Show TRIAL OF LEE BROWNE IS RESUMED Chicago June trIal or of Ir Lee O fl on the Ihn charge harlo tt of brit f Pry In with the election of 1 ia I Lorimer to 10 the Iho United Siahs Stat Wil Was today lodl According to 10 reports the tato AU Wayman has haN 11 pro procured cured Important evIdence against Irown 1 P nol witness ot of men women wr r IIII III In attempts to tn nl r I which was waN crowded an session tho balt baIlIff called the Iho court t Charles A White mind j I 11 J 1 ta who wh j are said tl to have hae confessed that then i I were 1 11 to ote fur tor r for tor aCT ator overe In wih with time lle before n node sue tended ode Ihl time 1 lIch I DrownS rw I t who I is at al b by Whit to 10 ha have paid SJ for tor iii hi note tt for tor time the Junior or trout Illinois at the Iho t to I I bather al sums they MI thin crowd Ind anti lok took rims IP presence of Charles CharI Irk clerk or at thE the Southern f ft St Luh time thol th the division or of the alleged jackpot at St HI luil louts In Iii which several tepee I said to hae eti 1 its for tor votes ot on odd 11 ot of would l at attention luring durIng the trial at al least In In hi statement for tor tl the I Ilon lon State AU Ally gave I R a irio ot of harle A 4 WhIt White who noun Ih time first rot I ii ont end time legislative system or of ilium Iho stale Ia with lh particular to 10 the tho or of the States h Mr lr 1111 said I a lAter letter freon Browns Ih the laler tot for leader er ert of t time tho lower hou at Springfield Iron MelI another invIting to tn IId hll at al St Rt was nos time Iho first 11 lie testified d that ii h w boru Rt at 29 9 years Ligo io |