Show IN JS I I S H ral Silver nl C n o S Sl t fur ril 10 In III Oilier Cl c The fhe In 11 the suit RUI of ot Iho RIer King Consolidated III company the Ih Silver King Coalition Min Mining ln ing Ilig company Involving tho sum Ul of ot approximately for tor al nl alleged to 10 have hlo been hoel extracted from property owned I Jointly by h the tho two companies but bUl accounting of or which was wa never mudo to tl thu tho Con Consolidated by b tho Coalition company com was wn this morning set by b Judge Marshall of ot tho United district court for September IS 1 For or several months pint Special J W Christy Chrit baa been blen taking testimony In 11 the ease cane of ot which up UI to the both 11 0 clos cloo closed ed cd four millions of If words hud been Ien written down The date for tho hear hearing hl InK ing wn set by h tho Judge upon con consent conent sent ent of both to 10 tho proceeding In tho Iho case of It W K H the Union Coal CORI company tho hearing nf of plaintiffs motion for a n anew new IW was net t for June JUI 27 2 The rhe demurrer to 10 tho In tho CU t of H I he Iho Union Phosphate waa overruled nn until next rule rulo day dayKIn KIn Riven In which to tn Th motion moton la amend tha Ihl bill 11 In tho case nAO of Maria Tiro the tho Inde Independent pendent Coal K Coke company WI sustained su by h with wih order remanding thC causa caupe to t the I state courts and assessing costs to 10 plaintiff In tho Iho case of ot Mrs I Mills 11 I tho Copper demurrer to bill hi overruled and 20 do Riven to 10 answer r rIn In tho case of OSCr ler fr rt t a nl the Jumbo company om pan demurrer to bill bil sustained and 20 0 dl granted In which to Ol amended Court then until Junn SO 0 |