrs. Arvel H~hes and Miss Bertha family this week. BATTERY EXIDE h~nfty had to collect its large. Our concentration, therefore, by the adaptation of the natural hoiMr. and Mrs. Sorenson of the U. S. first; Le!and Ostler, second, Abmat Rawlings of Bingiliam and Mr. and IN YOUR CAR ~llbl.e force& and systematize their should be directed at home and in our low: The size of the staditm11 and the Mine moved to their new hom~ in lowMrs. Jack Woods of Murray. . . Holt, Third. Thlls parallel with the schools. There lies the government height of its rows of seats, produce Miss Florance Pierson entertained er Binlfham whieh he just finished Dogs--All dogs took first pnzes. 0. & E. ELECTRIC arellle11 and cha)-ges of the battle to and governing power of humaa des- a Vfr'rY imposing effect, and this is Verl Ho!Jt, Enar Sund, Ronald Lloyd, at a trousseau tea Sunday afternoon. building• Midvale, Utah • Delbert Naylor. proceeded the slow and pat- tiny as may be the will of God. • A '' 3tand By Us a Little Longer" . Most Beautiful Assortment to Select From Jordan Publishing Co. Midvale, Utah Sandy CJ"ty News i! I I FULLER PEP I I I |