Show JACK JOHNSON iONSON JOHNSONE SAYS IN E EIGHTEEN ROUNDS I to In Get nt lm 3 I iii nr or nl I tot I her lu Nun Il KiI So 11 Han flail Hn Francisco Jun JunC Juno U JAck Jck Johnson workout e haters before ete one of ot the rowl hut ha hi h y yet el t patronised hi his exhibition proved Ir an live 10 performance An on n a lIel m lIly bly hi ot Of hl moul up uI of visIting purt sturt writers wilier from tram th the Iba east 1 and nIl a H manlier nutha uC ot f the Ih aft oCt afternoon program and ind Ind with the Ih fun fats ua uaIn In Juhn un u 4 un good noa in tn n hIl il uk ona ini tu to take Ilk nu iia loul r a iii a 2 rum in till ule mo mu moment muel ment one el IK u II I un oil n mo 11 tIl stage MIK ut of th the pa im 1 on h ho 15 kept kepi soothing ail al me Ile Urn tim tm he lie I rue JYO tan I Ii end Al i 1 Kaufman and u a couple ui Ut the ther r Kio 10 S Henri inn indulged m In I IlIc II medicine 0 Mil I nd nl n ii l lh I hoe heavy twy i idI au I t tu I ii tile lia punching bug These Thene tn thIs tur lur til II tile boxing that fuel and jul every ery minute of or fast with 11 Knue nuin vv w WMS enjoyed 1 attain wa wal waS on un the and allot l urd Into Inlo hi hil hoot hU WIth WIthout out ut The ms white od d In III Kilm 1111 eM hi tue 10 part of IC IllS In workout but hUl Johnn never ler ones once un exhibit sal H 1 any alsy 11 concern over In Oh H bus orlo our nor did he ha relax lit lois hlo grin Irn At Atme AtOn t me dole On point In Ito their heIr sparring beeline wedged dud left I rid elite slid mid arm and tu to show how the f h or of hi Iii mighty Johnson lined lifted this his III J 1111 cleur ofT off or Ibis Ilia Ih floor and him hll around ao so If I ho he were Ulla 1 H it I chair clr nt itt lt a ii I table The rue Th crowd erod i oc IG adf that fOist a RH as rather u a prodigIous f ionI nt solId gays the negro a 11 t bIg blK round of ap soji I l laue 1 Kaufman I fit a II big man rn and end looms loom lom ilg hiI alongsIde the Ih average of till hi hica class clas but bul he lIe h I lod up with lh tho tha ca negro champion he h WS ao like a sapling against OlN u it tr Ir tree At 1 that Ihal Kaufman I Is lv Iv Inc ing John Johnson I n the Ih workouts workout the Iho negro hn lIes hud hail lne he began la iii tl devotIng most moot of ot hi his atten aun attention attention tion lun to 10 skill Kill Kil In hl hm how bod body He Ito le ha ho lies hi sparring partners partner to 10 play continuously for to hIs MI ni nl h and Ind to Lu transition tile the muscular lu I tin 10 n 1011 ot of tint region ho hoe permit them tu to thump tiler occasionally Th y tell tehi me mo Iel et he lie acid und I thief that looks look to me rue as asIf If he isa wa heavier than h he I make k out u uhe tu tube to tobe be he t I 1 have hate h n a I hunch that hell KO go 10 Into Inlo the Ih light around SH 15 1 or nr S 6 I Intend to 10 weigh about ili 21 10 HO 50 10 hell hel have mo role 10 to the tho tune of nt about 11 n 1 pound 1 Asked kod to 10 forecast the tho length of tile the Ih fight John Ron replied raple I expect to 10 bent leet hel Jeffrie In in 18 rounds round the first titus time 1 icons Konn lon on Oil record with lh i any Iny along that Ihal line lne |